Proxy Statement Pursuant to Section 14(a) of the Securities Exchange Act of 1934 (Amendment No. )
Filed by the Registrant þ
Filed by a Party other than the Registrant ¨
Check the appropriate box:
o |
Preliminary Proxy Statement |
o |
Confidential, for Use of the Commission Only (as permitted by Rule 14a-6(e)(2)) |
þ |
Definitive Proxy Statement |
o |
Definitive Additional Materials |
o |
Soliciting Material Pursuant to § 240.14a-12 |
(Name of Registrant as Specified In Its Charter)
(Name of Person(s) Filing Proxy Statement if Other Than the Registrant)
Payment of Filing Fee (Check the appropriate box)
þ |
No fee required. |
o |
Fee computed on table below per Exchange Act Rules 14a-6(i)(1) and 0-11. |
1. |
Title of each class of securities to which transaction applies: |
2. |
Aggregate number of securities to which transaction applies: |
3. |
Per unit price or other underlying value of transaction computed pursuant to
Exchange Act Rule 0-11 (Set forth the amount on which the filing fee is calculated and
state how it was determined): |
4. |
Proposed maximum aggregate value of transaction: |
5. |
Total fee paid: |
o |
Fee paid previously with preliminary materials. |
o |
Check box if any part of the fee is offset as provided by Exchange
Act Rule 0-11(a)(2) and identify the filing for which the
offsetting fee was paid previously. Identify the previous filing
by registration statement number, or the Form or Schedule and the
date of its filing. |
1. |
Amount Previously Paid: |
2. |
Form, Schedule or Registration Statement No.: |
3. |
Filing Party: |
4. |
Date Filed: |
5245 Hellyer Avenue
San Jose, California
Dear Stockholder:
You are cordially invited to attend the 2009 Annual Meeting of
Stockholders of Power Integrations, Inc., a Delaware
corporation. The meeting will be held on Monday, June 8,
2009 at 10:00 a.m., local time, at our executive offices
located at 5245 Hellyer Avenue, San Jose, California 95138
for the following purposes:
1. To elect our eight nominees as directors to serve until
the 2010 Annual Meeting of Stockholders and their successors are
duly elected and qualified.
2. To ratify the selection by the Audit Committee of the
Board of Directors of Deloitte & Touche LLP as the
independent registered public accounting firm of Power
Integrations, Inc. for the fiscal year ending December 31,
3. To conduct any other business properly brought before
the meeting.
These items of business are more fully described in the Proxy
Statement accompanying this Notice.
Important Notice Regarding the Availability of Proxy
Materials for the Annual Meeting of Stockholders to Be Held on
June 8, 2009 at 10:00 a.m. at 5245 Hellyer Avenue,
San Jose, California 95138
The proxy
statement and annual report to stockholders are available at
The Board
of Directors recommends that you vote FOR the proposals
identified above.
We are mailing to most of our stockholders a Notice of Internet
Availability of Proxy Materials (the Notice) instead
of a paper copy of this proxy statement and our 2008 Annual
Report. The Notice contains instructions on how to access those
documents over the internet. The Notice also contains
instructions on how to request a paper copy of our proxy
materials, including this proxy statement, our 2008 Annual
Report and a form of proxy card or voting instruction card. All
stockholders who do not receive a Notice will receive a paper
copy of the proxy materials by mail. We believe that this
process will allow us to provide our stockholders with the
information they need in a timelier manner, while reducing the
environmental impact and lowering the costs of printing and
distributing our proxy materials.
The record date for the Annual Meeting is April 22, 2009.
Only stockholders of record at the close of business on that
date may vote at the meeting or any adjournment thereof.
By Order of the Board of Directors
Bill Roeschlein
San Jose, California
April 27, 2009
You are cordially invited to attend the meeting in person.
Whether or not you expect to attend the meeting, please
complete, date, sign and return a proxy card, or vote over the
telephone or the internet as instructed in these materials, as
promptly as possible in order to ensure your representation at
the meeting. Even if you have voted by proxy, you may still vote
in person if you attend the meeting. Please note, however, that
if your shares are held of record by a broker, bank or other
nominee and you wish to vote at the meeting, you must obtain a
proxy issued in your name from that record holder.
5245 Hellyer Avenue
San Jose, California
June 8, 2009
Why am I
receiving these materials?
The Board of Directors of Power Integrations, Inc. is soliciting
your proxy to vote at the 2009 Annual Meeting of Stockholders,
including at any adjournments or postponements of the meeting.
You are invited to attend the annual meeting to vote on the
proposals described in this proxy statement. However, you do not
need to attend the meeting to vote your shares. Instead, you may
simply complete, sign and return a proxy card, or follow the
instructions below or in the Notice (as defined below) to submit
your proxy over the telephone or on the internet.
Why did I
receive a Notice in the mail regarding the availability of proxy
materials on the internet?
We are pleased to take advantage of rules of the Securities and
Exchange Commission (the SEC) that allow companies
to furnish their proxy materials over the internet. Accordingly,
we are sending to most of our stockholders of record a Notice of
Internet Availability of Proxy Material (the Notice)
on or about April 27, 2009. All stockholders will have the
ability to access the proxy materials on the website referred to
in the Notice or request to receive a printed set of the proxy
materials. Instructions on how to access the proxy materials
over the internet or to request a printed copy may be found in
the Notice. In addition, stockholders may request to receive
proxy materials in printed form or electronically by email on an
ongoing basis. A stockholders election to receive proxy
materials by mail or email will remain in effect until the
stockholder terminates it.
We intend to mail the Notice on or about April 27, 2009 to
all stockholders of record entitled to vote at the annual
Will I
receive any other proxy materials by mail?
We may (but are not required to) send you a proxy card, along
with a second Notice, on or after May 7, 2009.
Who can
vote at the annual meeting?
Only stockholders of record at the close of business on
April 22, 2009 will be entitled to vote at the annual
meeting. On this record date, there were 26,927,509 shares
of common stock outstanding and entitled to vote.
of Record: Shares Registered in Your Name
If on April 22, 2009 your shares were registered directly
in your name with Power Integrations transfer agent,
Computershare, then you are a stockholder of record. As a
stockholder of record, you may vote in person at the meeting or
vote by proxy. Whether or not you plan to attend the meeting, we
urge you to fill out and return the enclosed proxy card or vote
by proxy over the telephone or on the internet as instructed
below or in the Notice to ensure your vote is counted.
Owner: Shares Registered in the Name of a Broker or
If on April 22, 2009 your shares were held, not in your
name, but rather in an account at a brokerage firm, bank,
dealer, or other similar organization, then you are the
beneficial owner of shares held in street name and
these proxy materials are, or the Notice is, being forwarded to
you by that organization. The organization holding your account
is considered to be the stockholder of record for purposes of
voting at the annual meeting. As a beneficial owner, you have
the right to direct your broker or other agent regarding how to
vote the shares in your account. You are also invited to attend
the annual meeting. However, since you are not the stockholder
of record, you may not vote your shares in person at the meeting
unless you request and obtain a valid proxy from your broker or
other agent.
What am I
voting on?
There are two matters scheduled for a vote:
Election of our eight nominees as directors to serve until the
2010 Annual Meeting of Stockholders and until their successors
are duly elected and qualified; and
Ratification of the selection by the Audit Committee of the
Board of Directors of Deloitte & Touche LLP as the
independent registered public accounting firm of Power
Integrations, Inc. for its fiscal year ending December 31,
What if
another matter is properly brought before the meeting?
The Board of Directors knows of no other matters that will be
presented for consideration at the Annual Meeting. If any other
matters are properly brought before the meeting, it is the
intention of the persons named in the accompanying proxy to vote
on those matters in accordance with their best judgment.
didnt I receive a Notice in the mail regarding the
Internet availability of proxy materials?
We are providing stockholders who have previously requested to
receive paper copies of the proxy materials with paper copies of
the proxy materials instead of a Notice. If you would like to
reduce the costs incurred by us in mailing proxy materials, you
can consent to receiving all future proxy statements, proxy
cards and annual reports electronically via email or the
internet. To sign up for electronic delivery, please follow the
instructions provided in your Notice, or if you received a
printed version of the proxy materials by mail, by following the
instructions provided with your proxy materials and on your
proxy card or voting instruction card, to vote using the
internet and, when prompted, indicate that you agree to receive
or access stockholder communications electronically in future
years. Alternatively, you can go to
and enroll for online delivery of annual meeting and proxy
voting materials.
Can I
vote my shares by filling out and returning the
No. The Notice will, however, provide instructions on how to
vote by internet, by telephone, by requesting and returning a
paper proxy card, or by submitting a ballot in person at the
How do I
You may either vote For all the nominees to the
Board of Directors or you may Withhold your vote for
any nominee you specify. For each of the other matters to be
voted on, you may vote For or Against or
abstain from voting. The procedures for voting are as follows:
of Record: Shares Registered in Your Name
If you are a stockholder of record, you may vote in person at
the annual meeting, vote by proxy using a proxy card (which is
enclosed if you received this proxy statement by mail or that
you may request or that we may elect to deliver at a later
time), vote by proxy over the telephone, or vote by proxy on the
internet. Whether or not you plan to attend the meeting, we urge
you to vote by proxy to ensure your vote is counted. You may
still attend the meeting and vote in person if you have already
voted by proxy.
o To
vote in person, come to the annual meeting and we will give you
a ballot when you arrive.
o To
vote using the proxy card, simply complete, sign and date the
proxy card (which is enclosed if you received this proxy
statement by mail or that you may request or that we may elect
to deliver at a later time), and return it promptly in the
envelope provided. If you return your signed proxy card to us
before the annual meeting, we will vote your shares as you
o To
vote over the telephone, dial toll-free
(8683) in the United States or Canada using a touch-tone
phone and follow the recorded instructions. You will be asked to
provide Power Integrations number and control number from
the enclosed proxy card or Notice. Specific instructions to be
followed by any registered stockholder interested in voting via
telephone are set forth on the proxy card or Notice. Your vote
must be received by 1:00 a.m., Central time, on
June 8, 2009 to be counted.
o To
vote on the internet, registered holders may go to to complete an electronic proxy
card. You will be asked to provide Power Integrations
number and control number from the enclosed proxy card or
Notice. Specific instructions to be followed by any registered
stockholder interested in voting via the internet are set forth
on the proxy card or Notice. Your vote must be received by
1:00 a.m., Central time, on June 8,
2009 to be counted.
Owner: Shares Registered in the Name of Broker or Bank
If you are a beneficial owner of shares registered in the name
of your broker, bank, or other agent, you should have received a
proxy card and voting instructions with these proxy materials or
Notice containing voting instructions from that organization
rather than from Power Integrations. Simply complete and mail
the proxy card or follow the voting instructions in the Notice
to ensure that your vote is counted. Alternatively, you may vote
by telephone or over the internet as instructed by your broker
or bank. To vote in person at the annual meeting, you must
obtain a valid proxy from your broker, bank, or other agent.
Follow the instructions from your broker or bank included with
these proxy materials, or contact your broker or bank to request
a proxy form.
We provide internet proxy voting to allow you to vote your
shares online, with procedures designed to ensure the
authenticity and correctness of your proxy vote instructions.
However, please be aware that you must bear any costs associated
with your internet access, such as usage charges from internet
access providers and telephone companies.
How many
votes do I have?
On each matter to be voted upon, you have one vote for each
share of common stock you own as of April 22, 2009.
What if I
return a proxy card or otherwise vote but do not make specific
If you return a signed and dated proxy card or otherwise vote
without marking voting selections, your shares will be voted, as
applicable, For the election of all eight nominees
for director and For the ratification of the Audit
Committees selection of Deloitte & Touche LLP as
the independent registered public accounting firm of Power
Integrations for its fiscal year ending December 31, 2009.
If any other matter is properly presented at the meeting, your
proxy holder (one of the individuals named on your proxy card)
will vote your shares using his or her best judgment.
Who is
paying for this proxy solicitation?
We will pay for the entire cost of soliciting proxies. In
addition to these proxy materials, our directors and employees
together with representatives of the Altman group may also
solicit proxies in person, by telephone, or by other means of
communication. Directors and employees will not be paid any
additional compensation for soliciting proxies but The Altman
Group will be paid its customary fee of approximately $6,000,
plus out-of-pocket expenses if it solicits proxies. We may also
reimburse brokerage firms, banks and other agents for the cost
of forwarding proxy materials to beneficial owners.
What does
it mean if I receive more than one Notice or set of proxy
If you receive more than one Notice or set of proxy materials,
your shares may be registered in more than one name or in
different accounts. Please follow the voting instructions on the
proxy cards in the proxy materials or Notices to ensure that all
of your shares are voted.
Can I
change my vote after submitting my proxy?
Yes. You can change your vote or revoke your proxy at any time
before the final vote at the meeting. If you are the record
holder of your shares, you may change your vote or revoke your
proxy in any one of the following ways:
o You
may submit another properly completed proxy card with a later
o You
may vote again over the internet or by telephone.
o You
may send a timely written notice that you are revoking your
proxy to Power Integrations Secretary at 5245 Hellyer
Avenue, San Jose, California
o You
may attend the annual meeting and vote in person. Simply
attending the meeting will not, by itself, revoke your proxy.
Your most current proxy card or telephone or internet proxy is
the one that is counted.
If your shares are held by your broker or bank as a nominee or
agent, you should follow the instructions provided by your
broker or bank.
When are
stockholder proposals due for next years annual
To be considered for inclusion in next years proxy
materials, your proposal must be submitted in writing by
December 28, 2009 to our Corporate Secretary at 5245
Hellyer Avenue, San Jose, California
provided, however, that if our 2010 Annual Meeting of
Stockholders is held before May 9 or after July 8, 2010,
then the deadline is a reasonable amount of time prior to the
date we begin to print and mail our proxy statement for the 2010
Annual Meeting of Stockholders. If you wish to submit a proposal
that is not to be included in next years proxy materials
or nominate a director pursuant to our Bylaws, you must provide
specified information in writing to our Corporate Secretary at
the address above by December 28, 2009, except that if our
2010 Annual Meeting of Stockholders is held before May 9 or
after July 8, 2010, notice by the stockholder to be timely
must be received not later than the close of business on the
tenth day following the day on which such public announcement of
the date of such meeting is made. You are also advised to review
our Bylaws, which contain a description of the information
required to be submitted as well as additional requirements
about advance notice of stockholder proposals and director
How are
votes counted?
Votes will be counted by the inspector of election appointed for
the meeting, who will separately count For and
Withhold and, with respect to proposals other than
the election of directors, Against votes,
abstentions and broker non-votes. Abstentions will be counted
towards the vote total for each proposal, and will have the same
effect as Against votes. Broker non-votes have no
effect and will not be counted towards the vote total for any
What are
broker non-votes?
