Bureau of Automotive Repair Attorney, SMOG shop attorney
The law firm is announcing a podcast interview with lead lawyer William Ferreira.
Automotive Defense Specialists, a legal team of highly-trained defense attorneys representing auto repair shops, station owners, and technicians in the auto repair and SMOG industry at https://automotivedefense.com/, is proud to announce a new podcast interview with lead defense lawyer, William Ferreira. The interview was conducted on the popular industry podcast, "Ratchet and Wrench," and is available online.
"One's licensing status is a key business asset in the auto repair and SMOG shop industry," explained attorney William Ferreira of Automotive Defense Specialists. "In the interview, I explain the importance of building a relationship with a business attorney, especially one who knows the auto repair and SMOG shop industry. The main point is for the shop to be proactive and establish a relationship with a lawyer who understands the Bureau of Automotive Repair and its bureaucracy."
The full podcast interview can be found at https://jm-seo.net/nm3. The interview uses the metaphor of "dating" to explain why and how an auto repair shop or SMOG shop can identify and pursue a relationship with an attorney. Many auto repair shop owners wait until having received a letter from California's Bureau of Automotive Repair before scrambling to find an attorney. While that may work, the pressure of time may create problems when time is a critical factor in disputing or appealing a potential decision. Advances in technology are mixing with legal liabilities as well, creating a potential "perfect storm" for busy auto repair and SMOG shops in California, from Los Angeles to San Diego, San Francisco to Modesto, and beyond.
Persons who want to learn more about possibly engaging with a Bureau of Automotive Defense attorney can also visit the page at https://automotivedefense.com/about/williamferreira/, which focuses on lead attorney William Ferreira.
Automotive Repair Specialists is a top law firm of Bureau of Automotive Repair defense attorneys. The firm represents auto repair facilities, SMOG check stations, and technicians in every facet of their legal needs, including accusations from the Bureau of Auto Repair, STAR license invalidations, and STAR invalidation appeals. Contacting a top auto defense lawyer and consulting with attorneys after initial contact can provide the best strategy for fighting back.
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Original Source: Automotive Defense Specialists Announces Podcast Interview with William Ferreira on Defense Attorney for Bureau of Auto Repair & SMOG Shop Issues