Washington, D.C. 20549
Proxy Statement Pursuant to Section 14(a) of the Securities
Exchange Act of 1934 (Amendment No. )
Filed by the Registrant þ
Filed by a Party other than the Registrant o
Check the appropriate box:
o |
Preliminary Proxy Statement |
o |
Confidential, for Use of the Commission Only (as permitted by Rule 14a-6(e)(2)) |
þ |
Definitive Proxy Statement |
o |
Definitive Additional Materials |
o |
Soliciting Material Pursuant to §240.14a-12 |
Capital Senior Living Corporation
(Name of Registrant as Specified In Its Charter)
(Name of Person(s) Filing Proxy Statement, if other than the Registrant)
Payment of Filing Fee (Check the appropriate box):
þ |
No fee required. |
o |
Fee computed on table below per Exchange Act Rules 14a-6(i)(1) and 0-11. |
(1) |
Title of each class of securities to which transaction applies: |
(2) |
Aggregate number of securities to which transaction applies: |
(3) |
Per unit price or other underlying value of transaction computed pursuant to Exchange Act
Rule 0-11 (set forth the amount on which the filing fee is calculated and state how it was
determined): |
(4) |
Proposed maximum aggregate value of transaction: |
(5) |
Total fee paid: |
o |
Fee paid previously with preliminary materials. |
o |
Check box if any part of the fee is offset as provided by Exchange Act Rule 0-11(a)(2)
and identify the filing for which the offsetting fee was paid previously. Identify the
previous filing by registration statement number, or the Form or Schedule and the date of its
filing. |
(1) |
Amount Previously Paid: |
(2) |
Form, Schedule or Registration Statement No.: |
(3) |
Filing Party: |
(4) |
Date Filed: |
To Be Held May 25, 2011
To the Stockholders of Capital Senior Living Corporation:
NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the Annual Meeting of Stockholders
(the Annual Meeting) of Capital Senior Living
Corporation, a Delaware corporation (the Company),
will be held at The Embassy Suites, 14021 Noel Road, Dallas,
Texas 75240, at 10:00 a.m. Central Time, on the
25th day
of May, 2011, for the following purposes:
1. To elect three directors of the Company to hold office
until the Annual Meeting to be held in 2014 or until their
respective successors are duly qualified and elected;
2. To ratify the Audit Committees appointment of
Ernst & Young LLP, independent accountants, as the
Companys independent auditors;
3. To cast an advisory vote on executive compensation;
4. To cast an advisory vote on the frequency of an advisory
vote on executive compensation; and
5. To transact any and all other business that may properly
come before the Annual Meeting or any adjournment(s) or
postponement(s) thereof.
The Board of Directors has fixed the close of business on
March 28, 2011, as the record date (the Record
Date) for the determination of stockholders entitled to
notice of and to vote at the Annual Meeting or any
adjournment(s) or postponement(s) thereof. Only stockholders of
record at the close of business on the Record Date are entitled
to notice of and to vote at the Annual Meeting. The stock
transfer books will not be closed. A list of stockholders
entitled to vote at the Annual Meeting will be available for
examination at the Companys principal executive offices
for ten days prior to the Annual Meeting.
Important Notice Regarding Availability of Proxy Materials
for the Stockholders Meeting to be held on May 25, 2011:
The Proxy Statement and the 2010 Annual Report to Stockholders
are also available at
You are cordially invited to attend the Annual Meeting; however,
whether or not you expect to attend the Annual Meeting in
person, you are urged to mark, sign, date, and mail the enclosed
WHITE proxy card promptly so that your shares of stock may be
represented and voted in accordance with your wishes and in
order to help establish the presence of a quorum at the Annual
Meeting. If you attend the Annual Meeting and wish to vote in
person, you may do so even if you have already dated, signed and
returned your WHITE proxy card.
Pursuant to the rules of the New York Stock Exchange, if you
hold your shares in street name, brokers will not have
discretion to vote your shares on the election of directors and
the matters pertaining to executive compensation. Accordingly,
if your shares are held in street name and you do not submit
voting instructions to your broker, your shares will not be
counted in determining the outcome of the election of the
director nominees or the matters pertaining to executive
compensation. We encourage you to provide voting instructions to
your broker if you hold your shares in street name so that your
voice is heard on these proposals.
By Order of
the Board of Directors
James A. Moore
Chairman of the Board
Lawrence A. Cohen
Chief Executive Officer
April 22, 2011
Dallas, Texas
14160 Dallas Parkway, Suite 300
Dallas, Texas 75254
To Be Held May 25,
and Revocability of Proxies
The accompanying proxy is solicited by the Board of Directors on
our behalf to be voted at the annual meeting of our stockholders
to be held on May 25, 2011 (the Annual
Meeting), at the time and place and for the purposes set
forth in the accompanying notice and at any adjournment(s) or
postponement(s) thereof. When proxies in the accompanying form
are properly executed and received, the shares represented
thereby will be voted at the Annual Meeting in accordance with
the directions noted thereon, unless the proxy is subsequently
Any stockholder giving a proxy has the unconditional right to
revoke his or her proxy at any time prior to the voting thereof
either in person at the Annual Meeting by delivering a duly
executed proxy bearing a later date or by giving written notice
of revocation to us addressed to David R. Brickman, Vice
President, General Counsel and Secretary, 14160 Dallas Parkway,
Suite 300, Dallas, Texas 75254. However, no such revocation
shall be effective unless such notice of revocation has been
received by us at or prior to the Annual Meeting.
Our principal executive offices are located at, and our mailing
address is, 14160 Dallas Parkway, Suite 300, Dallas, Texas
Our management does not intend to present any business at the
Annual Meeting for a vote other than the matters set forth in
the accompanying notice and has no knowledge that others will do
so. If other matters requiring a vote of our stockholders
properly come before the Annual Meeting, then it is the
intention of the persons named in the accompanying form of proxy
to vote the shares represented by the proxies held by them in
accordance with their judgment on such matters.
This proxy statement and accompanying form of proxy are being
mailed on or about April 22, 2011. The annual report to our
stockholders covering our fiscal year ended December 31,
2010, mailed to our stockholders on or about April 22,
2011, does not form any part of the materials for solicitation
of proxies.
In addition to the solicitation of proxies by use of the mail,
our officers, directors and employees may solicit the return of
proxies, either by mail, telephone, telecopy, or through
personal contact. Such officers, directors and employees will
not be additionally compensated by us but will be reimbursed for
expenses. We have retained Georgeson Shareholder Communications
Inc. to assist in the solicitation of proxies for a fee of
$7,500. This amount includes fees payable to Georgeson, but
excludes salaries and expenses of our officers, directors and
employees. Brokerage houses and other custodians, nominees, and
fiduciaries will, in connection with shares of our common stock
registered in their names, be requested to forward solicitation
material to the beneficial owners of such shares of our common
The cost of preparing, printing, assembling, and mailing the
annual report, the accompanying notice, this proxy statement,
and the enclosed form of proxy, as well as the reasonable cost
of forwarding solicitation materials to the beneficial owners of
shares of our common stock, and other costs of solicitation, are
to be exclusively borne by us.
Some banks, brokers and other record holders have begun the
practice of householding proxy statements and annual
reports. Householding is the term used to describe
the practice of delivering a single set of the proxy statement
and annual report to any household at which two or more
stockholders share an address. This procedure would reduce the
volume of duplicative information and our printing and mailing
costs. We will deliver promptly, upon written or oral request, a
separate copy of this proxy statement and the annual report to a
stockholder at a shared address to which a single copy of the
documents was delivered. A stockholder who wishes to receive a
separate copy of the proxy statement and annual report, now or
in the future, should submit this request to David R. Brickman,
Vice President, General Counsel and Secretary, at our principal
executive offices, 14160 Dallas Parkway, Suite 300, Dallas,
Texas 75254 or by calling
(972) 770-5600.
Beneficial owners sharing an address who receive multiple copies
of proxy materials and annual reports and who would like to
receive a single copy of such materials
in the future will need to contact their broker, bank or other
nominee to request that only a single copy of each document be
mailed to all stockholders at the shared address in the future.
Date for
Receipt of Stockholder Proposals
Stockholder proposals to be included in the proxy statement for
the 2012 annual meeting of our stockholders must be received by
us at our principal executive offices on or before
December 24, 2011 for inclusion in the proxy statement
relating to that meeting.
Our Amended and Restated Certificate of Incorporation
establishes an advance notice procedure with regard to certain
matters, including stockholder proposals and nominations of
individuals for election to the Board of Directors to be made at
an annual meeting of our stockholders. In general, notice of a
stockholder proposal or a director nomination to be brought at
an annual meeting of our stockholders must be received by us not
less than 60 but not more than 90 days before the date
of the meeting and must contain specified information and
conform to certain requirements set forth in our Amended and
Restated Certificate of Incorporation. The chairman of the
meeting may disregard the introduction of any such proposal or
nomination if it is not made in compliance with the foregoing
procedures or the applicable provisions of our Amended and
Restated Certificate of Incorporation.
and Voting
The record date for the determination of our stockholders
entitled to notice of and to vote at the Annual Meeting was the
close of business on March 28, 2011. At such time, there
were 27,538,099 shares of our common stock issued and
Each holder of our common stock is entitled to one vote per
share on all matters to be acted upon at the Annual Meeting, and
neither our Amended and Restated Certificate of Incorporation
nor our Amended and Restated Bylaws allow for cumulative voting
rights. The presence, in person or by proxy, of the holders of a
majority of the issued and outstanding shares of our common
stock entitled to vote at the Annual Meeting is necessary to
constitute a quorum to transact business. If a quorum is not
present or represented at the Annual Meeting, the stockholders
entitled to vote at the Annual Meeting, present in person or by
proxy, may adjourn the Annual Meeting, from time to time,
without notice or other announcement until a quorum is present
or represented. Assuming the presence of a quorum, the
affirmative vote of the holders of at least a majority of the
outstanding shares of our common stock represented in person or
by proxy at the Annual Meeting and entitled to vote is required
to (1) approve the election of directors, (2) ratify
the appointment of the independent auditors, (3) approve,
on an advisory basis, the Companys executive compensation,
and (4) approve, on an advisory basis, the frequency of an
advisory vote on the Companys executive compensation. Each
proposal is tabulated separately. Abstentions and broker
non-votes (as described below) will not be counted as
votes cast FOR or AGAINST
the proposal to which it relates, and therefore, generally
have no effect on the outcome of the proposals.
The Board of Directors unanimously recommends that you vote
(1) FOR the election of each of the
director nominees, (2) FOR the
ratification of the appointment of Ernst & Young LLP
as our independent auditors for 2011,
(3) FOR the approval, on an advisory
basis, of the Companys executive compensation, and
(4) for, on an advisory basis, the option of EVERY
ONE YEAR as the preferred frequency for advisory votes
on the Companys executive compensation. The Board of
Directors also recommends that you vote FOR
the ability of the proxy holders to vote the proxy in their
discretion with respect to any other matters that properly come
before the Annual Meeting.
If you hold shares registered directly in your name, and you
sign and return a proxy card without giving specific voting
instructions on how to vote, the persons named as proxy holders
will vote your proxy in favor of the election of each director
nominee named in this proxy statement, in favor of the
ratification of the appointment of Ernst & Young LLP
as our independent auditors, in favor of the approval, on an
advisory basis, of the Companys executive compensation, in
favor of the approval, on an advisory basis, of holding an
advisory vote on the Companys executive compensation once
every year, and as the proxy holders may determine in their
discretion with respect to any other matters that properly come
before the Annual Meeting.
If you hold shares in street name and do not submit
specific voting instructions to your broker, bank or other
nominee, the organization that holds your shares may generally
vote your shares with respect to discretionary
items, but not with respect to non-discretionary
items. Discretionary items are proposals considered to be
under the rules of the New York Stock Exchange
(NYSE) on which your broker may vote shares held in
street name in the absence of your voting instructions. On
non-discretionary items for which you do not submit specific
voting instructions to your broker, bank, or other nominee, the
shares will be treated as broker non-votes. Broker
non-votes will be considered present at the Annual Meeting for
purposes of determining a quorum at the Annual Meeting. The
proposal to ratify the appointment of Ernst & Young
LLP, independent accountants, as our independent auditors
(Proposal 2) is considered to be routine and therefore
may be voted upon by your broker, bank, or other nominee if you
do not give instructions to such broker, bank, or other nominee.
However, pursuant to the NYSEs rules, brokers, banks, or
other nominees will not have discretion to vote your shares on
the election of directors (Proposal 1) and the
advisory votes on executive compensation (Proposals 3 and
4) as such proposals are considered to be
non-routine items. Accordingly, if your shares are
held in street name and you do not submit voting instructions to
your broker, bank or other nominee, your shares will not be
counted in determining the outcome of the Proposals 1, 3
and 4 at the Annual Meeting.
for Written Copies of Annual Report
We will provide, without charge, a copy of our annual report as
filed with the SEC upon the written request of any registered or
beneficial owner of our common stock entitled to vote at the
Annual Meeting. Requests should be made by mailing David R.
Brickman, Vice President, General Counsel and Secretary, at our
principal executive offices, 14160 Dallas Parkway,
Suite 300, Dallas, Texas 75254 or calling
(972) 770-5600.
The SEC also maintains a website at
that contains reports, proxy statements and other
information regarding registrants, including us.
Certain information contained in this proxy statement
constitutes Forward-Looking Statements within the
meaning of Section 27A of the Securities Act of 1933, as
amended, and Section 21E of the Securities Exchange Act of
1934, as amended, which can be identified by the use of
forward-looking terminology such as may,
will, would, intend,
could, believe, expect,
anticipate, estimate or
continue or the negative thereof or other variations
thereon or comparable terminology. We caution readers that
forward-looking statements, including, without limitation, those
relating to our future business prospects, revenues, working
capital, liquidity, capital needs, interest costs, and income,
are subject to certain risks and uncertainties that could cause
actual results to differ materially from those indicated in the
forward-looking statements, due to several important factors
herein identified. These factors include our ability to find
suitable acquisition properties at favorable terms, financing,
licensing and business conditions, risks of downturn in economic
conditions generally, satisfaction of closing conditions such as
those pertaining to licensure, the availability of insurance at
commercially reasonable rates, and changes in accounting
principles and interpretations, among others, and other risks
and factors identified from time to time in our reports filed
with the SEC.
The following table sets forth certain information with respect
to the beneficial ownership of our common stock as of
April 8, 2011 by: (i) each person known by us to be
the beneficial owner of more than five percent of our common
stock; (ii) each of our directors; (iii) our Chief
Executive Officer, our Chief Financial Officer and the three
most highly compensated executive officers during 2010, or our
named executive officers; and (iv) all of our
executive officers and directors as a group. Except as otherwise
indicated, the address of each person listed below is 14160
Dallas Parkway, Suite 300, Dallas, Texas 75254.
Shares Beneficially Owned(1)(2)
Name of Beneficial Owner
Percent of Class
Dimensional Fund Advisors LP
T. Rowe Price Associates, Inc.
BlackRock, Inc.
Lawrence A. Cohen
Keith N. Johannessen
Ralph A. Beattie
David R. Brickman
James A. Moore
Jill M. Krueger
Craig F. Hartberg
Ronald A. Malone
Peter L. Martin
Robert L. Goodpaster
Philip A. Brooks
Michael W. Reid
All directors and executive officers as a group (16 persons)
* |
Less than one percent. |
(1) |
Pursuant to SEC rules, a person has beneficial ownership of any
securities as to which such person, directly or indirectly,
through any contract, arrangement, undertaking, relationship or
otherwise has or shares voting power and/or investment power and
as to which such person has the right to acquire such voting
and/or investment power within 60 days. Percentage of
beneficial ownership as to any person as of a particular date is
calculated by dividing the number of shares beneficially owned
by such person by the sum of the number of shares outstanding as
of such date and the number of shares as to which such person
has the right to acquire voting and/or investment power within
60 days (rounded to the nearest tenth of a percent). |
(2) |
Except for the percentages of certain parties that are based on
presently exercisable options which are indicated in the
following footnotes to the table, the percentages indicated are
based on 27,807,339 shares of our common stock issued and
outstanding on April 8, 2011. In the case of parties
holding presently exercisable options, the percentage ownership
is calculated on the assumption that the shares presently held
or purchasable within the next 60 days underlying such
options are outstanding. |
(3) |
Represents shares beneficially owned by Fidelity
Management & Research Company (Fidelity)
together with certain affiliates. According to a
Schedule 13G/A, filed February 14, 2011, Fidelity,
whose address is 82 Devonshire Street, Boston,
Massachusetts 02109, is a wholly-owned subsidiary of FMR LLC and
an investment advisor. Fidelity is the beneficial owner of
1,702,650 shares of our common stock as a result of acting
as investment advisor to various investment companies. Edward C.
Johnson 3rd, Chairman of FMR LLC, and FMR LLC, through its
control of Fidelity and the funds, each has sole power to
dispose of the 1,702,650 shares of our common stock owned
by the funds. Neither FMR LLC, nor Mr. Johnson, has the
sole power to vote or direct the voting of the shares of our
common stock owned directly by the funds, which power resides
with funds Boards of Trustees. Fidelity carries out the
voting of the shares under written guidelines established by the
funds Board of Trustees. Members of
Mr. Johnsons family are the predominant owners,
directly or through trusts, of Series B voting common
shares of FMR LLC, representing 49% of the voting |
power of FMR LLC. The Johnson family group and all other
Series B shareholders have entered into a
shareholders voting agreement under which all
Series B voting common shares will be voted in accordance
with the majority vote of Series B voting common shares.
Accordingly, through their ownership of voting common shares and
the execution of the shareholders voting agreement,
members of the Johnson family may be deemed to form a
controlling group with respect to FMR LLC. Pyramis Global
Advisors Trust Company (PGATC), 900 Salem
Street, Smithfield, Rhode Island, 02917, an indirect
wholly-owned subsidiary of FMR LLC and a bank as defined in
Section 3(a)(6) of the Securities Exchange Act of 1934, is
the beneficial owner of 1,376,313 shares of our common stock as
a result of its serving as investment manager of institutional
accounts owning such shares. Mr. Johnson and FMR LLC,
through its control of PGATC, each has sole dispositive power
over 1,376,313 shares and sole power to vote or to direct
the voting of 1,260,823 shares owned by the institutional
accounts managed by PGATC. FIL Limited (FIL),
Pembroke Hall, 42 Crow Lane, Hamilton, Bermuda, is the
beneficial owner of 203,200 shares of our common stock.
Partnerships controlled predominantly by members of the family
of Mr. Johnson and FIL or trusts for their benefit, own
shares of FIL voting stock with the right to cast approximately
39% of the total votes which may be cast by all holders of FIL
voting stock. |
(4) |
According to a Schedule 13G/A, filed February 11,
2011, the address for Dimensional Fund Advisors LP
(Dimensional) is Palisades West, Building One, 6300
Bee Cave Road, Austin, Texas 78746. Dimensional, an investment
advisor, furnishes investment advice to four investment
companies and serves as investment manager to certain other
commingled group trusts and separate accounts (such investment
companies, trusts and accounts, collectively, the
Dimensional Funds). In certain cases, subsidiaries
of Dimensional may act as an adviser or
to certain Dimensional Funds. In its role as investment advisor,
and/or manager, neither Dimensional or its subsidiaries possess
investment and/or voting power over the shares of our common
stock that are owned by such the Dimensional Funds. |
(5) |
Represents shares beneficially owned by T. Rowe Price
Associates, Inc. (Price Associates) and certain of
its affiliates. According to a Schedule 13G/A, filed
February 10, 2011, the address of each of Price Associates
and T. Rowe Price Small-Cap Value Fund, Inc. (Price
Small-Cap), is 100 E. Pratt Street, Baltimore,
Maryland 21202. Price Associates beneficially owns
1,935,360 shares of our common stock and has the sole
voting power with respect to 115,960 shares and the sole
dispositive power with respect to all 1,935,360 shares.