Broker non-votes occur when a beneficial owner of shares held in
street name does not give instructions to the broker
or nominee holding the shares as to how to vote on matters
deemed non-routine. In such cases, the shares are
determined to be present for purposes of determining
whether a quorum is present, but are not counted for purposes of
any vote.
Generally, if your shares are held by your broker as your
nominee (that is, in street name), you, as the
beneficial owner of the shares, are entitled to give voting
instructions to the broker or nominee holding the shares. To do
so, you will need to obtain a proxy form or notice of how to
vote over the internet or by telephone from the institution that
holds your shares and follow the instructions included on that
form or notice regarding how to instruct your broker to vote
shares. If you do not give instructions to your broker, your
broker can vote your shares with respect to routine
items, but not with respect to non-routine items.
Under the rules and interpretations of the New York Stock
Exchange (NYSE), non-routine matters are
generally those involving a contest or a matter that may
substantially affect the rights or privileges of shareholders,
such as mergers or shareholder proposals.
How many
votes are needed to elect directors?
For the election of our eight nominees as directors, the eight
nominees receiving the most For votes (among votes
properly cast in person or by proxy and entitled to vote on the
election of directors) will be elected. Only votes
For or Withheld will affect the outcome.
Pursuant to our Corporate Governance Guidelines, our Board will
nominate for re-election as director in an uncontested election
of directors only those candidates who have tendered an
irrevocable resignation as a director, which resignation shall
be conditioned upon both (A) such director failing to have
received more For votes than Withheld
votes in an uncontested election and (B) acceptance by the
Board of such resignation.
If, in an uncontested election, a director fails to have
received more For votes than Withheld
votes for election, then, within 90 days following
certification of the stockholder vote, the Nominating and
Governance Committee will act to determine whether to accept the
directors conditional resignation and will submit such
recommendation for prompt consideration by the Board, and the
Board will act on the Nominating and Governance Committees
recommendation. The Nominating and Governance Committee and the
Board may consider any factors they deem relevant in deciding
whether to accept a directors conditional resignation.
As a result, although a director who receives more
Withheld votes than For votes in an
uncontested election will be elected as a director, that
director may cease to be a director if the Board determines
that, based on the fact that the director received more
Withheld votes than For votes, and the
other facts the Board may deem relevant, the Board decides to
accept a directors conditional resignation.
How many
votes are needed to ratify the Audit Committees selection
of Deloitte & Touche LLP as our independent
To be approved, ratification of Deloitte & Touche LLP
as the independent registered public accounting firm of Power
Integrations, Inc. for its fiscal year ending December 31,
2009, must receive a For vote from the holders of a
majority of shares voting either in person or represented by
proxy and entitled to vote. If you Abstain from
voting, it will have the same effect as an Against
vote. Broker non-votes will have no effect.
What is
the quorum requirement?
A quorum of stockholders is necessary to hold a valid meeting. A
quorum will be present if stockholders holding at least a
majority of the outstanding shares entitled to vote are present
at the meeting in person or represented by proxy. On the record
date, there were 26,927,509 shares outstanding and entitled
to vote. Thus the holders of 13,463,755 shares must be
present in person or represented by proxy at the meeting to have
a quorum.
Your shares will be counted towards the quorum only if you
submit a valid proxy (or one is submitted on your behalf by your
broker, bank or other nominee) or if you vote in person at the
meeting. Abstentions and broker non-votes will be counted
towards the quorum requirement. If there is no quorum, the
chairman of the meeting or the holders of a majority of the
shares present at the meeting in person or represented by proxy
may adjourn the meeting to another date.
How can I
find out the results of the voting at the annual
Preliminary voting results will be announced at the annual
meeting. Final voting results will be published in Power
Integrations quarterly report on
Form 10-Q
for the second quarter of 2009.
proxy materials are available on the
The letter to stockholders, proxy statement, and annual report
to stockholders are available at
Proposal 1
Election Of
Power Integrations Board of Directors (the
Board) is elected annually at the annual meeting.
Vacancies on the Board may be filled only by persons elected by
a majority of the remaining directors. A director elected by the
Board to fill a vacancy shall serve for the remainder of the
year, and until the directors successor is duly elected
and qualified. This includes vacancies created by an increase in
the number of directors.
The Board presently has eight members, all of whose terms of
office expire at the annual meeting. Proxies may not be voted
for a greater number of persons than the number of nominees
Each of the nominees listed below is currently a director of
Power Integrations who was previously elected by the
stockholders, other than Dr. George. Dr. George
commenced service as a director on March 9, 2009, and was
recommended by a non-management director. If elected at the
Annual Meeting, each of these nominees would be elected and
qualified to serve until the 2010 Annual Meeting of Stockholders
and until his successor is duly elected and qualified, or, if
sooner, until the directors death, resignation or removal.
It is Power Integrations policy to encourage directors and
nominees for director to attend the Annual Meeting. Three of the
current directors attended the 2008 Annual Meeting of
Directors are elected by a plurality of the votes of the holders
of shares present in person or by proxy and entitled to vote on
the election of directors. Unless marked otherwise we will vote
proxies returned to us for the nominees named below. The eight
nominees receiving the highest number of affirmative votes will
be elected. If a nominee receives more Withheld
votes than For votes, then notwithstanding the
election of that nominee, if our Board determines that, based on
the fact that the director received more Withheld
votes than For votes, and the other facts the Board
may deem relevant, our Board may decide to accept the
nominees conditional resignation previously submitted as
required under our Corporate Governance Guidelines. See
How many votes are needed to elect directors? on
page 5 for a description of these guidelines. If any
nominee becomes unavailable for election as a result of an
unexpected occurrence, your shares will be voted for the
election of a substitute nominee proposed by Power Integrations.
Each person nominated for election has agreed to serve if
elected. Power Integrations management has no reason to
believe that any nominee will be unable to serve.
This Proposal 1 is to elect our eight nominees nominated as
directors. The following is a brief biography of each nominee
for director, including age as of March 31, 2009:
Balu Balakrishnan, age 54, has served as president
and chief executive officer and as a director of Power
Integrations since January 2002. He served as president and
chief operating officer from April 2001 to January 2002. From
January 2000 to April 2001, he was vice president of engineering
and strategic marketing. From September 1997 to January 2000, he
was vice president of engineering and new business development.
From September 1994 to September 1997, Mr. Balakrishnan
served as vice president of engineering and marketing. Before
joining Power Integrations in 1989, Mr. Balakrishnan was
employed by National Semiconductor Corporation, a semiconductor
Alan D.
Alan D. Bickell, age 72, has served as a member of
the Board since April 1999. Mr. Bickell spent more than
30 years with Hewlett-Packard Company, a computer-hardware
company, serving as corporate senior vice president and managing
director of geographic operations from 1992 until his retirement
in 1996. Mr. Bickell serves on the board of directors of
the Peking University Educational Foundation (USA).
E. Brathwaite
Nicholas E. Brathwaite, age 50, has served as a
member of the Board since January 2000. Mr. Brathwaite is
currently a partner with Riverwood Capital LLC, an investment
firm and the chief executive officer of Aptina Imaging
Corporation, an imaging-solutions company. He served as chief
technology officer of Flextronics
International Ltd., an electronics company, from 2000 until
2007. In 1995, Flextronics International Ltd. acquired nChip,
Inc., a multi-chip module company, where Mr. Brathwaite
held the position of vice president and general manager of
operations from 1992 to 1996. As a founding member of nChip,
Inc., Mr. Brathwaite was responsible for all manufacturing
and operational activities including wafer fabrication, wafer
test, and module assembly. Before joining nChip, Inc.,
Mr. Brathwaite spent six years with Intel Corporation, a
microprocessor company, in various engineering management
positions in technology development and manufacturing. He is
also a member of the board of directors of Tessera Technologies,
Inc., an electronics, optics and imaging company.
Dr. James Fiebiger, age 67, became a member of
the Board in March 2006. Dr. Fiebiger is currently a
consultant to the semiconductor and electronic design automation
industries. From December 1999 to October 2004, the date
Dr. Fiebiger retired, he served as chairman and chief
executive officer of Lovoltech Inc., a fabless semiconductor
company. Dr. Fiebiger served as vice chairman of GateField
Corporation, a fabless semiconductor company, from February 1999
until the company was sold to Actel Corporation in November
2000. He served as GateField Corporations president and
chief executive officer from June 1996 until February 1999. From
October 1993 to June 1996, he was chairman and managing director
of Thunderbird Technologies, Inc., a semiconductor technology
licensing company. From December 1987 to September 1993, he was
president and chief operating officer at VLSI Technology, Inc.,
a semiconductor company. From August 1981 to August 1985, he was
senior corporate vice president and assistant general manager of
Motorola, Inc. Semiconductor Products Sector, the semiconductor
business of Motorola, a wireless and broadband communications
company. Dr. Fiebiger is a member of the board of directors
of Qlogic Corporation, a storage networking solutions company,
Mentor Graphics Corporation, an electronic design automation
company, Actel Corporation, a fabless semiconductor company, and
Pixelworks, Inc., a fabless semiconductor company.
Dr. William George, age 66, became a member of
the Board in March 2009. From 1999 until June 2007,
Dr. George served as an executive vice president of ON
Semiconductor, a supplier of performance power solutions. From
2007 through his retirement in 2008 he directed the startup of
ON Semiconductors foundry services business. From June
1997 until July 1999, Dr. George served as corporate vice
president and director of Manufacturing for Motorolas
Semiconductor Components Group. Dr. George served as a
Supervisory Director of Metron Technology, a global supplier of
semiconductor equipment and materials, from October 2003 until
it was acquired by Applied Materials, Inc. in October 2004.
Dr. George is a director of Silicon Image, Inc. (SIMG), a
designer and developer of mixed-signal integrated circuits and
Ramtron International Corporation, a semiconductor supplier. He
is also a member of the Sandia National Laboratories Science
Advisory Board and the manufacturing advisory board of Cypress
Semiconductor Corporation. He received a B.S. degree in
Metallurgical Engineering from the University of Oklahoma and a
Ph.D. in Materials Science from Purdue University.
S. Iyer
Balakrishnan S. Iyer, age 52, has served as a member
of the Board since February 2004. From October 1998 to June
2003, Mr. Iyer served as senior vice president and chief
financial officer for Conexant Systems, Inc., a designer,
developer and seller of semiconductor systems solutions for
communications applications. From January 1997 to September
1998, Mr. Iyer served as senior vice president and chief
financial officer for VLSI Technology, Inc., a semiconductor
company. Mr. Iyer also serves on the board of directors of
Conexant Systems, Inc., Life Technologies, a life-science
technology company, Qlogic Corporation, a storage networking
solutions company, Skyworks Solutions, Inc., a wireless
semiconductor company, and IHS Inc., a global provider of
technical information, decision-support tools and related
E. Floyd
E. Floyd Kvamme, age 71, has served as a member
of the Board since September 1989. Since 1984 Mr. Kvamme
has been a General Partner and now serves as a Partner Emeritus
of Kleiner Perkins Caufield & Byers, a venture capital
company. Mr. Kvamme also serves on the board of Harmonic
Inc., a broadband optical networking and digital video systems
company, and two private companies.
Steven J.
Steven J. Sharp, age 67, has served as a member of
the board of directors since 1988, and was elected non-executive
chairman of the board in May 2006. Mr. Sharp is currently
chairman of the board of directors of TriQuint Semiconductor,
Inc., a manufacturer of semiconductor components. He has held
this position since 1992. He served at TriQuint as president,
chief executive officer and director from September 1991 until
July 2002. Prior to TriQuint, Mr. Sharp was associated with
various venture capital and startup semiconductor firms. He
helped start Crystal Semiconductor (now Cirrus Logic, Inc.),
Gazelle Microcircuits, Inc. (now TriQuint Semiconductor, Inc.),
Megatest Corporation (now Teradyne, Inc.) and Volterra
Semiconductor Corporation. He also founded Silicon Architects,
Inc. (which has been acquired by Synopsys, Inc.). Prior to that
Mr. Sharp spent 23 Years with Texas Instruments and
Phillips in the semiconductor industry. Mr. Sharp also
serves on the board of TechAmerica, the Oregon Health Policy
Commission, and the Neuropsychiatric Institute at Oregon Health
Science University.
Board Recommends
A Vote In Favor Of Each Named Nominee.
of The Board of Directors
As required under the Nasdaq Stock Market (Nasdaq)
listing standards, a majority of the members of our Board must
qualify as independent, as affirmatively determined
by our Board. The Board consults with Power Integrations
counsel to ensure that the Boards determinations are
consistent with all relevant securities and other laws and
regulations regarding the definition of independent,
including those set forth in pertinent listing standards of the
Nasdaq, as in effect from time to time.
Consistent with these considerations, after review of all
relevant identified transactions or relationships between each
director, or any of his family members, and Power Integrations,
its senior management and its independent registered public
accounting firm, the Board affirmatively has determined that all
of the directors, other than Mr. Balakrishnan, our
president and chief executive officer, are independent directors
within the meaning of the applicable Nasdaq listing standards.
In making this determination, the Board found that none of the
directors or nominees for director other than
Mr. Balakrishnan had a material or other disqualifying
relationship with Power Integrations. Mr. Balakrishnan, by
virtue of being Power Integrations president and chief
executive officer, is not an independent director.
Regarding the Board and its Committees
The Board has adopted Corporate Governance Guidelines to help
assure that the Board will have the necessary authority and
practices in place to make decisions that are independent of
Power Integrations management. The guidelines are also
intended to align the interests of directors and management with
those of Power Integrations stockholders. The Corporate
Governance Guidelines set forth the practices the Board will
follow with respect to, among other things, Board composition
and selection, Board meetings and involvement of senior
management, chief executive officer performance evaluation and
succession planning, Board committees and compensation and
director education and orientation. The Corporate Governance
Guidelines are available on our website, which is
The Board has an Audit Committee, a Compensation Committee and a
Nominating and Governance Committee.
