Pleasanton, CA – Drivers found with a blood alcohol content (BAC) of +0.08% or under the influence of prescription/over-the-counter drugs are arrested and charged with driving under the influence (DUI). When facing a DUI charge, it’s necessary to understand that a conviction can lead to administrative and criminal penalties such as jail/prison time, community service, vehicle impound, ignition interlock devices, SCRAM bracelets, and hefty fines. Once arrested in Alameda or Contra Costa County, a person has ten days to request an administrative hearing where they dispute their automatic license suspension. With a DUI for drugs and alcohol, it is important for a person to take appropriate actions to avoid being convicted, and this process can start with reaching out to Gorelick Law Offices for assistance.
Attorney Lynn Gorelick is a knowledgeable DUI Lawyer in Pleasanton with 38 years of criminal defense experience. She appears in court with her clients from beginning to end and gives constant updates, ensuring they receive the kind of attention they need during a stressful time. Whether a client faces a DUI accident, felony/multiple DUI charges, vehicular manslaughter, child endangerment, or injury DUI, they can contact Attorney Lynn for representation. She examines a case by hearing a client’s story before conducting extensive investigations or creating a custom legal strategy. She may dispute BAC readings, field sobriety tests, faux pas hearings, and law enforcement conduct in court proceedings.

Like most states, California prohibits the possession and consumption of an open container of alcohol in public areas and in automobiles. However, where a license was issued to hold/distribute alcohol or where the possession of the container was for recycling, individuals don’t face infractions or penalties. Gorelick Law Offices identifies if the police have probable cause to search the vehicle, the alcohol wasn’t in the passenger compartment, and the driver was licensed to transport passengers for hire. As an experienced open container lawyer, Lynn Gorelick is familiar with the state and local alcohol and DUI laws and understands the science required to fight open container charges.
Tourists and employees with out-of-state driver’s licenses arrested for DUI in California can talk to the attorney to know their legal options. She offers guidance on DMV hearings, consequences of home states, driving privileges, court appearances in California, DUI for college students, and many more. As a veteran Bay Area Computer crimes lawyer, Lynn Gorelick has the knowledge and skill to defend clients against theft offenses, license suspension, probation violations, domestic violence, drug crimes, assault, and battery. She has appeared in all courts in Northern California and established her reputation as a fierce advocate for her clients using all possible defenses.
Schedule a confidential consultation by calling (925) 847-3006 or visiting the firm’s website. Gorelick Law Offices is at 4900 Hopyard Rd Suite 100, Pleasanton, CA, 94588, US.
Media Contact

Company Name
Gorelick Law Offices
Contact Name
Lynn Gorelick
+1 925-847-3006
4900 Hopyard Rd Suite 100
Postal Code
United States