Price Small-Cap beneficially owns 1,810,000 of these shares and
has the sole voting power with respect to all
1,810,000 shares and the sole dispositive power with
respect to none of these shares. |
(6) |
According to a Schedule 13G filed February 3, 2011,
the address of BlackRock, Inc. is 40 East 52nd Street, New York,
NY 10022. BlackRock, Inc. beneficially owns
1,589,609 shares of our common stock and has the sole
voting and dispositive power with respect to all of these shares. |
(7) |
Consists of 468,450 shares held by Mr. Cohen directly,
135,937 unvested shares of restricted stock (100,000 of which
are subject to the Companys achievement of certain
performance targets) and 100,000 shares that Mr. Cohen
may acquire upon the exercise of options immediately or within
60 days after April 8, 2011. |
(8) |
Consists of 97,250 shares held by Mr. Johannessen
directly, 114,336 unvested shares of restricted stock (80,000 of
which are subject to the Companys achievement of certain
performance targets) and 56,540 shares that
Mr. Johannessen may acquire upon the exercise of options
immediately or within 60 days after April 8, 2011. |
(9) |
Consists of 41,250 shares held by Mr. Beattie directly
and 63,857 unvested shares of restricted stock (50,000 of which
are subject to the Companys achievement of certain
performance targets). |
(10) |
Consists of 22,250 shares held by M. Brickman directly,
37,650 unvested shares of restricted stock (30,000 of which are
subject to the Companys achievement of certain performance
targets) and 41,120 shares that Mr. Brickman may
acquire upon the exercise of options immediately or within
60 days after April 8, 2011. |
(11) |
Consists of 23,800 shares held by Mr. Moore directly,
9,000 unvested shares of restricted stock, and
20,400 shares that Mr. Moore may acquire upon the
exercise of options immediately or within 60 days after
April 8, 2011. |
(12) |
Consists of 8,000 shares held by Ms. Krueger directly,
9,000 unvested shares of restricted stock and 9,000 shares
that Ms. Krueger may acquire upon the exercise of options
immediately or within 60 days after April 8, 2011. |
(13) |
Consists of 13,367 shares held by Mr. Hartberg
directly, 9,000 unvested shares of restricted stock and
3,000 shares that Mr. Hartberg may acquire upon the
exercise of options immediately or within 60 days after
April 8, 2011. |
(14) |
Consists of 10,000 shares held by Mr. Malone directly
and 9,000 unvested shares of restricted stock. |
(15) |
Consists of 13,250 shares held by Mr. Martin (either
directly or through his IRA) and 3,000 shares of unvested
restricted stock. |
(16) |
Consists of 7,920 shares held by Mr. Goodpaster
directly, 3,060 unvested shares of restricted stock, and
5,120 shares that Mr. Goodpaster may acquire upon the
exercise of options immediately or within 60 days after
April 8, 2011. |
(17) |
Consists of 5,840 shares held by Mr. Brooks directly
and 9,000 unvested shares of restricted stock. |
(18) |
Consists of 2,970 shares held by Mr. Reid directly and
6,030 unvested shares of restricted stock. |
(19) |
Includes 735,297 shares held directly by the executive
officers and or directors of the Company, 421,620 unvested
shares of restricted stock and 262,240 shares that such
executive officers and/or directors, collectively, may acquire
upon the exercise of options immediately or within 60 days
after April 8, 2011. |
and Continuing Directors
Unless otherwise directed in the enclosed proxy, it is the
intention of the persons named in such proxy to vote the shares
represented by such proxy for the election of each of the
following named nominees as a member of the Board of Directors,
each to hold office until the annual meeting of our stockholders
to be held in 2014 and until his successor is duly qualified and
elected or until his earlier resignation or removal.
Messrs. Cohen and Hartberg are presently members of the
Board of Directors and Dr. E. Rodney Hornbake is not
presently a member of the Board of Directors.
Term Expires
Lawrence A. Cohen
Vice Chairman of the Board and Chief Executive Officer
Craig F. Hartberg
E. Rodney Hornbake
Continuing Directors:
Keith N. Johannessen
President and Chief Operating Officer and Director
Jill M. Krueger
Michael W. Reid
James A. Moore
Chairman of the Board
Philip A. Brooks
Ronald A. Malone
The following is a brief biography of each nominee and each
current director, including each director whose term will
continue after the Annual Meeting.
for Election for Three-Year Terms Expiring at the 2014 Annual
Lawrence A. Cohen has served as one of our directors
since November 1996 and as Vice Chairman of the Board since
November 1996. He has served as our Chief Executive Officer
since May 1999 and was our Chief Financial Officer from November
1996 to May 1999. From 1991 to 1996, Mr. Cohen served as
President and Chief Executive Officer of Paine Webber Properties
Incorporated. Mr. Cohen serves on the boards of various
charitable organizations and is active in several industry
associations. Mr. Cohen was a founding member and is on the
executive committee of the Board of Directors of the American
Seniors Housing Association, serves on the board of the Assisted
Living Federation of America (ALFA), and serves on the Operator
Advisory Board of the National Investment Center for the Seniors
Housing & Care Industry. Mr. Cohen is a licensed
attorney and is also a Certified Public Accountant. He received
an LLM from New York University School of Law, a JD from St.
Johns University School of Law, and a BBA in Accounting
from The George Washington University. Mr. Cohen has had
positions with businesses involved in senior living for
26 years.
Craig F. Hartberg has been a director since February
2001. Mr. Hartberg served as a Small Business Advisor for
the Louisiana Department of Development until his resignation
effective February 1, 2010. Mr. Hartberg retired from
the commercial banking industry in May 2000, having served in
several capacities during his
career. At the time of his retirement, Mr. Hartberg served
as First Vice President, Senior Housing Finance for Bank One,
Texas, N.A. Mr. Hartberg graduated from the Southwestern
Graduate School of Banking at Southern Methodist University. He
earned his Masters of Business Administration at the University
of Wyoming, following his Honorable Discharge from twelve years
active duty in the United States Air Force. Mr. Hartberg
served as a member of the Board of Directors of the National
Association of Senior Living Industry Executives and as a member
of the Assisted Living Federation of America.
E. Rodney Hornbake, M.D. is nominated as a new
director to the Board. Dr. Hornbake serves as the Managing
Partner of Essex Internal Medicine, a private practice of
internal medicine and geriatrics, that he formed in 2002.
Dr. Hornbake served as Senior Vice President and Chief
Medical Officer of Gentiva Health Services, Inc.
(Gentiva), a provider of comprehensive home health
services, from March 2000 to April 2002, and he has
continued to serve in a consulting role to Gentiva since April
2002. Gentiva was spun-off from Olsten Corporation, a staffing
services company, that Dr. Hornbake joined as part of its
management team in 1999. Dr. Hornbake also served as
Medical Director of Care Centrix, a home care benefits
management company, from November 1999 until 2002, and he
continued to serve in a consulting role to Care Centrix from
2002 to 2010. Dr. Hornbake previously served as Vice
President and Medical Director of the North Shore-LIJ Health
System in New York from 1996 to 1999, as Chief Medical Officer
for Aetna Professional Management Corporation from 1994 to 1996,
and as Chief of Medicine for the Park Medical Group/Park Ridge
Health System in New York from 1993 to 1994. Dr. Hornbake
served as Clinical Assistant Professor of Medicine at the
University of Connecticut from August 2002 to 2010 and as an
Associate Professor (Adjunct) of Hofstra University from 1998 to
2004. Dr. Hornbake has served on the board of Equity Health
Partners, a privately-held
technology company, since 2008, and served on the Commission on
Office Laboratory Accreditation for ten years, including two
years as its Chairman.
Continuing in Office Until the 2012 Annual Meeting:
Keith N. Johannessen has been a director since 1999.
Mr. Johannessen has served as our President since 1994 and
our Chief Operating Officer since 1999. He previously served as
our Executive Vice President from May 1993 to February 1994.
Mr. Johannessen has more than 32 years of operational
experience in seniors housing. He began his senior housing
career in 1978 with Life Care Services Corporation and then
joined Oxford Retirement Services, Inc. as Executive Vice
President. Mr. Johannessen later served as Senior Manager
in the health care practice of Ernst & Young LLP prior
to joining the Company in 1993. He has served on the State of
the Industry and Model Assisted Living Regulations Committees of
the American Seniors Housing Association. Mr. Johannessen
holds a BA degree.
Jill M. Krueger has been a director since February 2004.
Ms. Krueger has served as President and Chief Executive of
Health Resources Alliance, Inc., a company specializing in
providing rehabilitative and wellness services, institutional
pharmacy services and products and programs designed to promote
independence, health and wellness for elderly persons.
Ms. Krueger also manages Senior Care Network, a
St. Louis based alliance, and ACCN Billing Service, a New
York based physician billing company. Ms. Krueger was a
partner at KPMG LLP responsible for overseeing the firms
national Long-term Care and Retirement Housing Practice.
Ms. Krueger served as a public commissioner for the
Continuing Care Accreditation Commission and as a member of its
financial advisory board from 1987 to 2001. Ms. Krueger
serves on the Board of Directors and as the Treasurer for a
non-profit organization known as Wisconsin Illinois Senior
Housing. Ms. Krueger has served on the Board of Directors
and is the Chairperson for the Audit Committee for Franciscan
Sisters Communities of Chicago since 2003. She is also on the
Fifth Third Bank Illinois Affiliate Board of
Directors and is a member of the advisory board for the
Coalition in Leadership Aging Services Advisory Group.
Michael W. Reid has been a director since October 2009.
Mr. Reid has nearly 31 years of investment banking and
real estate experience, including heading Lehman Brothers REIT
equity practice for nine years as Managing Director in the
Global Real Estate Department. In that capacity, he was
responsible for developing and implementing the business
strategy for a successful REIT equity underwriting business.
Mr. Reid also served as Chief Operating Officer at SL Green
Realty Corp. from
where some of his responsibilities included strategic planning,
finance and reporting, capital markets, operations and budgeting
for a $4 billion publicly traded REIT. From
he served as President of Ophir Energy Corp., a company that
invested in oil and gas production in Oklahoma. From
he served as Chief Operating Officer of Twining Properties, a
real estate company specializing in high rise development in
Cambridge, Massachusetts. Mr. Reid is currently a partner
at Herald Square Properties, a real estate investment and
management company focused on opportunities in the midtown
Manhattan office market. Mr. Reid holds a Bachelor of Arts
and Master of Divinity, both from Yale University.
Continuing in Office Until the 2013 Annual Meeting:
James A. Moore has been a director since October 1997.
Following the 2010 Annual Meeting of Stockholders, the Board of
elected Mr. Moore as independent Chairman of the Board.
Mr. Moore is also a member of the board of Atlantic Shores
Senior Living Community, a cooperative ownership organization
that owns a CCRC located in Virginia Beach, Virginia and a
member of the board of Patmos Senior Living, a non-profit
organization that oversees the boards of Kirby Pines and The
Farms at Bailey Station, two CCRC communities in Memphis,
Tennessee. Mr. Moore is President of Moore Diversified
Services, Inc., a senior living consulting firm engaged in
market feasibility studies, investment advisory services, and
marketing and strategic consulting in the senior living
industry. Mr. Moore has over 41 years of industry
experience and has conducted over 1,800 senior living consulting
engagements in approximately 600 markets, in 49 states and
six countries. Mr. Moore has authored numerous senior
living and health care industry technical papers and trade
journal articles, as well as the books Assisting
Living Pure & Simple Development and
Operating Strategies and Assisted Living 2000, Assisted Living
Strategies for Changing Markets, which was released in May 2001,
and Independent Living and CCRCS, which was released in
September 2009. Mr. Moore holds a Bachelor of Science
degree in Industrial Technology from Northeastern University in
Boston and an MBA in Marketing and Finance from Texas Christian
University in Fort Worth, Texas.
Philip A. Brooks serves as Senior Vice President, Loan
Production for CWCapital, LLC, a Boston-based mortgage finance
company owned by affiliates of Fortress Investment Group. From
1996 to October 2010, Mr. Brooks served as Senior Vice
President, Seniors Housing and Healthcare Finance Group for
Berkadia Commercial Mortgage, LLC, a national mortgage bank
(Berkadia), which was previously known as Capmark
Finance Inc. and GMAC Commercial Mortgage. Prior to joining
Capmark Finance, Inc., Mr. Brooks worked in the Fannie Mae
Multifamily Group responsible for researching and launching
finance products and helped manage the Delegated Underwriting
and Servicing Products (DUS). While at Fannie Mae,
he also launched Fannies DUS mortgage-backed securities
program and implemented its seniors housing product line. Prior
to Fannie Mae, Mr. Brooks was a mortgage banker with B.F.
Saul Company, a large Mid-Atlantic investment firm, from
Mr. Brooks was an associate director for the Mortgage
Bankers Association of America. Mr. Brooks has over
25 years experience in the commercial real estate finance
industry. He was a founding member of the American Seniors
Housing Association, a leading trade association promoting
seniors housing, and was on the Board of Directors of the
National Investment Center for the Seniors Housing &
Care Industry, a leading trade association promoting the
industry to the capital markets. On October 25, 2009,
Capmark Financial Group Inc. and certain of its subsidiaries
filed voluntary petitions for relief under Chapter 11 of
the U.S. Bankruptcy Code.
Ronald A. Malone has served as Chairman of the Board of
Directors of Gentiva, since June 2002 and as a member of the
Clinical Quality Committee of the board of Gentiva since May
2009. Mr. Malone served as the Chief Executive Officer of
Gentiva from June 2002 through December 2008 and as Executive
Vice President and President, Home Health Services from 1999
until June 2002. Prior to joining Gentiva, he served as
Executive Vice President and President, North American Staffing
at Olsten Corporation. Mr. Malone has served as a director
of the National Association for Home Health and Hospice and as
chairman and president of the Alliance for Home Health Quality
and Innovation. He is also director of Hill-Rom Holdings, Inc.,
where he serves as chairman of the compensation and management
development committee, and Victor Technologies, an emerging
company engaged in the distribution of specialized clinical
When considering whether directors and nominees have the
experience, qualifications, attributes and skills, taken as a
whole, to enable the Board of Directors to satisfy its oversight
responsibilities effectively in light of the Companys
business and structure, the Board of Directors and the
Nominating Committee of the Board of Directors focused primarily
on the information discussed in each of the Directors
individual biographies set forth above. In particular, with
regard to Messrs. Cohen, Johannessen and Moore, the Board
of Directors considered their strong background in the senior
living industry over 26 years in the case of
Mr. Cohen, over 32 years in the case of
Mr. Johannessen, and over 41 years in the case of
Mr. Moore in addition to the many years of
experience with the Company represented by Messrs. Cohen
and Johannessen, our Chief Executive Officer and Chief Operating
Officer, respectively, and Mr. Moore, a director of our
Company for over 13 years. The Board of Directors also
considered the broad perspective brought by
Mr. Moores significant experience in consulting in
the senior living industry. With respect to Ms. Krueger,
the Board of Directors considered her significant experience,
expertise and background with regard to accounting matters,
which includes specialization in health care, and rehabilitative
and wellness services for elderly persons. With regard to
Mr. Hartberg, the Board of Directors considered his strong
background in commercial banking as well as his strong
organizational and management skills, since the Companys
ability to finance its communities and realize the benefit from
such financings are important factors in the success of the
Company. With regard to Mr. Reid, the Board of Directors
considered his nearly 31 years of experience in investment
banking and real estate, including heading Lehman Brothers REIT
equity practice for nine years as Managing Director in the
Global Real Estate Department, and his senior level public
company experiences, which experiences will help the Company
identify and capitalize on opportunities to build its business
as well as bring fresh insights that will benefit both the Board
of Directors and the Company. With respect to Mr. Malone,
the Board
of Directors considered his executive level and board experience
with public companies and his extensive senior level operational
experiences, particularly in health care and wellness services.
With respect to Mr. Brooks, the Board of Directors
considered his extensive experience in the senior living
industry and strong background in senior housing financing. With
regard to Dr. Hornbake, the Board of Directors considered
his position as a practicing physician specializing in
geriatrics, his strong understanding of emerging needs of the
aging population, his service as Chief Medical Officer for a
large health services organization, and his involvement in
public policy as it affects seniors.
The Board of Directors does not anticipate that any of the
aforementioned nominees for director will refuse or be unable to
accept election as a director, or be unable to serve as a
director. Should any of them become unavailable for nomination
or election or refuse to be nominated or to accept election as a
director, then the persons named in the enclosed form of proxy
intend to vote the shares represented in such proxy for the
election of such other person or persons as may be nominated or
designated by the Board of Directors.
There are no family relationships among any of our directors,
director nominees or executive officers.
The Board of Directors unanimously recommends a vote
FOR the election of each of the individuals
nominated for election as a director.
Our Board of Directors currently consists of nine directors. The
Board of Directors has determined that Craig F. Hartberg, Peter
L. Martin, James A. Moore, Jill M. Krueger, Michael W. Reid,
Ronald A. Malone and Philip A. Brooks, each an existing
director, and Dr. E. Rodney Hornbake, a nominee for
director at the Annual Meeting, are each independent
within the meaning of the corporate governance rules of the NYSE
and no such individual has any relationship with us, except as a
director and stockholder or as a nominee for director, as
applicable. In addition, we have adopted a Director Independence
Policy, as described in greater detail below under the heading
Director Independence Policy, which
establishes guidelines for the Board of Directors to follow in
making the determination as to which of our directors is
independent. Our Director Independence Policy is
available on our website at
in the Investor Relations section and is available in print
to any stockholder who requests it. The Board of Directors has
determined that Messrs. Hartberg, Martin, Moore, Reid,
Malone and Brooks and Ms. Krueger, each an existing
director, and Dr. Hornbake, a nominee for director at the
Annual Meeting, are each independent in accordance
with our Director Independence Policy.
During 2010, the Board of Directors met 9 times, including
regularly scheduled and special meetings, and did not act by
unanimous written consent during 2010. During 2010, no director
attended fewer than 75% of the aggregate of (i) the total
number of meetings of the Board of Directors and (ii) the
total number of meetings held by all committees of the Board of
Directors on which such director served. Under our Corporate
Governance Guidelines, each of our directors is expected to
attend all meetings of the Board of Directors, the annual
stockholders meeting and meetings of the committees of the Board
of Directors on which they serve. Messrs. Cohen,
Johannessen, Hartberg, Martin, Moore, Reid, Malone and Brooks
and Ms. Krueger attended our 2010 annual meeting of
stockholders. For meetings held prior to our 2010 Annual Meeting
of Stockholders, at the start of each regularly scheduled
executive session of the non-management directors, a presiding
director was selected by a majority vote of the non-management
directors. At the annual Board meeting held immediately
following the 2010 Annual Meeting of Stockholders, the Board
elected independent director Mr. Moore as Chairman of the
Board and the non-management directors selected Mr. Moore
to preside over each executive session of the non-management
directors following such election.
Independence Policy
The Board of Directors undertakes an annual review of the
independence of all non-management directors. In advance of the
meeting at which this review occurs, each non-management
director is asked to provide the Board of Directors with full
information regarding the directors business and other
relationships with us to enable the Board of Directors to
evaluate the directors independence. Directors have an
affirmative obligation to inform the Board of Directors of any
material changes in their circumstances or relationships that
may impact their designation by the Board of Directors as
independent. This obligation includes all business
relationships between, on the one hand, directors or members of
their immediate family, and, on the other hand, us, whether or
not such business relationships are described above.
No director qualifies as independent unless the
Board of Directors affirmatively determines that the director
has no material relationship with us. The following guidelines
are considered in making this determination:
a director who is, or has been within the last three years,
employed by us, or whose immediate family member is, or has been
within the last three years, one of our executive officers, is
not independent;
a director who received, or whose immediate family member
received, during any twelve-month period within the last three
years, more than $120,000 in direct compensation from us, other
than director and committee fees and pension or other forms of
deferred compensation for prior service (provided such
compensation is not contingent in any way on continued service),
is not independent;
a director (a) who is a current partner or employee of a
firm that is our internal or external auditor, (b) has an
immediate family member who is a current partner of such a firm,
(c) has an immediate family member who is a current
employee of such a firm and personally works on the listed
companys audit, or (d) who was, or has an immediate
family member who was, within the last three years a partner or
employee of such a firm and personally worked on the listed
companys audit within that time, is not
a director who is, or whose immediate family member is, or has
been within the last three years, employed as an executive
officer of another company where any of our present executive
officers at the same time serves or served on that other
companys compensation committee, is not
a director who is a current employee, or whose immediate family
member is a current executive officer, of a company that has
made payments to, or received payments from, us for property or
services in an amount which, in any of the last three fiscal
years, exceeds the greater of $1 million or 2% of such
other companys consolidated gross revenues, is not
a director who serves as an executive officer, or whose
immediate family member serves as an executive officer, of a tax
exempt organization that, within the preceding three years,
received contributions from us, in any single fiscal year, of an
amount equal to the greater of $1 million or 2% of such
organizations consolidated gross revenue, is not
independent; and
a director who has a beneficial ownership interest of 10% or
more in a company which has received remuneration from us in any
single fiscal year in an amount equal to the greater of
$1 million or 2% of such companys consolidated gross
revenue is not independent until three years after
falling below such threshold.
In addition, members of the Audit Committee may not accept any
consulting, advisory or other compensatory fee from us or any of
our subsidiaries or affiliates other than directors
The terms us, we and our
refer to Capital Senior Living Corporation and any direct or
indirect subsidiary of Capital Senior Living Corporation, which
is part of the consolidated group. An immediate family
member includes a persons spouse, parents, children,
siblings, mothers and
sons and
brothers and
and anyone (other than domestic employees) who shares such
persons home.
Committees of the Board of Directors include the Audit
Committee, the Nominating Committee, and the Compensation
The Audit Committee consists of Messrs. Hartberg and Reid
and Ms. Krueger, each of whom is independent as
defined by the listing standards of the NYSE in effect as of the
date of this proxy statement. The Board of Directors has
determined that Ms. Krueger qualifies as an audit
committee financial expert within the meaning of SEC
regulations. The Board of Directors has adopted an amended and
restated Audit Committee Charter which is available on our
website at
in the Investor Relations section and is also available in
print to any stockholder who requests it. Pursuant to its
charter, the Audit Committee serves as an independent party to
oversee our financial reporting process and internal control
system, to appoint, replace, provide for compensation of and to
oversee our independent accountants and provide an open avenue
of communication among the independent accountants and our
senior management and the Board of Directors. The Audit
Committee held 4 meetings during 2010, including regularly
scheduled and special meetings, and did not act by unanimous
written consent during 2010.