The following table provides membership information and meeting
information for 2008 for each of the Audit, Compensation and
Nominating and Governance Committees:
Nominating and
Alan D. Bickell
Nicholas E. Brathwaite
R. Scott Brown
James Fiebiger
Balakrishnan S. Iyer
E. Floyd Kvamme
Steven J. Sharp
Total meetings in year 2008
* |
Committee Chairperson |
(1) |
In January 2009, Mr. Brown passed away. Following the
passing of Mr. Brown, Mr. Bickell was appointed to the
Compensation Committee on January 27, 2009. |
(2) |
As of January 29, 2008, Mr. Sharp was no longer a
member of the Nominating and Governance Committee. |
(3) |
Dr. George was added to the Nominating and Governance
Committee on April 21, 2009. |
Below is a description of each committee of the Board. Each of
the committees has authority to engage legal counsel or other
experts or consultants, as it deems appropriate to carry out its
responsibilities. The Board has determined that each member of
each committee meets the applicable rules and regulations
regarding independence and that each member is free
of any relationship that would interfere with his or her
individual exercise of independent judgment with regard to Power
The Audit Committee of the Board oversees Power
Integrations corporate accounting and financial reporting
process. For this purpose, the Audit Committee performs several
functions, including:
evaluates the performance of and assesses the qualifications of
the independent registered public accounting firm;
determines and approves the engagement of the independent
registered public accounting firm;
determines whether to retain or terminate the existing
independent registered public accounting firm or to appoint and
engage a new independent registered public accounting firm;
reviews and approves the retention of the independent registered
public accounting firm to perform any proposed permissible
non-audit services;
monitors the rotation of partners of the independent registered
public accounting firm on Power Integrations audit
engagement team as required by law;
confers with management and the independent registered public
accounting firm regarding the effectiveness of internal controls
over financial reporting;
establishes procedures, as required under applicable law, for
the receipt, retention and treatment of complaints received by
Power Integrations regarding accounting, internal accounting
controls or auditing matters and the confidential and anonymous
submission by employees of concerns regarding questionable
accounting or auditing matters;
meets to review Power Integrations annual audited
financial statements and quarterly financial statements with
management and the independent registered public accounting firm;
reviews and, if it determines appropriate, approves related
person transactions; and
monitors compliance with the Code of Business Conduct and Ethics.
As of the date of this proxy statement, three directors comprise
the Audit Committee: Messrs. Bickell and Iyer and
Dr. Fiebiger. The Board has adopted a written Audit
Committee Charter which can be found on our website at
The Board annually reviews the Nasdaq listing standards
definition of independence for Audit Committee members and has
determined that all members of Power Integrations Audit
Committee are independent (as independence is currently defined
in Rule 4350(d)(2)(A)(i) and (ii) of the Nasdaq
listing standards). The Board has determined that each member of
the Audit Committee qualifies as an audit committee
financial expert, as defined in applicable SEC rules. The
Board made a qualitative assessment of each members level
of knowledge and experience based upon his extensive experience
as set forth above in each of their respective biographies,
including as a senior executive officer with financial oversight
The Compensation Committee of the Board reviews and approves the
overall compensation strategy and policies for Power
Integrations. For this purpose, the Compensation Committee
performs several functions, including:
with respect to the chief executive officer, reviews and
approves all compensation, including incentive-based
compensation and equity compensation awards, and develops or
reviews annual performance objectives and goals relevant to
compensation and awards and evaluates the performance of the
chief executive officer in light of these goals and objectives;
reviews incentive-based compensation plans in which our
executive officers participate, and determines the salaries,
incentive and equity compensation for executive officers, and
oversees the evaluation of management;
approves all employment, severance, or
agreements, special or supplemental benefits, or provisions
including the same, applicable to executive officers;
proposes the adoption, amendment, and termination of stock
option plans, stock appreciation rights plans, pension and
profit sharing plans, stock bonus plans, stock purchase plans,
bonus plans, deferred compensation plans, and other similar
grants rights, participation and interests in our compensation
plans to eligible participants;
approves and periodically reviews the salary, bonus and equity
award ranges for non-executive officers and other employees, and
authorizes the chief executive officer to approve compensation
levels for such non-executive officers and other employees
within such ranges;
reviews and approves such other compensation matters as the
Board or the chief executive officer wishes to have the
Compensation Committee approve;
analyzes, considers and recommends to the Board the compensation
to be paid to our non-employee directors for their service on
the Board and its committees and any changes thereto, other than
compensation received pursuant to automatic equity award grants
under stockholder approved equity compensation plans; and
reviews with management the Compensation Discussion and Analysis
(included in this proxy statement) and considers whether to
recommend that it be included in proxy statements and other
As of the date of this proxy statement, three directors comprise
the Compensation Committee: Messrs. Sharp, Bickell and
Kvamme. All members of Power Integrations Compensation
Committee are independent (as independence is currently defined
in Rule 4200(a)(15) of the Nasdaq listing standards). The
Board has adopted a written Compensation Committee Charter,
which can be found on our website at
Committee Processes and Procedures
The Compensation Committee of the Board determines all
compensation for our executive officers, including our chief
executive officer. The Compensation Committee also administers
our compensation plans, including equity incentive plans, and
makes recommendations to the Board regarding the adoption,
amendment, and termination of these compensation plans. The
Compensation Committee also analyzes, considers and recommends
to the Board the compensation to be paid to our non-employee
directors for their service on the Board and its committees,
other than compensation received pursuant to automatic equity
award grants under stockholder-approved equity compensation
The Compensation Committee has the authority to obtain advice or
assistance from consultants, legal counsel, accounting or other
advisors as appropriate, to perform its duties, and to determine
the terms, costs and fees for such engagements, which are paid
for by Power Integrations. The Compensation Committee also has
full access to all books, records, facilities and personnel of
Power Integrations.
The Compensation Committee meets as often as it deems
appropriate, but not less frequently than once each year to
review the compensation and awards of the executive officers and
other employees of Power Integrations, and otherwise perform its
duties under its charter.
Our chief executive officer reviews with the Compensation
Committee on a regular basis our compensation philosophy and
programs, including named executive officers, so that the
Compensation Committee can recommend any changes necessary to
keep our compensation philosophy and programs aligned with our
business objectives. Mr. Balakrishnan, our chief executive
officer, makes recommendations to the Compensation Committee
with respect to the compensation of the named executive
officers. The Compensation Committee also utilizes an outside
compensation consultant to provide it with advice on competitive
compensation plans. The Compensation Committee considers, but is
not bound to and does not always accept, managements or
the outside consultants recommendations with respect to
executive compensation. The Compensation Committee discusses
Mr. Balakrishnans compensation with him, but
deliberates and makes decisions with respect to
Mr. Balakrishnans compensation without him present.
Mr. Balakrishnan and other executive officers attend some
of the Compensation Committees meetings, but leave the
meetings as appropriate when matters of executive compensation
specific to them are discussed.
The Compensation Committee aligns cash and equity compensation
to market comparables. The Compensation Committee selects peer
companies on the basis of fiscal and business similarities to
Power Integrations. The Compensation Committee analyzes market
compensation practices annually using the most directly relevant
published survey sources available. In 2008, the Compensation
Committee engaged an independent compensation consulting firm,
Meyercord & Associates, Inc. (Meyercord),
to assist in the analysis of compensation survey data. Meyercord
attends Compensation Committee meetings from time to time and
provides peer group analysis, feedback and recommendations to
the Compensation Committee. In addition to survey data, the
Compensation Committee analyzes information reported in peer
companies SEC filings for all elements of compensation,
including salary, cash incentive compensation and equity
Our Board determines outside director compensation, after
receiving the recommendations from the Compensation Committee
and the same independent consultant engaged by the Compensation
Committee and used by the Compensation Committee in connection
with determining executive officer compensation.
A further description of the Compensation Committee processes
and procedures and the specific determinations of the
Compensation Committee with respect to executive compensation
for fiscal years 2008 and 2009 are described in greater detail
in the Compensation Discussion and Analysis section of this
proxy statement.
and Governance Committee
The Nominating and Governance Committee of the Board is
responsible for recommending the nomination of directors to the
Board and for establishing and monitoring our corporate
governance. For this purpose, the Nominating and Governance
Committee performs several functions, including:
evaluates and recommends to the Board director nominees for each
election of directors;
determines criteria for selecting new directors, including
desired board skills and attributes, and identifies and actively
seeks individuals qualified to become directors;
considers nominations of director candidates validly made by
reviews and makes recommendations to the Board concerning
qualifications, appointment and removal of committee members;
develops, recommends for Board approval, and reviews on an
ongoing basis the adequacy of, Power Integrations
corporate governance principles;
assists the Board in developing criteria for the evaluation of
the Board and committee performance; and
considers Board nominees and proposals submitted by stockholders
and establishes any policies, processes and procedures,
including procedures to facilitate stockholder communication
with the Board.
The Board has adopted a written Nominating and Governance
Committee Charter, which can be found on our website at As of the date of this proxy, four
directors comprise the Nominating and Governance Committee:
Messrs. Brathwaite and Iyer and Drs. Fiebiger and
George. All members of the Nominating and Governance Committee
are independent (as independence is currently defined in
Rule 4200(a)(15) of the Nasdaq listing standards).
The Nominating and Governance Committee believes that candidates
for director should have certain minimum qualifications,
including being able to read and understand basic financial
statements, being over 21 years of age and having the
highest personal integrity and ethics. The Nominating and
Governance Committee also intends to consider such factors as
possessing relevant expertise upon which to be able to offer
advice and guidance to management, having sufficient time to
devote to the affairs of Power Integrations, having demonstrated
experience in his or her field, having the ability to exercise
sound business judgment and having the commitment to rigorously
represent the long-term interests of Power Integrations
Candidates for director nominees are reviewed in the context of
the current composition of the Board, the operating requirements
of Power Integrations and the long-term interests of
stockholders. In conducting this assessment, the Nominating and
Governance Committee considers the criteria for director
qualifications set by the Board, as well as diversity, age,
skill, and such other factors as it deems appropriate given the
current needs of the Board and Power Integrations, to maintain a
balance of knowledge, experience and capability. In the case of
incumbent directors whose terms of office are set to expire, the
Nominating and Governance Committee reviews such directors
overall service to Power Integrations during their term,
including the number of meetings attended, level of
participation, quality of performance and any other
relationships and transactions that might impair such
directors independence. In the case of new director
candidates, the Nominating and Governance Committee also
determines whether the nominee must be independent for Nasdaq
purposes, which determination is based upon applicable Nasdaq
listing standards, applicable SEC rules and regulations and the
advice of counsel, if necessary. The Nominating and Governance
Committee then uses its network of contacts to compile a list of
potential candidates, but may also engage, if it deems
appropriate, a professional search firm. The Nominating and
Governance Committee conducts any appropriate and necessary
inquiries into the backgrounds and qualifications of possible
candidates after considering the function and needs of the
Board. The Nominating and Governance Committee meets to discuss
and consider such candidates qualifications and then
recommends a nominee to the Board by majority vote. To date, the
Nominating and Governance Committee has not paid a fee to any
third party to assist in the process of identifying or
evaluating director candidates. To date, the Nominating and
Governance Committee has not rejected a timely director nominee
from a stockholder or stockholders holding more than 5% of our
voting stock. Moreover, pursuant to a litigation settlement,
Power Integrations has solicited nominations for an independent
director from stockholders of Power Integrations who own a total
of 5% or more of the outstanding shares of Power
Integrations common stock, based on
Schedule 13-Ds
Schedule 13-Gs
on file with the Securities and Exchange Commission at the time
of the solicitation.
The Nominating and Governance Committee will consider director
candidates recommended by stockholders. The Nominating and
Governance Committee does not intend to alter the manner in
which it evaluates candidates, including the minimum criteria
set forth above, based on whether the candidate was recommended
by a stockholder
or not. Stockholders who wish to recommend individuals for
consideration by the Nominating and Governance Committee to
become nominees for election to the Board may do so by
delivering a written recommendation to the Nominating and
Governance Committee at the following address: 5245 Hellyer
Avenue, San Jose, California
by January 1 of the year in which such director is to be
elected. Submissions must include the full name of the proposed
nominee, a description of the proposed nominees business
experience for at least the previous five years, complete
biographical information, a description of the proposed
nominees qualifications as a director and a representation
that the nominating stockholder is a beneficial or record owner
of Power Integrations stock. Any such submission must be
accompanied by the written consent of the proposed nominee to be
named as a nominee and to serve as a director if elected.
of the Board
The Board met twelve times in 2008. All directors attended at
least 75% of the aggregate number of the meetings of the Board
and of the committees on which they served, held during the
portion of the last fiscal year for which they were directors or
committee members in 2008.
As required under applicable Nasdaq listing standards, in fiscal
2008, the companys independent directors met in regularly
scheduled executive sessions at which only independent directors
were present.
Communications with the Board
Power Integrations Board has adopted a formal process by
which stockholders may communicate with the Board or any of its
directors. Stockholders who wish to communicate with the Board
may do so by sending written communications addressed as
follows: Power Integrations Board Communication, 5245 Hellyer
Avenue, San Jose, California
Any communication sent must state the number of shares owned by
the security holder making the communication. The communications
will be reviewed by the chairman of the Board. The chairman of
the Board will forward such communication to the Board or to any
individual director to whom the communication is addressed
unless the communication is unduly frivolous, hostile,
threatening or similarly inappropriate, in which case, the
chairman of the Board shall discard the communication.
of Business Conduct and Ethics
Power Integrations has adopted the Power Integrations, Inc. Code
of Business Conduct and Ethics that applies to all officers,
directors and employees. The Code of Business Conduct and Ethics
is available on our website, which is ,
and available in print to any stockholder who requests it.
Requests for printed copies of the Code of Business Conduct and
Ethics can be made by writing to Attn: Investor Relations
Department, Power Integrations, Inc., 5245 Hellyer Avenue,
San Jose, California
Proposal 2
Of Selection Of
Registered Public Accounting Firm
The Audit Committee of the Board has selected
Deloitte & Touche LLP as Power Integrations
independent registered public accounting firm for the fiscal
year ending December 31, 2009, and the Board has directed
that management submit the selection of Deloitte &
Touche LLP as Power Integrations independent registered
public accounting firm for ratification by the stockholders at
the annual meeting. Deloitte & Touche LLP has audited
Power Integrations financial statements since 2005.
Representatives of Deloitte & Touche LLP are expected
to be present at the annual meeting. They will have an
opportunity to make a statement if they so desire and will be
available to respond to appropriate questions.
Neither Power Integrations Bylaws nor other governing
documents or law require stockholder ratification of the
selection of Deloitte & Touche LLP as Power
Integrations independent registered public accounting
firm. However, the Board is submitting the selection of
Deloitte & Touche LLP to the stockholders for
ratification as a matter of good corporate practice. If the
stockholders fail to ratify the selection, the Audit Committee
will reconsider whether or not to retain that firm. Even if the
selection is ratified, the Audit Committee in its discretion may
direct the appointment of a different independent registered
public accounting firm at any time during the year if they
determine that such a change would be in the best interests of
Power Integrations and its stockholders.
The affirmative vote of the holders of a majority of the shares
present in person or represented by proxy and entitled to vote
at the annual meeting will be required to ratify the selection
of Deloitte & Touche LLP. Abstentions will be counted
toward the tabulation of votes cast on proposals presented to
the stockholders and will have the same effect as negative
votes. Broker non-votes are counted towards a quorum, but are
not counted for any purpose in determining whether this matter
has been approved.
Accountant Fees and Services
The following table represents aggregate fees billed to Power
Integrations for the fiscal years ended December 31, 2007
and December 31, 2008, by Deloitte & Touche LLP,
Power Integrations independent registered public
accounting firm (in thousands).
