Washington, D.C. 20549

                                    FORM 6-K

                        REPORT OF FOREIGN PRIVATE ISSUER
                      PURSUANT TO RULES 13a-16 OR 15d-16 OF
                       THE SECURITIES EXCHANGE ACT OF 1934

                                  April 2, 2003

                              VIVENDI ENVIRONNEMENT
             (Exact name of registrant as specified in its charter)

                              36-38, avenue Kleber
                               75116 Paris, France
                    (Address of principal executive offices)

          (Indicate by check mark whether the registrant files or will file
          annual reports under cover Form 20-F or Form 40-F.)

                             Form 20-F X        Form 40-F
                                      ---                 ---

          (Indicate by check mark if the registrant is submitting the Form 6-K
          in paper as permitted by Regulation S-T Rule 101(b)(1)):____

          (Indicate by check mark if the registrant is submitting the Form 6-K
          in paper as permitted by Regulation S-T Rule 101(b)(7)):____

          (Indicate by check mark whether the registrant by furnishing the
          information contained in this Form is also thereby furnishing the
          information to the Commission pursuant to Rule 12g3-2(b) under the
          Securities Exchange Act of 1934.

                                  Yes                No X
                                     ---               ---

          (If "Yes" is marked, indicate below the file number assigned to the
          registrant in connection with Rule 12g3-2(b): 82-_______________.

                                EXPLANATORY NOTE

         On March 28, 2003, Vivendi Environnement (the "Company") published the
mandatory notice in the French official bulletin for legal announcements
(Bulletin des annonces legales obligatoires or BALO) required in connection with
the notice of its combined ordinary and extraordinary shareholders' meeting of
April 30, 2003. The following is an English language translation of the
aforementioned BALO notice.

                              VIVENDI ENVIRONNEMENT

Public Limited Company with Management Board and Supervisory Board, and share
capital of EUR 5,468,451,196.50

Corporate Headquarters:
36-38 avenue Kleber - 75799 Paris Cedex 16
403 210 032 RCS PARIS

                                NOTICE OF MEETING

Shareholders are invited to attend the Combined Ordinary and Extraordinary
Shareholders' Meeting on Wednesday, April 30, 2003 at 3:00 p.m. at Carrousel du
Louvre, 99 rue de Rivoli, 75001 Paris, in order to discuss items on the agenda
and the following resolutions:


1.   Approval of the reports and unconsolidated financial statements for the
     2002 financial year.

2.   Approval of the consolidated financial statements for the 2002 financial

3.   Approval of expenses and charges referred to in Article 39-4 of the Code
     general des impots (French General Tax Code).

4.   Allocation of net income and setting of date for payment of dividend.

5.   Approval of Agreements subject to regulation.

6.   Determination of fees allocated to the Supervisory Board.

7.   Ratification of the temporary appointment of new members of the Supervisory

8.   Authorization to be granted to the Management Board, or the Board of
     Directors, as the case may be, to trade in the Company's shares.

9.   Authorization to be granted to the Management Board, or the Board of
     Directors, as the case may be, to issue bonds.


10.  Authorization to be granted to the Management Board, or the Board of
     Directors, as the case may be, to increase share capital by issuing shares
     and/or other securities convertible, immediately or over time, into the
     Company's shares, subject to preferential subscription rights.

11.  Authorization to be granted to the Management Board, or the Board of
     Directors, as the case may be, to increase share capital by issuing shares
     and/or other securities convertible, immediately or over time, into the
     Company's shares, without preferential subscription rights.

12.  Authorization to be granted to the Management Board, or the Board of
     Directors, as the case may be, to increase share capital through
     incorporation of reserves, income, premiums or other items.

13.  Authorization to be granted to the Management Board, or the Board of
     Directors, as the case may be, to increase share capital by issuing shares
     reserved for employees, without preferential subscription rights in favor
     of the employees.

14.  Authorization to be granted to the Management Board, or the Board of
     Directors, as the case may be, to decrease the share capital by
     cancellation of shares held by the Company.

15.  Change in the corporate name.

16.  Modification of the Company's management structure by abandoning the
     structure of a Management Board and Supervisory Board and formation of a
     Board of Directors.

17.  Capital decrease, not based on losses, through decrease of the par value of
     the shares.

18.  Global amendment of the articles of association.


19.  Appointment of a director

20.  Appointment of a director

21.  Appointment of a director

22.  Appointment of a director

23.  Appointment of a director

24.  Appointment of a director

25.  Appointment of a director

26.  Appointment of a director

27.  Appointment of a director

28.  Appointment of a director

29.  Appointment of a director

30.  Appointment of a director

31.  Appointment of a director

32.  Determination of Directors' fees granted to the Board of Directors for the
     financial year ending December 31, 2003


33.  Powers to carry out legal formalities.

                                DRAFT RESOLUTIONS


First Resolution - Approval of the reports and the financial statements for the
2002 financial year.

The Shareholders' Meeting, having examined the reports of the Management Board,
the Supervisory Board and the Statutory Auditors on the 2002 financial year,
approves the unconsolidated financial statements of Vivendi Environnement for
2002 as presented, and the transactions reflected therein as summarized in the

Second Resolution - Approval of the consolidated accounts for the 2002 financial

The Shareholders' Meeting approves the 2002 consolidated financial statements of
Vivendi Environnement, as presented, drawn up in accordance with the provisions
of Article L. 357-1 et seq. of the Code de Commerce (Commercial Code).

Third Resolution - Approval of the expenses and charges referred to in Article
39-4 of the Code general des impots

Pursuant to Article 223 quater of the Code general des impots, the Shareholders'
Meeting approves the Company's expenses and charges referred to in Article 39-4
of such Code, in a total amount of EUR 44,727 which, because the Company
reported a fiscal deficit, reduces the fiscal deficit that may be carried
forward by the same amount.

Fourth Resolution - Allocation of net income and payment date of dividend

The Shareholders' Meeting, at the proposal of the Management Board, approves the
allocation of the distributable earnings for 2002 as follows:

   Profit for the year                                     (euro) 47,983,070.05
   Retained earnings carried forward                       (euro) 249,151,564.81
   Being a total amount of                                 (euro) 297,134,634.86

To be allocated as follows:

   To the statutory reserve                                (euro) 2,399,153.50
   To dividends ((euro)0.55(euro)x 405,070,459 shares)(1)  (euro) 222,788,752.50
   Retained earnings                                       (euro) 71,946,729.34

(1) As shares held by the Company are not entitled to payment of dividends, the
total distribution figure may change depending on the actual number of shares
held by the Company as at the dividend payment date. Such number is 9,142,362
shares held by the company as at 12/31/2002.

The dividend is set at (euro) 0.55 for each of the 405,070,459 shares entitled
to dividend, plus a tax credit of (euro) 0.275.

In accordance with legal provisions, the General Meeting notes that over the
past three fiscal years the following dividends were paid:

Fiscal years        Dividends per share       Tax Credit         Total per share
------------        -------------------       ----------         ---------------

2001                (euro) 0.55               (euro) 0.275       (euro) 0.825
2000                (euro) 0.55               (euro) 0.275       (euro) 0.825
1999                     none                      none               none

The General Meeting approves the date for payment of the dividend for 2002
fiscal year which shall be payable as of May 7, 2003. It is specified that in
the event that, upon payment of such dividends, the Company should hold some of
its own shares, the amounts corresponding to dividends not paid for these
treasury shares would be allocated to retained earnings.

Fifth Resolution - Approval of Agreements subject to regulation

The General Meeting takes formal note of the Auditors' Special Report pursuant
to Article L.225-86 of the Code de Commerce and approves the agreements
specified in this report under the terms of Article L.225-88 of said Code.

Sixth Resolution - Determination of fees granted to the Supervisory Board

The General Meeting sets at EUR 600,000 the total amount of fees to be divided
among the members of the Supervisory Board for the financial year ending
December 31, 2003, this amount, in case of adoption of the sixteenth and
eighteenth resolutions relating to the adoption of the Company's new management
structure, shall be calculated prorata temporis for the term of service of the
Supervisory Board's members during the financial year.

Seventh Resolution - Ratification of the temporary appointment of new members of
the Supervisory Board

The General Meeting ratifies the appointments of:

Mr. Jean-Rene Fourtou,
Mr. Jacques Espinasse,
Mr. Jean Azema,

as members of the Supervisory Board, made by the Supervisory Board during its
meeting of September 23, 2002, to replace Mr. Eric Licoys, Mrs. Catherine Gros
and Mr. Guillaume Hannezo, respectively, for their remaining term of office,
i.e. until the Ordinary Shareholders' Meeting called to approve the financial
statements for the financial year ending December 31, 2003.

Moreover, the General Meeting ratifies the appointment of Mr. Louis Schweitzer
as member of the Supervisory Board, made by the Supervisory Board during its
meeting of February 5, 2003, to replace Mrs. Esther Koplowitz, for her remaining
term of office, i.e. until the Ordinary Shareholders' Meeting called to approve
the financial statements for the financial year ending December 31, 2003.

Eighth Resolution - Authorization for the Management Board or the Board of
Directors, as the case may be, to trade in the Company's shares

The General Meeting, having taken formal note of the Report of the Management
Board and the prospectus approved by the Commission des Operations de Bourse,
authorizes the Management Board or, in case of adoption of the sixteenth and
eighteenth resolutions relating to the adoption of the Company's new management
structure, the Board of Directors, in accordance with the provisions of Article
L.225-209 et seq. of the Code de Commerce, to purchase the company's shares:

     depending on market conditions;

and, in particular, for the following reasons:

     to support the market price of the Company's shares by systematic trading
     in the opposite direction to the market; or

     to implement any stock options plan of the Company in the context of the
     provisions of Articles L.225-177 et seq. of the Code de commerce; or

     to invest in existing shares or securities providing access, immediately or
     over time, to such shares of the Company under conditions provided for by
     law, in particular under Articles L.443-1 et seq. of the Code du travail
     (French Labor Code); or

     to offer shares (as payment or in exchange, or otherwise), particularly in
     connection with acquisitions; or

     to issue shares upon exercise of the rights attached to securities
     entitled, as a result of redemption, conversion, exchange, presentation of
     a warrant or by any other means, to existing shares of the Company; or

     to implement a program to manage the Company's assets and finances,
     including keeping said shares, selling them and generally transferring them
     as well as the possibility to cancel all or part of the securities so
     redeemed, subject to adoption by the Extraordinary Shareholders' Meeting of
     the fourteenth resolution below and under the terms indicated therein.