The Nominating Committee consists of Messrs. Malone, Brooks
and Moore, each of whom is independent as defined by
the listing standards of the NYSE in effect as of the date of
this proxy statement. The Board of Directors has adopted an
amended and restated Nominating Committee Charter, which, along
with our Code of Business Conduct and Ethics and Corporate
Governance Guidelines, is available on our website at
in the Investor Relations section and each of which is
available in print to any stockholder who requests it. Pursuant
to its charter, the Nominating Committee:
identifies individuals qualified to become directors;
recommends director nominees to the Board of Directors;
develops and recommends for Board of Directors approval our
Corporate Governance Guidelines;
oversees the evaluation of the Board of Directors and
management; and
conducts an annual review of the adequacy of its charter and
recommends proposed changes to the Board of Directors for its
The Nominating Committee held 2 regularly scheduled meetings
during 2010. During 2010, the Nominating Committee did not hold
any special meetings, nor did it act by unanimous written
The Compensation Committee consists of Messrs. Moore,
Hartberg and Martin each of whom is independent as
defined by the listing standards of the New York Stock Exchange
in effect as of the date of this proxy statement. The
Compensation Committee held 8 meetings during 2010, including
regularly scheduled and special meetings, and did not act by
unanimous written consent during 2010. The Board of Directors
has adopted an amended and restated Compensation Committee
Charter which is available on our website at
in the Investor Relations section and which is available in
print to any stockholder who requests it. Pursuant to its
charter, the Compensation Committees responsibilities
include, among other things, the responsibility to:
review and approve, on an annual basis, the corporate goals and
objectives relevant to the compensation of our Chief Executive
Officer and our other executive officers, evaluate each such
individuals performance in light of such objectives and,
either as a committee or together with other independent
directors (as directed by the Board of Directors), determine and
approve the compensation for each such individual based on such
evaluation (including base salary, bonus, incentive and equity
review director compensation levels and practices, and
recommend, from time to time, changes in such compensation
levels and practices;
review our compensation, incentive compensation and equity-based
plans and recommend, from time to time, changes in such
compensation levels and practices to the Board of Directors;
review and discuss with our management the Compensation
Discussion and Analysis to be included in our annual proxy
statement, annual report on
Form 10-K
or information statement, as applicable, and make a
recommendation as to whether it should be included therein;
conduct an annual review of the adequacy of its charter and
recommend any proposed changes to the Board of Directors for its
approval; and
perform any other activities consistent with our Amended and
Restated Certificate of Incorporation, Bylaws and governing law
as the Compensation Committee or the Board of Directors deems
The Compensation Committees processes for fulfilling its
responsibilities and duties with respect to executive
compensation and the role of our executive officers and
management in the compensation process are each described under
Compensation Discussion and Analysis
Compensation Process beginning on page 16 of this
proxy statement.
In fulfilling its responsibilities and duties with respect to
the compensation of our directors, the Compensation Committee
periodically reviews the compensation paid to the non-employee
directors of the companies in our peer group, and may recommend
to the Board of Directors adjustments to our director
compensation levels and practices so as to remain competitive
with the companies in our peer group.
Pursuant to its charter, the Compensation Committee may retain
such compensation consultants, outside counsel and other
advisors as it may deem appropriate in its sole discretion and
it has the sole authority to approve related fees and other
retention terms. From time to time, the Compensation Committee
has engaged third parties to compile statistical information
with respect to the executive compensation practices of other
comparable public companies. In July 2006, the Compensation
Committee engaged Hewitt Associates LLC, an executive
compensation consulting firm, to conduct a formal review of our
compensation arrangements for our named executive officers and
to provide advice regarding compensation trends and best
practices, plan design, and the reasonableness of individual
compensation awards. The Compensation Committee did not engage
the services of compensation consultants, outside counsel or
other advisors during 2010.
Board of
Directors Leadership Structure
Our Board separated the roles of Chairman of the Board and Chief
Executive Officer by electing James A. Moore, a non-executive,
independent director, as Chairman of the Board at the annual
Board meeting held immediately following the 2010 Annual Meeting
of Stockholders. The separation of the roles was implemented to
allow Mr. Cohen, our Chief Executive Officer, to continue
to focus his efforts on the successful management of the Company
while allowing Mr. Moore, our independent Chairman, to
focus his efforts on the continued development of a
high-performing Board of Directors, including (1) ensuring
the Board of Directors remains focused on the Companys
long-term strategic plans, (2) working with Company
management to ensure the Board of Directors continues to receive
timely and adequate information, (3) coordinating
activities of the committees of the Board of Directors, and
(4) ensuring effective stakeholder communications. The
Board believes, due to the continued leadership and experience
provided by these two individuals, that having separate
positions is the appropriate leadership structure for the
Company at this time and demonstrates our commitment to good
corporate governance.
Board of
Directors Role in Risk Oversight
Our Company, like others, faces a variety of enterprise risks,
including credit risk, liquidity risk, and operational risk. In
fulfilling its risk oversight role, the Board focuses on the
adequacy of the Companys risk management process and
overall risk management system. The Board believes an effective
risk management system will (1) adequately identify the
material risks that the Company faces in a timely manner,
(2) implement appropriate risk management strategies that
are responsive to the Companys risk profile and specific
material risk exposures, (3) integrate consideration of
risk and risk management into business decision-making
throughout the Company, and (4) include policies and
procedures that adequately transmit necessary information with
respect to material risks to senior executives and, as
appropriate, to the Board or relevant committee.
The Audit Committee has been designated to take the lead in
overseeing risk management at the Board level. Accordingly, the
Audit Committee schedules time for periodic review of risk
management, in addition to its other duties. In this role, the
Audit Committee receives information from management and other
advisors, and strives to generate serious and thoughtful
attention to the Companys risk management process and
system, the nature of the material risks the Company faces, and
the adequacy of the Companys policies and procedures
designed to respond to and mitigate these risks.
Although the Boards primary risk oversight has been
assigned to the Audit Committee, the full Board also
periodically receives information about the Companys risk
management system and the most significant risks that the
Company faces. This is principally accomplished through the
Audit Committees discussions with the full Board and
summary versions of the briefings provided by management and
advisors to the Committee.
In addition to the formal compliance program, the Board and the
Audit Committee encourage management to promote a corporate
culture that understands risk management and incorporates it
into the overall corporate strategy and
business operations. The Companys risk management
structure also includes an ongoing effort to assess and analyze
the most likely areas of future risk for the Company. As a
result, the Board and Audit Committee periodically ask the
Companys executives to discuss the most likely sources of
material future risks and how the Company is addressing any
significant potential vulnerability.
The Nominating Committee is responsible under its charter for
identifying and recommending qualified candidates for election
to the Board of Directors. In addition, stockholders who would
like to recommend a candidate for election to the Board of
Directors may submit the recommendation to the chairman of the
Nominating Committee, in care of our General Counsel. Any
recommendation must include name, contact information,
background, experience and other pertinent information on the
proposed candidate and must be received in writing by
November 15, 2011 for consideration by the Nominating
Committee for the 2012 annual meeting of our stockholders.
Although the Nominating Committee is willing to consider
candidates recommended by our stockholders, it has not adopted a
formal policy with regard to the consideration of any director
candidates recommended by our stockholders. The Nominating
Committee believes that a formal policy is not necessary or
appropriate because of
the small size of the Board of Directors and because the current
Board of Directors already has a diversity of business
background, shareholder representation and industry experience.
The Nominating Committee does not have specific minimum
qualifications that must be met by a candidate for election to
the Board of Directors in order to be considered for nomination
by the Nominating Committee. In identifying and evaluating
nominees for director, the Nominating Committee considers each
candidates qualities, experience, background and skills,
as well as any other factors which the candidate may be able to
bring to the Board of Directors that the Board of Directors
currently does not possess. The process is the same whether the
candidate is recommended by a stockholder, another director,
management or otherwise. Although the Nominating Committee does
not have a formal diversity policy in place for the director
nomination process, an important factor in the Nominating
Committees consideration and assessment of a candidate is
the diversity of the candidates viewpoints, professional
experience, education and skill set. The Nominating Committee
does not pay a fee to any third party for the identification of
candidates, but it has paid a fee in the past to a third party
for a background check for a candidate.
With respect to this years nominees for director,
Messrs. Cohen and Hartberg currently serve as directors of
the Company and Dr. Hornbake does not currently serve as a
director of the Company.
Code of
Business Conduct and Ethics
The Board of Directors has adopted a Code of Business Conduct
and Ethics governing all of our employees, including our Chief
Executive Officer, Chief Financial Officer, our principal
accounting officer and corporate controller. A copy of this Code
of Business Conduct and Ethics is published in the
Corporate Governance Documents section of the
Investor Relations section of our website at We intend to make all
required disclosures concerning any amendments to, or waivers
from, this Code of Business Conduct and Ethics on our website.
Our internet website,,
contains an Investor Relations section which provides links to
our annual reports on
Form 10-K,
quarterly reports on
Form 10-Q,
current reports on
Form 8-K,
proxy statements, SEC stock ownership reports, amendments to
those reports and filings, Code of Business Conduct and Ethics,
Corporate Governance Guidelines, Director Independence Policy
and charters of the Nominating, Compensation and Audit
Committees of the Board of Directors. These documents are
available in print, free of charge, to any stockholder who
requests them as soon as reasonably practicable after such
material is electronically filed with or furnished to the SEC.
The materials on our website are not incorporated by reference
into this proxy statement and do not form any part of the
materials for solicitation of proxies.
with Directors
Correspondence from stockholders and other interested parties
may be sent to our directors, including our non-management
directors, individually or as a group, in care of James A.
Moore, the independent Chairman of our Board of Directors, with
a copy to the Vice President, General Counsel and Secretary,
David R. Brickman, at our principal executive offices, 14160
Dallas Parkway, Suite 300, Dallas, Texas 75254.
All communication received as set forth above will be opened by
the Chairman and Vice President, General Counsel and Secretary
for the sole purpose of determining whether the contents
represent a message to our directors. Appropriate communications
other than advertising, promotions of a product or service, or
patently offensive material will be forwarded promptly to the
Discussion and Analysis
This Compensation Discussion and Analysis focuses on the
compensation of the Companys executive officers, including
our named executive officers who are the individuals
included in the Summary Compensation Table beginning on
page 31 of this proxy statement. This section summarizes
our executive compensation program and objectives and provides
an overview of how and why the Compensation Committee of our
Board of Directors, who is responsible for the oversight of our
executive compensation program, made specific decisions
involving the compensation of our named executive officers. We
also refer you to our Annual Report on
Form 10-K
for the year ended December 31, 2010 for additional
information regarding the Companys 2010 financial results
discussed below.
Our executive compensation program is designed to meet three
principal objectives:
employ, retain and reward executives who are capable of leading
us to the achievement of our business objectives, which include
maximizing the value of our operations, generating cash flow,
preserving a strong financial position, increasing our
geographic concentration, maximizing our competitive strengths
in each of our markets, capitalizing on long-term growth
opportunities, and most importantly, enhancing stockholder value;
a significant amount of total compensation should be in the form
of short-term and long-term incentive awards to align
compensation with our financial and operational performance
goals as well as individual performance goals; and
incentive awards should be tied to and vary with our financial
and operational performance, as well individual performance.
We believe these objectives collectively link compensation to
overall Company performance and directly link compensation to
the objectives set forth in the Companys 2010 Business
Plan that was approved by our Board of Directors. These
objectives help ensure that the interests of our named executive
officers are closely aligned with the interests of our
stockholders. We believe that Capital Senior has successfully
achieved these objectives as demonstrated by the Companys
strong financial results during 2010, which exceeded the
Companys business plan despite a difficult economic
environment. As described in Managements Discussion
and Analysis of Financial Conditions and Results of
Operations in our Annual Report on
Form 10-K,
our fiscal 2010 financial results, based upon various measures,
strongly increased relative to our fiscal 2009 results. The
following table highlights the
comparison of some of the key financial metrics that we use in
evaluating the Companys performance for purposes of making
compensation decisions.
Performance Measures
Fiscal Year 2010
Fiscal Year 2009
% Increase
Adjusted CFFO
$19.7 million (or $0.74 per share)
$16.6 million (or $0.63 per share)
Adjusted EBITDAR
$68.6 million
$57.3 million
Adjusted Net Income
$4.7 million (or $0.17 per share)
$2.8 million (or $0.10 per share)
$211.9 million
$192.0 million
The above table utilizes non-GAAP financial measures to describe
the Companys adjusted CFFO, adjusted EBITDAR and adjusted
net income. These non-GAAP measures are used by many research
analysts and investors to evaluate the performance and
valuations of companies in our industry. Please refer to
Appendix A to this proxy statement for important
information concerning such non-GAAP financial measures,
including a reconciliation of such measures to GAAP.
For fiscal 2010, we believe our compensation programs, which are
designed to reward our named executive officers for the
achievement of short-term and long-term strategic and
operational goals and the achievement of
increased total stockholder return, delivered payments
commensurate with Capital Seniors strong financial
performance. Below are the highlights of our executive
compensation program for 2010:
Emphasis on Pay for Performance. Our
fiscal 2010 performance, including our performance relative to
our peers, along with the individual performance of our named
executive officers, served as key factors in determining
compensation for 2010, including as follows:
Adjusted CFFO per share and adjusted EBITDAR were the key
metrics for our eligible named executive officers annual
cash incentive awards related to corporate goals. These metrics
provide for a balanced approach to measuring annual company
performance. In addition, these measures are used by many
research analysts and investors to evaluate the performance and
valuations of companies in our industry. The Companys
performance with respect to each of these metrics was above
target, and therefore resulted in the payment of annual cash
incentive awards at above target levels for our eligible named
executive officers.
We linked a significant portion of our eligible named executive
officers compensation to the achievement of certain
corporate and individual goals bearing a direct relation to the
accomplishment of our business plan. In 2010, 37.5% of our Chief
Executive Officers total compensation, 31.8% of our
President and Chief Operating Officers total compensation
and 30.7% of our Executive Vice President and Chief Financial
Officers total compensation was based on achieving
individual performance goals and achieving or exceeding
corporate performance goals under our Incentive Compensation
Establishment of Recoupment Policy (or
Clawback) for Incentive
Compensation. As part of the Incentive
Compensation Plan for 2011, the Compensation Committee adopted a
recoupment policy pursuant to which, in the event that it is
determined that a participant in the Incentive Compensation Plan
has committed fraud or a willful misstatement related to the
calculations used in determining an award under the plan, the
participant involved in such fraud or willful misstatement must
return to the Company any awards that were paid as a result of
such fraud or willful misstatement. This feature of the
Incentive Compensation Plan is separate from and in addition to
any clawback provisions under applicable law, including the
Sarbanes-Oxley Act of 2002.
Periodic Grants of Long-Term Equity
Awards. Another way that we try to link pay
and performance is to grant our named executive officers
compensation in the form of equity awards, whose value is
directly tied to our stock price performance. In March 2011, we
granted 100,000, 80,000, 50,000 and 30,000 shares of
performance-based restricted stock to our Chief Executive
Officer, President and Chief Operating Officer, Executive Vice
President and Chief Financial Officer and Vice President,
General Counsel and Secretary, respectively. The vesting of
these awards is subject to the Companys achievement of
certain performance targets over a three-year period, which is
designed to encourage our named executive officers to focus on
the long-term performance of the Company. As our stock price
improves, the equity awards will become more valuable to our
Shareholder-Friendly Pay Practices. We
do not use many common pay practices that are considered to be
unfriendly to stockholders. For example, we do not provide
extensive perquisites to our named executive officers. In
addition, our named executive officers are only eligible to
participate in certain benefit plans generally available to all
of our employees, and the benefits available to our named
executive officers are generally the same as all of our
employees. Further, our executive compensation arrangements do
not contain excess parachute payment tax
provisions. We have no guaranteed non-performance-based bonuses.
Independent Compensation Committee. The
Compensation Committee is composed solely of outside,
independent directors who satisfy the independence requirements
of the NYSE. In addition, to obtain and evaluate independent
information with respect to our executive compensation program,
each year the Compensation Committee typically reviews
information compiled by independent third parties, including,
without limitation, Hewitt Associates, Watson Wyatt and Mercer
Human Resource Consulting. In addition, in July of 2006 the
Compensation Committee engaged Hewitt Associates, an independent
executive compensation consulting firm, to conduct a formal
review of the Companys compensation arrangements for its
executives and to provide advice regarding compensation trends
and best practices, plan design, and the reasonableness of
individual compensation awards. As a result, the Compensation
continually endeavors to provide independent oversight and
engages in an ongoing independent review of all aspects of our
executive compensation programs.
of Compensation Process
The Compensation Committee is ultimately responsible for
reviewing and approving the base salary increases, other than
annual base salary increases contemplated by existing employment
agreements, and bonus levels of our executive officers,
including our named executive officers, evaluating the
performance of such individuals and reviewing any related
matters. Equity and other forms of compensation for our
executive officers, including our named executive officers, are
also considered by the Compensation Committee.
Our executive compensation program for our named executive
officers has historically consisted of annual cash compensation
(base salary and a performance bonus) as well as periodic grants
of long-term equity incentive awards, currently in the form of
restricted shares. In addition, we have entered into employment
agreements with each of our named executive officers which each
provide for, among other things, severance benefits to be paid
to such individuals upon the occurrence of certain events. Our
executive compensation program has historically included a
limited amount of personal benefits, including perquisites.
As discussed in greater detail below, the Compensation Committee
typically meets quarterly to consider, among other things,
increases to the base salaries of our executive officers whose
employment agreements have anniversary dates arising in the
upcoming quarter. In addition, the Compensation Committee
determines on an annual basis whether performance bonuses are to
be awarded under our incentive compensation plan (except that
performance bonuses awardable pursuant to metrics that are
determined on a quarterly basis are considered at the quarterly
Compensation Committee meetings). Pursuant to our incentive
compensation plan, which we refer to as our Incentive
Compensation Plan, our named executive officers, other
than Messrs. Brickman and Goodpaster, are entitled to
receive performance bonuses, based upon our achievement, or any
eligible named executive officers individual achievement,
as applicable, of any performance objective of the Incentive
Compensation Plan. In addition, the Compensation Committee
typically meets in the first quarter of each year to approve the
Incentive Compensation Plan for such year.
In applying the above-described objectives for our executive
compensation program, the Compensation Committee primarily
relies upon:
input received from certain members of our senior management,
which has historically consisted of Messrs. Beattie, Cohen
and Johannessen, and whom we refer to in this section as our
senior management;
a general review of publicly available information with respect
to the executive compensation practices of certain companies in
the senior living industry for purposes of obtaining a general
understanding of such practices;
industry surveys; and
its own judgment.
Input Received from our Senior Management. As
discussed in greater detail below, the Compensation Committee
has historically relied in part upon the input and
recommendations of our senior management when considering:
annual increases to base salaries for our named executive
the annual establishment of our Incentive Compensation
Plan; and
whether to grant long-term incentive awards to our named
executive officers, and if so, in what forms and amounts.
The Compensation Committee believes that the members of our
senior management, by virtue of their positions with us, vast
experience in the senior living industry, and role in overseeing
performance of our named executive officers, are appropriately
suited to make informed recommendations to the Compensation
Committee with respect to the foregoing elements of our
executive compensation program.
Peer Group Data. Since our initial public
offering in 1997, the Compensation Committee has consistently
sought to structure our executive compensation program so that
the amounts and forms of compensation which are paid to our
named executive officers are generally commensurate with those
paid to executive officers with
comparable duties and responsibilities at those companies in the
senior living industry which the Compensation Committee, in
consultation with our senior management, periodically determines
to be the most directly comparable to us. In order to determine
which companies in the senior living industry are the most
directly comparable to us, the Compensation Committee and our
senior management conduct an annual review to determine which
such companies have:
a similar business focus to ours; and
a similar revenue
and/or asset
base to ours.
We refer to such public companies collectively as our peer
group. For 2010, the companies which comprised our peer
group were Assisted Living Concepts, Inc., Brookdale Senior
Living Inc., Emeritus Corporation, Five Star Quality Care, Inc.
and Sunrise Assisted Living, Inc.
The Compensation Committee reviews publicly available
information regarding the compensation arrangements offered by
the companies in our peer group on an annual basis for purposes
of obtaining a general understanding of current compensation
practices, and generally endeavors to make the total
compensation for our named executive officers to be comparable
to the total compensation paid to executive officers with
comparable duties and responsibilities at the companies in our
peer group. The information reviewed is part of a larger
competitive analysis and does not mandate a particular decision
regarding the compensation received by the Companys named
executive officers. The Compensation Committee does not target
the compensation of the Companys named executive officers
to fall within a specific percentile range of the peer group
companies, but rather considers several factors, such as the
experience levels of individuals and market factors, before
exercising its discretion in determining the total compensation
of the Companys named executive officers. Based upon the
results of such review, the Compensation Committee may determine
to modify the amounts
and/or the
forms of compensation, which are available to our named
executive officers, in light of the objectives which we have
identified for our executive compensation program.
Industry Surveys. The Compensation Committee
typically reviews information compiled by third parties
including, but not limited to, Hewitt Associates, Watson Wyatt
and Mercer Human Resource Consulting, with respect to the
executive compensation practices of other companies in order to
assist it in determining the percentage range within which the
base salary for our named executive officers for the upcoming
year may increase from that paid to such individuals in the
preceding year. For a more detailed description of the process
by which the Compensation Committee determines the increases in
base salaries for our named executive officers, please read
Forms of Compensation Base Salary below.