Fiscal 2008
Fiscal 2007
Tax Fees
All Other Fees
Total Fees
(1) |
Audit fees consist of fees billed for professional services
rendered for the audit of our consolidated annual financial
statements and review of the interim consolidated financial
statements included in quarterly reports and services that are
normally provided by Deloitte & Touche LLP in
connection with statutory and regulatory filings or engagements.
Audit fees for 2007 and 2008 include fees for professional
services rendered for the audits of (a) managements
assessment of the effectiveness of internal control over
financial reporting and (b) the effectiveness of internal
control over financial reporting. |
(2) |
Audit-related fees are primarily related to filing the
S-8 statement. |
The following table sets forth the aggregate fees billed to
Power Integrations for the fiscal years ended December 31,
2007 and 2008 by KPMG LLP, Power Integrations former
independent registered public accounting firm (in thousands).
Fiscal 2008
Fiscal 2007
Audit Fees
Audit-Related Fees
Tax Fees
All Other Fees
Total Fees
(1) |
2007 audit-related fees are primarily related to our 2006 Annual
Report on
Form 10-K
and our S-8
Registration Statement. |
All fees described above were approved by the Audit Committee. |
Policy and Procedures
The Audit Committee has a policy to approve in advance the
engagement of the independent registered public accounting firm
for all audit services and non-audit services, based on
independence, qualifications and, if applicable, performance,
and approve the fees and other terms of any such engagement;
provided, however, that the Audit Committee may establish
pre-approval policies and procedures for any engagement to
render such services, provided that such polices and procedures
(a) are detailed as to particular services, (b) do not
involve delegation to management of the Audit Committees
responsibilities, and (c) provide that, at its next
scheduled meeting, the Audit Committee is informed as to each
such service for which the independent auditor is engaged
pursuant to such policies and procedures. In addition, the Audit
Committee may delegate to one or more members of the committee
the authority to grant pre-approvals for such audit and
non-audit services, provided that (1) the decisions of such
member(s) to grant any such pre-approval shall be presented to
the Audit Committee at its next scheduled meeting and
(2) the Audit Committee has established policies and
procedures for such pre-approval of services consistent with the
requirements of clauses (a) and (b) above.
Board Recommends a Vote in Favor of Proposal 2.
of The Audit Committee of The Board*
During 2008, three non-employee directors, Mr. Bickell,
Mr. Iyer and Dr. Fiebiger, comprised the Audit
Management is responsible for Power Integrations internal
controls and the financial reporting process. The independent
registered public accounting firm is responsible for performing
an independent audit of Power Integrations consolidated
financial statements in accordance with generally accepted
auditing standards and to issue a report thereon. The Audit
Committees responsibility is to monitor and oversee these
In this context, the Audit Committee has reviewed and discussed
the audited consolidated financial statements for the fiscal
year ended December 31, 2008 with management and
Deloitte & Touche LLP. The Audit Committee has
discussed with Deloitte & Touche LLP the matters
required to be discussed by Statement on Auditing Standards
No. 114, The Auditors Communication with Those
Charged with Governance, as adopted by the Public Company
Accounting Oversight Board (PCAOB) in
Rule 3200T. The Audit Committee has also received the
written disclosures and the letter from Deloitte &
Touche LLP required by applicable requirements of the PCAOB
regarding the independent accountants communications with
the audit committee concerning independence, and has discussed
with the independent accountants the independent
accountants independence.
Based on its discussions with management and the independent
registered public accounting firm, the Audit Committee has
recommended to the Board of Directors that the audited
consolidated financial statements be included in Power
Integrations Annual Report on
Form 10-K
for the fiscal year ended December 31, 2008.
Audit Committee
Alan D. Bickell
James Fiebiger
Balakrishnan S. Iyer
* The material in this
report is not soliciting material, is not deemed
filed with the SEC, and is not to be incorporated by
reference into any filing of Power Integrations under the 1933
or 1934 Act, whether made before or after the date hereof
and irrespective of any general incorporation language in any
such filing.
Ownership Of Certain Beneficial Owners And Management
The following table sets forth certain information, as of
February 17, 2009, with respect to the beneficial ownership
of Power Integrations common stock by:
each person known by Power Integrations to be the beneficial
owner of more than 5% of Power Integrations common stock,
each executive officer named in the Summary Compensation Table,
each director and director nominee of Power
Integrations, and
all executive officers and directors of Power Integrations as a
The address for each executive officer, director and director
nominee named below is Power Integrations principal executive
offices located at 5245 Hellyer Avenue, San Jose,
Beneficial Ownership
Number of
Percent of
5% Stockholders
Wasatch Advisors,
150 Social Hall Avenue Suite 400
Salt Lake City, UT 84111
82 Devonshire Street
Boston, MA 02109
Lord, Abbett & Co.
90 Hudson Street
Jersey City, NJ 07302
Capital World
333 South Hope Street, 55th Floor
Los Angeles, CA 90071
Named Executive officers and directors
Alan D.
Nicholas E.
R. Scott
Dr. James
Dr. William George
Balakrishnan S.
E. Floyd
Steven J.
All directors and current executive officers as a group
(16 persons)(21)
* |
Less than 1%. |
(1) |
Power Integrations believes that the persons named in the table
have sole voting and dispositive power with respect to all
shares of common stock shown as beneficially owned by them,
subject to community property laws (where applicable) and to the
information contained in the footnotes to this table. |
(2) |
A person is deemed to be the beneficial owner of securities that
can be acquired by such person within 60 days upon the
exercise of options to purchase common stock. Generally, options
to purchase common stock of Power Integrations held by executive
officers are immediately exercisable but are subject to vesting.
Options to purchase common stock that are exercised prior to
full vesting are subject to repurchase by us until the common
stock so purchased becomes fully vested. Options to purchase
common stock granted to our directors are not immediately
exercisable. |
(3) |
Percentages are based on 26,941,933 shares of common stock
outstanding on February 17, 2009, provided that any
additional shares of common stock that a stockholder has the
right to acquire within 60 days after February 17,
2009, or April 18, 2009, are deemed to be outstanding for
the purposes of calculating that stockholders percentage
of beneficial ownership. |
(4) |
Based on a Schedule 13G/A filed with the SEC on
February 17, 2009, as of December 31, 2008, Wasatch
Advisors, Inc. held 2,403,996 shares. |
(5) |
Based on a Schedule 13G filed with the SEC on
February 17, 2009, as of December 31, 2008, Fidelity
Management and Research Company a wholly owned subsidiary of FMR
LLC and an investment adviser is the beneficial owner of
3,388,408 shares as a result of acting as investment
adviser to various investment companies. The ownership of one
investment company, Fidelity Growth Company Fund, amounted to
2,961,308 shares of the common stock. Edward C. Johnson 3d
and FMR LLC, through its control of Fidelity and the funds, each
has sole power to dispose of the 3,388,408 shares owned by
the funds. Neither FMR LLC nor Edward C. Johnson 3d, Chairman of
FMR LLC, has the sole power to vote or direct the voting of the
shares owned directly by Fidelity Funds, which power resides
with the Funds Board of Trustees. |
(6) |
Based on a Schedule 13G filed with the SEC on
February 13, 2009, as of December 31, 2008, Lord,
Abbett & Co. LLC had sole power to dispose of (or
direct the disposition of) 1,725,988 shares and vote (or
direct the vote of) 1,482,123 shares. |
(7) |
Based on a Schedule 13G filed with the SEC on
February 12, 2009, as of December 31, 2008, Capital
World Investors held 1,775,200 shares. |
(8) |
Consists of 237,104 shares held by the Balu and Mohini
Balakrishnan Family Trust Dated 6-9-1993, of which
Mr. Balakrishnan is a trustee, and 1,550,941 shares of
common stock issuable upon exercise of options exercisable
within 60 days after February 17, 2009. |
(9) |
Mr. Roeschlein commenced employment with Power Integrations
on June 30, 2008 and succeeded Mr. Torres as Power
Integrations chief financial officer. |
(10) |
Mr. Torres, Power Integrations former chief financial
officer, ceased employment with Power Integrations on
July 21, 2008. |
(11) |
Includes 228,218 shares of common stock issuable upon
exercise of options exercisable within 60 days after
February 17, 2009. |
(12) |
Consists of 12,845 shares held by Mr. Tomlin and his
spouse in a joint account and 55,639 shares of common stock
issuable upon exercise of options exercisable within
60 days after February 17, 2009. |
(13) |
Includes 309,103 shares of common stock issuable upon
exercise of options exercisable within 60 days after
February 17, 2009. |
(14) |
Includes 89,166 shares of common stock issuable upon
exercise of options exercisable within 60 days after
February 17, 2009. 5,000 of such shares were subsequently
issued upon exercise of an option after February 17, 2009. |
(15) |
Includes 77,500 shares of common stock issuable upon
exercise of options exercisable within 60 days after
February 17, 2009. |
(16) |
Includes 94,166 shares of common stock issuable upon
exercise of options exercisable within 60 days after
February 17, 2009. |
(17) |
Includes 30,000 shares of common stock issuable upon
exercise of options exercisable within 60 days after
February 17, 2009. |
(18) |
Consists solely of shares of common stock issuable upon exercise
of options exercisable within 60 days after
February 17, 2009. |
(19) |
Includes 88,333 shares of common stock issuable upon
exercise of options exercisable within 60 days after
February 17, 2009. |
(20) |
Includes 88,333 shares of common stock issuable upon
exercise of options exercisable within 60 days after
February 17, 2009. |
(21) |
Consists of shares held by each executive officer and director,
including: 12,278 shares held by one executive officer who
is not a named executive officer; 442,295 shares of common
stock issuable upon exercise of options to this executive
officer and another executive officer who is not a named
executive officer within 60 days after February 17,
2009; and the shares described in footnotes 8 through 20 above. |
Compensation Plan Information
The following table provides information about Power
Integrations common stock that may be issued upon the
exercise of options and rights under all of the existing equity
compensation plans as of December 31, 2008, which consist
of the Power Integrations 1997 Stock Option Plan, the Power
Integrations 1997 Outside Directors Stock Option Plan, the Power
Integrations 1997 Employee Stock Purchase Plan, the Power
Integrations 1998 Nonstatutory Stock Option Plan and the Power
Integrations 2007 Equity Incentive Plan.
Number of
Number of
Available for
Securities to
Future Issuance
be Issued
Under Equity
Upon Exercise
Price of
Plans (Excluding
Options and
and Rights
Reflected in
Plan Category
Rights (a)
Column (a))(c)
Equity compensation plans approved by security holders
1997 Stock Option Plan
1997 Outside
Directors Stock Option Plan
1997 Employee Stock
Purchase Plan
2007 Equity Incentive Plan
Equity compensation plans not approved by security holders
1998 Nonstatutory Stock Option Plan
Description of 1998 Nonstatutory Stock Option
Plan. Our Board adopted the 1998 Nonstatutory
Stock Option Plan, or the 1998 Plan, in July 1998. The 1998 Plan
was approved by our directors; stockholder approval was not
required at that time and was not sought. The 1998 Plan provided
for the grant of nonstatutory stock options to our employees and
consultants. There were initially 1,000,000 shares reserved
under the 1998 Plan. No additional stock awards were granted
under the 1998 Plan following stockholder approval of the 2007
Equity Incentive Plan, or the 2007 Plan, at the 2007 annual
meeting of stockholders.
Our Board, or a committee appointed by our Board, set the terms
of stock awards granted under the 1998 Plan subject to the terms
of the 1998 Plan. The exercise price of nonstatutory stock
options granted under the 1998 Plan is not less than 85% of the
fair market value of the stock subject to the option on the date
of grant. Options under the 1998 Plan generally terminate three
months after termination of service for any reason other than
death or disability, and six months after termination due to
disability or death. The 1998 Plan shall continue in effect
until the earlier of its termination by the Board or the date on
which all of the shares of Stock available for issuance under
the 1998 Plan have been issued and all restrictions on such
shares under the terms of the 1998 Plan and the agreements
evidencing Options granted under the 1998 Plan have lapsed.
Stock awards generally vest over four years.
Section 16(A)
Beneficial Ownership Reporting Compliance
Section 16(a) of the Securities Exchange Act of 1934
requires our executive officers, directors and persons who
beneficially own more than 10% of our common stock to file
initial reports of ownership and reports of changes in ownership
with the SEC. These persons are required by SEC regulations to
furnish us with copies of all Section 16(a) forms that they
Based solely on review of the forms furnished to us, we believe
that all filing requirements applicable to the executive
officers, directors and persons who beneficially own more than
10% of our common stock were complied with in 2008.
of Directors
Cash Compensation. In 2007, each of our
directors, with the exception of our one employee director,
Balu Balakrishnan, received $5,000 per quarter to serve as
a member of our Board. In addition, the chairman of our Audit
Committee, Compensation Committee and Nominating and Governance
Committee received $5,000, $1,875, and $1,250 per quarter,
respectively, to serve as chairpersons of these committees. Our
non-employee directors received compensation to attend board
meetings via phone or in person of $750 and $1,500,
respectively. The members of our Audit, Compensation and
Nominating and Governance Committees received additional
compensation for committee meeting attendance via phone or in
person of $500 and $1,000, respectively. Non-employee directors
were reimbursed for all reasonable travel and related expenses
incurred in connection with attending Board and committee
These cash compensation arrangements continued in 2008 until
revised by our Board on April 22, 2008. Effective
April 1, 2008, each of our directors, with the exception of
Mr. Balakrishnan, receives $6,000 per quarter to serve as a
member of our Board, and the chairman of our Board receives an
additional $6,250 per quarter to serve in such capacity. In
addition, each chairman of our Audit Committee, Compensation
Committee and Nominating and Governance Committee receives
$5,000, $3,750, and $2,000 per quarter, respectively, for
serving as chairpersons of these committees. Our non-employee
directors receive compensation to attend Board meetings via
phone or in person of $750 and $1,500, respectively. The members
of our Audit, Compensation and Nominating and Governance
Committees who are not the chairperson of the respective
committee receive $2,000, $1,500 and $800 per quarter,
respectively, to serve on these committees. Non-employee
directors are reimbursed for all reasonable travel and related
expenses incurred in connection with attending Board and
committee meetings. In addition, on April 22, 2008, our
Board approved a special one-time additional payment to
Mr. Sharp calculated at $6,250 per quarter multiplied by
the number of quarters beginning from the second quarter of
fiscal 2006 (when he was elected chairman of our Board) through
the first quarter of fiscal 2008.
Stock Option Awards. Additionally, directors
who are not employees of Power Integrations each receive equity
compensation. In 2008, non-employee directors received stock
options to purchase shares of common stock under the 1997
Outside Directors Stock Option Plan (the Directors
Plan). The Directors Plan provides for the automatic grant
of nonstatutory stock options to our non-employee directors over
their period of service on the Board. The Directors Plan
provides that each new non-employee director of Power
Integrations will be granted an option to purchase
30,000 shares of common stock on the date on which such
individual first becomes a non-employee director of Power
Integrations (the Initial Option). Thereafter, each
non-employee director who has served on the Board will receive
an option to purchase 10,000 shares of our common stock,
with such numbers of shares reduced pro rata if such
non-employee director has served on the Board for less than one
year (an Annual Option).