Purchases of the Company's shares may relate to a number of shares as follows:

     the number of shares that the Company purchases during the share repurchase
     program does not exceed 10 % of the shares included in the Company's
     capital, i.e., for your information, as at December 31, 2002, 40,507,045
     shares; and

     the number of shares that the Company shall hold at any time whatsoever
     does not exceed 10% of the shares forming the Company's capital.

Shares may be sold, bought or transferred at any time (including during tender
offer periods) and by any method, on the market or over-the-counter, including
by block trades of securities (without limit to the proportion of the share
repurchase program that may be carried out by this method), or through the use
of options or other financial derivatives traded on a regulated market or
over-the-counter or by issuing securities entitled by conversion, exchange,
redemption, exercise of a warrant or otherwise to shares of the Company held by
the Company.

The maximum purchase price of the shares under this resolution shall be EUR 32.5
per share (or the equivalent of such amount on the same date in any other
currency), this maximum price shall apply only to acquisitions decided on from
the date of this meeting and not to future transactions entered into pursuant to
an authorization granted by a prior Shareholders' Meeting that provide for
acquisitions of shares after the date of this meeting.

In case of resale on the market, the minimum sale price of the shares held by
the company acquired in the context of share repurchase programs authorized by
this Shareholders' Meeting or by prior Shareholders' Meetings shall be (euro) 17
per share (or the equivalent of such amount on the same date in any other
currency), this price shall apply both to sales decided on from the date of this
meeting and to future transactions previously entered into that provide for
sales of shares after this meeting. This price applies implicitly to sales
carried out by issue, after the date of this meeting, of securities entitled by
conversion, exchange, redemption, exercise of a warrant or otherwise to shares
of the Company held by the Company. Notwithstanding the foregoing, in the event
that the possibilities offered by the third paragraph of Article L.225-209 of
the Code de commerce should be used, the rules relating to the sale price shall
be those set by applicable legal provisions. Furthermore, the minimum sale price
will not apply in the case of an offering of securities as payment or exchange
in the context of acquisitions.

The total amount allocated to the share repurchase program authorized above may
not exceed EUR 1 billion.

This authorization replaces any prior authorization granted to the Management
Board to trade in the Company's shares, effective from this day and for the
value of any unused portion of any prior authorization. It is granted for a
period of eighteen months from this day.

The General Meeting grants the Management Board or, in case of adoption of the
sixteenth and eighteenth resolutions, the Board of Directors, in case of
modification of the par value of the share, an increase in capital through
incorporation of reserves, the granting of free shares, grouping of securities,
distribution of reserves or any other assets, amortization of capital or any
other equity transaction, the authority to adjust the aforementioned purchase or
sale price in order to take into account the objective effect of such
transactions on the share's value.

The General Meeting grants all powers to the Management Board or, in case of
adoption of the sixteenth and eighteenth resolutions, to the Board of Directors,
including the ability to sub-delegate its powers under conditions of law, to
decide upon and implement this authorization, to specify the terms thereof, if
necessary, and to decide upon the conditions thereof with the right to
sub-delegate under conditions of law the completion of the share repurchase
program and, in particular, to make any stock exchange order, to enter into any
agreement, with a view to maintaining share purchase and sale registers, to make
all declarations to the Commission des operations de bourse, the Conseil des
marches financiers and any other authority that may take their place, to perform
all formalities and, generally, to take all necessary actions.

Ninth Resolution - Authorization for the Management Board, or the Board of
Directors, as the case may be, to issue bonds

The General Meeting, having taken note of the Management Board's Report:

-    authorizes the Management Board or, in case of adoption of the sixteenth
     and eighteenth resolutions, the Board of Directors, to issue, on one or
     more occasions, bonds and equivalent debt instruments both in France and
     abroad either in euros or in foreign currencies, or in units of account
     based on several currencies, by public offer or private placement, in the
     form of traditional bonds or equivalent debt investments that grant
     identical creditor's rights against the Company in the same issue, notably
     subordinated redeemable securities or securities with a fixed or
     unspecified term, bearing or not bearing interest, at a fixed or variable
     rate, either with or without warrants entitling the holder to the issue,
     acquisition of, or subscription to other debt securities, up to a total
     nominal amount of EUR 7 billion or the equivalent in foreign currencies, or
     in units of account based on several currencies established on the day of
     the issue decisions; it being specified that this maximum nominal value
     shall apply to all bonds or debt securities issued directly or as a result
     of the exercise of warrants but excludes redemption premium(s) where
     applicable and that negotiable debt instruments, within the definition of
     Articles L.213-1 through L.213-4 of the Code monetaire et financier (French
     Monetary and Financial Code) are not concerned by this authorization;

-    grants to the Management Board or, in case of adoption of the sixteenth and
     eighteenth resolutions, the Board of Directors, all powers to set the
     amounts, forms and periods, rates and conditions of issue, amortization and
     redemption of securities to be issued, including the terms and conditions
     of amortization or early redemption with fixed or variable premium or
     without premium, and to grant guarantees and sureties, if necessary;

-    authorizes the Management Board or, in case of adoption of the sixteenth
     and eighteenth resolutions, the Board of Directors, to provide for the
     redemption of bonds by offering assets of the Company, if necessary, under
     form of exchange, payment in kind (dation en paiement) or otherwise;

-    authorizes the Management Board or, in case of adoption of the sixteenth
     and eighteenth resolutions, the Board of Directors, to determine that the
     bonds will be subordinated securities that may be perpetual or have a fixed
     term, or will be indexed bonds or complex bonds within the definition of
     the Commission des operations de bourse and the Conseil des marches
     financiers (as a result, for example, of their redemption or remuneration
     terms or other rights such as indexation or option entitlements) ;

-    as a consequence, grants all powers to the Management Board or, in case of
     adoption of the sixteenth and eighteenth resolutions, the Board of
     Directors, necessary to carry out such borrowing(s) and specifies that the
     Management Board or the Board of Directors will have all rights to
     determine the features of the bonds and of any obligations attached to the

This authorization replaces any prior authorization granted to the Management
Board to issue bonds effective from this day and for the value of any unused
portion of any prior authorization. It is granted for a period of five years
from this day.

The Management Board or, in case of adoption of the sixteenth and eighteenth
resolutions, the Board of Directors, may, in accordance with the law and subject
to any terms and conditions that it may determine, sub-delegate to its Chairman
or to any of its members the powers granted to it by this resolution, provided
that such person reports to it, under conditions set by the Management Board or
the Board of Directors, as the case may be, regarding the performance of this


Tenth Resolution - Authorization for the Management Board, or the Board of
Directors, as the case may be, to increase share capital by issuing shares
and/or other securities convertible, immediately or over time, into the
Company's shares, subject to preferential subscription rights.

The General Meeting, having taken note of the Management Board's Report and the
Auditors' Special Report, and pursuant to the provisions of Article
L.225-129-III of the Code de commerce, in particular paragraph 3:

     1. Delegates to the Management Board or, in case of adoption of the
     sixteenth and eighteenth resolutions, the Board of Directors, the powers
     necessary to increase the share capital, on one or more occasions, in
     France or abroad, in any proportion and at any time that it may decide,
     either in euros or in any foreign currencies or units of accounts based on
     several currencies, by issuing shares or other securities (including
     independent subscription warrants) issued free or for due consideration,
     providing access, immediately or over time, at any time or on a fixed date,
     to the Company's shares (to be issued or currently outstanding) by
     subscription, conversion, exchange, redemption, presentation of a warrant
     or otherwise (such securities including, in particular, bonds with equity
     warrants, convertible bonds and exchangeable bonds referred to and governed
     by Articles L.225-150 et seq., L.225-161 et seq. and L.225-168 et seq. of
     the Code de commerce, respectively); it being specified that the
     subscription of shares and other securities may be carried out either in
     cash, by offset of receivables, or, in full or in part, by incorporation of
     reserves, profits or premiums, and that issuing preferred shares with or
     without voting rights or of investment certificates is excluded;

     2. Decides to set as follows the limits for the amounts of the authorized
     issues in the event that the Management Board or, in case of adoption of
     the sixteenth and eighteenth resolutions, the Board of Directors, should
     exercise this delegation:

     2.1. the maximum nominal value of the capital increases that may be carried
     out immediately or over time pursuant to this delegation is set at EUR 2.5
     billion; it being specified that the nominal value of any capital increase
     that may be carried out, directly or indirectly, pursuant to the eleventh
     and twelfth resolutions of this meeting will be in addition to this amount;

     2.2. to this limit shall be added the nominal value of additional shares,
     if any, that may be issued in case of new financial transactions, to
     preserve, in accordance with law, the rights of holders of securities
     entitled to shares over time;

     2.3. the maximum total nominal value of issues of debt securities that
     provide access to the capital may not exceed EUR 4 billion or the
     equivalent on that day of this amount in any other currency or units of
     account based on several currencies; it being specified that (i) this
     amount is independent of the amount of the bonds and other debt instruments
     that may be issued pursuant to the ninth resolution of this meeting and
     (ii) the amount of capital increases that may be carried out through such
     issues of debt securities will be included in the maximum nominal value of
     2.5 billion referred to in paragraph 2.1 above;

     3. Sets the term of validity of this delegation of authority as twenty-six
     months from the date of this meeting;

     4. In the event that the Management Board or, in case of adoption of the
     sixteenth and eighteenth resolutions, the Board of Directors, uses this

     -    decides that the issue(s) shall be reserved in preference for
          shareholders who may subscribe to the new shares or securities as of
          right in proportion to the number of shares then owned by them;

     -    furthermore grants to the Management Board or, in case of adoption of
          the sixteenth and eighteenth resolutions, to the Board of Directors,
          the right to create a subscription right for excess amounts;

     -    takes note and decides, to the extent necessary, that this delegation
          automatically provides to holders of issued securities a waiver by the
          shareholders of their preferential subscription right regarding shares
          to which the issued securities will give rights immediately or over

     -    decides to suppress the preferential subscription right of
          shareholders to shares issued through conversion of bonds or exercise
          of stock warrants;

     -    decides that, in the case of issues of shares or compound securities,
          if the subscriptions as of right and subscriptions for any excess
          amount, have not absorbed the aggregate issue, the Management Board
          or, in case of adoption of the sixteenth and eighteenth resolutions,
          the Board of Directors, may exercise, under conditions provided for by
          law and in any such order as it may determine, one or more of the
          options below:

          *    limitation of the issue to the amount of subscriptions, provided
               that such amount of subscriptions is at least three-quarters of
               the issue decided upon;

          *    free allocation of all or part of the shares or, in case of
               compound securities, said securities, whose issue has been
               decided upon but not subscribed;

          *    offering to the public, by an offering on a public exchange, of
               all or part of the shares or, in case of compound securities,
               said non-subscribed securities, on the French market and/or in
               another country and/or on the international market;

     -    decides that the issues of stock warrants of the Company may be
          carried out either by subscription, or by granting such warrants
          freely to owners of former shares;

     -    decides that in case of free grants of stock warrants, the Board of
          Directors will be able to decide that rights for fractional shares
          will not be negotiable and that the corresponding securities will be

     5. Decides that the Management Board or, in case of adoption of the
     sixteenth and eighteenth resolutions, the Board of Directors, will have all
     powers, including the right to sub-delegate its powers under conditions set
     by law, to implement this delegation, in order, in particular to:

     -    determine the category of securities to be issued;

     -    decide upon the amount to be issued, the issue price and the amount of
          the premium that may be requested upon issue, if any;

     -    determine the dates and conditions of issue, the nature and features
          of the securities to be created; to decide, furthermore, in the case
          of bonds or other debt instruments, whether they shall be subordinated
          or not, to set their interest rate (at a fixed or variable interest
          rate, zero coupon or indexed rate), their term (fixed or perpetual)
          and the other terms and conditions of issue (including whether to
          grant them guarantees or securities) and of amortization (including
          redemption through offering assets of the Company); if necessary, such
          securities may be associated with warrants providing rights to the
          granting, acquisition or subscription of bonds or other debt
          instruments or may take the form of complex bonds as defined by the
          Commission des operations de bourse and the Conseil des marches
          financiers (as a result, for example, of their terms of redemption or
          remuneration or other rights such as indexation or option

     -    determine the method of payment for the shares or other securities to
          be issued immediately or over time;

     -    set, if necessary, the conditions of exercise of the rights attached
          to shares or securities to be issued and, in particular, set the date,
          which may be retroactive, from which the new shares will confer
          rights, determine the conditions of exercise of the rights, if any, to
          conversion, exchange, redemption, including by offering assets of the
          Company such as shares or securities already issued by the Company, as
          well as any other terms and conditions of completion of the issue;

     -    set the terms and conditions according to which the Company will have
          the right to purchase or exchange the securities, whether issued or to
          be issued immediately or over time, on the market, at any time or
          during fixed periods, in order to cancel them or not, taking into
          account all provisions of the law;

     -    provide, potentially, for the right to suspend the exercise of rights
          attached to such securities for a maximum period of three months;

     -    at its sole initiative, allocate the costs of capital increases to the
          amount of associated premiums and withdraw from such amount the sums
          necessary to raise the level of the regulatory reserve to one-tenth of
          the new capital after each capital increase;

     -    carry out any adjustments necessary in accordance with legal and
          regulatory provisions in order to compensate for the effect of
          transactions in the Company's capital, in particular by modifying the
          par value of the share, increasing the capital through incorporation
          of reserves, granting shares freely, grouping securities, distributing
          reserves or any other assets, amortization of the capital, or any
          other transaction relating to the equity capital, and set the terms
          and conditions according to which the rights of holders of securities
          providing access to the capital over time will be preserved, as the
          case may be;

     -    declare the completion of each capital increase and amend the articles
          of association accordingly;

     -    generally, enter into all agreements, in particular for the successful
          completion of the contemplated issues, take all measures and perform
          all formalities necessary for the issue, listing and financing of the
          securities issued pursuant to this delegation as well as the exercise
          of rights attached thereto.

     6. Takes note that this delegation of authority replaces any prior
     delegation of authority relating to issuing securities providing access,
     immediately or over time, to a portion of the Company's share capital, with
     preferential subscription right, effective from this day and for the value
     of any unused portion of any prior delegation.

     7. Takes note of the fact that, in the event that the Management Board or,
     in case of adoption of the sixteenth and eighteenth resolutions, the Board
     of Directors, should use the delegation granted to it in this resolution,
     the Management Board or, as the case may be, the Board of Directors, shall
     report to the next Ordinary Shareholders' Meeting, pursuant to Article
     L.225-129-V, paragraph 3, of the Code de commerce, the use it has made of
     the authorizations granted in this resolution.

Eleventh Resolution - Authorization for the Management Board or the Board of
Directors, as the case may be, to increase share capital by issuing shares
and/or other securities providing access, immediately or over time, to the
Company's shares, without preferential subscription rights

The Shareholders' Meeting, having taken note of the Management Board's Report
and the Auditors' Special Report, and pursuant to the provisions of Article
L.225-129-III of the Code de commerce, in particular paragraph 3, and Article
L.225-148 of said Code:

     1. Delegates to the Management Board or, in case of adoption of the
     sixteenth and eighteenth resolutions, the Board of Directors, the powers
     necessary to increase the share capital, on one or more occasions, in a
     proportion and at any time that it may decide, on the French market and/or
     in another country and/or on the international market, through a public
     offering, either in euros, or in any other foreign currency or units of
     accounts based on several currencies, by issuing shares or other securities
     (including independent subscription warrants) issued free or for due
     consideration, providing access, immediately or over time, at any time or
     on a fixed date, to the Company's shares (to be issued or currently
     outstanding) by subscription, conversion, exchange, redemption,
     presentation of a warrant or otherwise (such securities including, in
     particular, bonds with equity warrants, convertible bonds and exchangeable
     bonds referred to and governed by Articles L.225-150 et seq., L.225-161 et
     seq. and L.225-168 et seq. of the Code de commerce, respectively); it being
     specified that the subscription of shares and other securities may be
     carried out either in cash, by offset of receivables, or, in full or in
     part, by incorporation of reserves, profits or premiums, and that issuing
     preferred shares with or without voting rights or of investment
     certificates is excluded. These securities may, in particular, be issued to
     provide compensation for securities contributed to the Company, in the
     context of an exchange offer in France or abroad according to local rules
     (for example in the context of an Anglo-Saxon "reverse merger") for
     securities meeting the conditions set by Article L.225-148 of the Code de

     2. Delegate to the Management Board or, in case of adoption of the
     sixteenth and eighteenth resolutions, to the Board of Directors, the powers
     necessary to issue, in addition to the issues that might be carried out
     pursuant to this delegation, shares or securities representing a portion of
     the Company's capital to be issued following an issue by companies in which
     the Company directly or indirectly holds more than half of the share
     capital, with the consent of the latter:

     -    bonds issued by the Company's subsidiaries with warrants for the
          shares of the Company; or

     -    any other securities issued by the Company's subsidiaries that provide
          a right through conversion, exchange, redemption, presentation of a
          warrant or otherwise, to the granting at any time or on a fixed date,
          of securities that will be issued for such purpose, or are already
          issued, representing a portion of the Company 's capital.

     This decision automatically provides, in favor of holders of securities
     that may be issued by the Company's subsidiaries, a waiver by the Company's
     shareholders of their preferential subscription rights to shares or
     securities to which those securities issued by the Company's subsidiaries
     grant rights.

     Issuing shares or warrants and securities representing a portion of the
     Company's capital under the transactions referred to in this paragraph 2
     may not in any event, without taking into account the adjustments to be
     made in accordance with law, result in increasing the nominal capital of
     the Company by more than EUR 2.5 billion, or of the equivalent of such
     amount, which will be imputed to the total limitation set in paragraph 3.1
     below for capital increases that may be made pursuant to this delegation.

     3. Decides to limit as follows the total amounts of the authorized issues
     in the event that the Management Board or, in case of adoption of the
     sixteenth and eighteenth resolutions, the Board of Directors, uses this

     3.1 The maximum nominal value of the capital increases that may be carried
     out immediately or over time pursuant to this delegation is set at EUR 2.5
     billion; it being specified that the nominal amount of any capital increase
     that may be carried out, directly or indirectly, pursuant to the tenth and
     eleventh resolutions of this meeting will be in addition to such amount;

     3.2 To this total would be added the nominal value of any additional shares
     that may be issued in the event of new financial transactions to preserve,
     in accordance with law, the rights of holders of securities granting rights
     to shares over time;

     3.3 The maximum total nominal value for issues of debt securities providing
     access to the capital may not exceed EUR 4 billion or the equivalent on
     that day of this amount in any other currency or units of account based on
     several currencies; it being specified that (i) such amount is independent
     of the amount of the bonds and other debt instruments that may be issued
     pursuant to the ninth resolution of this meeting and (ii) the amount of
     capital increases that may be carried out in accordance with such issues of
     debt securities will be included in the maximum nominal value of EUR 2.5
     billion referred to in paragraph 3.1 above.

     4. Sets the term of validity of this delegation as twenty-six months, from
     the day of this meeting;

     5. Decides to suppress the preferential subscription right of shareholders
     to securities that are the subject of this resolution, but decides to allow
     the Management Board or, in case of adoption of the sixteenth and
     eighteenth resolutions, the Board of Directors, to grant to shareholders,
     for any period and according to any conditions it may decide, for all or
     part of an issue, a subscription priority that does not create negotiable
     rights and that must be exercised in proportion to the number of shares
     owned by each shareholder and that may be supplemented by a subscription
     for any remaining shares not subscribed to as of right; it being specified
     that the securities not subscribed to as of right shall be subject to a
     public placement in France and/or in another country and/or on the
     international market;

     6. Decides that if the subscriptions, including those of any shareholders,
     do not absorb the aggregate issue, the Management Board or, in case of
     adoption of the sixteenth and eighteenth resolutions, the Board of
     Directors, may restrict the amount of the transaction to the amount of
     subscriptions received, provided that such amount is at least
     three-quarters of the issue decided upon;

     7. Takes note and decides, to the extent necessary, that this delegation
     automatically provides to holders of issued securities an express waiver by
     the shareholders of their preferential subscription right regarding
     securities to which the issued securities would give rights;

     8. Decides to suppress the preferential subscription right of shareholders
     to shares issued through conversion of bonds or by exercise of autonomous

     9. Decides, in accordance with Article L.225-136, 2(degree)of the Code de
     commerce that:

     -    the issue price for directly issued shares shall be at least equal to
          the average of the opening prices for the existing shares on the
          Premier marche of the Paris Stock Exchange for ten consecutive trading
          days selected amongst the twenty trading days preceding the date of
          the issue, after adjustment of such average, if necessary, in case of
          a difference between the dates on which the shares provide rights;

     -    the issue price for securities (including independent warrants) other
          than shares, shall be the amount received by the Company increased, if
          necessary, by any amount likely to be received by it at a later date,
          or, for each share issued as a result of issuing such other
          securities, at least equal to the average of the corrected market
          prices defined in the previous paragraph;

     -    the conversion, redemption or, generally, the transformation into
          shares of each convertible, redeemable or otherwise transformable bond
          shall be made, taking into account the par value of the bond, for a
          number of shares such that the amount received by the Company for each
          share, shall be at least equal to the average of the corrected market
          prices defined in the first sub-paragraph of this paragraph 9;

     -    In the event that Article L.225-136, 2(degree) of the Code de commerce
          should be modified, the above provisions would be deemed cancelled and
          replaced by the new legal provisions applicable.