Other Factors. Key factors which also affect
the Compensation Committees judgment with respect to our
executive compensation program include our financial
performance, to the extent that it may be fairly attributed or
related to the performance of a particular named executive
officer, as well as the contribution of each named executive
officer relative to his individual responsibilities and
capabilities. While the Compensation Committee does consider our
stock price performance, the Compensation Committee has not
utilized it as the only measure of our financial performance, or
the performance of our named executive officers, given the fact
that it may not take into account a variety of factors
including, but not limited to, the business conditions within
the senior living industry as well as our long-term strategic
direction and goals. Also, in applying these objectives, the
Compensation Committee endeavors to achieve consistency with
respect to the difference between the compensation of our named
executive officers and the compensation of our other officers
and employees and such differences found in the companies in our
peer group.
of Compensation
The following forms of compensation are currently utilized by
the Compensation Committee in compensating our named executive
base salary, which is paid in cash;
performance bonuses, which are paid in cash and stock awards;
long-term incentive awards;
severance arrangements; and
limited personal benefits, including perquisites.
The base salary for our named executive officers is established
pursuant to the terms of each such individuals employment
agreement, and is subject to an annual increase. Such base
salaries are paid in cash and are intended to reward our named
executive officers for their performance during the fiscal year
relative to their authority and responsibilities in their
respective positions with us.
In the fourth quarter of each year, the Compensation Committee
typically establishes a percentage range within which the base
salary for our named executive officers for the upcoming year
may increase from the preceding year. In determining this
percentage range, the Compensation Committee typically reviews
information compiled by third parties including, but not limited
to, Hewitt Associates, Watson Wyatt and Mercer Human Resource
Consulting, and generally targets the base salary of our named
executive officers to be comparable to the base salaries paid to
the members of management and executive officers with comparable
duties and responsibilities at other companies. For 2010, the
Compensation Committee set such percentage range at
2% - 2.5%.
At each quarterly meeting, the Compensation Committee typically
reviews a list of those senior executives, including our named
executive officers, whose employment agreements have anniversary
dates arising in the upcoming quarter and authorizes our senior
management to approve base salary increases for each such
individual in its discretion within such percentage range. Each
annual performance and compensation review takes place at the
same quarterly meeting of the Compensation Committee at which it
was authorized. In exercising its discretion, our senior
management typically considers each such individuals
historical performance in his or her position with us, as
reflected by the results of the annual performance and
compensation review, as well as our financial performance within
each such individuals sphere of influence.
In the event that our senior management, following such
evaluation, determines that the amount of any increase to the
base salary of any such individual should be either greater than
or less than the increase permitted by the percentage range,
then our senior management informs the Compensation Committee of
its recommendation. Then, the Compensation Committee ultimately
determines the amount of the increase based upon both the
recommendations of our senior management as well as its review
of publicly-available information with respect to the base
salaries paid to executives with comparable duties and
responsibilities at the companies in our peer group. Any
increase to the base salary of any such individual is typically
effective as of the beginning of the pay period immediately
following the anniversary date of such individuals
employment agreement.
The Compensation Committee believes that the members of our
senior management are the most appropriate individuals to
conduct the annual performance and compensation reviews by
virtue of their role in overseeing the
performance of our senior executives, other than our Chief
Executive Officer. The Compensation Committee believes that the
members of our senior management are also the most appropriate
individuals to ultimately determine the amount of the annual
base salary increases within the percentage range since each
member occupies a position with us which provides the requisite
knowledge and experience to properly evaluate the performance of
our senior executives, including our named executive officers,
in their respective positions with us and in the context of our
overall performance. Whenever our senior management considers an
increase to the base salary of an individual member of our
senior management, such individual is not permitted to
participate in the deliberations of our senior management
relating to an increase in such individuals base salary.
On April 14, 2010, we entered into amendments
(collectively, the Employment Agreement Amendments)
to each of the employment agreements for Lawrence A. Cohen, our
Chief Executive Officer, Keith N. Johannessen, our President and
Chief Operating Officer, and Ralph A. Beattie, our Chief
Financial Officer. Pursuant to the Employment Agreement
Amendments, which were effective January 1, 2010 and
approved by the Compensation Committee, the annual base salaries
of Messrs. Cohen, Johannessen and Beattie, were set at
$636,366, $375,006 and $350,115, respectively, subject to annual
adjustment. The Employment Agreement Amendments were entered
into in connection with the Compensation Committees
periodic review and assessment of the compensation of our
executive officers and reflect the Incentive Compensation Plan
for 2010, which eliminated quarterly bonus awards for achieving
quarterly EPS goals with a corresponding increase in base
salaries, as discussed below.
For a further description of the base salaries paid to our named
executive officers for 2010, please refer to the Summary
Compensation Table beginning on page 31 of this proxy
Bonuses are typically awarded to our named executive officers,
other than Messrs. Brickman and Goodpaster, annually
pursuant to the Incentive Compensation Plan. The purpose of the
Incentive Compensation Plan is to assist us in employing and
retaining certain of our named executive officers by providing
them with a competitive compensation opportunity based upon the
achievement of specified performance objectives which the
Compensation Committee has identified as bearing a direct
relation to the accomplishment of our business plan for the
applicable year.
Under the Incentive Compensation Plan, performance bonuses are
typically targeted at a pre-determined percentage of each
eligible named executive officers base salary for such
year. These percentages are typically established by the
Compensation Committee based upon its review of
publicly-available information with respect to similar programs
offered by the companies in our peer group. For 2010, such
percentages were established at 75% for our Chief Executive
Officer and 58% for our other eligible named executive officers.
The Compensation Committee determined that the target
performance bonus opportunity for our Chief Executive Officer
should represent a higher percentage of his base salary than
that of the other eligible named executive officers based upon
(i) a general review of publicly available information
regarding similar programs offered by the companies in our peer
group, and (ii) its belief that our Chief Executive
Officer, by virtue of his position with us, is in a position to
exert a more significant influence as compared to the other
eligible named executive officers over a number of the factors
upon which performance bonuses under the Incentive Compensation
Plan are contingent.
The target and maximum bonus opportunities under the Incentive
Compensation Plan for 2010 for Messrs. Cohen, Johannessen,
and Beattie were as follows:
2010 Target
2010 Maximum Target
% of Base
% of Base
Named Executive Officer
Lawrence A. Cohen
Keith N. Johannessen
Ralph A. Beattie
There were no minimum bonus awards under the Incentive
Compensation Plan for 2010 for our eligible named executive
officers, and as a result, if the performance targets discussed
in this section were not achieved, no performance bonuses would
be payable to our eligible named executive officers for 2010.
Typically, of the maximum performance bonus amount that an
eligible named executive officer may earn pursuant to the
Incentive Compensation Plan, pre-determined percentages of such
amount are contingent upon:
exceeding certain corporate goals for the applicable
year; and
the achievement by the eligible named executive officer of
certain individual goals for the corresponding year within such
named executive officers sphere of influence.
During the first quarter of each year, our senior management
typically makes recommendations to the Compensation Committee
regarding the percentage allocations to be made among the
above-described categories for the year based upon its
determinations as to the relative importance which the goals in
each such category bear to the goals in the other categories
with respect to the achievement of our business plan for the
applicable year. In addition, for each category which contains
multiple goals, our senior management also typically makes
recommendations to the Compensation Committee regarding the
percentage allocations among the goals within each such category
based upon its determinations as to the relative importance
which the goals in each such category bear to the other goal(s)
in such category with respect to the achievement of our business
plan for the applicable year. The Compensation Committee
typically takes into account these recommendations from our
senior management due to the fact that the members of our senior
management are primarily responsible for the establishment of
our business plan each year.
By approving the Incentive Compensation Plan in the first
quarter of each year, the Compensation Committee and our senior
management may examine the performance of each of our eligible
named executive officers during the previous year, establish
performance goals for our eligible named executive officers
relative to such
performance, as well as determine the financial performance
targets for the new fiscal year based in part upon the previous
years performance.
The Compensation Committee typically meets annually to
determine, among other things, whether performance bonuses are
to be paid under the Incentive Compensation Plan to any of our
eligible named executive officers based upon our achievement, or
any eligible named executive officers individual
achievement, as applicable, of any performance objective of the
Incentive Compensation Plan during the previous year (provided
that performance bonuses awardable pursuant to metrics that are
determined on a quarterly basis are considered by the
Compensation Committee at their quarterly meetings). In 2010,
the only performance bonuses considered at the Compensation
Committees quarterly meetings were those awardable
pursuant to the aggregate acquisition transaction value target
discussed below. The payment of performance bonuses, if any, to
the eligible named executive officers is normally made, subject
to payroll taxes and tax withholdings, in the pay period
immediately following the date of such determination by the
Compensation Committee.
The Incentive Compensation Plan represents the Compensation
Committees determination that, although a substantial
portion of the performance bonus opportunity for our eligible
named executive officers should be dependent on measures which
are reflective of our overall financial performance, the
Incentive Compensation Plan should also reward the individual
contributions of each eligible named executive officer to the
achievement of elements of our business plan which are within
such individuals sphere of influence. In determining the
corporate and individual performance metrics under our Incentive
Compensation Plan, the Compensation Committee endeavors to
undertake a thoughtful process to establish performance metrics
that will reflect a balanced approach for measuring annual
Company performance. This process typically includes a general
review of publicly-available information with respect to similar
programs utilized by the companies in our peer group and
discussions with research analysts covering our industry and
Company stockholders as to the best measures for measuring the
performance and valuations of companies in our industry. During
the first quarter of 2010, the Compensation Committee met five
times during which it considered the most appropriate
performance targets for the 2010 fiscal year and whether
adjustments should be made to the structure of the Incentive
Compensation Plan, in light of the objectives which the
Compensation Committee has established for our executive
compensation program.
Corporate Goals. Of the maximum
performance bonus amount that an eligible named executive
officer may earn pursuant to the Incentive Compensation Plan, a
pre-determined percentage of that amount is typically contingent
on our achievement of certain objectively verifiable measures
for our performance for the applicable year. These corporate
goals are typically approved by the Compensation Committee in
the first quarter of each fiscal year based upon the
recommendations of our senior management regarding certain
initiatives and the corresponding measures therefor which our
senior management believes are directly related to the
achievement of our business plan for that year. Typically, two
or three distinct corporate goals are established and of the
percentage of the maximum performance bonus amount that is
contingent on the achievement of such corporate goals, varying
percentages of such amount are allocated by the Compensation
Committee to each corporate goal.
Under the Incentive Compensation Plan for 2010, our eligible
named executive officers were entitled to receive a performance
bonus equal to a maximum of 20% (25% for our Chief Executive
Officer) of their respective base salaries for the year based
upon our achievement of two distinct corporate goals with
respect to Cash From Facility Operations, or CFFO, per share and
Adjusted EBITDAR. The table below sets forth the target
performance bonus opportunities of our eligible named executive
officers under the Incentive Compensation Plan for 2010 with
respect to the achievement of corporate goals.
Named Executive Officer
% of Base Salary
Lawrence A. Cohen
Keith N. Johannessen
Ralph A. Beattie
CFFO Per Share. First, of the maximum bonus
percentage attributable to the achievement of corporate goals,
12% (13% for our Chief Executive Officer) was based on the
Companys achievement of a CFFO per outstanding share
target during 2010, which was viewed as a very challenging
performance target (particularly given the existing market and
economic conditions). For purposes of the Incentive Compensation
Plan for 2010, CFFO was defined as net cash provided by (used
in) operating activities adjusted for changes in operating
assets and
liabilities and recurring capital expenditures. Recurring
capital expenditures included expenditures capitalized in
accordance with GAAP that were funded from reserves pursuant to
the Companys mortgage loans and leases.
The targeted level of performance under the CFFO portion of the
Incentive Compensation Plan for 2010 was CFFO per share of
$0.64, which was based on the Companys internal business
plan. Achievement of the minimum threshold level of CFFO
performance under the Incentive Compensation Plan for 2010 would
result in our eligible named executive officers receiving a
bonus equal to 12% (13% for our Chief Executive Officer) of
their respective base salaries paid for the year. If the Company
did not achieve the CFFO per share target, no amounts would be
paid to the eligible named executive officers with respect to
this bonus opportunity.
The following table sets forth the cash performance bonus
opportunities of our eligible named executive officers under the
Incentive Compensation Plan for 2010 with respect to the CFFO
per share goal. As the Company achieved CFFO per share of $0.74
for 2010, which was approximately 115% of the target amount, the
target was achieved and the amounts below were awarded to such
named executive officers.
Named Executive Officer
Bonus as % of Base Salary
Lawrence A. Cohen
Keith N. Johannessen
Ralph A. Beattie
Adjusted EBITDAR. Second, of the maximum bonus
percentage attributable to the achievement of corporate goals,
8% (12% for our Chief Executive Officer) was based on the
Companys achievement of Adjusted EBITDAR target during
2010, which was viewed as a challenging performance target
(again, given the existing market and economic conditions). For
purposes of the Incentive Compensation Plan for 2010, Adjusted
EBITDAR was defined as income from operations before provision
for income taxes, interest, depreciation and amortization
(including non-cash charges), facility lease expense, non-cash
compensation expense, and provision for bad debt.
The targeted level of performance under the Adjusted EBITDAR
portion of the Incentive Compensation Plan for 2010 was
$63,165,118, which was based on the Companys internal
business plan. Achievement of 95% of the Adjusted EBITDAR
performance under the Incentive Compensation Plan for 2010 would
result in 95% of the portion of the award subject to the
Adjusted EBITDAR target being earned by our eligible named
executive officers. Achievement of the minimum threshold level
of Adjusted EBITDAR performance under the Incentive Compensation
Plan for 2010 would result in between 95% and 100% of the
portion of the award subject to the Adjusted EBITDAR target
being earned, subject to proration based on the actual Adjusted
EBITDAR results reported for 2010. If the Company did not
achieve 95% of the Adjusted EBITDAR target, no amounts would be
paid to the eligible named executive officers with respect to
this bonus opportunity.
The following tables set forth the cash performance bonus
opportunities of our eligible named executive officers under the
Incentive Compensation Plan for 2010 with respect to the
Adjusted EBITDAR target. As the Company achieved Adjusted
EBITDAR of $68,602,000 for 2010, which equaled approximately
109% of the target amount, the target was achieved and the
amounts listed below at the 100% level were awarded to such
named executive officers.
A. Cohen
% of Adjusted
Bonus as %
Adjusted EBITDAR
of Base Salary
Keith N.
% of Adjusted
Bonus as %
Adjusted EBITDAR
of Base Salary
Ralph A.
% of Adjusted
Bonus as %
Adjusted EBITDAR
of Base Salary
Excess CFFO Per Share. Under the Incentive
Compensation Plan for 2010, our eligible named executive
officers were also eligible to receive an additional award in
excess of the target bonus amounts of up to 26% (36% for CEO) of
their respective base salaries for the year (in the amounts set
forth in the tables below) to the extent the above CFFO per
share target, or $0.64 per share, was exceeded by at least 5%,
or $0.67 per share. If the Companys actual CFFO per share
did not exceed the target CFFO per share amount by 5%, no
amounts would be paid to the eligible named executive officers
with respect to this additional bonus. With respect to the
amounts listed below, (1) the awards at the 105% and 110%
CFFO per share Excess levels were payable in cash and
(2) the awards listed at the 115%, 120% and 125% CFFO per
share excess levels were payable as follows (i) 50% of the
award in cash and (ii) 50% of the award in a grant of the
Companys common stock, which vests in three annual
installments of 33%, 34% and 34%.
As the Company achieved CFFO per share of $0.74 for 2010, which
equaled approximately 115.6% of the target amount of CFFO per
share of $0.64, each eligible named executive officers received
the amounts listed at the 115% level below. As discussed above,
50% of the award was payable in cash and 50% of the award was
payable in a grant of the Companys common stock, which
vests in three annual installments of 33%, 34% and 34%.
A. Cohen
CFFO Per Share
Bonus as %
CFFO Per Share
Excess of Target
of Base Salary
Keith N.
Bonus as %
CFFO Per Share
Share Excess
of Base Salary
Ralph A.
Bonus as %
CFFO Per Share
Share Excess
of Base Salary
Individual Goals. Of the maximum
performance bonus amount that an eligible named executive
officer may earn pursuant to the Incentive Compensation Plan, a
pre-determined percentage of that amount is typically contingent
on the achievement by the eligible named executive officer of
certain objectively verifiable individual goals for the
corresponding year within such named executive officers
sphere of influence. These individual goals
are typically approved by the Compensation Committee in the
first quarter of each fiscal year based upon the recommendations
of our senior management regarding certain initiatives and the
corresponding measures therefor which our senior management
believes are directly related to the achievement of our business
plan for that year. Typically, several distinct individual goals
are established for each eligible named executive officer and of
the percentage of the maximum performance bonus amount that is
contingent on the achievement of such individual goals, varying
percentages of such amount are allocated by the Compensation
Committee based upon the recommendations of our senior
management to each individual goal.
Under the Incentive Compensation Plan for 2010, our eligible
named executive officers were eligible to receive a cash
performance bonus equal to a maximum of 12% (14% for our Chief
Executive Officer) of their respective base salaries for the
year based upon the achievement of such individual goals. The
table below sets forth the performance bonus opportunities of
our eligible named executive officers under the Incentive
Compensation Plan for 2010 with respect to the achievement of
individual goals.
Named Executive Officer
% of Base Salary
Lawrence A. Cohen
Keith N. Johannessen
Ralph A. Beattie
A. Cohen
CFFO Per Share. With respect to our Chief
Executive Officer, first, of the maximum cash bonus percentage
attributable to the achievement of individual goals, 9% was
based on the Companys achievement of CFFO per share
targets during 2010, upon the same terms and conditions as
described above regarding the corporate goals portion of the
Incentive Compensation Plan for 2010. Accordingly, achievement
of the minimum threshold level of CFFO performance under the
Incentive Compensation Plan for 2010, or CFFO per share of
$0.64, would result in our Chief Executive Officer receiving a
bonus equal to 9% of his base salary paid for the year. If the
Company did not achieve the CFFO per share target, no amounts
would be paid to Mr. Cohen with respect to this bonus
The following table sets forth the performance bonus opportunity
of Mr. Cohen under the Incentive Compensation Plan for 2010
with respect to his individual CFFO per share goal. As the
Company achieved CFFO per share of $0.74 for 2010, the target
was achieved and the amount listed below was awarded to
Mr. Cohen.
Bonus as %
CFFO Per Share Target
of Base Salary
Aggregate Value of Transactions. Second, of
the maximum cash bonus percentage attributable to the
achievement of individual goals, 5% was based on the achievement
of a target aggregate transaction value of $100,000,000 with
respect to senior housing communities acquired by the Company
during 2010, excluding any acquisition of the Companys
wholly-owned communities. 33% of such goal would be realized
upon the Companys acquisition of an aggregate of
$50,000,000 of senior housing communities during 2010 and 66% of
such goal would be realized upon the Companys acquisition
of an aggregate of $75,000,000 of senior housing communities
during 2010. If the Company did not acquire an aggregate of at
least $50,000,000 of senior housing communities, no amounts
would be paid to Mr. Cohen with respect to this bonus
The following table sets forth below the performance bonus
opportunity of Mr. Cohen under the Incentive Compensation
Plan for 2010 with respect to the acquisition aggregate
transaction value goal. As the Company acquired senior housing
communities with an aggregate transaction value of $188,550,000
during 2010, the target was achieved and the amount listed below
at the $100,000,000 aggregate transaction value level was
awarded to Mr. Cohen.
% of Target
Bonus as a % of
Transaction Value
Base Salary
Keith N.
Facility NOI. With respect to our President
and Chief Operating Officer, of the maximum cash bonus
percentage attributable to the achievement of individual goals,
6% was based on facility net operating income, or Facility NOI.
Facility NOI was defined as facility resident revenue less
facility operating expenses, not including management fees,
taxes and insurance, in the Companys 2010 business plan.
The targeted level of performance under the Facility NOI portion
of award for 2010 was $83,853,000, which was based on the
Companys internal business plan. Achievement of the
minimum threshold level of Facility NOI performance under the
Incentive Compensation Plan for 2010 would result in our
President and Chief Operating Officer receiving a bonus equal to
6% of his base salary paid for the year. If the Company did not
achieve the Facility NOI target, no amounts would be paid to
Mr. Johannessen with respect to this bonus opportunity.
The following table sets forth the performance bonus opportunity
of Mr. Johannessen under the Incentive Compensation Plan
for 2010 with respect to the Facility NOI target. As the Company
achieved Facility NOI of $88,468,092 for 2010, the target was
achieved and the amount listed below was awarded to
Mr. Johannessen.
Bonus as %
Facility NOI
of Base Salary
Resident Satisfaction. Second, of the maximum
cash bonus percentage attributable to the achievement of
individual goals, 6% was based on resident satisfaction.
Resident satisfaction is surveyed each year in our communities.
The receipt of a 93% or higher favorable rating on all
properties would result in 100% of the portion of the award
subject to resident satisfaction being earned by our President
and Chief Operating Officer. If the Company did not achieve
resident satisfaction percentage target, no amounts would be
paid to Mr. Johannessen with respect to this bonus
The following table sets forth the performance bonus opportunity
of Mr. Johannessen under the Incentive Compensation Plan
for 2010 with respect to resident satisfaction. As the Company
achieved resident satisfaction of 95% for 2010, the target was
achieved and the amount listed below was awarded to
Mr. Johannessen.
Bonus as %
Resident Satisfaction
of Base Salary
Ralph A.
Controllable G&A. With respect to our
Chief Financial Officer, of the maximum cash bonus percentage
attributable to the achievement of individual goals, 4% was
based on the budget for controllable general and administrative
expense categories accounting, finance,
payroll/benefits, information systems, investor relations and
administration, or Controllable G&A Categories. The
targeted budget under the Controllable G&A Categories
portion of the award for 2010 was $7,265,000, which was based on
the Companys internal business plan. Achievement of a
Controllable G&A Categories budget under the Incentive
Compensation Plan for 2010, as reported in the Companys
Annual Report on
Form 10-K,
would result in our Chief Financial Officer receiving a bonus
equal to 4% of his base salary for the year. If the Company did
not achieve the Controllable G&A Categories budget, no
amounts would be paid to Mr. Beattie with respect to this
bonus opportunity.