Initial Options to purchase 30,000 shares will continue to
vest with respect to
of the shares on the first anniversary of the date of grant, and
the remaining shares in a series of 24 successive equal monthly
installments thereafter. Annual Options to purchase
10,000 shares will continue to be granted on the
anniversary date of becoming a director for each of our
directors who joined our Board after the date of our initial
public offering, and for the others on the anniversary of our
initial public offering each year. The Annual Options vest
monthly over the 25th through 36th month following the
date of grant.
On January 27, 2009, the Directors Plan was amended to
suspend the granting of Annual Options until December 31,
2009. Beginning in 2009, initial and annual grants are expected
to be made to outside directors primarily under the Power
Integrations 2007 Equity Incentive Plan (the 2007
Plan) as follows (the Directors Equity Compensation
Under the Directors Equity Compensation Program, each current
participant and each individual who would be eligible to
participate in the Directors Plan would be a participant in the
Directors Equity Compensation Program.
The Directors Equity Compensation Program does not affect the
vesting schedules or exercise prices of outstanding options held
by non-employee directors.
Pursuant to the Directors Equity Compensation Program, on the
first trading day of July in each year (the Regular Grant
Date), if a continuing eligible director (other than a new
director) holds options pursuant to which 8,000 or more shares
would vest during the period commencing with the 25th month
and ending with the 36th month following the Regular Grant
Date (the Third Year),
he/she would
not receive a new option grant under the 2007 Plan on that day.
On the Regular Grant Date of each year, if a continuing eligible
director (other than a new director) holds options pursuant to
which less than 8,000 shares (or no shares) would vest
during the Third Year,
he/she would
receive an option under the 2007 Plan to purchase
8,000 shares less the number of such shares. Such shares
would vest monthly during the Third Year.
Each of the Companys outside directors has been granted,
effective April 28, 2009, an option to purchase
between 1,538 and 3,333 shares, such that the timing
of vesting and the number of shares applicable to outside
director options will be more uniform over the next three years.
A new eligible director generally would receive under the 2007
Plan (or, if determined by the Committee, under the Directors
On the first trading day of the month following commencement of
service, an option to purchase the number of shares of common
stock equal to: the fraction of a year (determined by reference
to the number of months) between the date of the directors
appointment to the Board of Directors and the next July 1,
multiplied by 8,000 (the number of shares of common stock
subject to such option would be rounded down to the next whole
share) and such shares would vest on such next
July 1; and
On the first trading day of July following commencement of
service, an option to purchase 24,000 shares vesting
monthly over the three year period commencing on the Regular
Grant Date.
The exercise price per share for the options to be granted under
the Directors Equity Compensation Program is the fair market
value of a share of Power Integrations Common Stock on the
grant date as determined in accordance with the Option
The Directors Equity Compensation Program will remain in effect
at the discretion of the Board or the Compensation Committee.
Compensation of Other
Directors. Mr. Balakrishnan, our chief
executive officer and president, is not separately compensated
for his services as a member of the Board.
The following table shows for the fiscal year ended
December 31, 2008 certain information with respect to the
compensation of all non-employee directors of Power Integrations:
Compensation for Fiscal Year 2008
Alan D. Bickell
Balakrishnan S. Iyer
R. Scott Brown
Dr. James Fiebiger
Steven J. Sharp
Nicholas E. Brathwaite
E. Floyd Kvamme
(1) |
This column represents annual director fees, committee chairman
fees and meeting attendance fees earned in 2008. It excludes
fees paid in 2008 but earned in 2007. |
(2) |
The amounts shown in this column represent the dollar amounts
recognized for financial statement reporting purposes for the
fiscal year ended December 31, 2008 in accordance with
SFAS No. 123(R), excluding an estimate of forfeitures
related to service-based vesting conditions, and thus include
amounts from awards granted in and prior to 2008. Assumptions
used in the calculation of these amounts are described in
Note 5, Stockholders Equity, in our notes
to consolidated financial statements as set forth in our annual
report on
Form 10-K
for fiscal year ended 2008 as filed with the SEC on
March 2, 2009. All grants were made subject to individual
award agreements, the form of which was previously filed with
the SEC. |
(3) |
The following options were outstanding as of December 31,
2008: Mr. Bickell, 115,000; Mr. Iyer, 70,000;
Mr. Brown, 135,000; Dr. Fiebiger, 50,000;
Mr. Sharp, 115,000; Mr. Brathwaite, 95,834; and
Mr. Kvamme, 115,000. |
Grants of Options to Directors The following table sets
forth each grant of options to Power Integrations
non-employee directors during 2008 under the Directors
Plan (and, with respect to Mr. Sharp, under the 2007 Equity
Incentive Plan with respect to a portion of his options),
together with the exercise price per share and grant fair value
of each award computed in accordance with
SFAS No. 123(R) using the Black-Scholes-Merton model.
The Annual Grants to the directors listed below will become
exercisable in twelve equal monthly installments beginning in
the 25th month after the date of grant, subject to the
optionees continued service. The exercise price per share
of all options granted under the Directors Plan is equal to the
fair market value of a share of common stock on the date of
grant. Options granted under the Directors Plan have a maximum
term of ten years after the date of grant, subject to earlier
termination upon an optionees cessation of service.
Grant Date
Fair Value of
Granted in
Price per
Non-employee Director
Grant Date
Alan D. Bickell
Nicholas E. Brathwaite
R. Scott Brown
Dr. James Fiebiger
Balakrishnan S. Iyer
E. Floyd Kvamme
Steven J. Sharp
(1) |
As a result of his passing, Mr. Browns unvested
shares (25,834 shares, including shares from this grant)
reverted back to the Directors Plan. |
(2) |
Includes 3,332 shares granted under the 2007 Incentive Plan
as a result of the exhaustion of shares available for issuance
under the Directors Plan. |
of Executive Officers
Discussion and Analysis
The primary objectives of the Compensation Committee of the
Board with respect to executive compensation are as follows:
1. To attract and retain qualified executive management
2. To fairly compensate executives for the value of work
3. To compensate executives for achieving specific company
goals and objectives
4. To provide equity awards to executives so that each
executive has a meaningful ownership interest in our company
5. To implement executive compensation programs in an
objective and non-discriminatory manner.
To achieve these objectives, the Compensation Committee
implements and maintains compensation plans that tie a
substantial portion of the executives overall compensation
to our companys financial performance and the price of our
common stock. Overall, an executives total compensation is
intended to create an executive compensation program that is set
at levels competitive with the executive compensation paid by
other comparable public technology companies.
Role of our Chief Executive Officer in Determining
Compensation. The chief executive officer
reviews with the Compensation Committee on a regular basis our
compensation philosophy and programs, including with respect to
the named executive officers, so that the Compensation Committee
can recommend any changes necessary to keep our compensation
philosophy and programs aligned with our business objectives.
Mr. Balakrishnan, our chief executive officer, makes
recommendations to the Compensation Committee with respect to
the compensation of the named executive officers. The
Compensation Committee also utilizes an outside compensation
consultant to provide it with advice on competitive compensation
plans. The Compensation Committee considers, but is not bound to
and does not always accept, managements and the outside
consultants recommendations with respect to executive
compensation. The Compensation Committee discusses
Mr. Balakrishnans compensation with him, but
deliberates and makes decisions with respect to
Mr. Balakrishnans compensation without him present.
Mr. Balakrishnan and other executive officers attend some
of the Compensation Committees meetings, but leave the
meetings as appropriate when matters of executive compensation
specific to them are discussed.
Comparative Compensation Analysis and Role of Compensation
Consultant. Power Integrations aligns both
its cash and equity compensation to market comparables. The
Compensation Committee selects peer companies on the basis of
fiscal and business similarities to Power Integrations. The
Compensation Committee analyzes market compensation practices
annually using the most directly relevant published survey
sources available, including surveys from Radford + Consulting
(Radford) and Culpepper and Associates, Inc. which
were used for the 2007 and 2008 compensation analyses. The
Compensation Committee considered peer companies using several
screening factors: (1) annual revenues in excess of
$75 million; (2) similarities among global scope and
complexity of the companys business; and
(3) inclusion in industry-specific categories of
semiconductors and related services, integrated circuits,
semiconductor solutions and computer communications. The peer
group that results from this screening method is large and
diverse enough that the addition or elimination of any one
will not alter the overall analysis. Under this approach, the
peer group used by the Compensation Committee during fiscal year
2008 was the same as fiscal year 2007. The full list of twenty
(20) companies is as follows:
Company Name
(In millions)*
International Rectifier Corporation
Integrated Device Technology, Inc.
TriQuint Semiconductor, Inc.
PMC Sierra, Inc.
Microsemi Corporation
Zoran Corporation
Diodes, Inc.
Silicon Laboratories, Inc.
Semtech Corporation
Micrel, Inc.
Anadigics, Inc.
Tessera Technologies, Inc.
Applied Micro Circuits Corporation
SiRF Technology Holdings, Inc.
Cirrus Logic, Inc.
O2Micro International Limited
Monolithic Power Systems, Inc.
Echelon Corporation
Advanced Analogic Technologies, Inc.
Supertex, Inc.
Power Integrations, Inc.
* |
Represents revenues reported in fiscal year 2008, except with
respect to O2Micro International Limited and Echelon
Corporation, which represent revenues reported in 2007. |
In 2006, the Compensation Committee engaged an independent
compensation consulting firm, Meyercord & Associates,
Inc. (Meyercord), to assist in the analysis of
compensation survey data. Meyercord has consistently been
engaged by the Compensation Committee through 2007 and 2008.
Meyercord attends Compensation Committee meetings from time to
time and provides peer group analysis, feedback and
recommendations to the Compensation Committee. In addition to
survey data, the Compensation Committee analyzes information
reported in peer companies SEC filings for all elements of
compensation, including salary, cash incentive compensation, and
equity compensation.
Timing of Equity Awards. Subject to
business needs, our policy is to grant option awards to new
employees on the first trading day of the month following the
date of hire, and annually to grant continuing employees option
awards on the third trading day following the earnings release
for the first fiscal quarter of each year. All option grants are
set at the closing price on the day of the grant.
The Compensation Committee is not bound by award formulas and is
free to exercise its discretion to adjust cash bonus awards and
equity awards.
Compensation Components
Executive compensation is divided into the following components:
Base Salary. The Compensation Committee
establishes base salaries for our executives based on the scope
of their responsibilities, taking into account competitive
market compensation paid by other companies for similar
positions. Generally, the Compensation Committee believes that
executive base salaries should be targeted at or
above the
50th percentile
of salaries for executives in similar positions and with similar
responsibilities at peer companies in order to attract and
retain qualified executives. The Compensation Committee
generally reviews base salaries annually, and adjusts them from
time to time to realign salaries with market levels after taking
into account individual responsibilities, performance and
experience. The 2006, 2007 and 2008 salaries of each of the
named executive officers are set forth in the table below
entitled Summary Compensation Table.
Annual Bonus. The Compensation
Committee believes that a substantial portion of the annual
compensation for each executive officer should be in the form of
variable incentive bonuses and our policy is to target annual
incentive bonuses at or above the
percentile of peer companies.
This resulted in 2008 cash bonus compensation targets to be 69%
of annual salary for our chief executive officer and
approximately 39% of annual salary for other named executive
officers. The Compensation Committee established this policy and
these targets in order to attract qualified executives, align
their interests with those of our stockholders, and provide
appropriate executive and leadership incentives. Generally, the
Compensation Committee aligns an executives annual target
bonus with the target bonuses of executives with similar
positions in comparable companies. The annual incentive bonuses
are intended to compensate officers for achieving annual
financial goals at the corporate level. For 2008, the
Compensation Committee determined that actual bonus payments
would be based upon revenue, and non-GAAP operating income
performance, as described below. The Compensation Committee made
this decision to emphasize revenue growth and to focus
management on operating performance by excluding the impact of
changes in interest rates, tax rates and share count on income.
The 2008 target bonuses for each of the named executive officers
are set forth in the table below entitled Grants of
Plan-Based Awards in 2008.
2008 Executive Officer Bonus Plan. Each
officer, as described below, was assigned a 2008 target bonus
using the criteria described above. Bonuses were earned based on
company performance against the established revenue targets and
non-GAAP operating income targets of the 2008 Executive Officer
Bonus Plan (the 2008 Plan). The operating income
targets were based on non-GAAP operating income, which excluded
certain expenses, including (a) SFAS 123(R) charges,
(b) specified legal fees and settlements, and (c) any
settlements with the Internal Revenue Service. These items were
excluded because the Compensation Committee reasoned that these
items were not indicative of our core operating performance and
did not relate to achieving the compensation objectives as
discussed above.
Weighting of the target components was as follows:
Non-GAAP Operating Income
Revenue Component of Executives
Bonus: No pay out was made under the 2008 Plan as
actual revenue did not exceed $210 million, the established
minimum amount of revenue as set forth in the 2008 Plan. If 2008
actual revenue had increased above the minimum amount of
revenue, the actual bonus would have increased, up to 100% of
the revenue component of the target bonus when actual revenue
equaled target revenue of $225 million in the 2008 Plan,
and the bonus would have continued to increase thereafter as
actual revenue increased, up to a maximum of 200% of the revenue
component of the target bonus when revenues reached
$240 million.
Operating Income Component of Executives
Bonus: No pay out was made under the 2008 Plan as
actual non-GAAP operating income did not exceed
$45.0 million, the established minimum amount of non-GAAP
operating income as set forth in the 2008 Plan. If 2008 actual
non-GAAP operating income had increased above the minimum amount
of non-GAAP operating income, the actual bonus would have
increased, up to 100% of the non-GAAP operating income component
of the target bonus when actual non-GAAP operating income
equaled target non-GAAP operating income of $53.4 million
in the 2008 Plan, and the bonus would have continued to increase
thereafter as actual non-GAAP operating income increased, up to
a maximum of 200% of the non-GAAP operating income component of
the target bonus when non-GAAP operating income reached
$61.7 million.
Long-Term Equity-Based Incentive
Awards. The goal of Power Integrations
long-term, equity-based incentive awards is to align the
interests of executive officers with stockholders and to provide
each executive officer with an incentive to manage Power
Integrations from the perspective of an owner with an equity
stake in the
business. We further believe that long-term performance is
achieved through a culture that encourages long-term performance
by our executive officers through the use of stock-based awards.