     10. Decides that the Management Board or, in case of adoption of the
     sixteenth and eighteenth resolutions, the Board of Directors, will have all
     powers, including the right to sub-delegate its powers under conditions set
     by law, to implement this delegation, in order, in particular to:

     -    determine the category of securities to be issued;

     -    decide upon the amount to be issued, the issue price and the amount of
          the premium that may be requested upon issue, if any;

     -    determine the dates and terms of issue, the nature and features of the
          securities to be created; to decide, furthermore, in the case of bonds
          or other debt instruments, whether they shall be subordinated or not,
          to set their interest rate (at a fixed or variable interest rate, zero
          coupon or indexed rate), their term (fixed or perpetual) and the other
          terms and conditions of issue (including whether to grant them
          guarantees or securities) and of amortization (including redemption
          through offering assets of the Company); if necessary, such securities
          may be associated with warrants providing rights to the granting,
          acquisition or subscription of bonds or other debt instruments or may
          take the form of complex bonds as defined by the Commission des
          operations de bourse and the Conseil des marches financiers (as a
          result, for example, of their redemption or remuneration or other
          rights such as indexation or option entitlements);

     -    determine the method of payment for the shares or other securities to
          be issued immediately or over time;

     -    set, if necessary, the conditions of exercise of the rights attached
          to shares or securities to be issued and, in particular, set the date,
          which may be retroactive, from which the new shares will confer
          rights, determine the conditions of exercise of the rights, if any, to
          conversion, exchange, redemption, including by offering assets of the
          Company such as shares or securities already issued by the Company, as
          well as any other terms and conditions of completion of the issue;

     -    set the terms and conditions according to which the Company will have
          the right to purchase or exchange the securities, whether issued or to
          be issued immediately or over time, on the market, at any time or
          during fixed periods, in order to cancel them or not, taking into
          account all provisions of the law;

     -    provide, potentially, for the right to suspend the exercise of rights
          attached to such securities for a maximum period of three months;

     -    in particular, where issuing securities to provide compensation for
          securities contributed to the Company in the context of an public
          exchange offer (offre publique d'echange, or "OPE"), establish the
          list of securities contributed to the exchange, set the conditions of
          the issue, the exchange ratio and the cash portion of the
          consideration and establish the terms and conditions of the issue,
          whether in the context of an OPE, an alternative purchase offer or
          exchange offer, a sole offer proposing the purchase or exchange of
          securities concerned in return for a payment in securities and cash, a
          tender offer (offre publique d'achat or "OPA") or a principal exchange
          offer associated with a supplementary OPE or OPA, or any other form of
          public offer in accordance with the laws and regulations applicable to
          such offer;

     -    at its sole initiative, allocate the costs of capital increases to the
          amount of associated premiums and withdraw from such amount the sums
          necessary to raise the level of the regulatory reserve to one-tenth of
          the new capital after each capital increase;

     -    carry out any adjustments necessary in accordance with legal and
          regulatory provisions in order to compensate for the effect of
          transactions in the Company's capital, in particular by modifying the
          par value of the share, increasing the capital through incorporation
          of reserves, granting shares freely, grouping securities, distributing
          reserves or any other assets, amortization of the capital, or any
          other transaction relating to the equity capital, and set the terms
          and conditions according to which the rights of holders of securities
          that provide access to the capital over time will be ensured, as the
          case may be;

     -    declare the completion of each capital increase and amend the articles
          of association accordingly;

     -    generally, enter into all agreements, in particular for the successful
          completion of the contemplated issues, take all measures and perform
          all formalities necessary for the issue, listing and financing of the
          securities issued pursuant to this delegation as well as the exercise
          of rights attached thereto.

     11. Takes note that this delegation of authority replaces any prior
     delegation of authority relating to issuing securities providing access,
     immediately or over time, to a portion of the Company's share capital,
     without preferential subscription right, effective from this day and for
     the value of any unused portion of any prior delegation.

     12. Takes note of the fact that, in the event that the Management Board or,
     in case of adoption of the sixteenth and eighteenth resolutions, the Board
     of Directors, should use the delegation granted to it in this resolution,
     the Management Board or, as the case may be, the Board of Directors, shall
     report to the next Ordinary Shareholders' Meeting, pursuant to Article
     L.225-129-V, paragraph 3, of the Code de commerce, the it use has made of
     the authorizations granted in this resolution.

Twelfth Resolution - Authorization for the Management Board, or the Board of
Directors, as the case may be, to increase share capital through incorporation
of premiums, reserves, profits or other items

The General Meeting, acting in accordance with the quorum and majority criteria
required for Ordinary General Meetings, and having taken note of the Report of
the Management Board and pursuant to the provisions of Article L.225-129-II of
the Code de commerce:

     1. Grants to the Management Board or, in case of adoption of the sixteenth
     and eighteenth resolutions, to the Board of Directors, all powers to
     increase the share capital on one or more occasions, in any proportion and
     at any time that it may consider appropriate, through incorporation of
     premiums, reserves, profits or other amounts that may be capitalized under
     the law and the articles of association, by granting shares freely or
     increasing the par value of existing shares or by using both of these
     methods together. The maximum nominal value of the capital increases that
     may be carried out shall not exceed EUR 1 billion; it being specified that
     the nominal value of any capital increase that may be carried out, directly
     or indirectly, pursuant to the tenth and eleventh resolutions submitted to
     this meeting shall be in addition to such amount;

     2. If the Management Board or, in case of adoption of the sixteenth and
     eighteenth resolutions, by the Board of Directors, should make use of this
     delegation of powers, it shall have all powers, with the option of
     sub-delegating its powers under the conditions set by law, to implement
     this delegation, and in particular to:

     -    determine the amount and nature of the sums to be incorporated to the
          capital, set the number of new shares to be issued and/or the amount
          by which the par value of the existing shares that form the share
          capital shall be increased, set the date, which may be retroactive,
          from which the new shares shall grant rights or the date on which the
          increase in the par value will be effective;

     -    decide, in case of distributions of bonus shares:

          *    that as an exemption to the provisions of Article L. 225-149 of
               the Code de commerce, fractional rights shall not be negotiable
               and that the corresponding shares shall be sold; the amounts
               received in the sale to be allocated to holders of rights no
               later than thirty days following the date of registration in
               their account of the full number of shares granted;

          *    to make any adjustments required in accordance with the legal and
               regulatory provisions;

          *    to declare the completion of each capital increase and to perform
               any related modifications of the articles of association;

          *    generally, to enter into all agreements, take all measures and
               perform all formalities necessary for the issue, listing and
               financing of the securities issued pursuant to this delegation as
               well as the exercise of rights attached thereto.

     3. This authorization replaces any prior authorization granted to the
     Management Board to carry out capital increases through incorporation of
     premiums, reserves, profits or other items, effective from this day and for
     the value of any unused portion of any prior delegation. It is granted for
     a period of twenty-six months from this day.

Thirteenth Resolution - Authorization for the Management Board, or the Board of
Directors, as the case may be, to increase share capital by issuing shares
reserved for employees who are members of savings plans, without preferential
subscription rights in favor of the employees

The General Meeting, having taken note of the Report of the Management Board and
the Auditors' Special Report, under the provisions of Article L.443-1 et seq. of
the Code du travail and Article L.225-138 of the Code de commerce, and pursuant
to the provisions of Article L. 225-129 VII of said Code:

     1. Grants to the Management Board or, in case of adoption of the sixteenth
     and eighteenth resolutions, the Board of Directors, for a period of
     twenty-six months from the day of this meeting, the powers necessary to
     increase share capital, on one or more occasions, by issuing shares or
     other securities providing access to the Company's capital reserved for
     members of a company savings plan (plan d'epargne) or, if such a structure
     has been created, to a voluntary employee partnership savings plan (plan
     parternarial d'epargne salariale) of the Company and of French and foreign
     companies related to the Company under the conditions of Article L. 225-180
     of the Code de commerce and L. 444-3 of the Code du travail for a maximum
     nominal value of EUR 150 million;

     2. Decides to set the discount offered (i) under a company savings plan at
     20 % and (ii) under a voluntary employee partnership savings plan at 30 %
     of the average of the opening prices of the Company's share on the Premier
     marche of Euronext Paris during the twenty trading sessions preceding the
     day of the decision setting the opening date for subscriptions. However,
     the General Meeting expressly authorizes the Management Board or, in case
     of adoption of the sixteenth and eighteenth resolutions, the Board of
     Directors, to reduce the aforementioned allowance as it deems appropriate,
     in particular to limit the discount granted at 15 % of the market price of
     the Company's share on the day of the decision setting the opening date for
     subscriptions within legal and regulatory limitations, in order to take
     into account, inter alia, locally applicable legal, accounting, tax and
     employment provisions. The Management Board or, in case of adoption of the
     sixteenth and eighteenth resolutions, the Board of Directors, may also
     substitute all or part of the discount by a free grant of shares or other
     securities in accordance with the provisions below;

     3. Decides that the Management Board or, in case of adoption of the
     sixteenth and eighteenth resolutions, the Board of Directors may provide
     for a grant, for no consideration, of shares or other securities providing
     access to the Company's capital; it being understood that the full benefit
     resulting from such a grant or such discount, if any, on the subscription
     price, may not exceed the legal or regulatory limitations;

     4. Decides that the features of the other securities providing access to
     the Company's capital shall be set by the Management Board or, in case of
     adoption of the sixteenth and eighteenth resolutions, the Board of
     Directors under regulatory conditions;

     5. Decides to suppress the shareholders' preferential subscription right in
     favor of members of a company savings plan or a voluntary employee savings
     partnership plan, and to waive any right to the shares or other securities
     granted pursuant to this resolution;

     6. Decides that the Management Board or, in case of adoption of the
     sixteenth and eighteenth resolutions, the Board of Directors, shall have
     all powers to implement this delegation, with the option to sub-delegate
     these powers under the conditions set by law, within the limitations and
     subject to the conditions specified above, and in particular, to:

     -    decide that the subscriptions may be carried out directly or through
          mutual funds;

     -    determine the features of securities to be issued, the amount of the
          proposed subscription, and in particular to set the issue prices,
          dates, periods, terms and conditions of subscription, payment,
          delivery and rights of the securities, within the applicable legal and
          regulatory restrictions;

     -    declare the completion of each capital increase up to the amount of
          the shares that are actually subscribed pursuant to this

     -    if necessary, allocate the costs of capital increases to the amount of
          premiums related thereto and withdraw from such amount the sums
          necessary to raise the level of the legal reserve to one-tenth of the
          new capital after each capital increase;

     -    enter into any agreements, accomplish directly or through an agent any
          transactions and terms, including performing formalities following
          capital increases and subsequent modifications of the articles of
          association and, more generally, to perform all necessary actions;

     -    generally, enter into all agreements, in particular for the successful
          completion of the contemplated issues, take all measures and perform
          all formalities necessary for the issue, listing and financial payment
          of the securities issued pursuant to this delegation as well as the
          exercise of rights attached thereto;

     7. Grants all powers to the Board of Directors, subject to adoption of the
     sixteenth and eighteenth resolutions, to declare, if necessary, the capital
     increases carried out under the authorization previously granted to the
     Management Board and perform all corresponding formalities.