The following table sets forth the performance bonus opportunity
of Mr. Beattie under the Incentive Compensation Plan for
2010 with respect to the Controllable G&A target budget. As
the Companys Controllable G&A for 2010 was
$5,928,040, the target budget was achieved and the amount listed
below was awarded to Mr. Beattie.
Bonus as %
Controllable G&A
of Base Salary
Corporate Insurance Premiums. Second, of the
maximum cash bonus percentage attributable to the achievement of
individual goals, 2% was based on corporate insurance. Limiting
aggregate growth in policy premiums to no more than a 5%
increase over the previous policy period on comparable policies
for all insurance except workers compensation, health and dental
insurance would result in 100% of the portion of the award
subject to corporate insurance being earned by our Chief
Financial Officer. If the Company did not achieve target
with respect to the aggregate growth in corporate insurance
policy premiums, no amounts would be paid to Mr. Beattie
with respect to this bonus opportunity.
The following table sets forth the performance bonus opportunity
of Mr. Beattie under the Incentive Compensation Plan for
2010 with respect to the target limitation on corporate
insurance premiums. As the Companys corporate insurance
premiums for 2010 were 17.2% less than those for 2009, the
target was achieved and the amount listed below was awarded to
Mr. Beattie.
% Growth in Insurance
Bonus as %
of Base Salary
Less than 5%
Property Tax Reductions. Third, of the maximum
cash bonus percentage attributable to the achievement of
individual goals, 2% was based on property tax reductions on our
owned and leased communities. Property Tax Reductions was
defined as a reduction in property tax based on the taxing
authoritys tax rate applied to the difference between the
appraised value by the taxing authorities and the value of
property reached by agreement or appeal or by litigation. If the
appeal process or litigation extended beyond March 31,
2011, the property consultants written opinion of the tax
reduction would be used. A Property Tax Reduction of $150,000
for 2010 would result in 100% of the portion of the award
subject to property tax reductions being earned by our Chief
Financial Officer. If the Company did not achieve the Property
Tax Reduction target, no amounts would be paid to the
Mr. Beattie with respect to this bonus opportunity.
The following table sets forth the performance bonus opportunity
of Mr. Beattie under the Incentive Compensation Plan for
2010 with respect to Property Tax Reductions target. As the
Company achieved Property Tax Reductions of $194,012 for 2010,
the target was achieved and the amount listed below was awarded
to Mr. Beattie.
Bonus as %
Property Tax Reductions
of Base Salary
Aggregate Value of Transactions. Fourth, of
the maximum cash bonus percentage attributable to the
achievement of individual goals, 2% was based on the achievement
of a target aggregate transaction value of $100,000,000 with
respect to senior housing communities acquired by the Company
during 2010, excluding any acquisition of the Companys
wholly-owned communities. 33% of such goal would be realized
upon the Companys acquisition of an aggregate of
$50,000,000 of senior housing communities during 2010 and 66% of
such goal would be realized upon the Companys acquisition
of an aggregate of $75,000,000 of senior housing communities
during 2010. If the Company did not acquire an aggregate of at
least $50,000,000 of senior housing communities, no amounts
would be paid to Mr. Beattie with respect to this bonus
The following table sets forth below the performance bonus
opportunity of Mr. Beattie under the Incentive Compensation
Plan for 2010 with respect to the acquisition aggregate
transaction value goal. As the Company acquired senior housing
communities with an aggregate transaction value of $188,550,000
during 2010, the target was achieved and the amount listed below
at the $1,000,000 aggregate transaction value level was awarded
to Mr. Beattie.
Bonus as a %
Transaction Value
% of Target Bonus
of Base Salary
Mortgage Financing. Fifth, of the maximum cash
bonus percentage attributable to the achievement of individual
goals, 2% was based on securing mortgage financing for
acquisitions of senior housing communities. Upon the closing of
an acquisition of at least one senior housing community in 2010
with mortgage financing secured by our Chief Financial Officer,
100% of the portion of the award subject to acquisition
financing would be earned by our Chief Financial Officer. If the
Company did not achieve the acquisition financing target, no
amounts would be paid to the Mr. Beattie with respect to
this bonus opportunity.
The following table sets forth the performance bonus opportunity
of Mr. Beattie under the Incentive Compensation Plan for
2010 with respect to the acquisitions financing target. As the
Company did not acquire at least one senior housing community in
2010 with mortgage financing secured by Mr. Beattie, the
target was not achieved and the amount listed below was not
awarded to Mr. Beattie.
Senior Housing Communities
Bonus as %
with Mortgage Financing
of Base Salary
At least one
Other Named Executive
Officers. Messrs. Brickman and
Goodpaster do not participate in the Incentive Compensation
Plan, but the Compensation Committee has retained the ability to
award annual cash performance bonuses to such named executive
officers in its discretion pursuant to the terms of their
employment agreements. The determination as to whether
Messrs. Brickman and Goodpaster will receive a cash
performance bonus with respect to a particular year is typically
made by the Compensation Committee in the first quarter of the
following year. In determining whether Messrs. Brickman and
Goodpaster are entitled to receive a cash performance bonus, and
if so, in what amount, the Compensation Committee typically
reviews our financial performance for the relevant fiscal year,
the past performance of each, total cash compensation necessary
to retain top executive talent, and the budget for their
respective internal departments. The Compensation Committee does
not believe that the Incentive Compensation Plan is an
appropriate method by which to determine the cash performance
bonus which Messrs. Brickman and Goodpaster are entitled to
receive each year, since the Incentive Compensation Plan has
historically been heavily dependent upon measures which are
related to the achievement of our business plan. The
Compensation Committee does not believe that, in their
capacities as our Vice President General Counsel and
Vice President National Marketing, respectively,
Messrs. Brickman and Goodpaster are in positions to
influence the achievement of our business plan each year in the
same manner as our other named executive officers.
For a further description of the cash performance bonuses paid
to our named executive officers for 2010, please refer to the
Summary Compensation Table beginning on page 31 of this
proxy statement.
On May 8, 2007, the date of the 2007 Annual Stockholders
Meeting, the stockholders approved the 2007 Stock Incentive
Plan, which we refer to as the 2007 Stock Incentive
Plan. Upon approval of the 2007 Stock Incentive Plan, the
1997 Stock Incentive Plan terminated and no additional awards
will be granted under that plan. Awards granted thereunder may
be made at such times and upon such vesting and other conditions
as determined by the Compensation Committee, and may be made in
the form of stock options, restricted share awards, stock
appreciation rights, or SARs, cash awards and performance-based
equity and cash awards. Pursuant to the terms of the 2007 Stock
Incentive Plan, the Chief Executive Officer and each of the four
highest paid employees as of December 31, 2010 are not
eligible to receive awards under the 2007 Stock Option Plan in
any fiscal year exceeding 100,000 shares.
The Compensation Committee has historically granted long-term
incentive awards to our named executive officers on a
basis in connection with certain events which it determined have
positively impacted our performance
increased stockholder value, and which it determined were
substantially attributable to the performance of an individual
named executive officer in his or her position with us. The
Compensation Committee has also historically granted long-term
incentive awards to our named executive officers in connection
with events which have increased the number of outstanding
shares of our common stock, so that our named executive officers
maintained a relatively proportionate ownership interest in our
equity after giving effect to such event as existed before such
event. During 2010, except as described below pursuant to the
Incentive Compensation Plan, the Compensation Committee
determined not to grant any equity awards to our named executive
officers. In making this determination, the Compensation
Committee considered the total mix of compensation opportunity
available to each of our named executive officers in 2010,
including their base salaries and eligibility to receive cash
incentive awards and other bonuses. The Compensation Committee
also considered each of our named executive officers
current stock ownership in the Company and determined that such
level of stock ownership sufficiently aligned the interests of
our named executive officers with those of our other
stockholders. In March 2011, as a result of the Companys
achievement of the excess CFFO per share performance target
under the Incentive Compensation Plan, Messrs. Cohen,
Johannessen and Beattie were awarded 2,787, 1,186 and
1,107 shares of restricted stock,
respectively. These shares of restricted stock vest in three
installments of 33%, 33% and 34% on March 1, 2012,
March 1, 2013 and March 1, 2014, respectively.
In determining the amount and types of long-term incentive
awards to be granted to our named executive officers, the
Compensation Committee primarily relies upon:
objective data with respect to the size
and/or the
financial impact of the transaction(s), if any, giving rise to
such long-term incentive award;
its own judgment with respect to the contributions of our named
executive officers to such transaction(s) giving rise to the
long-term incentive award, if any, which may involve input from
members of our senior management;
publicly-available information with respect to long-term
incentive awards paid to named executive officers at companies
in our peer group;
the amount of equity held by each named executive
officer; and
the amount of cash compensation, in the form of base salary and
cash performance bonus, that each named executive officer is
eligible to earn for the relevant fiscal year.
For a description of the long-term incentives awarded to our
named executive officers for 2010, please refer to the Grants of
Plan-Based Awards Table beginning on page 35 of this proxy
We have entered into employment agreements with each of our
named executive officers which, among other things, provide for
severance benefits to be paid upon the happening of certain
events. Our employment agreements with Messrs. Brickman,
Cohen, Johannessen and Goodpaster were each entered into in
connection with our initial public offering in 1997. Leading up
to our initial public offering, our Board of Directors, based
upon input received from our legal counsel and legal counsel for
our underwriters, determined that it was in our best interests
to implement a company-wide severance plan structure, whereby
severance benefits would be paid in certain events to members of
our executive and senior management, including such named
executive officers. Accordingly, our Board of Directors relied
in large part upon both input received from such legal counsel
as well as publicly-available information with respect to the
severance practices of similarly-situated companies in order to
determine which measures to use to calculate the amounts payable
upon the happening of certain events as well as the selection of
the types of events which would trigger a payment obligation
under our severance plan structure.
Upon the commencement of his employment with us in 1999, we
entered into an employment agreement with Mr. Beattie. In
the course of negotiating Mr. Beatties employment
agreement, we relied upon publicly-available information with
respect to the severance practices of the companies in our peer
group in order to determine which measures to use to calculate
the amounts payable upon the happening of certain events as well
as the selection of the types of events which would trigger a
payment obligation in the event that Mr. Beatties
employment with us is severed. In addition, the Compensation
Committee also sought to achieve a degree of consistency with
respect to the severance benefits available to our other named
executive officers.
The Compensation Committee believes that such severance benefits
advance the objectives which the Compensation Committee has
identified for our executive compensation program by
facilitating our ability to employ, retain and reward executives
who are capable of leading us to the achievement of our business
In addition, the Compensation Committee believes that the
formalization of our severance practices benefits us by
providing certainty in terms of our obligations to our named
executive officers in the event that our relationship with such
individuals is severed.
Any time that the Compensation Committee considers the amount
and mix of total compensation to be paid to our named executive
officers it considers, among other things, the severance
payments to which each named executive officer would be entitled
to receive on the occurrence of the specified events. The
Compensation Committee considers such information a relevant
factor in analyzing proposed compensation arrangements,
including raises in salary, bonus opportunities and grants of
long-term incentive awards.
For a more detailed description of the severance arrangements
which apply to our named executive officers, please refer to
Termination of Employment and Change in Control
Arrangements beginning on page 37 of this proxy
Our named executive officers are eligible to participate in
certain benefit plans generally available to all of our
employees. The benefits available are the same for all of our
employees, including our named executive officers, and include
medical and dental coverage, long-term disability insurance and
supplemental life insurance.
In addition, all of our employees, including our named executive
officers, are eligible to participate in our 401(k) plan, which
represents the only retirement benefit which we provide to our
named executive officers. We may make discretionary matching
cash contributions to the 401(k) plan in the amount of 100% of
the named executive officers contributions, up to an
amount not to exceed 2% of the named executive officers
base salary. In establishing the amount of cash contributions
made by our named executive officers to the 401(k) plan which we
will match, we rely on publicly-available information with
respect to the practices employed by the companies in our peer
Historically, our executive compensation program has contained
limited perquisites. Other than the receipt of an automobile
allowance by Mr. Cohen of approximately $500 per month, our
named executive officers did not receive any special perquisites
during 2010.
The Compensation Committee has determined to offer the
above-described perquisites and other personal benefits in order
to attract and retain our named executive officers by offering
compensation opportunities that are competitive with those
offered by similarly-situated companies in the senior living
industry. In determining the total compensation payable to our
named executive officers for a given fiscal year, the
Compensation Committee will examine such perquisites and other
personal benefits in the context of the total compensation which
our named executive officers are eligible to receive. However,
given the fact that such perquisites and other personal benefits
which are available to our named executive officers represent a
relatively insignificant portion of their total compensation,
the availability of such items does not materially influence the
decisions made by the Compensation Committee with respect to
other elements of the total compensation to which our named
executive officers are entitled or awarded. For a description of
the perquisites and other personal benefits received by our
named executive officers during 2010, please refer to the
Summary Compensation Table beginning on page 31 of this
proxy statement.
The foregoing discussion describes the compensation objectives
and policies which were utilized with respect to our named
executive officers during 2010. In the future, as the
Compensation Committee continues to review each element of the
executive compensation program with respect to our named
executive officers, the objectives of our executive compensation
program, as well as the methods which the Compensation Committee
utilizes to determine both the types and amounts of compensation
to award to our named executive officers, may change.
Committee Report on Executive Compensation
The Compensation Committee has reviewed and discussed the
Compensation Discussion and Analysis required by
Item 402(b) of
Regulation S-K
with our management and, based upon such review and discussions,
the Compensation Committee recommended to the Board that the
Compensation Discussion and Analysis be included in the proxy
statement on Schedule 14A related to the Annual Meeting,
for filing with the SEC.
Compensation Committee
James A. Moore, Chairman
Craig F. Hartberg
Peter L. Martin
Compensation Table
The following table summarizes the compensation earned by our
named executive officers in 2010, 2009 and 2008. The table
specifically identifies the dollar value of compensation related
to 2010, 2009 and 2008 earned by such named executive officers
in the form of:
base salary, which is paid in cash;
cash performance bonus, with respect to Messrs. Brickman
and Goodpaster;
non-equity incentive plan compensation, listing the aggregate
dollar value of awards earned by our named executive officers
under our Incentive Compensation Plan for 2010, 2009 and
2008, and
all other compensation, which includes amounts paid by us to the
named executive officers as matching contributions under our
401(k) plan.
Other than Messrs. Brickman and Goodpaster, our named
executive officers were not entitled to receive payments which
would be characterized as Bonus payments for
purposes of the Summary Compensation Table for 2010, 2009 and
2008. Amounts listed under Non-Equity Incentive Plan
Compensation, represent cash performance bonus awards
earned by our named executive officers for 2010, 2009 and 2008
pursuant to our Incentive Compensation Plan.
Based on the base salaries of our named executive officers for
2010, Salary accounted for approximately 62%, 67%,
67%, 77% and 81% of the total compensation of
Messrs. Cohen, Johannessen, Beattie, Brickman and
Goodpaster, respectively, while cash performance bonuses earned
by our named executive officers, whether pursuant to our
Incentive Compensation Plan for 2010 or otherwise, accounted for
approximately 38%, 32%, 31%, 22% and 12% of the total
compensation of Messrs. Cohen, Johannessen, Beattie,
Brickman and Goodpaster, respectively. Based on the base
salaries of our named executive officers for 2009,
Salary accounted for approximately 38%, 35%, 46%,
63% and 76% of the total compensation of Messrs. Cohen,
Johannessen, Beattie, Brickman and Goodpaster, respectively,
while cash performance bonuses earned by our named executive
officers, whether pursuant to our Incentive Compensation Plan
for 2009 or otherwise, accounted for approximately 36%, 26%,
32%, 14% and 10% of the total compensation of
Messrs. Cohen, Johannessen, Beattie, Brickman and
Goodpaster, respectively. Based on the base salaries of our
named executive officers for 2008, Salary accounted
for approximately 68%, 71%, 66% and 80% of the total
compensation of Messrs. Cohen, Johannessen, Beattie and
Brickman, respectively, while cash performance bonuses earned by
our named executive officers, whether pursuant to our Incentive
Compensation Plan for 2008 or otherwise, accounted for
approximately 31%, 27%, 32% and 18% of the total compensation of
Messrs. Cohen, Johannessen, Beattie and Brickman,
respectively. Mr. Goodpaster was not one of our named
executive officers for 2008, and accordingly, information with
respect to Mr. Goodpasters compensation for such year
is not provided.
Compensation Table
Incentive Plan
All Other
Name and Principal Position
Lawrence A. Cohen,
Vice Chairman of the
Board and Chief Executive Officer
Keith N. Johannessen,
President and Chief
Operating Officer
Ralph A. Beattie,
Executive Vice President
and Chief Financial Officer
David R. Brickman,
Vice President General
Counsel and Secretary
Robert L. Goodpaster,
Vice President National Marketing
(1) |
Amounts reflect the aggregate fair value of awards of restricted
stock computed in accordance with Financial Accounting Standards
Board (FASB) Accounting Standards Codification Topic
718 (formerly, FASB Statement 123R, ASC 718).
Assumptions used in the calculation of these amounts are
included in footnote 10 to our audited financial statements for
the fiscal year ended December 31, 2010 included in our
Annual Report on
Form 10-K
filed with the SEC on March 14, 2011. The shares of
restricted stock reflected in this column for 2010 were granted
on March 1, 2011 under the 2007 Stock Incentive Plan as a
result of the achievement of a performance target by the Company
under the Incentive Compensation Plan for 2010 and vest in equal
installments of 33%, 33% and 34% on March 1, 2012,
March 1, 2013, and March 1, 2014, respectively. The
shares of restricted stock reflected in this column for 2009
were granted on January 5, 2009 pursuant to the 2007 Stock
Incentive Plan and vest in equal installments of 33%, 33% and
34% on January 5, 2010, January 5, 2011 and
January 5, 2012, respectively. |
(2) |
The amounts in this column reflects auto allowances with respect
to Mr. Cohen only and annual contributions or other
allocations by us to our 401(k) plan with respect to our other
named executive officers. |
(3) |
This amount reflects Mr. Cohens cash performance
bonus pursuant to our Incentive Compensation Plan for 2010.
Mr. Cohens target cash performance bonus under our
Incentive Compensation Plan for 2010 was established at 39% of
his annual base salary and Mr. Cohens maximum cash
performance under our Incentive Compensation Plan for 2010 was
established at 75% of his annual base salary. Since the Company
achieved the CFFO per outstanding share and adjusted EBITDAR
targets under the Incentive Compensation Plan for 2010,
Mr. Cohen earned $161,412, or 25% of his annual base
salary. Since Mr. Cohen achieved each of his individual
goals under the Incentive Compensation Plan for 2010 related to
CFFO per outstanding share and acquisitions, Mr. Cohen
earned an additional $90,390, or 14% of his annual base salary.
Since the Company exceeded its CFFO per outstanding share goal
under the Incentive Compensation Plan for 2010 by approximately
115%, Mr. Cohen also earned $139,459, or 21.6% of his
annual base salary of which $23,243 was awarded in restricted
Company stock, as reflected in footnote 1 above. |
(4) |
This amount reflects Mr. Cohens cash performance
bonus pursuant to our Incentive Compensation Plan for 2009.
Mr. Cohens target cash performance bonus under our
Incentive Compensation Plan for 2009 was established at 100% of
his base salary. Since the Company achieved the target amount of
earnings per share of its common stock for each quarter of
fiscal 2009, Mr. Cohen earned $47,195, $47,667, $48,611,
and 48,611, respectively, for the first quarter, second quarter,
third quarter, and fourth quarter of fiscal 2009. Since
Mr. Cohen exceeded his individual goal for 2009 related to
adjusted Cash Flow From Operations (CFFO), Mr. Cohen earned
$62,427 or 14.3% of his annual base salary. Since the Company
exceeded each of its |
corporate adjusted CFFO and Earnings before Interest, Taxes,
Depreciation, Amortization, and Rent (EBITDAR) goals for 2009,
Mr. Cohen earned $167,009 or 38.3% of his annual base
salary. |
(5) |
This amount reflects Mr. Cohens cash performance
bonus pursuant to our Incentive Compensation Plan for 2008.