We believe that having a meaningful potential financial gain
through the company stock option plan assists us in retaining
our executive officers and helps align their financial interests
with our stockholders interests. The Compensation
Committee has not set stock ownership guidelines for executives
because in some cases, guidelines would place a financial burden
on the executive. The Compensation Committee considers the
available shares for distribution and determines the size of the
grants of equity-based incentives according to several factors,
including market survey data of peer companies, the
executives past performance and expected future
contribution, the retention value of the executives prior
unvested option grants, Power Integrations growth and
performance outlook, and the option grants provided to
executives in similar positions at comparable companies. The
Compensation Committee does not believe the accounting treatment
of the various types of equity awards should be the primary
basis for making equity award decisions and instead primarily
bases its decisions on executive and company performance and the
practice of competitor companies.
During 2008, the Compensation Committee made option grants to
Power Integrations executive officers as indicated in the
Grants of Plan-Based Awards in 2008 table below.
Each grant allows the executive officer to acquire shares of
Power Integrations common stock at a fixed price per
share. The option grant will provide a return only if Power
Integrations common stock appreciates over the option
term. At the executive level, there is the greatest emphasis on
linking pay to performance to align the interests of the
executives directly with the stockholders. The level of grants
were determined based on peer companies equity usage rates
and equity compensation attributes. Specifically, the Committee
considered the number of shares granted at peer companies, the
relative value of other company shares and the value of the
shares relative to the total compensation of each executive.
On December 31, 2008, Power Integrations completed a tender
offer to exchange for cash certain outstanding out of the
money stock options to purchase shares of Power
Integrations common stock. Each eligible optionee who
validly tendered eligible options received a cash payment in the
amount of $2.00 per share for options granted in 2004 or 2005,
and $4.00 per share for options granted in 2006, 2007 or 2008
(before September 15, 2008). To reduce our stock
compensation expenses and to help retain and to reward Power
Integrations valued executive officers for their services
and contributions to Power Integrations, the executive officers
were allowed to participate in the tender offer along with Power
Integrations other employees.
Other Compensation. Our executives are
party to employment agreements and offer letters
(Employment Agreements) that contain provisions
regarding severance benefits in the event the executive is
terminated without cause or is terminated in connection with a
change in control. These benefits include continued health plan
coverage and extended time to exercise stock options in the
event of termination of employment upon a change of control or
after a set age following an extended amount of service to our
company and accelerated vesting of stock options. The
Compensation Committee approved these employment agreements
because it believes these severance provisions are necessary to
retain our current executives and to attract future executives.
These severance benefits are coupled with non-competition and
non-solicitation obligations intended to protect our proprietary
data that might not be enforceable in the absence of additional
consideration. The severance benefits are also intended to
motivate named executive officers to continue employment with
the company and maximize stockholder value in the event of a
potential change in control. A summary of the material terms of
these Employment Agreements, together with a quantification of
the benefits available under the agreements, may be found in the
section below entitled Summary of Executive
Compensation Employment Contracts and Termination of
Employment and Change of Control Agreements.
and Generally Available Benefit Programs
We annually review the perquisites that named executive officers
receive. Our named executive officers, like our other employees,
are eligible to participate in our employee stock purchase plan.
However, any employee who is a stockholder of more than 5% of
our voting stock is not eligible to participate in the employee
stock purchase plan. In addition, the named executive officers
may participate in the various employee benefit plans that are
generally available to all employees, including medical, vision
and dental care plans; flexible spending accounts for
healthcare; life, accidental death and dismemberment and
disability insurance; and paid time off.
We also maintain a 401(k) retirement savings plan for the
benefit of all of our employees, including our named executive
officers. For fiscal 2008, Power Integrations did not match
employee contributions to the 401(k) plan (if financial results
reached certain thresholds the plan provides matching up to
$3,000 for each U.S. employee). We do not provide specified
retirement programs such as pension plans, or deferred
compensation plans. We provide certain retirement benefits to
the named executive officers, as described below under the
heading Pension Benefits.
Tax Considerations
Section 162(m) of the Internal Revenue Code of 1986, as
amended, limits Power Integrations to a deduction for federal
income tax purposes of no more than $1 million of
compensation paid to certain named executive officers in a
taxable year. Compensation above $1 million may be deducted
if it is performance-based compensation within the
meaning of the Internal Revenue Code. For 2008, no executive was
paid more than $1 million. To date, the tax effects of
Internal Revenue Code Section 162(m) have not been a
material factor in establishing appropriate executive
Executive Compensation Actions
On March 9, 2009, the Compensation Committee approved,
consistent with the compensation philosophy and goals described
above, the following salary and bonus plan (the 2009 Bonus
Salaries and Target Bonuses
Executive Officer
2009 Salary
2009 Target Bonus
(Restricted stock units)
Balu Balakrishnan
Chief Executive Officer
Bill Roeschlein
Chief Financial Officer
John Tomlin
Vice President, Operations
Bruce Renouard
Vice President, Sales
Derek Bell
Vice President, Engineering
The salaries for 2009 remained unchanged from 2008. The
Compensation Committee determined that salaries should not be
changed from 2008 levels both due to the performance of the
company, and as a result of the current economic climate.
The Compensation Committee determined that bonuses would be paid
in restricted stock units, rather than in cash, for 2009. The
Compensation Committee determined to employ the use of
restricted stock units as opposed to cash to reduce cash
expenses and because it believed restricted stock units would
generate stronger incentives to align performance with a higher
price in Power Integrations common stock. As share price
increases, the executives see an increase in the value of their
bonus thus linking the interests of the executives directly with
those of the stockholders. The Compensation Committee set the
number of restricted stock units, consistent with its decision
to keep 2009 salaries constant, to provide the same economic
equivalent target bonus as 2008 target cash bonus assuming a
stock price of $27.00 per share. This per share value was chosen
based upon the historical trading price of Power
Integrations common stock.
Bonus Plan
As with the 2008 Plan, for the 2009 Bonus Plan, the Compensation
Committee aligned the executives annual target bonus with
the target bonuses of executives with similar positions in
comparable companies. The Committee generally does not consider
the effect of past changes of stock price, expected bonus
payouts or earnings under past plans in setting future awards of
executive officers. In addition, incentive compensation
decisions are made without regard to length of service or prior
awards. In 2009, the Compensation Committee attempted to target
the annual incentive bonuses at or above the
50th percentile of peer companies assuming the stock
returned to 2008 levels.
Bonuses, which will be awarded in restricted stock units, will
be earned based on company performance as against the 2009 Bonus
Plans established revenue targets and non-GAAP operating
income targets. The non-
GAAP operating income targets were based on non-GAAP operating
income, which excluded certain expenses, including
(a) FAS 123R expense and (b) any extraordinary
income and or expenses associated with mergers and acquisition
activities, patent lawsuit settlements and IRS settlements.
These items were excluded because the Compensation Committee
reasoned that these items were not indicative of operating
performance and did not relate to achieving Power
Integrations compensation objectives. Weighting of the
target components, consistent with the 2008 bonus plan, is 25%
on revenue, and 75% on non-GAAP operating income.
We believe these metrics are directly tied to our core operating
performance, are key factors in driving stockholder value, and
are important business elements that our executives can
meaningfully influence. By focusing on these metrics, we seek to
align the financial interests of our executives with those of
our stockholders.
Component of Executives Bonus:
No pay out will be made under the 2009 Bonus Plan if the
companys 2009 actual revenue does not exceed at least an
established minimum amount of revenue as set forth in the 2009
Bonus Plan. To the extent 2009 actual revenue increases above
the minimum amount of revenue, the actual bonus increases, up to
100% of the revenue component of the target bonus when actual
revenue equals target revenue in the 2009 Bonus Plan, and
continues increasing thereafter at a slower rate as actual
revenue increases, up to a maximum of 200% of the revenue
component of the target bonus.
Non-GAAP Operating
Income Component of Executives Bonus:
No pay out will be made under the 2009 Bonus Plan if the
companys 2009 actual non-GAAP operating income does not
exceed at least an established minimum amount of non-GAAP
operating income as set forth in the 2009 Bonus Plan. To the
extent 2009 actual non-GAAP operating income increases above the
minimum amount of non-GAAP operating income, the actual bonus
increases, up to 100% of the non-GAAP operating income component
of the target bonus when actual non-GAAP operating income equals
target non-GAAP operating income in the 2009 Bonus Plan, and
continues increasing thereafter at a slower rate as actual
non-GAAP operating income increases, up to a maximum of 200% of
the non-GAAP operating income component of the target bonus.
Non-GAAP Operating
Income and Revenue Targets
The specific revenue and non-GAAP operating income numbers used
with regard to the targets involve confidential trade secrets or
confidential commercial or financial information, the disclosure
of which would result in competitive harm to Power Integrations.
At the time that these goals were set by the Compensation
Committee, they were substantially uncertain to be achieved. The
Compensation Committee believes that the threshold-level targets
cannot be achieved easily, especially in light of the current
economic environment. The Compensation Committee set these
levels, with the advice of its compensation consultant, with
difficulty in attainment levels consistent with 2008; in 2008
the threshold-level targets for non-GAAP operating income and
revenue were not achieved. The target and maximum targets
represent increasingly challenging and aggressive levels of
performance. The Compensation Committee believed that reaching
the target levels for these goals would have been unlikely
without substantial growth of existing business and new business
resulting in market share gains.
In 2009, pursuant to our litigation settlement, we also
implemented a compensation claw-back mechanism with
respect to our compensation of our executive officers that
conditions the earning and payment of any cash or stock bonuses
to executive officers on an agreement to repay a portion of such
bonuses in the event of a restatement resulting from intentional
misconduct by such officers. Specifically, in the event of
intentional misconduct that results in an accounting restatement
of any financial statement filed in the twelve (12) months
prior to the payout of the bonus due to material noncompliance
by the company with any financial reporting requirements of the
federal securities laws, the officers determined by the Board to
have engaged in such intentional misconduct will reimburse the
company the difference between the amount of any bonus received
that was based on the original financial statements and the
amount of the bonus such officer would have received had the
amount of the bonus been calculated based on the restated
financial statements.
The Compensation Committee of the Board of Power Integrations
has reviewed and discussed with management the Compensation
Discussion and Analysis contained in this proxy statement. Based
on this review and discussion, the Compensation Committee has
recommended to the Board of Directors that the Compensation
Discussion and Analysis be included in this proxy statement and
incorporated into Power Integrations Annual Report on
Form 10-K
for the fiscal year ended December 31, 2008.
E. Floyd Kvamme (Chairman)
Steven J. Sharp
Alan D.
1 The
material in this report is not soliciting material,
is not deemed filed with the SEC, and is not to be
incorporated by reference into any filing of Power Integrations
under the Securities Act of 1933 or the Securities Exchange Act
of 1934 Act, whether made before or after the date hereof
and irrespective of any general incorporation language contained
in such filing.
2 On
January 27, 2009, the Compensation Committee was
reconstituted by adding Mr. Bickell to fill the vacancy
created by the passing of Mr. Brown.
of Executive Compensation
The following table shows the compensation awarded to, or earned
by, our chief executive officer, our chief financial officer,
our former chief financial officer and our three other most
highly compensated executive officers serving in such capacity
at December 31, 2008. We refer to these employees
collectively as our named executive officers.
Compensation Table
Incentive Plan
All Other
Name and Principal Position
Balu Balakrishnan
President and Chief
Executive Officer
Chief Financial Officer
and Vice President,
Finance and Administration
Former Chief Financial
Officer and Vice
President, Finance and
John Tomlin
Vice President,
Bruce Renouard
Vice President, Sales
Vice President,
(1) |
With respect to Mr. Balakrishnan: (a) the
Bonus in 2008 was awarded for his work on several
patents that were assigned to Power Integrations; (b) the
Bonus in 2007 was awarded for his work on one patent
application that was assigned to Power Integrations in 2007; and
(c) the Bonus in 2006 was awarded for his work
on one patent that was assigned to Power Integrations in 2006.
