Churches of Scientology in Europe encourage members to continue contributing to World Environment Day
BRUSSELS, BELGIUM, June 2, 2022 / -- With its 2022 motto “Only One Earth,” World Environment Day organizers recognize that sustainability depends on individual choices.
Scientology Churches mark the 50th anniversary of World Environment Day June 5 by emphasizing personal accountability as the key to safeguarding the environment.
“You are listened to. You can influence others,” wrote L. Ron Hubbard in the first chapter of The Way to Happiness, a common-sense guide to better living and modern-day moral code applicable to people of all faiths or none.
Ivan Arjona, President of the European Office of the Church of Scientology for Public Affairs and Human Rights, took the opportunity to send a message to European members of the Church and everybody else saying that "[you] as a member is this one world, have persona and group interest in making this planet sustainable so it last in increasing better conditions for the generations to come. Comfort and productivity are not enemies of environment, but can be a push it make it better while improving our environment, rather than destroying it in the name of comfort and production. Let's do what is good, not what is 'easy'". Additionally, Arjona asked them to "increase the park clean ups, and their research and innovation on green technologies".
Churches and Scientologists are emphasizing two precepts in keeping with this year’s World Environment Day slogan, “We have #Only One Earth. Let's take care of it.”
“Agriculture is in my veins,” states Hungary native Scientologist Peter Vajda. His fond memories of apple picking in his grandfather’s orchard contributed to Peter’s current profession as an agricultural engineer. But it wasn’t until he graduated from college that Peter realized in 60 years there may very well be no apples—or any kind of life, for that matter. "The heavy use of chemicals and pesticides is leading to the rapid desertification of the world’s best farmlands" said Vajda, creating an imminent threat of destruction for all life-forms on Earth. Then he learned of a game changer—what would later be called “Phylazonit,” a technology to reintroduce beneficial bacteria into the soil. Peter began working for a company at the forefront of soil rejuvenation and eventually became the Chief Executive Officer. With Peter at the helm, driving the research and development, and Phylazonit’s ability to transform dead ground into new growth, the product’s popularity is spreading around the world, along with a hope that our farmlands and our food production can be brought back from the brink of extinction.
This vision comes the application of the two precepts from The Way to Happiness : Set a Good Example, and Safeguard and Improve Your Environment
“Cut down too many forests, foul too many rivers and seas, mess up the atmosphere and we have had it,” L. Ron Hubbard wrote in the 12th precept of the book. “The surface temperature can go roasting hot, the rain can turn to sulfuric acid. All living things could die.”
“Man has gotten up to the potential of destroying the planet. He must be pushed on up to the capability and actions of saving it.
“It is, after all, what we’re standing on.”
This year’s World Environment Day campaign emphasizes the need “for collective, transformative action on a global scale to celebrate, protect and restore our planet.”
To raise awareness about the environment and the need to take action, Scientology Churches and Scientologists are organizing community cleanups. As Mr. Hubbard points out in the introduction to The Way to Happiness, “It is in your power to point the way to a less dangerous and happier life.”
And Scientology Churches bring together those concerned about this and other vital issues at open house events and conferences to create maximum impact by coordinated action.
“The answer to this planet’s problems will not be found in the material. Of this there can be no question,” said Scientology ecclesiastical leader Mr. David Miscavige in an overview he presented of the Scientology religion. “For if those solutions can’t prevent war nation to nation, how then can it be expected to answer questions like love, happiness or peace of mind?... What people need are real solutions, real tools to deal with and effectively overcome human problems.”
And one such solution supported by Scientology Churches and Scientologists is The Way to Happiness, which you can watch its video film version on the Scientology Network, available on DIRECTV channel 320 and streaming at , through mobile apps and via the Roku, Amazon Fire and Apple TV platforms.
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