Mr. Cohens target cash performance bonus under our
Incentive Compensation Plan for 2008 was established at 100% of
his base salary. Since we achieved the target amount of earnings
per share of our common stock for the first and second quarters
of fiscal 2008, Mr. Cohen earned $45,380 and $45,985,
respectively for such quarters. Since we achieved our goals for
the relative performance of the price of our common stock for
the first and third quarters of fiscal 2008, Mr. Cohen
earned $13,408 and $13,944 respectively for such quarters, or a
total of 6.5% of his base salary. The Company achieved a portion
of our goal for the relative performance of the price of our
common stock in the second and fourth quarters of fiscal 2008,
therefore the Compensation Committee determined it appropriate
to award Mr. Cohen $3,486 and $7,294, respectively for such
quarters, or a total of 2.5% of his base salary. Although we did
not achieve our goal for the target amount of earnings per share
in the third and fourth quarters of fiscal 2008, the
Compensation Committee determined it appropriate based on
changes in market conditions, changes in business philosophy,
and overall trends in the economy to award Mr. Cohen
$39,329 and $20,227, respectively for such quarters, or 13.9% of
his base salary. |
(6) |
This amount reflects Mr. Johannessens cash
performance bonus pursuant to our Incentive Compensation Plan
for 2010. Mr. Johannessens target cash performance
bonus under our Incentive Compensation Plan for 2010 was
established at 32% of his annual base salary and
Mr. Johannessens maximum cash performance under our
Incentive Compensation Plan for 2010 was established at 58% of
his annual base salary. Since the Company achieved the CFFO per
outstanding share and adjusted EBITDAR targets under the
Incentive Compensation Plan for 2010, Mr. Johannessen
earned $76,096, or 20% of his annual base salary. Since
Mr. Johannessen achieved each of his individual goals under
the Incentive Compensation Plan for 2010 related to the
Companys net operating income and resident satisfaction,
Mr. Johannessen earned an additional $49,658, or 12% of his
annual base salary. Since the Company exceeded its CFFO per
outstanding share goal under the Incentive Compensation Plan for
2010 by approximately 115%, Mr. Johannessen also earned
$59,356, or 15.6% of his annual base salary of which $9,893 was
awarded in restricted stock of the Company, as reflected in
footnote 1 above. |
(7) |
This amount reflects Mr. Johannessens cash
performance bonus pursuant to our Incentive Compensation Plan
for 2009. Mr. Johannessens target cash performance
bonus under our Incentive Compensation Plan for 2009 was
established at 75% of his base salary. Since the Company
achieved the target amount of earnings per share of its common
stock for each quarter of fiscal 2009, Mr. Johannessen
earned $22,584, $22,810, $23,262, and $23,262, respectively, for
the first quarter, second quarter, third quarter, and fourth
quarter of fiscal 2009. Since Mr. Johannessen exceeded his
individual goal for 2009 related to measures of the
Companys net operating income and achieved his individual
goal for 2009 related to resident satisfaction,
Mr. Johannessen earned $41,788, or 15.0% of his base
salary. Since the Company exceeded each of its corporate
adjusted CFFO and EBITDAR goals for 2009, Mr. Johannessen
earned $79,785 or 28.6% of his annual base salary. |
(8) |
This amount reflects Mr. Johannessens cash
performance bonus pursuant to our Incentive Compensation Plan
for 2008. Mr. Johannessens target cash performance
bonus under our Incentive Compensation Plan for 2008 was
established at 75% of his base salary. Since we achieved the
target amount of earnings per share of our common stock for the
first and second quarters of fiscal 2008, Mr. Johannessen
earned $21,716 and $22,005, respectively for such quarters.
Since Mr. Johannessen achieved his individual goals for
2008 related to measures of our net operating income and
resident satisfaction, the Compensation Committee determined it
appropriate to award Mr. Johannessen $12,538, or 4.6% of
his base salary. Since we achieved our goals for the relative
performance of the price of our common stock for the first and
third quarters of fiscal 2008, Mr. Johannessen earned
$6,580 and $6,844, respectively for such quarters, or a total of
5.0% of his base salary. The Company achieved a portion of our
goal for the relative performance of the price of our common
stock in the second and fourth quarters of fiscal 2008,
therefore the Compensation Committee determined it appropriate
to award Mr. Johannessen $1,711 and $3,559, respectively
for such quarters, or a total of 1.9% of his base salary.
Although we did not achieve our goal for the target amount of
earnings per share in the third and fourth quarters of fiscal
2008, the Compensation Committee determined it appropriate based
on changes in |
market conditions, changes in business philosophy, and overall
trends in the economy to award Mr. Johannessen $18,820 and
$9,679, respectively for such quarters, or 10.4% of his base
salary. |
(9) |
This amount reflects Mr. Beatties cash performance
bonus pursuant to our Incentive Compensation Plan for 2010.
Mr. Beatties target cash performance bonus under our
Incentive Compensation Plan for 2010 was established at 32% of
his annual base salary and Mr. Beatties maximum cash
performance under our Incentive Compensation Plan for 2010 was
established at 58% of his annual base salary. Since the Company
achieved the CFFO per outstanding share and adjusted EBITDAR
targets under the Incentive Compensation Plan for 2010,
Mr. Beattie earned $71,045, or 20% of his annual base
salary. Since Mr. Beattie achieved his individual goals
under the Incentive Compensation Plan for 2010 related to
acquisitions and the Companys corporate expenses,
insurance and property taxes, Mr. Beattie earned an
additional $35,521, or 10% of his annual base salary. Since the
Company exceeded its CFFO per outstanding share goal under the
Incentive Compensation Plan for 2010 by approximately 115%,
Mr. Beattie also earned $55,415, or 15.6% of his annual
base salary of which $9,236 was awarded in restricted stock of
the Company, as reflected in footnote 1 above. |
(10) |
This amount reflects Mr. Beatties cash performance
bonus pursuant to our Incentive Compensation Plan for 2009.
Mr. Beatties target cash performance bonus under our
Incentive Compensation Plan for 2009 was established at 75% of
his base salary. Since the Company achieved the target amount of
earnings per share of its common stock for each quarter of
fiscal 2009, Mr. Beattie earned $21,085, $21,296, $21,718,
and $21,718, respectively, for the first quarter, second
quarter, third quarter, and fourth quarter of fiscal 2009. Since
Mr. Beattie exceeded his individual goal for 2009 related
to measures of our corporate expenses and achieved his
individual goal for 2009 related to measures of our insurance
and property taxes, Mr. Beattie earned $27,564 or 10.6% of
his annual base salary. Since the Company exceeded its corporate
adjusted CFFO and EBITDAR goals for 2009, Mr. Beattie
earned $74,488 or 28.6% of his annual base salary. |
(11) |
This amount reflects Mr. Beatties cash performance
bonus pursuant to our Incentive Compensation Plan for 2008.
Mr. Beatties target cash performance bonus under our
Incentive Compensation Plan for 2008 was established at 75% of
his base salary. Since we achieved the target amount of earnings
per share of our common stock for the first and second quarters
of fiscal 2008, Mr. Beattie earned $20,274 and $20,544,
respectively for such quarters. Since Mr. Beattie achieved
his individual goals for 2008 related to measures of our
corporate expenses, systems implementation and satisfaction, and
property taxes, the Compensation Committee determined it
appropriate to award Mr. Beattie $34,630, or 13.75% of his
base salary. Since we achieved our goals for the relative
performance of the price of our common stock for the first and
third quarters of fiscal 2008, Mr. Beattie earned $6,144
and $6,389 respectively for such quarters, or a total of 5.0% of
his base salary. The Company achieved a portion of our goal for
the relative performance of the price of our common stock in the
second and fourth quarters of fiscal 2008, therefore the
Compensation Committee determined it appropriate to award
Mr. Beattie $1,597 and $3,323, respectively for such
quarters, or 1.9% of his base salary. Although we did not
achieve our goal for the target amount of earnings per share in
the third and fourth quarters of fiscal 2008, the Compensation
Committee determined it appropriate based on changes in market
conditions, changes in business philosophy, and overall trends
in the economy to award Mr. Beattie $17,571 and $9,036,
respectively for such quarters, or 10.4% of his base salary. |
Grants of
Plan-Based Awards
The following table sets forth certain information with respect
to grants of plan-based awards to the named executive officers
in 2010. The estimated possible payouts under non-equity
incentive plan awards represent the bonus award opportunities
granted to our eligible named executive officers in 2010 under
the Incentive Compensation Plan.
All Other
Estimated Possible Payouts
Estimated Future Payouts
Date Fair
Number of
or Base
Value of
Non-Equity Incentive Plan
Equity Incentive Plan
Price of
Stock and
of Stock
or Units
Lawrence A. Cohen
Keith N. Johannessen
Ralph A. Beattie
David R. Brickman
Robert L. Goodpaster
(1) |
These columns show the value of the possible payouts of the
incentive bonuses under the Incentive Compensation Plan for 2010
for each eligible named executive officer if the target and
maximum performance levels are achieved. There were no minimum
(or threshold) bonus awards under the Incentive Compensation
Plan for 2010 for any of our named executive officers. The
potential payout is performance-based and driven by Company and
individual performance. The actual amount of the incentive
bonuses paid pursuant to the Incentive Compensation Plan for
2010 is shown in the Summary Compensation Table under the
Non-Equity Incentive Plan Compensation column.
Messrs. Brickman and Goodpaster did not participate in the
Incentive Compensation Plan for 2010. |
(2) |
Represents shares of restricted stock awarded as a result of the
Companys achievement of the excess CFFO per share
performance target under the Incentive Compensation Plan for
2010. The shares vest in three installments of 33%, 33% and 34%
on March 1, 2012, March 1, 2013 and March 1, 2014. |
We entered into an employment agreement with Mr. Cohen in
November 1996 which was subsequently amended in May 1999, August
2002, January 2003, February 2004 and April 2010.
Mr. Cohens employment agreement is for a term of
three years and automatically extends for a two-year term on a
consecutive basis, and his compensation thereunder generally
consists of (i) a minimum annual base salary of $636,366,
subject to annual adjustments, (ii) an annual bonus as
determined by the Compensation Committee, and
(iii) participation in our employee benefit plans for
senior executive officers.
We entered into an employment agreement with
Mr. Johannessen in November 1996 which was subsequently
amended in June 1999, January 2003 and April 2010.
Mr. Johannessens employment agreement is for a term
of three years and automatically extends for a two-year term on
a consecutive basis, and his compensation thereunder generally
consists of (i) an annual base salary of $375,006, subject
to annual adjustments, (ii) an annual bonus as determined
by the Compensation Committee, and (iii) participation in
our employee benefit plans for senior executive officers.
We entered into an employment agreement with Mr. Beattie in
May 1999 which was subsequently amended in January 2003 and
April 2010. Mr. Beatties employment agreement is for
a term of three years and automatically extends for a two-year
term on a consecutive basis, and his compensation thereunder
generally consists of (i) an annual base salary of
$350,115, subject to annual adjustments, (ii) an annual
bonus as determined by the Compensation Committee, and
(iii) participation in our employee benefit plans for
senior executive officers.
We entered into an employment agreement with Mr. Brickman
in December 1996 which was subsequently amended in December 2000
and January 2003. Mr. Brickmans employment agreement
is for a term of three years and automatically extends for a
two-year term on a consecutive basis, and the compensation
thereunder generally consists of (i) an annual base salary
of $146,584, subject to annual adjustments, (ii) an annual
bonus as determined by the Compensation Committee, and
(iii) participation in our employee benefit plans for
senior executive officers.
We entered into an employment agreement with Mr. Goodpaster
in December 1996. Mr. Goodpasters employment
agreement is for a term of two years and automatically extends
for a one-year term on a consecutive basis, and the compensation
thereunder generally consists of (i) an annual base salary,
subject to annual adjustments, (ii) an annual bonus as
determined by the Compensation Committee, and
(iii) participation in our employee benefit plans for
senior executive officers.
For a description of the process by which the annual base salary
adjustments and the cash performance bonuses are determined,
please refer to Compensation Discussion and Analysis
beginning on page 16 of this proxy statement.
In addition, each of the above-described employment agreements
contains severance provisions which provide for certain payments
to be made by us to each such named executive officer upon the
occurrence of certain events which result in his employment with
us being terminated, including upon a fundamental
change of us. Included in each employment agreement is a
covenant of the employee not to compete with us during the term
of his employment and for a period of one year thereafter. For a
detailed description of the severance provisions contained in
the employment agreements, please refer to Termination of
Employment and Change in Control Arrangements beginning on
page 37 of this proxy statement.
Equity Awards at Fiscal Year-End
Option Awards
Stock Awards
Plan Awards:
Number of
Market or
Payout Value
Number of
Number of
Number of
of Shares
Value of
of Unearned
or Units
Shares or
Units or
Shares, Units
of Stock
Units of
or Other
Stock That
Rights That
Have Not
Have Not
That Have
Have Not
Not Vested
Lawrence A. Cohen
Keith N. Johannessen
Ralph A. Beattie
David R. Brickman
Robert L. Goodpaster
(1) |
The shares of restricted stock reflected in this column were
granted on January 5, 2009 pursuant to the 2007 Stock
Incentive Plan and vest in equal installments of 33%, 33% and
34% on January 5, 2010, January 5, 2011 and
January 5, 2012, respectively. |
(2) |
Calculated by reference to the closing price for shares of our
common stock on the NYSE on December 31, 2010, which was
$6.70. |
The following table presents the amounts each named executive
officer received in 2010 upon exercise of options and the value
realized upon the vesting of restricted stock awards. The value
realized on the exercise of options and vesting of restricted
stock does not account for the personal tax liability incurred
by our named executive officers.
Option Awards
Stock Awards
Number of
Number of
Shares Acquired
Value Realized
Shares Acquired
Value Realized
on Exercise (#)
on Exercise ($)
on Vesting (#)(1)
on Vesting ($)
Lawrence A. Cohen(2)
Keith N. Johannessen
Ralph A. Beattie(3)
David R. Brickman
Robert L. Goodpaster
(1) |
Represents shares of restricted stock which vested on
January 5, 2010 pursuant to restricted stock awards granted
to our named executive officers on January 5, 2009 pursuant
to the 2007 Stock Incentive Plan. |
(2) |
Mr. Cohen exercised 14,409 options on February 1, 2010
acquiring the underlying 14,409 shares at an exercise price
of $3.63 and sold such shares at a weighted average market price
of $5.00 on February 1, 2010 pursuant to a previously
Rule 10b5-1
trading plan. In addition, Mr. Cohen exercised 20,000
options on February 2, 2010 acquiring the underlying
20,000 shares at an exercise price of $3.63 and sold such
shares at a weighted average market price of $4.98 on
February 2, 2010 pursuant to a previously adopted
Rule 10b5-1
trading plan. The options exercised by Mr. Cohen on these
two dates were set to expire on February 15, 2010. |
(3) |
Mr. Beattie exercised 43,010 options on January 4,
2010 acquiring the underlying 43,010 shares at an exercise
price of $3.63 and sold such shares at a weighted average market
price of $5.13 on January 4, 2010 pursuant to a previously
Rule 10b5-1
trading plan. The options exercised by Mr. Beattie on such
date were set to expire on February 15, 2010. |
As previously discussed, we have entered into an employment
agreement with each of our named executive officers, which,
among other things, provides for severance benefits to be paid
upon an involuntary termination of the named executive
officers employment or the occurrence of certain other
events that may affect the named executive officer, with the
amounts of such benefits varying based upon such
individuals position with us. In addition, each employment
agreement contains a non-competition provision. Certain of the
employment agreements which we have entered into with our named
executive officers contain provisions with respect to severance
benefits and covenants not to compete which are substantially
identical to those contained in an employment agreement which we
have entered into with another of our named executive officers.
Accordingly, the following discussion is separated into
sections, with a separate section for each grouping of our named
executive officers who have entered into employment agreements
with us which contain substantially identical terms with respect
to severance benefits and non-competition.
In addition, pursuant to such employment agreements, each named
executive officer has agreed that he will not, either during the
term of his employment with us or at any time thereafter,
divulge, communicate, use to our detriment or for the benefit of
another, or make or remove any copies of, our confidential
information or proprietary data or information. Such
confidentiality obligations do not apply to information which is
or becomes generally available to the public other than as a
result of disclosure by the named executive officer, is known to
him prior to his employment with us from other sources, or is
required to be disclosed by law or regulatory or judicial
A. Cohen
Termination Not in Conjunction with a Fundamental
Change. If we terminate the employment of
Mr. Cohen because of death or disability or for any reason
other than for cause, or if Mr. Cohen voluntary
resigns for good reason, then Mr. Cohen will be
entitled to:
receive his base salary plus his annual bonus paid at the rate
during the previous 12 months for the balance of the term
of his employment agreement, but not less than two years from
the date of the notice of termination;
retain all of his options to purchase shares of our common stock
that have vested; and
receive payment of all accrued but unpaid or unused vacation,
sick pay and expense reimbursement.
A resignation by Mr. Cohen shall be deemed to be a
resignation for good reason if the resignation is
based on (i) a material diminution in Mr. Cohens
duties, which is not part of an overall diminution for all of
our executive officers, or (ii) our material breach of our
obligations to Mr. Cohen under his employment agreement or
under our stock incentive plan.
A termination of Mr. Cohens employment by us shall be
deemed to be for cause if it is based upon
(i) a final, nonappealable conviction of Mr. Cohen for
commission of a felony involving moral turpitude,
(ii) Mr. Cohens willful gross misconduct that
causes us material economic harm or that brings substantial
discredit to our reputation, or (iii) Mr. Cohens
material failure or refusal to perform his duties in accordance
with his employment agreement, if Mr. Cohen has failed to
cure such failure or refusal to perform within 30 days
after we notify him in writing of such failure or refusal to
If the employment of Mr. Cohen is terminated for any other
reason, then we are to promptly pay Mr. Cohen his base
salary and pro-rated annual bonus up to and through the date of
termination as well as all accrued but unpaid or unused
vacation, sick pay and expense reimbursement.
Termination in Conjunction with a Fundamental
Change. If the employment of Mr. Cohen
is terminated in conjunction with a fundamental
change of us, Mr. Cohen will be entitled to receive
the same severance payments and benefits described above (not in
conjunction with a fundamental change), except that
Mr. Cohen will be entitled to receive his base salary plus
his annual bonus at the rate paid during the previous
12 months for three years from the date of the notice of
Pursuant to his employment agreement, the term fundamental
change generally means:
a merger, consolidation, statutory share exchange or sale,
lease, exchange or other transfer of all or substantially all of
our assets requiring the consent or vote of our stockholders,
other than one in which our stockholders have the same
proportionate ownership of the surviving corporation immediately
after such transaction;
the approval by our stockholders of any plan or proposal for our
liquidation or dissolution;
the cessation of control (by virtue of their not constituting a
majority of directors) of the Board of Directors by the
individuals who (i) at the date of the employment agreement
were directors, or (ii) became directors after such date
and whose election or nomination was approved by at least
two-thirds of the directors then in office who were directors at
such date, or whose election or nomination for election was
previously so approved; or
the acquisition of 20% or more of the voting power of our common
stock by any person or group who owned less than 15% of the
voting power on the date of the employment agreement, or the
acquisition of an additional five percent of the voting power by
any person or group who owned at least 15% of such voting power
on the date of such employment agreement.
Non-Competition. Pursuant to his
employment agreement, Mr. Cohen has agreed that during the
term of his employment with us and for one year thereafter, he
will not, directly or indirectly, acquire, develop or operate
senior living facilities anywhere in the United States, other
than through us and except as otherwise requested by us.
Notwithstanding the foregoing, the ownership by Mr. Cohen
of a class of securities listed on a stock exchange or traded on
market that represents five percent or less of the number of
shares of such class of securities then issued and outstanding
is permitted.
N. Johannessen and Ralph A. Beattie
Termination Not in Conjunction with a Fundamental
Change. If we terminate the employment of
Mr. Johannessen or Mr. Beattie because of death or
disability or for any reason other than for cause,
or if Mr. Johannessen or Mr. Beattie voluntary resigns
for good reason, then Mr. Johannessen or
Mr. Beattie, as applicable, will be entitled to:
receive his base salary plus his annual bonus paid at the rate
during the previous 12 months for the balance of the term
of his employment agreement, but not less than two years from
the date of the notice of termination;
retain all of his options to purchase shares of our common stock
that have vested; and
payment of all accrued but unpaid or unused vacation, sick pay
and expense reimbursement.
A resignation by Mr. Johannessen or Mr. Beattie shall
not be deemed to be a resignation for good reason if
it is based upon (i) a material diminution in such
executive officers base salary which is not part of an
overall diminution for all of our executive officers, or
(ii) our material breach of our obligations to such
executive officer under their respective employment agreements
or under our stock incentive plan.
A termination of Mr. Johannessens or
Mr. Beatties employment by us shall be deemed to be
for cause if it is based upon (i) such
executive officer being charged with and then convicted of any
misdemeanor or any felony involving personal dishonesty,
(ii) disloyalty by such executive officer to us, including
but not limited to embezzlement, or (iii) such executive
officers failure or refusal to perform their duties in
accordance with their respective employment agreements based on
a standard of reasonableness.
If the employment of Mr. Johannessen or Mr. Beattie is
terminated for any other reason, then we are to promptly pay
Mr. Johannessen or Mr. Beattie, as applicable, his
base salary and annual bonus paid in the past 12 months up
to and through the date of termination as well as all accrued
but unpaid or unused vacation, sick pay and expense
Termination in Conjunction with a Fundamental
Change. If the employment of
Mr. Johannessen or Mr. Beattie is terminated in
conjunction with a fundamental change of us,
Mr. Johannessen or Mr. Beattie, as applicable, will be
entitled to receive the same severance payments and benefits
described above (not in conjunction with a fundamental
change), except that each will be entitled to receive his
base salary plus his annual bonus at the rate paid during the
previous 12 months for three years from the date of the
notice of termination. Under their employment agreements, the
term fundamental change means a merger,
consolidation or any sale of all or substantially all of our
assets that requires the consent or vote of our stockholders
where we are not the survivor or in control.