With respect to Mr. Torres, this amount reflects payment
which was required under his employment agreement. |
(2) |
The dollar amounts in this column reflect the compensation
expense reported by Power Integrations for awards granted in,
and prior to, the fiscal year ended December 31, 2008 in
addition to the compensation expense reported as a result of
options tendered for payment by the named executive officers in
Power Integrations tender offer completed in December
2008. These amounts have been calculated in accordance with SFAS
No. 123(R) disregarding the estimates of forfeiture and
using the Black-Scholes-Merton option pricing model. Assumptions
used in the calculation of these amounts are included in
Note 5, Stockholders Equity, in our notes
to consolidated financial statements as set forth in our Annual
Report on
Form 10-K
for fiscal year ended 2008 as filed with the SEC on
March 2, 2009. These amounts do not purport to reflect the
value that could be recognized by the named executive officers
upon sale of the underlying securities. In our tender offer, the
following named executive officers tendered options and received
cash payments as follows: Mr. Balakrishnan tendered options
to purchase an aggregate of 150,000 shares at a weighted
average purchase price of $31.15, and received in exchange
$600,000; Mr. Roeschlein tendered options to purchase an
aggregate of 100,000 shares at a weighted average purchase
price of $31.53, and received in exchange $400,000;
Mr. Tomlin tendered options to purchase an aggregate of
157,000 shares at a weighted average purchase price |
of $27.46, and received in exchange $528,000; Mr. Renouard
tendered options to purchase an aggregate of 72,000 shares
at a weighted average purchase price of $28.71, and received in
exchange $288,000; and Mr. Bell tendered options to
purchase an aggregate of 32,000 shares at a weighted
average purchase price of $31.15, and received in exchange
$128,000. See the table immediately below under Grants of
Plan-Based Awards in 2008 for the number of shares subject
to options granted to the named executive officers in 2008. |
(3) |
The dollar amounts in this column reflect the earning of annual
incentive bonuses. |
(4) |
Represents $2,153 for a life insurance premium. |
(5) |
Represents $3,000 contributed by Power Integrations to
Mr. Balakrishnans 401(k) account, and $2,590 for a
life insurance premium. |
(6) |
Represents $3,000 contributed by Power Integrations to
Mr. Balakrishnans 401(k) account, $2,460 for his life
insurance premium, and $4,050 for reimbursement of personal
income tax preparation fees. |
(7) |
Mr. Roeschlein commenced employment with Power Integrations
on June 30, 2008. His employment agreement specifies that
Mr. Roeschlein receives a salary of $250,000 per year with
a target bonus of $80,000 for 2008, prorated from his start
date. Power Integrations granted Mr. Roeschlein options to
purchase 100,000 shares of the companys common stock
at the fair market value as determined on the date of the option
grant. |
(8) |
Represents $586 for a life insurance premium |
(9) |
Mr. Torres ceased employment with Power Integrations on
July 21, 2008. During 2008, Power Integrations did not
grant to Mr. Torres any options to purchase shares of the
companys common stock. Pursuant to his Transition and
Separation Agreement, dated July 23, 2008 and in exchange
for a release of claims, Mr. Torres received severance
benefits, including but not limited to: (i) six
(6) months base salary in effect as of July 21, 2008,
(ii) his targeted 2008 annual incentive bonus (prorated to
July 21, 2008) and (iii) fifty percent (50%) of
his targeted 2008 annual incentive bonus. |
(10) |
Represents $228,116 paid to Mr. Torres as severance and
$1,122 for a life insurance premium. |
(11) |
Represents $3,000 contributed by Power Integrations to
Mr. Torres 401(k) account and $1,683 for a life
insurance premium. |
(12) |
Represents $3,000 contributed by Power Integrations to
Mr. Torres 401(k) account and $1,234 for his life
insurance premium. |
(13) |
Represents $1,565 for a life insurance premium. |
(14) |
Represents $3,000 contributed by Power Integrations to
Mr. Tomlins 401(k) account and $1,812 for his life
insurance premium. |
(15) |
Represents $3,000 contributed by Power Integrations to
Mr. Tomlins 401(k) account and $1,748 for his life
insurance premium. |
(16) |
Represents $1,510 for a life insurance premium. |
(17) |
Represents $3,000 contributed by Power Integrations to
Mr. Renouards 401(k) account and $1,748 for his life
insurance premium. |
(18) |
Represents $3,000 contributed by Power Integrations to
Mr. Renouards 401(k) account, $1,683 for his life
insurance premium and $4,834 for reimbursement of taxes paid to
a foreign country. |
(19) |
Represents $1,554 for a life insurance premium. |
(20) |
Represents $3,000 contributed by Power Integrations to
Mr. Bells 401(k) account and $1,812 for his life
insurance premium. |
(21) |
Mr. Bell was not a named executive officer in 2006. |
Grants of
Plan-Based Awards in 2008
The following table shows for the fiscal year ended
December 31, 2008, certain information regarding grants of
plan-based awards and non-equity incentive plan awards, to the
named executive officers:
All Other
Number of
or Base
Date of
Price of
Grant Date Fair
Estimated Future Payouts Under Non-
Value of Stock
Equity Incentive Plan
and Option
Balu Balakrishnan
Bill Roeschlein
Rafael Torres
John Tomlin
Bruce Renouard
Derek Bell
(1) |
Reflects the date the Compensation Committee determined to make
the grant, such grant to be effective on the grant date
designated in the column to the left, at the fair market value
on the grant date. Grant dates were designated at the time of
the Compensation Committees action, which dates were dates
on which the company was not in possession of material,
non-public information, e.g., the third trading day after
release of earnings. |
(2) |
These columns set forth the threshold, target and maximum
amounts of each named executive officers annual cash bonus
award for the year ended December 31, 2008 under our annual
cash bonus award program. The actual cash bonus awards earned
for the year ended December 31, 2008 for each named
executive officer are set forth in the 2008 Summary
Compensation Table above. As such, the amounts set forth
in these columns do not represent additional compensation earned
by the named executive officers for the year ended
December 31, 2008. For a description of our annual cash
bonus award program, see Compensation Discussion and
Analysis. |
(3) |
No pay out would be made if Power Integrations 2008 actual
revenue and actual non-GAAP operating income did not exceed at
least an established minimum amount as set forth in the 2008
Executive Officer Bonus Plan. Since Power Integrations
2008 actual revenue and actual non-GAAP operating income did not
exceed such established minimum amounts, no pay out for fiscal
year 2008 was made. |
(4) |
Target represents the amount earned if the metrics in the 2008
Executive Officer Bonus Plan were fully met. |
(5) |
Maximum represents the maximum payout under the program, which
is 200% of target. |
(6) |
Stock options were granted pursuant to the 2007 Equity Incentive
Plan and were immediately exercisable. Six months from the date
of grant, 1/8 of the shares subject to the stock option vest,
with the remainder vesting monthly over the subsequent
42 months subject to the optionees continued
employment or service with Power Integrations. Power
Integrations has a right to repurchase shares issued upon the
exercise of unvested options until such shares become vested.
Under the terms of the 2007 Equity Incentive Plan, the
administrator retains the discretion, subject to the 2007 Equity
Incentive Plan limits, to amend the terms of outstanding
options. The options generally have a maximum term of
10 years, subject to earlier termination in certain
situations related to cessation of employment or service. |
(7) |
Represents the grant date fair value of such option award as
determined in accordance with SFAS No. 123(R). These
amounts have been calculated in accordance with
SFAS No. 123(R) using the Black-Scholes-Merton
valuation model. |
The amount of salary and bonus in proportion to total
compensation in 2008 varied by executive but was consistent with
the Compensation Committees objectives with respect to
executive compensation. See Compensation Discussion and
Analysis above for a discussion of our annual bonus
structure and other elements of compensation.
Equity Awards at 2008 Fiscal Year End
The following table shows for the fiscal year ended
December 31, 2008, certain information regarding
outstanding equity awards at fiscal year end for the named
executive officers.
Equity Awards at December 31, 2008
Option Awards
Number of
Number of
Balu Balakrishnan
Bill Roeschlein
Rafael Torres
John Tomlin
Bruce Renouard
Option Awards
Number of
Number of
Derek Bell
(1) |
Except as described in footnote (2) below, options in this
table were granted from the 1997 Stock Option Plan and are
immediately exercisable and vest fully within four years from
the grant date subject to the optionees continued
employment or service with Power Integrations. Such options vest
at the rate of 1/8 on the six-month anniversary of the date of
grant and 1/48 monthly thereafter. Power Integrations has a
right to repurchase shares issued upon the exercise of unvested
options until such shares become vested. Under the terms of the
1997 Stock Option Plan, the administrator retains the
discretion, subject to the 1997 Stock Option Plan limits, to
modify the terms of outstanding options and to reprice
outstanding options. The options generally have a maximum term
of 10 years, subject to earlier termination in certain
situations related to cessation of employment or service. |
(2) |
In 2006, our named executive officers voluntarily amended a
number of the stock options held by them to provide that they
were only exercisable during a specified calendar year. This is
one of the options that were so amended. |
Option Exercises
The following table presents information concerning the
aggregate number of shares for which options were exercised
during fiscal 2008 for each of the named executive officers.
Number of
Acquired on
Realized on
Balu Balakrishnan
Rafael Torres
Bill Roeschlein
John Tomlin
Bruce Renouard
Derek Bell
(1) |
Does not include stock options tendered in our tender offer and
accepted for payment on December 31, 2008, which amounts
are reflected in the summary compensation table. |
(2) |
Represents the difference between the aggregate market price of
the common stock acquired on the date of exercise and the
aggregate exercise price. |
Severance and Change of Control Agreements
Executive Officer Benefits Agreement. On
April 25, 2002, Power Integrations entered into a chief
executive officer benefits agreement with Balu Balakrishnan. The
form of the agreement was approved by the Compensation Committee
on April 18, 2002 and amended by the Compensation Committee
on August 8, 2007 (the CEO Benefits Agreement).
On August 8, 2007, Power Integrations entered into amended
and restated executive officer benefits agreements with its
named executive officers Derek Bell, vice president,
engineering, John Tomlin, vice president, operations and Bruce
Renouard, vice president, sales. In addition, as of
August 8, 2007, Power Integrations entered into an
executive officer benefits agreement with Rafael Torres, Power
Integrations then chief financial officer. On
November 5, 2008, Power Integrations entered into an
executive officer benefits agreement with its current chief
financial officer, Bill Roeschlein. The executive officers
benefits agreements referenced in this paragraph, including the
CEO Benefits Agreement, as amended as the case may be, are
referred to as the Executive Officer Benefits
Agreements, and the executive officers referred to in this
paragraph, are referred to as the Officers.
The Executive Officer Benefits Agreements, as amended as the
case may be, provide for certain benefits, as described below,
acceleration of vesting of stock options upon a change of
control of Power Integrations,
severance benefits in the event of termination of employment by
Power Integrations without cause or resignation by the Officer
for good reason within 18 months after a change of control,
severance benefits in the event of termination of employment by
Power Integrations without cause or resignation by the Officer
for good reason, and
retirement benefits.
A change of control is defined in the Executive Officer Benefits
Agreements as an acquisition by any person of a beneficial
ownership of 50% or more of Power Integrations voting
stock or outstanding shares of common stock, certain mergers or
other business combinations involving Power Integrations, the
sale of more than 50% of Power Integrations assets,
liquidation of Power Integrations, or a change in the majority
of the incumbent members of the Board within a two-year period
(except changes in the Boards composition approved by a
majority of the directors). Cause includes, among
other acts, a material act of theft, dishonesty, fraud,
falsification of records, improper disclosure of confidential
information, or an intentional act by the Officer causing harm
to the reputation of Power Integrations, and good
reason includes, among other acts, a material decrease in
the Officers compensation or benefits following a change
of control, a demotion or material reduction in responsibility
level, or relocation of more than 50 miles from the
Officers current work place or a material adverse change
in working conditions or established working hours which persist
for a period of six months.
Upon a change of control, 50% of Mr. Balakrishnans
then-unvested shares will vest, but if an acquiring company does
not assume the options, 100% of Mr. Balakrishnans
then-unvested shares will vest. With respect to the other
Officers, upon a change of control, 25% of the Officers
then-unvested shares will vest. However, if an acquiring company
does not assume the options, 50% of the Officers
then-unvested shares will vest if the Officer is a new
executive (an executive with fewer than five years of
service to Power Integrations as an executive officer) and 100%
of the Officers then-unvested shares will vest if the
Officer is a senior executive (an executive with at
least five years of continuous service to Power Integrations as
an executive officer). Mr. Bell, Mr. Renouard and
Mr. Tomlin are senior executives and Mr. Roeschlein is
a new executive. Mr. Torres is no longer with the company,
and was a new executive during his tenure at the company.
Pursuant to the Executive Officer Benefits Agreements, new
executives are first eligible for the benefits under such
agreements upon completion of one year of continuous service as
an executive officer of Power Integrations, unless the Board of
Directors or the Compensation Committee determines otherwise. On
October 21, 2008, the Compensation Committee permitted
Mr. Roeschlein to benefit from the change of control
provisions of his Executive Officer Benefits Agreement during
the first year of continuous service to the company as an
executive officer. Mr. Roeschlein will not benefit from the
other provisions of his Executive Officer Benefits Agreement
until completion of one year of continuous service as an
executive officer of Power Integrations. Thus, to the extent the
provisions described in this section do not relate to a change
of control, they apply to Mr. Roeschlein starting on
June 30, 2009.
Mr. Balakrishnan is entitled to severance benefits in the
event that he is terminated without cause or he resigns for good
reason within 18 months after a change of control. These
severance benefits include a lump-sum cash payment equal to
twelve months of his highest annual salary from Power
Integrations plus targeted annual incentive bonus, acceleration
of 100% of all his then-outstanding stock options, extension of
the post-termination stock option exercise period to one year,
and continued medical and dental coverage under the Power
Integrations health plans for twelve months at Power
Integrations expense.
Each Officer other than Mr. Balakrishnan is entitled to
severance benefits in the event that he is terminated without
cause or he resigns for good reason
within 18 months after (i) a change of control or
(ii) the date that Mr. Balakrishnan ceases to serve as
chief executive officer. These severance benefits include a
lump-sum cash payment equal to six months of the Officers
highest annual salary from Power Integrations plus 50% of the
Officers targeted annual incentive bonus (and for a senior
executive, up to an additional six months of salary and 50% of
bonus until such senior executive secures new employment, paid
on a ratable monthly basis), vesting of 50% of then-unvested
shares if the Officer is a new executive, or vesting of 100% of
then unvested shares if the Officer is a senior executive,
extension of the post-termination stock option exercise period
to one year for vested options, and continued medical and dental
coverage under the Power Integrations health plans at
Power Integrations expense for up to six months if the
Officer is a new executive, or for up to twelve months if the
Officer is a senior executive.
In addition, each Officer is entitled to severance benefits in
the event of termination of employment by Power Integrations
without cause or resignation by such Officer for good reason.
Such severance benefits include a lump-sum cash payment equal to
six months (twelve months in the case of Mr. Balakrishnan)
of the Officers highest annual salary plus 50% (100% in
the case of Mr. Balakrishnan) of the Officers
targeted annual incentive bonus, and continued medical and
dental coverage under the Power Integrations health plans
for six months (twelve months in the case of
Mr. Balakrishnan) at Power Integrations expense. In
addition, Mr. Balakrishnan is entitled to vesting
acceleration of 50% of all his then-unvested stock options.
Each Officer is entitled to retirement benefits if he has served
Power Integrations for 15 years and has achieved an age of
50, or has served Power Integrations for 10 years and has
achieved an age of 55, is not employed elsewhere, full time
(other than for an organization described in
section 501(c)(3) of the Internal Revenue Code of 1986, as
amended), or otherwise engaged in Competition (as
defined in the Executive Officer Benefits Agreement) with Power
Integrations, and does not recruit or employ any present or
future employee of Power Integrations. The Officer is entitled
to the extension of his post-termination stock option exercise
period for vested options for the term of the option (not to
exceed five years in the case of Officers other than
Mr. Balakrishnan) and medical and dental benefits for him
and his dependents at Power Integrations expense until he
achieves the age of 65; thereafter, participation in the health
plans would be at the Officers expense. Power Integrations
will use commercially reasonable efforts to provide that the
Officer will continue to be eligible for coverage under Power
Integrations medical and dental plans upon retirement.
These retirement benefits will also become available if an
Officer was eligible for such benefits and his employment
terminates due to death or disability.
The post-termination exercise period for an Officers
vested stock options granted prior to April 26, 2002 will
be extended only if such extension does not require Power
Integrations to incur a compensation expense for financial
statement purposes.
If any of the payments and benefits provided under the Executive
Officer Benefits Agreements in connection with a change of
control (the Payments) would result in a
parachute payment under Section 280G of the
Internal Revenue Code of 1986, as amended, the amount of such
Payments will be either (i) the full amount of the Payments
or (ii) a reduced amount which would result in no portion
of the Payments being subject to excise tax (as defined in the
Executive Officer Benefits Agreements, as amended), whichever
amount provides the greatest amount of benefit to the Officer.
Mr. Torres, Power Integrations former chief financial
officer, ceased employment with Power Integrations on
July 21, 2008. Pursuant to his Transition and Separation
Agreement, dated July 23, 2008 and in exchange for a
release of claims, Mr. Torres received severance benefits,
including: (i) six (6) months base salary in effect as
July 21, 2008, (ii) his targeted 2008 annual incentive
bonus (prorated to July 21, 2008) and (iii) fifty
percent (50%) of his targeted 2008 annual incentive bonus.
The following table provides information concerning the
actuarial present value of retirement health benefits as of
December 31, 2008 for each named executive officer.
