WASHINGTON, D.C. 20549

                        REPORT OF FOREIGN PRIVATE ISSUER


                        PURSUANT TO RULE 13a-16 OR 15d-16
                     OF THE SECURITIES EXCHANGE ACT OF 1934

For the month of October 29, 2003

Commission File Number 09929

                               MITSUI & CO., LTD.

                 (Translation of registrant's name into English)

             2-1, OHTEMACHI 1-CHOME CHIYODA-KU, TOKYO 100-0004 JAPAN

                    (Address of principal executive offices)

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Pursuant to the requirements of the Securities Exchange Act of 1934, the
registrant has duly caused this report to be signed on its behalf by the
undersigned, thereunto duly authorized.

Date: October 29, 2003

                                                              MITSUI & CO., LTD.

                                     By:  /s/ Tasuku Kondo
                                        Name:  Tasuku Kondo
                                        Title: Executive Director
                                               Senior Executive Managing Officer
                                               Chief Financial Officer

                                                                October 29, 2003

                                                              MITSUI & CO., LTD.
                                                          2-1, Ohtemachi 1-chome
                                                        Chiyoda-ku, Tokyo, Japan


The Board of Directors of Mitsui & Co., Ltd. (Mitsui), at its meeting on October
29, 2003, decided to purchase the full amount of a third-party placement of new
shares to be issued by its subsidiary Sanyu Koami Co., Ltd., as part of Sanyu
Koami's capital policy.

                           DETAILS OF THE SHARE ISSUE

1.   Schedule for the Issuance of the Shares:
     November 12, 2003: Decision regarding the "third-party placement of
     new shares" to be made at a Special Meeting of Shareholders of Sanyu
     November 27, 2003: Issuance of the shares

2.   Amount of the Third-Party Placement:
     Y20,040 million

3.   Percentage Ownership by Mitsui Following the Share Issue (The figure
     in parentheses is the percentage prior to the share issue.)
     99.87% (97.37%)

4.   Reasons for Underwriting the Shares
     Mitsui purchased a third-party placement of shares issued by Sanyu
     Koami amounting to Y6.5 billion in December 2001 and another such
     issue in the amount of Y4.0 billion in September 2002 and has taken
     steps to strengthen its corporate resilience of Sanyu Koami. To date,
     Sanyu Koami has implemented major restructuring measures, and, as a result,
     its operating income under a Japanese GAAP (*) on a non-consolidated basis
     turned in the black for the year ended March 2003, and it has now restored
     the balance between its revenues and expenses.
     (*) operating income under a Japanese GAAP is gross trading profit minus
     selling, general and administrative expense.

     Based on this awareness of Sanyu Koami's current business position, Mitsui
     has considered the company's increase in capital in the light of the
     capital ratio and outstanding balance of borrowings appropriate for a
     leading nationwide wholesaler and has decided to make an increase in the
     company's capital as well as to continue to nurture and strengthen Sanyu
     Koami's position as a core company within the operations of Mitsui's Foods

     Following the capital increase, Sanyu Koami is scheduled to use the
     proceeds to repay borrowings from financial institutions and is not
     scheduled to make any major purchases of assets for its business activities
     in the near future. However, to differentiate itself from competitors and
     provide more well-organized functions and services, the company is
     considering future investments in distribution/logistics facilities in the
     Tokyo metropolitan area and investments in facilities to enhance the
     sophistication of its IT systems.

5.   Future Development of Sanyu Koami and Its Positioning vis-a-vis Mitsui.
     The improvement in Sanyu Koami's financial position will add momentum to
     the company's efforts to implement cross-merchandising in its areas of
     strength, which include processed food products, alcoholic beverages, and
     pet foods; expand its transactions with the Ito-Yokado Group; and increase
     its transactions in the industrial market segments, including delicatessen
     items and restaurant supplies, while also expanding business with leading
     supermarkets. Along with these activities, on April 1 this year, Sanyu
     Koami formed organizational units to establish a position in the
     temperature-controlled segment of the food products business. The company
     is now implementing aggressive policies in this business area, where market
     growth is expected in the years ahead. Through these various activities,
     Sanyu Koami is working to strengthen its marketing capabilities to increase
     its total trading transactions on a non-consolidated basis from Y473.4
     billion for the year ended March 2003 to Y580 billion for the year ending
     March 2006. In addition, the company will be working to strengthen its
     management base with the goal of raising its profitability to a level
     comparable with its major competitors by March 2006.

     Mitsui has positioned Sanyu Koami as a core subsidiary in the food products
     field, where customer orientation is becoming an increasingly important
     factor, and is working to further strengthen its distribution/logistics,
     IT, and marketing functions and capabilities. Moreover, many of the
     companies that Mitsui's Foods Unit supplies with raw materials are
     suppliers (product manufacturers) of the items that Sanyu Koami procures.
     Therefore, by strengthening its position in the intermediate distribution
     area, with Sanyu Koami as the core company, Mitsui's Foods Unit will aim to
     further enhance its upstream position.

                                               Inquiries should be addressed to:
                                                                Yoshikazu Hiraki
                                               Corporate Communications Division
                                                              Mitsui & Co., Ltd.
                          Telephone: +81-3-3285-7533, Facsimile: +81-3-3285-9819