Non-Competition. Pursuant to their
employment agreements, Mr. Johannessen and Mr. Beattie
each agreed that for one year after termination of their
employment and receipt of the last payment pursuant to their
employment agreements, they will not, directly or indirectly,
commence doing business, in any manner whatsoever, which is in
competition with all or any portion of our business in any state
in which we then operate, own, asset manage, or are in the
process of developing more than two facilities. Notwithstanding
the foregoing, the ownership by Mr. Johannessen or
Mr. Beattie of a class of securities listed on a stock
exchange or traded on the
market that represents five percent or less of the number of
shares of such class of securities then issued and outstanding
is permitted. In addition, pursuant to his employment agreement,
if Mr. Johannessens employment with us is terminated
for cause or he voluntarily resigns, he shall not be
deemed to violate the foregoing restrictions if he accepts and
works within the one year period at a position as an
administrator or
executive director at a nursing or retirement facility for a
salary equal to or less than a comparable position at a
comparable facility in the area.
R. Brickman
If we terminate the employment of Mr. Brickman because of
death or disability or for any reason other than for
cause, including a fundamental change,
or if Mr. Brickman voluntary resigns for good
reason, then Mr. Brickman will be entitled to:
receive his base salary and annual bonus paid during the past
12 month period for two years from the date of the notice
of termination;
retain all of his options to purchase shares of our common stock
that have vested; and
payment of all accrued but unpaid or unused vacation, sick pay
and expense reimbursement.
A resignation by Mr. Brickman shall not be deemed to be a
resignation for good reason if it is based upon
(i) a material diminution in Mr. Brickmans base
salary which is not part of an overall diminution for all of our
executive officers, or (ii) our material breach of our
obligations to Mr. Brickman under his employment agreement
or under our stock incentive plan.
A termination of Mr. Brickmans employment by us shall
be deemed to be for cause if it is based upon
(i) Mr. Brickman being charged with and then convicted
of any misdemeanor or any felony involving personal dishonesty,
(ii) disloyalty by Mr. Brickman to us, including but
not limited to embezzlement, or
(iii) Mr. Brickmans failure or refusal to
perform his duties in accordance with his employment agreement
based on a standard of reasonableness.
If the employment of Mr. Brickman is terminated for any
other reason, then we are to promptly pay Mr. Brickman his
base salary up to and through the date of termination as well as
all accrued but unpaid or unused vacation, sick pay and expense
reimbursement. Pursuant to Mr. Brickmans employment
agreement, the term fundamental change means a
merger, consolidation or any sale of all or substantially all of
our assets that requires the consent or vote of our stockholders
where we are not the survivor or in control.
Non-Competition. Pursuant to his
employment agreement, Mr. Brickman agreed that for one year
after termination of his employment and receipt of the last
payment pursuant to his employment agreement, he will not,
directly or indirectly, commence doing business which is in
competition with all or any portion of our business in any state
in which we then operate, own, asset manage, or are in the
process of developing more than two facilities. The ownership of
a class of securities listed on a stock exchange or traded on
market by Mr. Brickman that represents five percent or less
of the number of shares of such class of securities then issued
and outstanding shall not constitute a violation of these
L. Goodpaster
If we terminate the employment of Mr. Goodpaster because of
death or disability or for any reason other than for
cause, including a fundamental change,
or if Mr. Goodpaster voluntary resigns for good
reason, then Mr. Goodpaster will be entitled to:
receive his base salary for the balance of the term of the
agreement (not including any future extensions), but not less
than one year from the date of the notice of termination;
retain all of his options to purchase shares of our common stock
that have vested; and
payment of all accrued but unpaid or unused vacation, sick pay
and expense reimbursement.
A resignation by Mr. Goodpaster shall not be deemed to be a
resignation for good reason if it is based upon
(i) a material diminution in Mr. Goodpasters
base salary which is not part of an overall diminution for all
of our executive officers, or (ii) our material breach of
our obligations to Mr. Goodpaster under his employment
agreement or under our stock incentive plan.
A termination of Mr. Goodpasters employment by us
shall be deemed to be for cause if it is based upon
(i) Mr. Goodpaster being charged with and then
convicted of any misdemeanor or any felony involving personal
dishonesty, (ii) disloyalty by Mr. Goodpaster to us,
including but not limited to embezzlement, or
(iii) Mr. Goodpasters failure or refusal to
perform his duties in accordance with his employment agreement
based on a standard of reasonableness.
If the employment of Mr. Goodpaster is terminated for any
other reason, then we are to promptly pay Mr. Goodpaster
his base salary up to and through the date of termination as
well as all accrued but unpaid or unused vacation, sick pay and
expense reimbursement. Pursuant to Mr. Goodpasters
employment agreement, the term fundamental change
means a merger, consolidation or any sale of all or
substantially all of our assets that requires the consent or
vote of our stockholders where we are not the survivor or in
Non-Competition. Pursuant to his
employment agreement, Mr. Goodpaster agreed that for one
year after termination of his employment and receipt of the last
payment pursuant to his employment agreement, he will not,
directly or indirectly, commence doing business which is in
competition with all or any portion of our business in
any state in which we then operate, own, asset manage, or are in
the process of developing more than two facilities. The
ownership of a class of securities listed on a stock exchange or
traded on the
market by Mr. Goodpaster that represents five percent or
less of the number of shares of such class of securities then
issued and outstanding shall not constitute a violation of these
The 1997
Stock Incentive Plan
Although the 1997 Stock Incentive Plan was terminated on
May 8, 2007, awards granted under the 1997 Stock Incentive
Plan continue to be governed by the terms of the 1997 Stock
Incentive Plan. Pursuant to the 1997 Stock Incentive Plan, in
the event of a change in control transaction or a
potential change in control transaction, unless
otherwise expressly provided by the Compensation Committee prior
to such transaction:
all outstanding awards, other than performance-based awards,
shall become fully exercisable, nonforfeitable, or the
restricted period shall terminate, as the case may be, as of the
date of the change in control, or on such other date
as the Compensation Committee determines prior to the
change in control; and
all outstanding options and shares of restricted stock shall be
cashed out at the highest price per share paid in any
transaction reported on the NYSE or paid or offered in any bona
fide transaction related to a change in control or
potential change in control during the immediately
period, in each case as determined by the Compensation
Committee, effective as of the date of the change in
control, or on such other date as the Compensation
Committee determines prior to the change in control.
If an award is so accelerated, the portion of the award which is
accelerated is limited to that portion which can be accelerated
without causing an excess parachute payment as
determined under Section 280G of the Internal Revenue Code,
determined by taking into account all of the holders
parachute payments determined under
Section 280G of the Internal Revenue Code, all as
reasonably determined by the Compensation Committee.
For purposes of the 1997 Stock Incentive Plan, a change in
control generally means the first to occur of:
a merger, consolidation, statutory share exchange or sale,
lease, exchange or other transfer (in one transaction or a
series of related transactions) of all or substantially all of
our assets that requires the consent or vote of the holders of
our common stock, other than where such holders immediately
prior to such transaction have the same proportionate ownership
of common stock of the surviving corporation immediately after
such transaction;
our stockholders approve any plan or proposal for our
liquidation or dissolution;
the cessation of control (by virtue of their not constituting a
majority of our directors) of our Board of Directors by the
individuals who (i) on the effective date of such
transaction were our directors or (ii) subsequently become
our directors and whose election or nomination by our
stockholders was approved by at least two-thirds of our
directors then in office who were our directors at the effective
date of such transaction or whose election or nomination was
previously so approved;
the acquisition of beneficial ownership of 20% or more of the
voting power of our outstanding voting securities by any person
or group who beneficially owned less than 15% of such voting
power on the effective date of such transaction, or the
acquisition of beneficial ownership of an additional five
percent of such voting power by any person or group who
beneficially owned at least 15% of such voting power on the
effective date of the transaction; or
in a Title 11 bankruptcy proceeding, the appointment of a
trustee or the conversion of a case involving us to a case under
Chapter 7.
For purposes of the 1997 Stock Incentive Plan, a potential
change in control means the first to occur of (i) the
approval by our stockholders of an agreement by us, the
consummation of which would result in a change in
control, or (ii) the acquisition of beneficial
ownership, directly or indirectly, by any entity, person or
group of five percent or more of the combined voting power of
our outstanding securities and the adoption by the Compensation
Committee of a resolution to the effect that a potential
change in control has occurred for purposes of the 1997
Stock Incentive Plan.
In addition, pursuant to the 1997 Stock Incentive Plan, the
unexercised portion of an option to purchase shares of our
common stock will terminate on, among other things, the date
that the holder ceases to be employed by us, if such cessation
is for cause.
The 2007
Stock Incentive Plan
Pursuant to the 2007 Stock Incentive Plan, in the event of a
change in control transaction or a potential
change in control transaction, unless otherwise expressly
provided by the Compensation Committee prior to such transaction:
all outstanding awards, other than performance-based awards,
shall become fully exercisable, nonforfeitable, or the
restricted period shall terminate, as the case may be, as of the
date of the change in control, or on such other date
as the Compensation Committee determines prior to the
change in control; but conditioned upon the
occurrence of the change in control; and
all outstanding options and shares of restricted stock shall be
cashed out at the highest price per share paid in any
transaction reported on the NYSE or paid or offered in any bona
fide transaction related to a change in control or a
potential change in control during the immediately
period, in each case as determined by the Compensation
Committee, effective as of the date of the change in
control, or on such other date as the Compensation
Committee determines prior to the change in control.
For purposes of the 2007 Stock Incentive Plan, a change in
control generally means the first to occur of:
a merger, consolidation, statutory share exchange or sale,
lease, exchange or other transfer (in one transaction or a
series of related transactions) of all or substantially all of
our assets that requires the consent or vote of the holders of
our common stock, other than where such holders immediately
prior to such transaction have the same proportionate ownership
of common stock of the surviving corporation immediately after
such transaction;
our stockholders approve any plan or proposal for our
liquidation or dissolution;
the cessation of control (by virtue of their not constituting a
majority of our directors) of our Board of Directors by the
individuals who (i) on the effective date of such
transaction were our directors or (ii) subsequently become
our directors and whose election or nomination by our
stockholders was approved by at least two-thirds of our
directors then in office who were our directors at the effective
date of such transaction or whose election or nomination was
previously so approved;
the acquisition of beneficial ownership of 20% or more of the
voting power of our outstanding voting securities by any person
or group who beneficially owned less than 15% of such voting
power on the effective date of such transaction, or the
acquisition of beneficial ownership of an additional five
percent of such voting power by any person or group who
beneficially owned at least 15% of such voting power on the
effective date of the transaction; provided, however, there is
no change in control for acquisitions where the
acquiror is (i) a trustee or other fiduciary holding
securities under our employee benefit plan, (i) our wholly-owned
subsidiary or a corporation owned, directly or indirectly, by
our stockholders in the same proportions as their ownership of
our voting securities; or
in a Title 11 bankruptcy proceeding, the appointment of a
trustee or the conversion of a case involving us to a case under
Chapter 7.
For purposes of the 2007 Stock Incentive Plan, a potential
change in control mean the first to occur of
(i) approval by our stockholders of an agreement by us, the
consummation of which would result in a change in
control, or (ii) the filing of a Schedule 13G or
13D under the Exchange Act and, within 15 days after such
filing, the adoption by the Compensation Committee of a
resolution to the effect that a potential change in
control has occurred for purposes of the 2007 Stock
Incentive Plan.
In addition, pursuant to the 2007 Stock Incentive Plan, the
unexercised portion of an option to purchase shares of our
common stock will terminate on, among other things, the date
that the holder ceases to be employed by us, if such cessation
is for cause.
Restricted Stock Award Agreements. When
Messrs. Cohen, Johannessen, Beattie, Brickman and
Goodpaster were awarded shares of restricted stock on
January 5, 2009 under the 2007 Stock Incentive Plan, each
of them
entered into a restricted stock award agreement with us. Each
agreement provides that, if, before the vesting date for the
restricted shares (to the extent not previously vested), the
individuals employment with us is terminated for any
reason, the restricted shares that have not previously vested
shall, automatically and without notice, terminate and be
permanently forfeited as of such date.
Realizable Value of Equity Awards Upon a Change in Control
Without Termination
Under the 1997 Stock Incentive Plan and the 2007 Stock Incentive
Plan, in the event of a change in control or a
potential change in control the vesting of
outstanding awards may be accelerated regardless of whether the
employment of the holder of such an award is terminated in
connection therewith. The following table provides quantitative
disclosure of the potential realizable value of outstanding
awards granted to our named executive officers pursuant to the
1997 Stock Incentive Plan and 2007 Stock Incentive Plan,
assuming that:
an event which constituted a change in control under
the 1997 Stock Incentive Plan and 2007 Stock Incentive, each as
described above, was consummated on December 31, 2010, the
last business day of fiscal year 2010, and the Compensation
Committee has not determined that it is effective as of any
other date;
the Compensation Committee has not adopted a resolution to the
effect that a potential change in control has
occurred for purposes of the 1997 Stock Incentive Plan and 2007
Stock Incentive Plan;
the Compensation Committee has not expressly provided that the
acceleration and cash-out provisions of the 1997 Stock Incentive
Plan and 2007 Stock Incentive Plan, each as described above, are
not applicable to such change in control prior to
its consummation; and
the portion of any award which is accelerated and cashed-out
pursuant to the 1997 Stock Incentive Plan and the 2007 Stock
Incentive Plan is not limited by Section 280G of the
Internal Revenue Code.
Potential Realizable Value(1)
Lawrence A. Cohen
Keith N. Johannessen
Ralph A. Beattie
David R. Brickman
Robert L. Goodpaster
(1) |
Calculated in accordance with SEC rules by reference to the
closing price for our common stock on the NYSE on
December 31, 2010, which was $6.70. Assuming that the
Compensation Committee, in accordance with the 1997 Stock
Incentive Plan and the 2007 Stock Incentive Plan, determined
that the highest price per share for our common stock paid in
any transaction reported on the NYSE or paid or offered in any
bona fide transaction related to a change in control
or potential change in control, during the
period immediately preceding December 31, 2010 was $7.10,
which was the highest price per share for our common stock on
the NYSE on November 18, 2010, the amounts payable to
Messrs. Cohen, Johannessen, Beattie, Brickman and
Goodpaster would be $1,010,207.50, $827,039.50, $178,387.50,
$267,128.50, and $46,909.00, respectively. |
Upon Termination Without a Fundamental Change or Change in
The following table provides quantitative disclosure of the
estimated payments and benefits that would be provided to our
named executive officers assuming that:
each named executive officers employment with us was
terminated on December 31, 2010, the last business day of
our fiscal 2010;
the base salary and annual bonus earned by each named executive
officer for his services to us through December 31, 2010
has been fully paid to such named executive officer;
such termination was not in connection with an event which
constituted a change in control under the 1997 Stock
Incentive Plan and the 2007 Stock Incentive Plan or a
fundamental change under any named executive
officers employment agreement; and
to the extent not otherwise terminated in connection with the
named executive officers termination, each of our named
executive officers exercised any previously unexercised options
awarded pursuant to the 1997
Stock Incentive Plan and sold the underlying shares at the
closing price for shares of our common stock on the NYSE on
December 31, 2010, the last business day of our fiscal
2010, which was $6.70.
Exercise of
Cash Severance
Payment ($)
Options ($)(1)
Benefits ($)
Lawrence A. Cohen
Termination by us because of Mr. Cohens
disability or death or for any reason other than for
cause, or termination by Mr. Cohen for
good reason(2)
Termination for cause
Keith N. Johannessen
Termination by us because of
Mr. Johannessens disability or death or for any
reason other than for cause, or termination by
Mr. Johannessen for good reason(3)
Termination for cause(4)
Ralph A. Beattie
Termination by us because of Mr. Beatties
disability or death or for any reason other than for
cause, or termination by Mr. Beattie for
good reason(5)
Termination for cause(6)
David R. Brickman
Termination by us because of
Mr. Brickmans disability or death or for any reason
other than for cause, or termination by
Mr. Brickman for good reason(7)
Termination for cause(8)
Robert L. Goodpaster
Termination by us because of
Mr. Goodpasters disability or death or for any reason
other than for cause, or termination by
Mr. Goodpaster for good reason(9)
Termination for cause(10)
(1) |
Calculated in accordance with SEC rules by reference to the
closing price for our common stock on the NYSE on
December 31, 2010, which was $6.70. Assuming that the
Compensation Committee, in accordance with the 1997 Stock
Incentive Plan and the 2007 Stock Incentive Plan, determined
that the highest price per share for our common stock paid in
any transaction reported on the NYSE or paid or offered in any
bona fide transaction related to a change in control
or potential change in control, during the
period immediately preceding December 31, 2010 was $7.10,
which was the highest price per share for our common stock on
the NYSE on November 18, 2010, the amounts payable to
Messrs. Cohen, Johannessen, Beattie, Brickman and
Goodpaster would be $546,400, $363,232, $0, $160,096, and
$4,096, respectively. |
(2) |
Represents base salary and annual bonus paid at the rate during
the previous 12 months for two years from December 31,
2010. |
(3) |
Represents base salary and annual bonus paid during the previous
12 months for two years from December 31, 2010 and
accrued vacation pay of $310 as of December 31, 2010. |
(4) |
Represents accrued vacation pay as of December 31, 2010. |
(5) |
Represents base salary and annual bonus paid during the previous
12 months for two years from December 31, 2010 and
accrued vacation pay of $49,204 as of December 31, 2010. |
(6) |
Represents accrued vacation pay as of December 31, 2010. |
(7) |
Represents base salary and annual bonus for two years from
December 31, 2010 and accrued vacation pay of $24,368 as of
December 31, 2010. |
(8) |
Represents accrued vacation pay as of December 31, 2010. |
(9) |
Represents base salary for one year from December 31, 2010
and accrued vacation pay of $17,066 as of December 31, 2010. |
(10) |
Represents accrued vacation pay as of December 31, 2010. |
Upon Termination in Connection with a Fundamental Change and
Change in Control.
The following table provides quantitative disclosure of the
estimated payments and benefits that would be provided to our
named executive officers assuming that:
each named executive officers employment with us was
terminated on December 31, 2010, the last business day of
our fiscal 2010;
the base salary and annual bonus earned by each named executive
officer for his services to us through December 31, 2010
has been fully paid to such named executive officer;
such termination was in connection with an event which
constituted a change in control under the 1997 Stock
Incentive Plan and the 2007 Stock Incentive Plan and a
fundamental change under each named executive
officers employment agreement, which was consummated on
December 31, 2010, the last business day of our fiscal
2010, and the Compensation Committee has not determined that it
is effective as of any other date;
the Compensation Committee has not adopted a resolution to the
effect that a potential change in control has
occurred for purposes of the 1997 Stock Incentive Plan and the
2007 Stock Incentive Plan;
the Compensation Committee has not expressly provided that the
acceleration and cash-out provisions of the 1997 Stock Incentive
Plan and the 2007 Stock Incentive Plan, as described above, are
not applicable to such event prior to its consummation; and
the portion of any award which is accelerated and cashed-out
pursuant to the 1997 Stock Incentive Plan and the 2007 Stock
Incentive Plan is not limited by Section 280G of the
Internal Revenue Code.
Acceleration and
Cash Severance
Cash-Out of Equity
Total Termination
Payment ($)
Awards ($)(1)
Benefits ($)
Lawrence A. Cohen(2)
Keith N. Johannessen(3)
Ralph A. Beattie(4)
David R. Brickman(5)
Robert L. Goodpaster(6)
(1) |
Calculated in accordance with SEC rules by reference to the
closing price for our common stock on the NYSE on
December 31, 2010, which was $6.70. Assuming that the
Compensation Committee, in accordance with the 1997 Stock
Incentive Plan and the 2007 Stock Incentive Plan, determined
that the highest price per share for our common stock paid in
any transaction reported on the NYSE or paid or offered in any
bona fide transaction related to a change in control
or potential change in control, during the
period immediately preceding December 31, 2010 was $7.10,
which was the highest price per share for our common stock on
the NYSE on November 18, 2010, the amounts payable to
Messrs. Cohen, Johannessen, Beattie, Brickman and
Goodpaster would be $1,010,207.50, $827,039.50, $178,387.50,
$267,128.50, and $46,909.00. |
(2) |
Represents base salary and annual bonus paid at the rate during
the previous 12 months for three years from
December 31, 2010. |
(3) |
Represents base salary and annual bonus paid during the previous
12 months for three years from December 31, 2010 and
accrued vacation pay of $310 as of December 31, 2010. |
(4) |
Represents base salary and annual bonus paid during the previous
12 months for three years from December 31, 2010 and
accrued vacation pay of $49,204 as of December 31, 2010. |
(5) |
Represents base salary and annual bonus for two years from
December 31, 2010 and accrued vacation pay of $24,368 as of
December 31, 2010. |
(6) |
Represents base salary for one year from December 31, 2010
and accrued vacation pay of $17,066 as of December 31, 2010. |
Fees Earned or
All Other
Paid in Cash ($)(1)
Awards ($)
Compensation ($)
Total ($)
Lawrence A. Cohen(3)
Craig F. Hartberg
Keith N. Johannessen(3)
Jill M. Krueger
James A. Moore
Ronald A. Malone
Philip A. Brooks
Peter L. Martin
Michael W. Reid
During 2010, we did not maintain any pension or deferred
compensation arrangements for our directors. |
(1) |
Represents (i) the annual retainer of $15,000, payable
annually, and (ii) compensation for attendance at all Board
of Directors and committee meetings in 2010. |
(2) |
Represents 9,000 shares of restricted stock issued to
Messrs. Hartberg, Moore, Malone and Brooks and
Ms. Krueger pursuant to the 2007 Incentive Compensation
Plan on June 16, 2010, which vest in installments of 33.3%,
33.3% and 33.4% on June 16, 2011, June 16, 2012 and
June 16, 2013, respectively. Amounts reflect the aggregate
grant date fair value of the equity award computed in accordance
with ASC 718. |
(3) |
Messrs. Cohen and Johannessen did not receive any
compensation for their service as directors during 2010. |
Discussion of Director Compensation Table Information
The following is a narrative discussion of the material factors
which we believe are necessary to understand the information
disclosed in the foregoing Director Compensation Table.