     8. Decides that this authorization replaces any prior authorization granted
     to the Management Board to increase the Company's share capital through
     issuing shares reserved for employee members of savings plans, without
     preferential subscription right in favor of the employees, except for
     capital increases carried out under an authorization previously granted to
     the Management Board, effective from this day and for the value of any
     unused portion of any prior authorization.

Fourteenth Resolution - Authorization for the Management Board, or the Board of
Directors, as the case may be, to decrease the share capital by cancellation of
shares held by the Company

The General Meeting, having taken note of the Report of the Management Board and
the Auditors' Special Report, authorizes the Management Board or, in case of
adoption of the sixteenth and eighteenth resolutions, the Board of Directors, to
decrease the share capital, on one or more occasions, in any proportion and at
any time that it may decide, by cancellation of any quantity of shares held by
the Company that it may decide within the limits established by the law,
pursuant to the provisions of Articles L.225-209 et seq. of the Code de

The maximum number of shares that may be cancelled by the Company pursuant to
this authorization, during a period of twenty-four months, is ten percent (10%)
of the shares forming the Company's capital; it being recalled that this
limitation shall apply to the Company's capital as adjusted, if necessary, to
reflect transactions affecting the share capital subsequent to this General

This authorization replaces any prior authorization granted to the Management
Board to decrease the Company's share capital through cancellation of treasury
shares, effective from this day and to the amount of any unused portion of any
prior authorization. It is granted for a period of twenty-six months from this

The Shareholders' Meeting grants all powers to the Management Board or, in case
of adoption of the sixteenth and eighteenth resolutions, to the Board of
Directors, with an option to sub-delegate, to carry out the operation(s) of
cancellation and decrease of capital that may be carried out pursuant to this
authorization, and consequently to modify the articles of association and to
perform all formalities.

Fifteenth Resolution - Change in the corporate name

The Shareholders' Meeting, having taken note of the Report of the Management
Board, decides to adopt as corporate name, [_________], from this day, and
accordingly modifies Article 2 of the Articles of Association, as follows:

"Article 2 - Name.

The name of the company is: [_________]

The abbreviated name is: [___]

In all deeds and documents issued by [______], ([______] is hereinafter referred
to as: "the Company") and directed to third parties, this name must be preceded
or immediately followed by the words "a Public Limited Company with a Management
Board and a Supervisory Board" ("Societe Anonyme a directoire et conseil de
surveillance") and the amount of the Company's share capital.

The Company may, in its commercial activities, use at its convenience its
corporate name and/or abbreviated corporate name as commercial name."

Sixteenth Resolution - Modification of the Company's management structure by
abandoning the structure of a Management Board and Supervisory Board and
formation of a Board of Directors

The Shareholders' Meeting, at the proposal of the Management Board, and having
taken note of its Report, decides to modify the Company's management structure
to adopt the structure with a Board of Directors.

Seventeenth Resolution - Capital decrease, not based on losses, through decrease
of the par value of the shares

1. The General Meeting, having taken note of the Report of the Management Board,
decides to add to Article 24 of the Articles of Association a final paragraph
drafted as follows:

"Article 24 - Allocation of profits

The Extraordinary Shareholders' Meeting may decide to carry out a capital
decrease not based on losses through a decrease in the par value of the share.
The amount of the capital decrease, i.e. the difference between the former par
value and the new par value, multiplied by the number of existing shares, shall
recorded in an issue premium account; it being understood that this amount may
not be distributed. Nevertheless, it may subsequently be reincorporated into the
capital or used to amortize corporate losses."

2. The General Meeting, having taken note of the Report of the Management Board
and the Auditors' Special Report, decides to carry out a capital decrease, not
based on losses, in an amount of EUR 3,443,098,901.50, by decreasing the par
value of the 405,070,459 existing shares from EUR 13.50 to EUR 5.

The amount of the capital decrease, i.e. the difference between the former par
value and the new par value, multiplied by the number of existing shares, shall
be recorded on the liabilities side of the balance sheet in the "issue premium"
account. This amount cannot be distributed but may subsequently be
reincorporated into the capital or used to amortize corporate losses.

This decrease in capital is decided on condition that there is no objection
formed, within the periods established by law, by creditors (or representatives
of bondholders, if any) whose claim is prior to the date of filing of the
minutes of decision of this Shareholders' Meeting with the clerk, or that any
objection(s) so formed is/are dismissed by the Tribunal de Commerce (Commercial
Court) of Paris.

Consequently, the General Meeting authorizes the Management Board or, in case of
adoption of the sixteenth and eighteenth resolutions, the Board of Directors,
with the option to sub-delegate to its Chairman the powers necessary to declare
the decrease in share capital, to adjust, in proportion to the decrease in the
par value of the shares, the maximum nominal value of the capital increases that
may be carried out pursuant to delegations granted under the tenth, eleventh,
twelfth and thirteenth resolutions and to perform the following modifications of
the Articles of Association:

     -    addition of a final paragraph to Article 6 of the Articles of

"During the Shareholders' Meeting of April 30, 2003, the capital was reduced by
EUR 3,443,098,901.50, from EUR 5,468,451,196.50 to EUR 2,025,352,295 through a
decrease in the par value of the Company's shares from EUR 13.5 to EUR 5."

     -    new drafting of Article 7 of the Articles of Association:

"The share capital is set at EUR 2,025,352,295 divided into 405,070,459 shares
of par value EUR 5 each."

Eighteenth Resolution - Global amendment to the Articles of Association

As a result, in particular, of the aforementioned resolutions relating to the
change in the corporate name and the change in the management structure, the
General Meeting, having taken note of the Report of the Management Board and the
new Articles of Association prepared by the Management Board for the Company
under its new management structure and attached to these resolutions, decides to
amend the Articles of Association and to adopt the text prepared by the
Management Board in its entirety.

The modifications to the Articles of Association previously adopted and the new
Articles of Association shall be effective from adjournment of this
Shareholders' Meeting.


Nineteenth Resolution - Appointment of a director

The General Meeting, as a result of the change in the Company's management
structure, upon the proposal of the Management Board and after consultation with
the Appointments and Remuneration Committee, appoints as director, with effect
upon adjournment of this meeting and for a period of six years, this term to end
upon the adjournment of the Shareholders' Meeting that will be called to approve
the financial statements for the financial year ending December 31, 2009
(subject to the provisions of the bylaws relating to early renewal):

-  Mr. Jean Azema.

Twentieth Resolution - Appointment of a director

The General Meeting, as a result of the change in the Company's management
structure, upon the proposal of the Management Board and after consultation with
the Appointments and Remuneration Committee, appoints as director, with effect
upon adjournment of this meeting and for a period of six years, this term to end
upon the adjournment of the Shareholders' Meeting that will be called to approve
the financial statements for the financial year ending December 31, 2009
(subject to the provisions of the bylaws relating to early renewal):

-  Mr. Daniel Bouton.

Twenty-first Resolution - Appointment of a director

The General Meeting, as a result of the change in the Company's management
structure, upon the proposal of the Management Board and after consultation with
the Appointments and Remuneration Committee, appoints as director, with effect
upon adjournment of this meeting and for a period of six years, this term to end
upon the adjournment of the Shareholders' Meeting that will be called to approve
the financial statements for the financial year ending December 31, 2009:

- Mr. Jean-Marc Espalioux.

Twenty-second Resolution - Appointment of a director

The General Meeting, as a result of the change in the Company's management
structure, upon the proposal of the Management Board and after consultation with
the Appointments and Remuneration Committee, appoints as director, with effect
upon adjournment of this meeting and for a period of six years, this term to end
upon the adjournment of the Shareholders' Meeting that will be called to approve
the financial statements for the financial year ending December 31, 2009
(subject to the provisions of the bylaws relating to early renewal):

-  Mr. Jacques Espinasse.

Twenty-third Resolution - Appointment of a director

The General Meeting, as a result of the change in the Company's management
structure, upon the proposal of the Management Board and after consultation with
the Appointments and Remuneration Committee, appoints as director, with effect
upon adjournment of this meeting and for a period of six years, this term to end
upon the adjournment of the Shareholders' Meeting that will be called to approve
the financial statements for the financial year ending December 31, 2009
(subject to the provisions of the bylaws relating to early renewal):

-  Mr. Paul-Louis Girardot.

Twenty-fourth Resolution - Appointment of a director

The General Meeting, as a result of the change in the Company's management
structure, upon the proposal of the Management Board and after consultation with
the Appointments and Remuneration Committee, appoints as director, with effect
upon adjournment of this meeting and for a period of six years, this term to end
upon the adjournment of the Shareholders' Meeting that will be called to approve
the financial statements for the financial year ending December 31, 2009
(subject to the provisions of the bylaws relating to early renewal):

-  Mr. Arthur Laffer.