Number of Years
Present Value of
Credited Service
Accumulated Benefit
Balu Balakrishnan
John Tomlin
Bruce Renouard
Derek Bell
(1) |
Mr. Roeschlein is not eligible for any benefits under his
Executive Officer Benefits Agreement other than those relating
to change of control until completion of one year of continuous
service at Power Integrations. |
(2) |
Mr. Torres left employment of Power Integrations in July
2008, and was not eligible for pension benefits at
December 31, 2008. |
Only Mr. Balakrishnan is currently eligible to receive
medical benefits upon retirement. For the other named executive
officers, they will become eligible upon the earlier to occur of
(a) age 50 with 15 years of service or
(b) age 55 with 10 years of service. The
valuation method and all material assumptions are as follows:
The amounts determined in the above table are associated with
the provision of health care coverage after retirement. The
valuation method is pursuant to the Financial Accounting
Standards Boards Statement of Financial Accounting
Standards No. 106, Employers Accounting for
Postretirement Benefits Other Than Pensions. The Projected Unit
Credit attribution method was used; the attribution of the
obligation is over the period from hire to benefit eligibility
(the earlier of age 50 with 15 years of service or
age 55 with 10 years of service). Other than for
eligibility purposes, service is not considered in the
calculation. The benefit consists of health care coverage from
retirement until age 65. The basis for the benefit is
premiums paid by the employer to a third-party insurer, without
additional subsidy imputed. The obligations were calculated
using the following assumptions:
The discount rate for future payments was 5.50% as of
The assumed annual increase in health care costs is 10% as of
with the annual increase lessening by 1/2% per year, to an
ultimate rate of 5% in 2019.
25% of active participants are assumed to become eligible and
elect coverage at retirement.
Retirement is assumed to take place at age 62, or at first
eligibility if older.
2/3 of active employees are assumed to have eligible spouses
who, at the employees retirement, will be covered by the
plan. Husbands are assumed to be three years older than their
Payments upon Retirement or Change of Control
The following table provides information concerning the
estimated payments and benefits that would be provided in each
of the circumstances described above. Payments and benefits are
estimated assuming that the triggering event took place on the
last business day of fiscal 2008 (December 31, 2008), and
the price per share of Power Integrations common stock is
the closing price on the Nasdaq Global Select Market as of that
date ($19.88). There can be no assurance that a triggering event
would produce the same or similar results as those estimated
below if such event occurs on any other date or at any other
price, of if any other assumption used to estimate potential
payments and benefits is not correct. Due to the number of
factors that affect the nature and amount of any potential
payments or benefits, any actual payments and benefits may be
different. The information presented below assumes no adjustment
of the payment of benefits to help avoid excise tax under
Section 409A of the Internal Revenue Code of 1986, as
Potential Payments Upon
Continuation of
Involuntary Termination Other
Service Without
Than for Cause or Voluntary
Termination After Change of Control
Termination for Good Reason
Not within
18 Months
18 Months
Does not
of a Change of
of a Change of
Name/Type of Benefit
Balu Balakrishnan
Cash Severance Base Salary
Cash Severance Bonus
Extension of Option
Continued Coverage of Employee
Total Termination
Bill Roeschlein
Cash Severance Base Salary
Cash Severance Bonus
Vesting Acceleration
Continued Coverage of Employee Benefits
Total Termination
John Tomlin
Cash Severance Base Salary
Cash Severance Bonus
Extension of Option
Continued Coverage of Employee
Total Termination
Potential Payments Upon
Continuation of
Involuntary Termination Other
Service Without
Than for Cause or Voluntary
Termination After Change of Control
Termination for Good Reason
Not within
18 Months
18 Months
Does not
of a Change of
of a Change of
Name/Type of Benefit
Bruce Renouard
Cash Severance Base Salary
Cash Severance Bonus
Extension of Option
Continued Coverage of Employee
Total Termination
Derek Bell
Cash Severance Base Salary
Cash Severance Bonus
Extension of Option
Continued Coverage of Employee
Total Termination
(1) |
Reflects benefits in the event of involuntary termination other
than for cause or voluntary termination for good reason: with
respect to Mr. Balakrishnan twelve months salary plus his
targeted annual bonus plus 50% of all his then-unvested options
plus twelve months medical and dental coverage; and with respect
to all other named executive officers six months of salary plus
50% of targeted bonus plus six months of medical and dental
coverage. |
(2) |
For termination within 18 months of a change in control
(which, for these purposes for executive officers other than
Mr. Balakrishnan, includes Mr. Balakrishnan ceasing to
be our chief executive officer) other than for cause or
voluntary termination for good reason: with respect to
Mr. Balakrishnan twelve months salary plus his targeted
annual bonus, 100% acceleration of all his then-unvested
options, and twelve months medical and dental coverage; for all
others, six months salary plus 50% of targeted bonus, 100% of
unvested options would vest upon a change of control for senior
executives and 50% of unvested options would vest upon change of
control for new executives, and 12 months medical and
dental coverage for senior executives and six months medical and
dental coverage for new executives. If executive is a senior
executive, payment up to an additional six months salary and 50%
bonus will be paid in ratable monthly installments until the
executive secures new employment. The amounts set forth in the
table assume that the senior executives will not secure new
employment. |
(3) |
Reflects benefits in the event of a change of control in which
the acquiring company assumes outstanding options. With respect
to Mr. Balakrishnan 50% of all his then-unvested options
would vest; for all others, 25% of the unvested options would
vest. |
(4) |
Reflects benefits in the event of a change of control in which
the acquiring company did not assume outstanding options. With
respect to Mr. Balakrishnan 100% of all his then-unvested
options would vest; for all others, 50% of the unvested options
would vest for a new executive and 100% for a senior executive. |
(5) |
Reflects the aggregate market value of unvested option grants.
For unvested option grants, aggregate market value is computed
by multiplying (i) the difference between $19.88, the
closing price per share on the Nasdaq |
Global Select Market at December 31, 2008, and the exercise
price of the option, by (ii) the number of shares
underlying unvested options at December 31, 2008. |
(6) |
Reflects the aggregate market value of extensions of stock
option exercise periods. The post-termination exercise period
for an Officers vested stock options granted prior to
April 26, 2002 will be extended only if such extension does
not require Power Integrations to incur a compensation expense
for financial statement purposes. Mr. Balakrishnan is
eligible for an extension of his stock option exercise period
for vested options to one year upon termination within
18 months of a change in control, or for the term of the
option in the case of retirement. Officers, other than
Mr. Balakrishnan, are eligible for an extension of their
stock option exercise periods to one year upon a termination
within 18 months of a change of control, and up to five
years upon retirement (assuming such Officers are eligible to
receive retirement benefits). The values of the extensions of
the stock option exercise periods are computed by using the
Black-Scholes-Merton model in accordance with
SFAS No. 123(R) and calculating the difference between
(i) the fair value of each applicable option with the
extended option expiration date minus (ii) the fair value
of each applicable option with the original option expiration
date. |
(7) |
For retirement, upon completion of service and age requirements,
health coverage is paid until the age of 65. For severance,
reflects the cost of health coverage (COBRA) to maintain the
benefits currently provided. Calculated based upon the rates at
December 31, 2008. |
(8) |
The total termination benefits received by the Officer for
termination within 18 months of a change of control may be
lower than what is stated in this table in light of a provision
in the Officers respective Executive Officers Benefits
Agreement which states that if any of the payments and benefits
provided under such agreements (the Payments) in
connection with a change of control would result in a
parachute payment under Section 280G of the
Internal Revenue Code, the amount of such Payments will be
either (i) the full amount of the Payments or (ii) a
reduced amount which would result in no portion of the Payments
being subject to excise tax (as defined in the respective
agreements), whichever amount provides the greatest amount of
benefit to the Officer. |
In 2008, Power Integrations Compensation Committee
consisted of Mr. Sharp, Mr. Kvamme and Mr. Brown.
On January 27, 2009, as a result of the passing of
Mr. Brown, Mr. Bickell was appointed to the
Compensation Committee. None of the current members of the
Compensation Committee nor Mr. Brown is or was an officer
or employee of Power Integrations or its subsidiaries except for
Mr. Sharp, who served as the chief executive officer of
Power Integrations during its first year in 1988. None of Power
Integrations executive officers serves as a member of the
board of directors or compensation committee of any entity that
has one or more executive officers serving as a member of Power
Integrations Board or Compensation Committee.
Related Party Transactions We did not conduct any
transactions with related persons in fiscal 2008 that would
require disclosure in this proxy or approval by the Audit
Committee or another independent body of the Board.
Related Party Transactions Policies and Procedures
Our policy, included in our Code of Business Conduct and
Ethics, is that all directors, officers, and employees must
avoid any activity that is or appears to conflict with the
interests of Power Integrations. Our directors, officers, and
employees are aware of the applicable provisions of our Code of
Business Conduct and Ethics, and we become aware of related
party transactions through periodic reviews by, and
notifications to, management, including the completion of an
annual Director and Officer questionnaire. We conduct a review
of all related party transactions for potential conflict of
interest. Any potential conflicts of interest must be reviewed
and ratified, if applicable, by the Audit Committee and or
another independent body of our Board. During fiscal 2008, we
did not have any related party transactions requiring review,
nor did we have any transactions where the policy and procedure
were not followed.
The SEC has adopted rules that permit companies and
intermediaries (e.g., brokers) to satisfy the delivery
requirements for Notices of Internet Availability of Proxy
Materials and Annual Meeting materials with respect to two or
more stockholders sharing the same address by delivering a
single Notice of Internet Availability of Proxy Materials or set
of Annual Meeting materials addressed to those stockholders.
This process, which is commonly
referred to as householding, potentially means extra
convenience for stockholders, allows us to save money by
reducing the number of documents we must print and mail and
helps protect the environment as well.
Householding is available to both registered stockholders (i.e.,
those stockholders with certificates registered in their name)
and street name holders (i.e., those stockholders who hold their
shares through a brokerage).
If you are a registered stockholder and have consented to our
mailing of proxy materials and other stockholder information
only to one account in your household, as identified by you, we
will deliver or mail a single copy of our Notice of Internet
Availability of Proxy Materials or set of Annual Meeting
materials, as applicable, for all registered stockholders
residing at the same address unless contrary instructions have
been received from the affected stockholders. Once you have
received notice from your broker that they will be
householding communications to your address,
householding, will continue until you are notified
otherwise or until you revoke your consent. If, at any time, you
no longer wish to participate in householding and
would prefer to receive a Notice of Internet Availability of
Proxy Materials or set of Annual Meeting materials, as
applicable, please notify your broker or direct your written
request to Investor Relations Department, Power Integrations,
Inc., 5245 Hellyer Avenue, San Jose, California
or contact Investor Relations Department at
A separate copy of a Notice of Internet Availability of Proxy
Materials or set of Annual Meeting materials will then promptly
be delivered to you. Stockholders who currently receive multiple
copies of the Notice of Internet Availability of Proxy Materials
or set of Annual Meeting materials, as applicable, at their
address and would like to request householding of
their communications should contact their brokers.
The Board knows of no other matters that will be presented for
consideration at the annual meeting. If any other matters are
properly brought before the meeting, it is the intention of the
persons named in the accompanying proxy to vote on such matters
in accordance with their best judgment.
By Order of the Board of Directors
Bill Roeschlein
April 27, 2009
A copy of Power Integrations Annual Report to the
Securities and Exchange Commission on
Form 10-K
for the fiscal year ended December 31, 2008 is available on
our website, A printed copy is also available
without charge upon written request to: Investor Relations
Department, Power Integrations, Inc., 5245 Hellyer Avenue,
San Jose, California
Directions to Power Integrations, Inc. from San Jose Airport
1. Head
southeast on Airport Blvd
2. Slight
right to stay on Airport Blvd (signs for
Departures A/Terminal C)
3. Slight
right (signs for CA-87/US-101/Skyport Dr)
4. Slight
right to merge onto CA-87 S/Guadalupe Pkwy toward
5. Take the
exit onto I-280 S toward US-101
6. Take the
exit onto US-101 S toward Los Angeles
7. Take the
Hellyer Ave exit
8. Turn left
at Hellyer Ave
5245 Hellyer
San Jose, CA
000000000.000000 ext 000000000.000000 ext
000000000.000000 ext 000000000.000000 ext
000000000.000000 ext 000000000.000000 ext |
ADD 6 |
Electronic Voting Instructions |
You can vote by Internet or
telephone! |
Available 24 hours a
day, 7 days a week! |
Instead of mailing your proxy, you may choose
one of the two voting methods outlined below
to vote your proxy. |
Proxies submitted by the Internet or telephone
must be received by 1:00 a.m., Central Time, on
June 8, 2009. |
· Log on to the
Internet and go to
· Follow the steps outlined on the secured website. |
· Call toll free 1-800-652-VOTE (8683) within the United States, Canada & Puerto Rico any time on
a touch tone telephone. There is NO CHARGE to you for the call. |
Follow the instructions provided
by the recorded message. |
Using a black ink pen, mark your votes
with an X as shown in this example. Please
do not write outside the designated areas. |
Annual Meeting Proxy Card |
A Proposals The Board of Directors recommends a vote FOR all the nominees listed and FOR Proposal 2. |
1. Election of Directors: Each to be elected to hold office until the 2010 Annual Meeting of Stockholders and until their successors are elected and qualified. |
For Withhold For Withhold For Withhold |
01 Balu Balakrishnan 02 Alan D. Bickell 03 Nicholas E. Brathwaite |
04 James Fiebiger 05 William George 06 Balakrishnan S. Iyer |
07 E. Floyd Kvamme 08 Steven J. Sharp |
2. To ratify the selection by the Audit Committee of
Deloitte & Touche LLP as the independent registered public
accounting firm of Power Integrations, Inc. for the fiscal year
ending December 31, 2009. |
Change of Address Please print new address below. |
C Authorized Signatures This section must be completed for your vote to be counted. Date and
Sign Below |
Please sign exactly as your name appears hereon. If the stock is registered in the names of two or
more persons, each should sign. Executors, administrators, trustees, guardians and
attorneys-in-fact should add their titles. If signer is a corporation, please give full corporate
name and have a duly authorized officer sign, stating title. If signer is a partnership, please
sign in partnership name by authorized person. |
Date (mm/dd/yyyy) Please print date below. Signature 1 Please keep signature within the box. Signature 2 Please keep signature within the box. |
Proxy Power Integrations |
2009 |
The undersigned hereby appoints Balu Balakrishnan and Bill Roeschlein, and each of them, as
attorneys and proxies of the undersigned, with full power of substitution, to vote all of the
shares of stock of Power Integrations, Inc. which the undersigned may be entitled to vote at the
Annual Meeting of Stockholders of Power Integrations, Inc. to be held at 5245 Hellyer Avenue, San
Jose, CA 95138 on Monday, June 8, 2009 at 10:00 a.m. (local time), and at any and all
postponements, continuations and adjournments thereof, with all powers that the undersigned would
possess if personally present, upon and in respect of the following matters and in accordance with
the following instructions, with discretionary authority as to any and all other matters that may
properly come before the meeting. |
Please vote, date and promptly return this proxy in the enclosed return envelope which is postage
prepaid if mailed in the United States. |
If you vote by telephone or the Internet, please DO NOT mail back this proxy card. |