Twenty-fifth Resolution - Appointment of a director

The General Meeting, as a result of the change in the Company's management
structure, upon the proposal of the Management Board and after consultation with
the Appointments and Remuneration Committee, appoints as director, with effect
upon adjournment of this meeting and for a period of six years, this term to end
upon the adjournment of the Shareholders' Meeting that will be called to approve
the financial statements for the financial year ending December 31, 2009
(subject to the provisions of the bylaws relating to early renewal):

-  Mr. Francis Mayer.

Twenty-sixth Resolution - Appointment of a director

The General Meeting, as a result of the change in the Company's management
structure, upon the proposal of the Management Board and after consultation with
the Appointments and Remuneration Committee, appoints as director, with effect
upon adjournment of this meeting and for a period of six years, this term to end
upon the adjournment of the Shareholders' Meeting that will be called to approve
the financial statements for the financial year ending December 31, 2009
(subject to the provisions of the bylaws relating to early renewal):

-  Mr. Serge Michel.

Twenty-seventh Resolution - Appointment of a director

The General Meeting, as a result of the change in the Company's management
structure, upon the proposal of the Management Board and after consultation with
the Appointments and Remuneration Committee, appoints as director, with effect
upon adjournment of this meeting and for a period of six years, this term to end
upon the adjournment of the Shareholders' Meeting that will be called to approve
the financial statements for the financial year ending December 31, 2009
(subject to the provisions of the bylaws relating to early renewal):

-  Mr. Henri Proglio.

Twenty-eighth Resolution - Appointment of a director

The General Meeting, as a result of the change in the Company's management
structure, upon the proposal of the Management Board and after consultation with
the Appointments and Remuneration Committee, appoints as director, with effect
upon adjournment of this meeting and for a period of six years, this term to end
upon the adjournment of the Shareholders' Meeting that will be called to approve
the financial statements for the financial year ending December 31, 2009
(subject to the provisions of the bylaws relating to early renewal):

-  Mr. Baudoin Prot.

Twenty-ninth Resolution - Appointment of a director

The General Meeting, as a result of the change in the Company's management
structure, upon the proposal of the Management Board and after consultation with
the Appointments and Remuneration Committee, appoints as director, with effect
upon adjournment of this meeting and for a period of six years, this term to end
upon the adjournment of the Shareholders' Meeting that will be called to approve
the financial statements for the financial year ending December 31, 2009
(subject to the provisions of the bylaws relating to early renewal):

-  Mr. Georges Ralli.

Thirtieth Resolution - Appointment of a director

The General Meeting, as a result of the change in the Company's management
structure, upon the proposal of the Management Board and after consultation with
the Appointments and Remuneration Committee, appoints as director, with effect
upon adjournment of this meeting and for a period of six years, this term to end
upon the adjournment of the Shareholders' Meeting that will be called to approve
the financial statements for the financial year ending December 31, 2009
(subject to the provisions of the bylaws relating to early renewal):

-  Mr. Louis Schweitzer.

Thirty-first Resolution - Appointment of a director

The General Meeting, as a result of the change in the Company's management
structure, upon the proposal of the Management Board and after consultation with
the Appointments and Remuneration Committee, appoints as director, with effect
upon adjournment of this meeting and for a period of six years, this term to end
upon the adjournment of the Shareholders' Meeting that will be called to approve
the financial statements for the financial year ending December 31, 2009
(subject to the provisions of the bylaws relating to early renewal):

-  Mr. Murray Stewart.

Thirty-second Resolution - Determination of directors' fees granted to the Board
of Directors

The General Meeting, having taken note of the Report of the Management Board,
sets at EUR 600,000 the total amount of directors' fees to be divided among the
members of the Board of Directors, for the financial year ending December 31,
2003, this amount to be paid each subsequent financial year until a new decision
is made by the General Shareholders' Meeting.

As a result of the change in the management structure of the Company decided
upon this General meeting, this total amount shall be calculated prorata
temporis for the term of service of the members of the Board of Directors during
the financial year 2003.


Thirty-third Resolution - Powers to carry out formalities

The Shareholders' Meeting grants all powers to the bearer of a copy or extract
of the minutes of this meeting to carry out all legal filing and publication
requirements wherever needed.




By virtue of a resolution of the General Meeting of 30 April 2003, the Company
has the legal form of a public limited company with a Board of Directors
(societe anonyme a conseil d'administration), governed by the laws and
regulations in force and, in particular, the French Commercial Code, as well as
by these articles of association.


The name of the company is:


The abbreviated name is:


In all deeds and documents issued by the [Vivendi Environnement], (Vivendi
Environnement is hereinafter referred to as the "Company") in relation to third
parties, this name must be preceded or followed immediately by the words << a
public limited company with a Board of Directors >> (societe anonyme a conseil
d'administration) and the amount of the Company's share capital.

The Company may, in its commercial activities, use at its convenience its
corporate name and/or the abbreviated corporate name as commercial name.


The object of the Company, directly or indirectly, in France and in all other
countries, is:

-    carrying on, for private, business and public customers, all service
     activities relating to the environment and, more particularly, to water,
     sewage, energy, transport, cleaning, etc.

-    acquiring, taking over and exploiting all patents, licences, trade marks
     and designs relating directly or indirectly to its business activity.

-    acquiring interests in existing or future companies through shares, bonds
     and other securities, whether by subscription, purchase, contribution,
     exchange or any other means, the Company retaining the right to assign such

-    and, in general, all commercial, industrial and financial operations and
     all operations connected with real or movable property, relating directly
     or indirectly to the above-mentioned object and, in particular, issuing any
     guarantee, first-demand guarantee, surety and other securities, in
     particular in favour of any group, undertaking or company in which it holds
     an interest, in the context of its activities, as well as the financing or
     refinancing of its activities.


The registered office of the Company is at 36/38, avenue Kleber, PARIS 75116.

The registered office may be transferred to another location in the same French
departement or in an adjacent departement by a simple decision of the Board of
Directors, subject to ratification of the said decision by the next Ordinary
General Meeting of Shareholders, or to any other location by a resolution of an
Extraordinary General Meeting of Shareholders, subject to the provisions of the
laws in force.


The term of the Company is 99 years with effect from the date of its entry in
the Trade and Companies Register, save in the event of an extension or earlier
winding up.


The capital, which was originally fixed at FRF 250 000, was raised to (euro) 15
million on 9 April 1999.

On the occasion of the Extraordinary General Meeting of 23 December 1999, the
capital was increased by:

-    (euro) 973,279,888, raising it from (euro) 15,000,000 to (euro) 988,279,888
     through the creation of 161,674,400 new B shares with a par value of (euro)
     6.02 each, fully paid up, the 1,000,000 old shares with a par value of
     (euro) 15 each constituting the A shares.

-    (euro) 632,570,000, raising it from(euro) 988,279,888 to(euro)
     1,620,849,888 through the creation of 207,400,000 new C shares with a par
     value of(euro) 3.05 each, fully paid up.

-    (euro) 1,357,595,051.94, raising it from(euro) 1,620,849,888 to(euro)
     2,978,444,939.94 through the creation of(euro) 284,611,122 new D shares
     with a par value of(euro) 4.77 each, fully paid up.

On the occasion of this same Extraordinary General Meeting, the capital was
decreased by:

-    (euro) 10,500,000, bringing it down from(euro) 2,978,444,939.94 to(euro)
     2,967,944,939.94, by reducing the par value of the A shares from (euro) 15
     to(euro) 4.50.

-    (euro) 245,745,088, bringing it down from(euro) 2,967,944,939.94 to(euro)
     2,722,199,851.94, by reducing the par value of the B shares from (euro)
     6.02 to (euro) 4.50.

-    (euro) 76,845,002.94, bringing it down from(euro) 2,722,199,851.94 to(euro)
     2,645,354,849, by reducing the par value of the D shares from (euro) 4.77
     to (euro) 4.50.

Finally, on the occasion of this same Extraordinary General Meeting, the capital
was increased by (euro) 300,730,000, raising it from (euro) 2,645,354,849 to
(euro) 2,946,084,849, by raising the par value of the C shares from (euro) 3.05
to (euro) 4.50.

On the occasion of the Extraordinary General Meeting of 26 May 2000, the capital
was reduced by (euro) 4.50 through the cancellation of one share in order to
permit the restructuring of the share capital, which was decreased to (euro)
2,946,084,844.50, divided into 654,685,521 shares with a par value of (euro)
4.50 each.

On 16 June 2000, following a further restructuring, the capital consisted of
218,228,507 shares with a par value of (euro) 13.5 each.

On 19 July 2000, the Management Board decided to issue 127,946,448 shares with a
total par value of (euro) 1,727,277,048.

On 8 April 2002, the Management Board declared an issue of 817 new shares and
the associated increase in the Company's share capital, which was thus raised to
(euro) 4,673,372,922. This issue of new shares follows the exercise of the
subscription rights attached to the 5,719 stock options issued by the Company
pursuant to the decision of the Management Board of 10 December 2001 in
accordance with the authorization granted by the combined ordinary and
extraordinary general meeting of 21 June 2000.

On 24 June 2002, the Management Board declared an issue of 782 new shares and
the associated increase in the Company's share capital of (euro)10,557, the
capital thus being raised to (euro) 4,673,383,479. This issue of new shares
follows the exercise of the subscription rights attached to the 5,474 stock
options issued by the Company pursuant to the decision of the Management Board
of 10 December 2001 in accordance with the authorization granted by the combined
ordinary and extraordinary general meeting of 21 June 2000.

On 2 August 2002, the Chairman of the Management Board declared an issue of
12,550 new shares and the associated increase in the Company's share capital of
(euro) 169,425, thus increasing the total capital to (euro) 4,673,552,904. This
issue of new shares follows the exercise of the subscription rights attached to
the 87,850 stock options issued by the Company pursuant to the decision of the
Management Board of 10 December 2001 in accordance with the authorization
granted by the combined ordinary and extraordinary general meeting of 21 June

On 2 August 2002, the Chairman of the Management Board also declared an issue of
57,698,184 new shares and the associated increase in the Company's share capital
of (euro) 778,925,484, thus increasing the total capital to (euro)
5,452,478,388. This issue of new shares follows the completion of the capital
increase decided by the Chairman of the Management Board on 25 June 2002 based
on powers sub-delegated to him by the Management Board during its meeting of 24
June 2002, the Management Board itself acting pursuant to powers delegated to it
by the combined ordinary and extraordinary general meeting of 25 April 2002 and
after prior authorization of the Supervisory Board on 17 June 2002, in
accordance with the articles of association.

On 31 December 2002, the Chairman of the Management Board declared an issue of
1,183,158 new shares and the associated increase in the Company's share capital
of (euro) 15,972,633, thus increasing the total capital to (euro) 5,468,451,021.
This issue of new shares follows a capital increase reserved for members of the
Vivendi Environnement Groupe Savings Plan, the terms and conditions of which
were specified by the Chairman of the Management Board on 27 June 2002 based on
powers sub-delegated to him by the Management Board during its meeting of 24
June 2002, the Management Board itself acting pursuant to powers granted to it
by the combined ordinary and extraordinary general meeting of 25 April 2002 and
after prior authorization of the Supervisory Board on 17 June 2002, in
accordance with the articles of association.

On 24 March 2003, the Management Board declared an issue of 13 new shares and
the associated increase in the Company's share capital of (euro) 175.50, the
capital thus being raised to (euro) 5,468,451,196.50. This issue of new shares
follows the exercise of the subscription rights attached to 91 stock options
issued by the Company pursuant to the decision of the Management Board of 10
December 2001 in accordance with the authorization granted by the combined
ordinary and extraordinary general meeting of 21 June 2000.


The capital is set at (euro) 5,468,451,196.50, divided into 405,070,459 shares
with a par value of (euro) 13.5 each.


The shares are issued and paid up in accordance with the provisions of the law.


A)    When the shares are fully paid up, they may be in registered or bearer
      form, at the discretion of the shareholder, subject to any contrary
      provision of the laws and regulations in force. Until the shares are fully
      paid up, they must be in registered form.

      The shares are entered in their owner's name in the Company's books or
      with an approved intermediary, in accordance with the conditions and
      modalities laid down by law.

      When the domicile of the owner of the securities is not in the French
      territory, any intermediary may be registered on behalf of such owner.
      Such registration may be made in a collective account or in several
      individual accounts, each corresponding to one owner.

      The registered intermediary is obliged, when its account is opened with
      either the issuing company or the approved financial intermediary-account
      keeper, to declare that it is an intermediary holding securities on behalf
      of someone else, in accordance with the provisions of law and regulations.

      In order to identify holders of bearer securities, the Company shall have
      the right, within the provisions of law and regulations and subject to the
      sanctions of the French Commercial Code, to request at any time that any
      organisation or intermediary provide whatever information may be needed to
      identify shareholders or owners of Company securities that confer a right,
      immediately or after a time, to vote in its meetings of shareholders and,
      in particular, to determine the number of securities held by each of them.

      For registered securities that provide access to the capital, immediately
      or after a time, the intermediary registered under the conditions provided
      for by the French Commercial Code is obliged to disclose the identity of
      the owners of such securities, upon simple request of the Company or its
      agent, which may be presented at any time. Following the information
      request referred to above, the Company may ask any legal entity owning
      such shares and owning interests exceeding 2.5% of the capital or voting
      rights, to provide the identities of the persons directly or indirectly
      holding more than one-third of the capital or voting rights of the legal
      entity that owns the Company's shares. Non-compliance by holders of
      securities or intermediaries with the obligation described above to
      communicate information may, under the conditions established by law, lead
      to the suspension, or even the removal, of the voting right and the right
      to receive the dividend attached to the shares.

B)    In addition to the thresholds provided for by laws and regulations in
      force, any person, whether acting alone or in concert, who comes to own or
      ceases to own, directly or indirectly, a fraction - of the capital or
      voting rights or of securities giving access to the capital of the Company
      after a time - equal to or greater than 0.5 % or a multiple of this
      fraction, shall be required to notify the Company by registered letter
      with return receipt, within a period of fifteen days from the date on
      which one of these thresholds is crossed, specifying its own identity and
      that of the persons acting in concert with it, and the total number of
      shares, voting rights or securities giving access to the capital after a
      time, which the said person possesses alone, directly or indirectly or in

      Failure to comply with the foregoing provisions shall be penalised, upon
      request of one or more shareholders holding at least o.5% of the capital
      of the Company, by the removal of the voting rights of the shares that are
      not declared in respect of each Shareholders' Meeting until the second
      anniversary of the date the required notice is given. Any penalty request
      shall be noted in the minutes of the General Meeting.

      The intermediary registered as holder of securities in accordance with the
      third paragraph of Article L.228-1 of the French Commercial Code is
      obliged, without prejudice to the obligations of owners of shares, to make
      the statements provided for in this article, for all the securities for
      which it is registered in an account.

      Failure to comply with this obligation may entail the application of the
      sanctions set forth in Article L.228-3-3 of the French Commercial Code.


The shares shall be freely negotiable, unless otherwise provided in the laws or

The transfer of shares, whether gratuitously or for a consideration, shall be
effected, whatever their form, by a transfer from one account to another, in
accordance with the modalities laid down by law.


1 -  Each share shall confer the right to a portion of the profits or capital
     proportional to the amount of the capital which it represents and shall
     confer the right to vote and be represented in the General Meetings, in
     accordance with the conditions laid down by the law and these Articles of

     Every shareholder shall have the right to be informed about the course of
     the Company's business and to have certain business documents communicated
     at the times and subject to the conditions laid down by the law and these
     Articles of Association.

2 -  The shareholders shall be liable for losses only to the extent of their
     contributions to the share capital.

     Unless otherwise provided by the law or these Articles of Association, no
     majority can impose an increase in their commitments. In the event of any
     change of ownership, the rights and obligations attaching to a share are
     transferred to the new owner.

     Possession of a share automatically implies full adherence to the
     resolutions of the General Meeting and to these Articles of Association.

3 -  Whenever it is necessary to be in possession of a certain number of shares
     in order to exercise some right in the event of an exchange, restructuring
     or allocation of shares, or in the event of an increase or decrease in
     capital, a merger or any other operation, shareholders in possession of a
     number of shares lower than the number required to exercise such rights may
     exercise the said rights only if they themselves obtain the required number
     of shares.

     The shares are indivisible with regard to the Company.


The company is managed by a Board of Directors made up of directors elected by
the General Meeting of Shareholders. The Board of Directors shall consist of a
minimum of three and a maximum of eighteen directors, except for any derogation
from these numbers that may result from the provisions of law.

The directors shall be appointed by the Ordinary General Meeting, and may be
dismissed by it at any time. Each director must be the owner, or must become the
owner within three months of his appointment, of at least 750 registered Company
shares. This provision does not apply to employee shareholders appointed as
directors pursuant to the law, if any.

The members of the Board of Directors shall be appointed by the Ordinary General
Meeting for a term of six years. They may be re-elected. The Board of Directors
will be renewed every three years, such renewal to affect half of the members of
the Board of Directors if the Board is made up of an even number of directors or
half of the members adjusted to the next higher unit at the end of the first
three years if the board is made up of an odd number of directors. For
application of this provision, the withdrawal order of the directors will be
determined during the first meeting of the Board of Directors by the unanimous
vote of the members present or represented or, if the vote is not unanimous, by
drawing lots during the meeting. Once the withdrawal order is established,
renewal will take place by seniority of appointment. The term of office of
directors designated or chosen by lot for withdrawal will automatically become
null and void.

A director appointed to replace another director whose term of office has not
expired, will exercise his duties only for the remaining term of office of his

At the end of each Annual General Meeting, no more than one third of the members
of the Board of Directors in office may be over seventy years old.

Except for termination of the employment contract, resignation, dismissal or
death, the appointment of an employee director shall end at the end of the
Ordinary General Meeting of Shareholders called to approve the accounts for the
prior financial year and held in the year during which the term of office of
such employee director expires.

If one or more positions on the Board of Directors should become vacant due to
death or resignation, then the Board of Directors may make provisional
appointments during the period between two General Meetings. The provisional
appointments made by the Board of Directors shall then be subject to
ratification by the next Ordinary General Meeting.

Each director undertakes to comply with the obligations that become theirs in
this capacity and, in particular, those that limit the number of corporate
offices they may hold.


The Board of Directors shall elect, from among the natural persons who are
members, a Chairman and may, as needed, elect one or two Vice-Chairmen. It shall
determine their term of office, which shall not exceed that of the designated
person's term of office as director. Regardless of the term for which they are
granted, the positions of Chairman and of Vice-Chairmen, if any, shall expire no
later than at the end of the meeting of the Ordinary General Meeting of
Shareholders having considered the accounts for the prior financial year and
held in the year during which the designated person reaches the age of seventy.

The Board of Directors shall determine its Chairman's compensation.

The Board shall be chaired by the Chairman or, if he is absent, by the eldest of
the Vice-Chairmen attending the meeting or, by default, by a director chosen by
the Board at the beginning of the meeting.

In case of temporary impediment or death of the Chairman, the Board of Directors
may delegate to a Vice-Chairman or a director the duties of Chairman for a
limited term. In case of death, this delegation shall be valid until the
election of a new Chairman.

The Chairman of the Board of Directors represents the Board of Directors. He
organizes and conducts the works of the Board, and reports on the work of the
Board to the General Meeting. He supervises the functions of the Company's
management organs and ensures, in particular, that the directors are able to
fulfil their responsibilities.


The Board of Directors shall meet as often as the Company's interest requires.

The directors are convened to the Board of Directors' meetings by the Chairman,
to be held either at the registered office, or at any other place mentioned in
the notice of meeting. The agenda may be determined only at the time of the
meeting. When a meeting has not be held for more than two months, a number equal
to at least one-third of the members of the Board of Directors may ask the
Chairman to call the meeting for a specific agenda. In case of dissociation of
the positions of Managing Director and Chairman of the Board of Directors, the
Managing Director may also request that the Chairman call the Board of Directors
for a specific agenda.

The notices of meeting are made by any means, even orally.

The deliberations are made under the quorum and majority conditions provided for
by law. In case of a tie vote, the Chairman of the meeting shall have the
deciding vote.

Directors attending the meeting by videoconference or any other means that may
be recognized by the law in force are deemed to be present, within the limits
provided for by law, for purposes of calculating quorum and majority.

An attendance register is kept and signed by the directors attending the Board
of Directors' meeting that shall also mention the name of directors deemed to be
present, if any.

The Board appoints the person acting as secretary, who need not be a member.

A director may grant a written proxy to another director to represent him at a
meeting of the Board of Directors. During each meeting, each director may
exercise only one proxy.

The Employees' Committee shall be represented at the Board's meetings under the
terms and conditions provided for by the laws in force.


The discussions of the Board of Directors are described in minutes prepared in a
special register or on numbered loose leaves, under the conditions laid down by
the laws in force. In addition to the information required by law, the minutes
are signed by the Chairman of the meeting and at least one director; in case of
impediment of the Chairman of the meeting, the minutes are signed by at least
two directors.

Copies or extracts from the minutes of the deliberations are certified either by
the Chairman of the Board of Directors, or by the Managing Director, or a Deputy
Managing Director, or by the director temporarily delegated to fulfil the
functions of the Chairman, or by a proxy empowered for this purpose.


The Board of Directors determines the Company's business strategy and supervises
its implementation. Subject to the powers expressly granted to General Meetings
of Shareholders and within the scope of the corporate purpose, it is competent
to consider all issues relating to the functioning of the Company and decides
upon all matters related thereto.

The Board of Directors may carry out such checks and controls as it sees fit.
Each Director receives all information necessary for his assignment and may
require that any documents he considers necessary be provided to him.

The Board of Directors may authorize the Managing Director to grant guarantees,
endorsements and sureties in the Company's name, subject to a total limitation
amount set by the Board,.


The Board of Directors may decide to establish committees to study questions
submitted for their attention by the Board of Directors or its Chairman. It
shall determine the membership and the powers of the committees. The committees
have consultative powers and conduct their activities under the responsibility
of the Board of Directors.

Where applicable, the Board of Directors determines the remuneration of the
members of the committees.

The committees may delegate certain specific assignments to third parties. They
must advise the Chairman of the Company's Board of Directors of their intention
to do so, prior to making such a delegation.


The General Meeting may allocate to the directors, as directors' fees, a fixed
annual sum, the amount of which shall be determined by the General Meeting,
which shall not be bound by the provisions of the Articles of Association or by
prior decisions. The Board of Directors may divide the total sum allocated among
the members at its discretion.

The Board of Directors may also allocate exceptional compensation to the
directors in the circumstances and under the conditions established by law.


The Company's general management shall be assumed, under his responsibility,
either by the Chairman of the Board of Directors, or by any other individual,
whether a director or not, appointed by the Board of Directors and referred to
as the Managing Director. The Board of Directors' decisions relating to the
choices between the two methods by which general management is exercised are
made in accordance with these Articles of Association. The shareholders and
third parties are informed of this choice under the conditions established by

The Managing Director shall have the broadest powers to act under all
circumstances in the Company's name. He shall exercise his powers within the
limit of the corporate purpose and subject to those powers that the law
expressly grants to General Meetings of Shareholders and to the Board of
Directors. He represents the Company in its relations with third parties.

The Board of Directors shall determine the compensation and term of office of
the Managing Director.

Regardless of the term for which it is granted, the term of office as Managing
Director ends no later than at the end of the Ordinary General Meeting of
Shareholders having considered the accounts for the prior financial year and
held in the year during which the Managing Director reaches the age of seventy.

When the Company's general management is assumed by the Chairman of the Board of
Directors, the provisions of the Articles of Association and the law relating to
the Managing Director apply to the Chairman.


Upon the proposal of the Managing Director, the Board of Directors may appoint
one or more individuals to assist the Managing Director, to be referred to as
Deputy Managing Director(s). The maximum number of Deputy Managing Directors
shall be five.

By agreement with the Managing Director, the Board of Directors determines the
scope and term of the powers granted to Deputy Managing Director(s). However,
with regard to third parties, the Deputy Managing Director(s) shall have the
same powers as the Managing Director.

Regardless of the term for which they are granted, the position of each Deputy
Managing Director shall end no later than at the end of the Ordinary General
Meeting of Shareholders having considered the accounts for the prior financial
year in the year during which the Deputy Managing Director reaches the age of

The Board of Directors may dismiss Deputy Managing Directors at any time upon
the proposal of the Managing Director.

Article 21 - AUDITORS

The Statutory Auditor or Auditors shall be appointed and carry out their task in
accordance with the law.


1 -  The collective decisions of the shareholders shall be taken in Ordinary,
     Extraordinary, Special or Combined General Meetings, depending on the
     nature of the resolutions they are called on to pass.

2 -  General Meetings shall be convened and shall deliberate in accordance with
     the conditions laid down by law. They shall be held at the registered
     office of the Company or at any other place indicated in the invitation.

3 -  The right to take part in Meetings is subject:

     -    in the case of the owners of registered shares, to entry of the
          shareholder or the intermediary registered on their behalf, in
          accordance with the law, in the Company's books; - in the case of
          owners of bearer shares, to the dispatch of a certificate of entry
          issued by a bank, financial institution or a stock exchange company,
          or of a certificate evidencing the non-disposability of the bearer
          shares, to the place indicated in the invitation.

The deadline for the completion of these formalities is at 3:00 p.m. (Paris
  time) on the day prior to the date on which the Meeting is held.

4 -  The officers of the Meeting shall certify the accuracy of the attendance
     sheet duly signed by the shareholders and proxies present, to which will be
     annexed the powers granted to each proxy and, where applicable, the postal
     voting forms.

     The shareholders may, under the conditions laid down by law and
     regulations, send their proxy and postal voting forms for any General
     meeting either in paper form or, upon decision of the Board of Directors
     published in the notice of meeting or convening notice, by electronic
     transmission under the conditions set by the notice.

     Upon decision of the Board of Directors to use such telecommunication
     means, published in the notice of meeting or convening notice, shareholders
     attending the meeting by videoconference or telecommunication means that
     allow for their identification shall be deemed to be present for
     calculation of the quorum and the majority, under the conditions provided
     for by law and regulations.

5 -  Meetings shall be chaired by the Chairman of the Board of Directors or, in
     his absence, by the eldest Vice-Chairman present, or by any other person
     they may elect.

     The officers of the Meeting shall be the Chairman, appointed in the manner
     indicated above, and two tellers (scrutateurs). The Chairman shall
     designate a secretary, who need not be a shareholder.

6 -  The deliberations of the Meeting shall be recorded in minutes, signed by
     the officers of the Meeting and entered in a special book in accordance
     with the conditions laid down by law. Copies and extracts of the minutes
     shall be duly certified under the conditions laid down by the law.

7 -  Each time it is necessary to own several shares to exercise a right or for
     purposes of a transaction affecting the capital or working capital of the
     Company, the securities in a number lower than that required grant their
     owner no right against the Company, the shareholders being responsible, in
     such a case, for grouping the necessary number of shares.


The financial year shall begin on 1 January and end on 31 December.


The profit available for distribution shall consist of the net profit for the
year, less previous losses and the various deductions provided for by the law,
plus profits carried forward.

The General Meeting may resolve to distribute sums drawn on the reserves at its
free disposal, expressly indicating the reserve headings from which the drawings
have been made.

After approving the accounts and taking note of the existence of sums available
for distribution (including profits available for distribution and the sums
drawn on the reserves referred to above, if any), the General Meeting shall
resolve to distribute them, wholly or in part, to the shareholders as dividends,
to allocate them to the reserves, or to carry them forward.

The General Meeting shall have the power to grant the shareholders an option to
receive all or part of the dividend made available for distribution or advances
against dividends in the form of cash or scrip, in accordance with the
conditions laid down by law. Furthermore, the General Meeting may decide, for
all or part of a dividend, advance on dividends, reserve or premium available
for distribution or any capital decrease, that this dividend or capital decrease
will be made in kind by delivery of assets of the Company.

The Board of Directors shall have the power to distribute advances on dividends
prior to the approval of the annual accounts, in accordance with the conditions
laid down by the law.

The Extraordinary General Meeting may decide to carry out a capital decrease,
not based on losses, through a decrease in the par value of the share. The
amount of the capital decrease, i.e. the difference between the former par value
and the new par value, multiplied by the number of existing shares, shall be
recorded in an "issuance premium" account; it being understood that this amount
will not be available for distribution. Nevertheless, it may subsequently be
reincorporated into the capital or be used to amortize corporate losses.


At the end of the life of the Company or in the event of earlier winding up, the
General Meeting shall determine the method of liquidation and shall appoint and
determine the powers of one or more liquidators, who shall discharge their
functions in accordance with the law.

Article 26 - DISPUTES

Any dispute which may arise during the life of the Company, or after winding up
during the course of the liquidation operations, whether between the
shareholders, the bodies responsible for management or administration, and the
Company, or between the shareholders themselves in relation to business matters
or the execution of the provisions of these Articles of Association, shall be
referred to the jurisdiction of the competent courts at the location of the
corporate headquarters.


All shareholders may attend the Combined Ordinary and Extraordinary
Shareholders' Meeting regardless of the numbers of shares held.

To be entitled to participate, vote by mail or be represented at the Meeting:

-    Owners of registered shares must be recorded in the Company's share
     register no later than two days prior to the meeting date, and

-    Holders of bearer shares must ask the financial intermediary that manages
     their portfolio to issue a certificate, stating that their shares cannot be
     transferred prior to the date of the Meeting (certificate of
     non-transferability). This certificate must be sent no later than two days
     prior to the date of the Meeting to:

          Societe Generale Departement des titres et Bourse -Service des
          assemblees - 32, rue du Champ de Tir - BP 81236 - 44312 NANTES Cedex 3
          - France.

     Upon request, shareholders will receive an admission card for the Meeting.

Proxy forms and vote by mail forms will be addressed to all owners of registered

Holders of bearer shares who wish to be represented at the Meeting by their
spouse or by another shareholder or who wish to exercise the right to vote by
mail are invited to ask Societe Generale Departement des titres et Bourse -
Service des assemblees - 32, rue du Champ de Tir - BP 81236 - 44312 NANTES Cedex
3 - France or one of the aforementioned establishments for a proxy form or a
vote by mail form.

To be taken into account, vote by mail forms must be returned to Societe
Generale Departement des titres et Bourse - Service des assemblees - 32, rue du
Champ de Tir - BP 81236 - 44312 NANTES Cedex 3 - France no later than two days
prior to the date of the Meeting.

Holders of bearer shares must attach the certificate of non-transferability to
their vote by mail forms.

Requests from shareholders for the inclusion of draft resolutions that meet the
conditions set forth in article 128 of the decree of March 23 1967 must, in
accordance with the law, be sent to our corporate headquarters by registered
mail with return receipt requested within ten days from the date of publication
of the present notice.


         Pursuant to the requirements of the Securities Exchange Act of 1934,
the registrant has duly caused this report to be signed on its behalf by the
undersigned, thereunto duly authorized.

Dated:  April 2, 2003

                                              VIVENDI ENVIRONNEMENT

                                              By: /s/ Jerome Contamine
                                                  Name:  Jerome Contamine
                                                  Title: Chief Financial Officer