For their services to us from the 2009 Annual Meeting of
Stockholders until the 2010 Annual Meeting of Stockholders, our
non-employee directors each received an annual retainer of
$15,000, which was paid on June 16, 2010, the date of the
2010 Annual Meeting of Stockholders. Additionally, during 2010,
our non-employee directors each received $1,500 for each meeting
of the Board of Directors and $1,500 for each committee meeting
attended and were reimbursed for their expenses in attending
such meetings; provided, that our independent Chairman received
$2,000 for each meeting of the Board of Directors and the
Chairpersons of each committee received $2,000 for each meeting
of the committees for which they served as Chairperson.
Messrs. Cohen and Johannessen did not receive any
compensation for serving as members of the Board of Directors
during 2010. In 2011, our non-employee directors will generally
be entitled to the same cash compensation to which each was
entitled during 2010.
Pursuant to the terms of the 2007 Stock Incentive Plan, on
June 15, 2007 each of our non-employee directors (other
than Messrs. Reid, Malone, Martin and Brooks each of whom
was not serving as a director of the Company at that time) were
granted 19,000 shares of restricted stock for their
services as a director. The restricted stock vested in three
installments of 33%, 33% and 34% on June 15, 2008,
June 15, 2009 and June 15, 2010, respectively, for
each non-employee director who continued as a director of the
Company following our annual meeting of our stockholders for
such year. As these awards fully vested on June 15, 2010,
on June 16, 2010 the Compensation Committee issued
Messrs. Hartberg, Moore, Malone and Brooks and
Ms. Krueger 9,000 shares of restricted stock pursuant
to the 2007 Incentive Compensation Plan, which vest in three
equal installments on June 16, 2011, June 16, 2012 and
June 16, 2013. In connection with the election of
Mr. Martin to the Board in March 2008, Mr. Martin was
granted 9,000 shares of restricted stock under the 2007
Stock Incentive Plan on June 16, 2008, which vest in three
installments of 33%, 33% and 34% on June 15, 2009,
June 15, 2010 and June 15, 2011, if Mr. Martin
continues as a director of the Company following the annual
meeting of our stockholders for such year. In connection with
appointment of Mr. Reid to the Board effective October
2009, Mr. Reid was granted 9,000 shares of restricted
stock under the 2007 Stock Incentive Plan on November 10,
2009, which vest in three installments of 33%, 33% and 34% on
November 10, 2010, November 10, 2011 and
November 10, 2012, respectively, if Mr. Reid continues
as a director of the Company following our annual meeting of
stockholders for such year. Amounts reflect the aggregate grant
date fair value of the equity award computed in accordance with
ASC 718. Messrs. Cohen, Johannessen, Martin and Reid
were not granted any restricted shares for their services as a
director during 2010.
Committee Interlocks and Insider Participation
No member of the Compensation Committee is or has been one of
our officers or employees or has or had any relationship
requiring disclosure pursuant to SEC rules. In addition, during
2010, none of our executive officers served as:
a member of the compensation committee (or other board committee
performing equivalent functions or, in the absence of any such
committee, the entire board of directors) of another entity, one
of whose executive officers served on the Compensation Committee;
a director of another entity, one of whose executive officers
served on the Compensation Committee; or
a member of the compensation committee (or other board committee
performing equivalent functions or, in the absence of any such
committee, the entire board of directors) of another entity, one
of whose executive officers served as one of our directors.
Compensation Policies and Practices
As part of its oversight of the Companys executive and
non-executive compensation programs, the Compensation Committee
considers the impact of the Companys compensation
programs, and the incentives created by the compensation awards
that it administers, on the Companys risk profile. In
addition, the Company reviews all of its compensation policies
and procedures, including the incentives that they create and
factors that may reduce the likelihood of excessive risk taking,
to determine whether they present a significant risk to the
Company. Based on this review, the Company has concluded that
its compensation policies and procedures are not reasonably
likely to have a material adverse effect on the Company.
Report of
the Audit Committee
The Audit Committee oversees the Companys financial
reporting process on behalf of the Board of Directors.
Management has the primary responsibility for the financial
statements and the reporting process including the systems of
internal controls. In fulfilling its oversight responsibilities,
the Audit Committee reviewed and discussed the audited financial
statements in the Annual Report on
Form 10-K
with management, including a discussion of the quality, not just
the acceptability, of the accounting principles, the
reasonableness of significant judgments and the clarity of
disclosures in the financial statements.
The Audit Committee reviewed with the independent auditors, who
are responsible for expressing an opinion on the conformity of
those audited financial statements with generally accepted
accounting principles, their judgments as to the quality, not
just the acceptability, of the Companys accounting
principles and such other matters as are required to be
discussed with the Audit Committee under generally accepted
auditing standards. The Audit Committee also discussed with the
independent auditors matters required to be discussed by
Statement on Auditing Standards No. 61, as amended (AICPA,
Professional Standard, Vol.1.AU section 380), as adopted by
the Public Company Accounting Oversight Board in
Rule 3200T. The Companys independent auditors also
provided to the Audit Committee the written disclosures required
by applicable requirements of the Public Company Accounting
Oversight Board regarding the independent accountants
communications with the Audit Committee concerning independence,
and the Audit Committee discussed with the independent auditors
their independence and the compatibility of non-audit services
with such independence.
The Audit Committee discussed with the independent auditors the
overall scope and plans for their respective audits. The Audit
Committee meets with the independent auditors, with and without
management present, to discuss the results of their
examinations, their evaluations of the Companys internal
controls, and the overall quality of the Companys
financial reporting. The Audit Committee held 4 meetings during
fiscal year 2010.
In reliance on the reviews and discussions referred to above,
the Audit Committee recommended to the Board of Directors (and
the Board of Directors has approved) that the audited financial
statements be included in the Annual Report on
Form 10-K
for the year ended December 31, 2010 for filing with the
SEC. The Audit Committee has also appointed, subject to
stockholder ratification, Ernst & Young LLP as the
Companys independent auditors.
Audit Committee
Craig F. Hartberg,
Jill M. Krueger
Michael W. Reid
Policy of
the Board of Directors
The Board has adopted a statement of policy with respect to
transactions involving us and related persons
(generally our senior officers, directors, nominees for
director, stockholders owning five percent or greater of our
outstanding stock, immediate family members of any of the
foregoing, or any entity which is owned or controlled by any of
the foregoing persons or an entity in which any of the foregoing
persons has a substantial ownership interest or control). The
policy generally covers any related person transaction involving
amounts greater than $25,000 in which a related person has a
direct or indirect material interest.
Under the policy, each related person transaction must be
entered into on terms that are comparable to those that could be
obtained as a result of arms length dealings with an
unrelated third party and must be approved by the Audit
Committee. Pursuant to the policy, at the first regularly
scheduled meeting of the Audit Committee each calendar year,
members of our management will recommend related person
transactions to be entered into by us for that year, including
the proposed aggregate value of any such transaction. After
review, the Audit Committee will approve or disapprove each such
related person transaction. No member of the Audit Committee
will participate in any discussion or approval of a related
person transaction for which he or she is a related person,
except that such member will provide all material information
concerning the related person transaction. At each subsequently
scheduled meeting of the Audit Committee, members of our
management will update the Audit Committee as to any material
change with respect to each approved related person transaction.
In the event that our management recommends any further related
person transactions subsequent to the first meeting of the Audit
Committee in a particular calendar year, such transactions may
be presented to the Audit Committee for approval or disapproval,
or preliminarily entered into by members of our management
subject to ratification by the Audit Committee. However, if the
Audit Committee ultimately declines to ratify any such related
person transaction, our management will make all reasonable
efforts to cancel or annul the transaction.
Based on a review of reports filed by our directors, executive
officers and beneficial holders of 10% or more of shares of our
common stock, and upon representations from those persons, we
believe that all SEC stock ownership reports required to be
filed by those reporting persons during 2010 were timely made.
The Audit Committee has appointed Ernst & Young LLP,
independent auditors, to be our principal independent auditors
and to audit our consolidated financial statements.
Ernst & Young has served as our independent registered
public accounting firm since October 3, 2006, when it
replaced KPMG LLP, and has reported on our consolidated
financial statements. KPMG had served as our independent
registered public accounting firm since June 21, 2005. We
had previously engaged Ernst & Young as our
independent registered public accounting firm in connection with
our initial public offering in 1997 until their dismissal on
June 21, 2005.
Representatives of the firm of Ernst & Young are
expected to be present at the Annual Meeting and will have an
opportunity to make a statement if they so desire and will be
available to respond to appropriate questions.
The Audit Committee has the responsibility for the selection of
our independent auditors. Although stockholder ratification is
not required for the selection of Ernst & Young, and
although such ratification will not obligate us to continue the
services of such firm, the Board of Directors is submitting the
selection for ratification with a view towards soliciting our
stockholders opinion thereon, which may be taken into
consideration in future deliberations. If the appointment is not
ratified, the Audit Committee must then determine whether to
appoint other auditors before the end of the current fiscal year
and, in such case, our stockholders opinions would be
taken into consideration.
The Board of Directors unanimously recommends a vote
FOR the ratification of Ernst & Young as
our independent auditors.
The aggregate fees billed by Ernst & Young for fiscal
years 2010 and 2009 were as follows:
Ernst &
Services Rendered
Audit fees(1)
Audit-Related fees(2)
Tax fees(3)
All other fees
(1) |
Includes professional services for the audit of our annual
financial statements, reviews of the financial statements
included in our
Form 10-Q
filings, services that are normally provided in connection with
statutory and regulatory filings or engagements. |
(2) |
Includes fees associated with assurance and related services
that are reasonably related to the performance of the audit or
review of our financial statements. This category includes fees
related to consulting services. |
(3) |
Includes fees associated with tax compliance, tax advice and tax
planning. |
The Audit Committee has considered whether the provision of the
above services other than audit services is compatible with
maintaining Ernst & Youngs independence and has
concluded that it is.
The Audit Committee has the sole authority to appoint or replace
the independent auditor and is directly responsible for the
compensation and oversight of the work of the independent
auditor. The Audit Committee is responsible for the engagement
of the independent auditor to provide permissible non-audit
services, which require pre-approval by the Audit Committee
(other than with respect to de minimis exceptions
described in the rules of the NYSE or the SEC that are approved
by the Audit Committee). The Audit Committee ensures that
approval of non-audit services by the independent auditor are
disclosed to investors in periodic reports filed with the SEC.
The Dodd-Frank Wall Street Reform and Consumer Protection Act,
enacted in July 2010, which we refer to in this Proxy Statement
as the Dodd-Frank Act, requires that we provide our stockholders
with the opportunity to vote to approve, on a nonbinding,
advisory basis, the compensation of our named executives
officers as disclosed in this proxy statement in accordance with
the compensation disclosure rules of the SEC.
As described in the Compensation Discussion and Analysis section
of this proxy statement (see pages 16 through 30), the
following key objectives are the cornerstone of our executive
compensation program.
employ, retain and reward executives who are capable of leading
us to the achievement of our business objectives;
a significant amount of total compensation should be in the form
of short-term and long-term incentive awards to align
compensation with our financial and operational performance
goals as well as individual performance goals; and
incentive awards should be tied to and vary with our financial
and operational performance, as well individual performance.
We believe these objectives collectively link compensation to
overall Company performance and directly link compensation to
the objectives set forth in the Companys 2010 Business
Plan that was approved by our Board of Directors. These
objectives help to ensure that the interests of our named
executive officers are closely aligned with the interests of our
stockholders. We believe that Capital Senior has successfully
achieved these objectives as demonstrated by the Companys
strong financial results during 2010, which exceeded the
Companys business plan despite a difficult economic
environment. The following table highlights the
comparison of some of the key financial metrics that we use in
evaluating the Companys performance for purposes of making
compensation decisions.
Performance Measures
Fiscal Year 2010
Fiscal Year 2009
% Increase
Adjusted CFFO
$19.7 million (or $0.74 per share)
$16.6 million (or $0.63 per share)
Adjusted EBITDAR
$68.6 million
$57.3 million
Adjusted Net Income
$4.7 million (or $0.17 per share)
$2.8 million (or $0.10 per share)
$211.9 million
$192.0 million
The above table utilizes non-GAAP financial measures to describe
the Companys adjusted CFFO, adjusted EBITDAR and adjusted
net income. These non-GAAP measures are used by many research
analysts and investors to evaluate the performance and
valuations of companies in our industry. Please refer to
Appendix A to this proxy statement for important
information concerning such non-GAAP financial measures,
including a reconciliation of such measures to GAAP.
For fiscal 2010, we believe our compensation programs, which are
designed to reward our named executive officers for the
achievement of short-term and long-term strategic and
operational goals and the achievement of increased total
stockholder return, delivered payments commensurate with Capital
Seniors strong financial performance. Below are the
highlights of our executive compensation program for 2010:
Emphasis on Pay for Performance. Our
fiscal 2010 performance, served as key factors in determining
compensation for 2010, including as follows:
Adjusted CFFO per share and adjusted EBITDAR were the key
metrics for our eligible named executive officers annual
cash incentive awards related to corporate goals. These metrics
provide for a balanced approach to measuring annual company
performance. In addition, these measures are used by many
research analysts and investors to evaluate the performance and
valuations of companies in our industry.
We linked a significant portion of our eligible named executive
officers compensation to Company the achievement of
certain corporate and individual goals bearing a direct relation
to the accomplishment of our business plan.
Establishment of Recoupment Policy (or
Clawback) for Incentive
Compensation. As part of the Incentive
Compensation Plan for 2011, the Compensation Committee adopted a
recoupment policy for incentive compensation.
Periodic Grants of Long-Term Equity
Awards. Another way that we try to link pay
and performance is to grant our named executive officers
compensation in the form of equity awards, whose value is
directly tied to our stock price performance. In March 2011, we
granted 100,000, 80,000, 50,000 and 30,000 shares of
performance-based restricted stock to our Chief Executive
Officer, President and Chief Operating Officer, Executive Vice
President and Chief Financial Officer and Vice President,
General Counsel and Secretary, respectively. The vesting of
these awards are subject to the Companys achievement of
certain performance targets over a three-year period, which is
designed to encourage our named executive officers to focus on
the long-term performance of the Company.
Shareholder-Friendly Pay Practices. We
do not use many common pay practices that are considered to be
unfriendly to stockholders, such as extensive perquisites, and
our named executive officers are only eligible to participate in
certain benefit plans generally available to all of our
employees. Further, our executive compensation arrangements do
not contain excess parachute payment tax
provisions nor guaranteed salary increases or
non-performance-based bonuses.
Independent of Compensation
Committee. The Compensation Committee is
composed solely of outside, independent directors who satisfy
the independence requirements of the NYSE. In addition, each
year the Compensation Committee typically reviews information
compiled by independent third parties and has previously engaged
an independent executive compensation consulting firm to conduct
a formal review of the Companys compensation arrangements.
The vote on this resolution is not intended to address any
specific element of compensation; rather, the vote relates to
the compensation of our named executive officers, as described
in this proxy statement in accordance with the compensation
disclosure rules of the SEC. The vote is advisory, which means
that the vote is not binding on the Company, our Board of
Directors or the Compensation Committee of the Board of
Directors. The SEC rules adopted in response to the matters
pertaining to executive compensation in the Dodd-Frank Act did
not specify a voting standard for this proposal. As a result,
pursuant to our bylaws, assuming the presence of a quorum, the
affirmative vote of the holders of at least a majority of the
outstanding shares of our common stock represented in person or
by proxy at the Annual Meeting and entitled to vote is required
to approve, on an advisory basis this Proposal 3.
Accordingly, we ask our stockholders to vote on the following
resolution at the Annual Meeting:
RESOLVED, that the compensation paid to the
Companys named executive officers, as disclosed pursuant
to Item 402 of
Regulation S-K,
including Compensation Discussion and Analysis, compensation
tables and narrative discussion, is hereby APPROVED.
The Board of Directors unanimously recommends a vote
FOR the approval of the compensation of our named
executive officers, as disclosed in this proxy statement.
The Dodd-Frank Act also provides that stockholders must be given
the opportunity to vote, on a non-binding, advisory basis, for
their preference as to how frequently we should seek future
advisory votes on the compensation of our named executive
officers as disclosed in accordance with the compensation
disclosure rules of the SEC, which we refer to as an advisory
vote on executive compensation. By voting with respect to this
Proposal 4, stockholders may indicate whether they would
prefer that we conduct future advisory votes on executive
compensation once every one, two, or three years. Stockholders
also may, if they desire, abstain from casting a vote on this
Our Board of Directors has determined that an annual advisory
vote on executive compensation will allow our stockholders to
provide timely, direct input on the Companys executive
compensation philosophy, policies and practices as disclosed in
the proxy statement each year. Our Board of Directors believes
that an annual vote is therefore consistent with the
Companys efforts to engage in an ongoing dialogue with our
stockholders on executive compensation and corporate governance
matters. The Company recognizes that the stockholders may have
different views as to the best approach for the Company, and
therefore we look forward to hearing from our stockholders as to
their preferences on the frequency of an advisory vote on
executive compensation.
This vote is advisory and not binding on the Company or our
Board of Directors in any way. The SEC rules adopted in response
to the matters pertaining to executive compensation in the
Dodd-Frank Act did not specify a voting standard for this
proposal. As a result, pursuant to our bylaws, assuming the
presence of a quorum, the affirmative vote of the holders of at
least a majority of the outstanding shares of our common stock
represented in person or by proxy at the Annual Meeting and
entitled to vote is required to approve, on an advisory basis,
the frequency of an advisory vote on executive compensation. If
no frequency receives such a majority, our Board of Directors
expects to hold such an advisory vote annually in accordance
with its recommendation, although the Board will take into
account the outcome of this vote when making this determination.
The Board may decide that it is in the best interests of our
stockholders and the Company to hold an advisory vote on
executive compensation more or less frequently than the
frequency receiving the most votes by our stockholders.
The proxy card provides stockholders with the opportunity to
choose among four options (holding the vote every one, two or
three years, or abstaining) and, therefore, stockholders will
not be voting to approve or disapprove the recommendation of the
Board of Directors.
The Board of Directors unanimously recommends a vote for the
option of EVERY ONE YEAR as the preferred frequency
for advisory votes on executive compensation.
The Board of Directors knows of no other business to be brought
before the Annual Meeting. If, however, any other business
should properly come before the Annual Meeting, the persons
named in the accompanying proxy will vote the proxy in their
discretion as they may deem appropriate, unless directed by the
proxy to do otherwise.
The cost of any solicitation of proxies by mail will be borne
exclusively by us. Arrangements may be made with brokerage firms
and other custodians, nominees and fiduciaries for the
forwarding of material to and solicitation of proxies from the
beneficial owners of shares of our common stock held of record
by such persons, and we will reimburse such brokerage firms,
custodians, nominees and fiduciaries for reasonable out of
pocket expenses incurred by them in connection therewith.
Brokerage houses and other custodians, nominees and fiduciaries,
in connection with shares of our common stock registered in
their names, will be requested to forward solicitation material
to the beneficial owners of such shares and to secure their
voting instructions. We have retained Georgeson to assist in
soliciting proxies for the Annual Meeting for a fee of $7,500.
The cost of such solicitation will be borne exclusively by us.
By Order of
the Board of Directors
James A. Moore
Chairman of the Board
Lawrence A. Cohen
Chief Executive Officer
April 22, 2011
Dallas, Texas
Appendix A
Information With Respect to Non-GAAP Financial Measures
Used in This Proxy Statement
In the attached proxy statement, the Company utilizes non-GAAP
financial measures to describe the Companys adjusted
EBITDAR, adjusted CFFO and adjusted net income. These non-GAAP
financial measures are used by management to evaluate financial
performance and resource allocation for its facilities and for
the Company as a whole. These measures are commonly used as an
analytical indicator within the senior housing industry, and
also serve as a measure of leverage capacity and debt service
ability. The Company has provided this information in order to
enhance investors overall understanding of the Companys
financial performance and prospects. In addition, because the
Company has historically provided this type of information to
the investment community, the Company believes that including
this information provides consistency in its financial reporting.
These non-GAAP financial measures should not be considered as
measures of financial performance under generally accepted
accounting principles, and items excluded from them are
significant components in understanding and assessing financial
performance. These measures should not be considered in
isolation or as an alternative to net income, cash flows
generated by operating, investing, or financing activities,
earnings per share or other financial statement data presented
in the consolidated financial statements as an indicator of
financial performance or liquidity. Because these measures are
not measurements determined in accordance with generally
accepted accounting principles and are thus susceptible to
varying calculations, these measures as presented may not be
comparable to other similarly titled measures of other
companies. Reconciliation of this information to the most
comparable GAAP measures is included on the following page.
Year Ended December 31,
Adjusted EBITDAR
Net income from operations
Depreciation and amortization expense
Stock-based compensation expense
Facility lease expense
Provision for bad debts
Casualty losses
Transaction costs
Adjusted EBITDAR
Adjusted net income and net income per share
Net income
Casualty losses, net of tax
Transaction costs, net of tax
Gain on settlement of debt, net of tax
Resident lease amortization, net of tax
Adjusted net income
Adjusted net income per share
Diluted shares outstanding
Adjusted CFFO and Adjusted CFFO per share
Net cash provided by operating activities
Changes in operating assets and liabilities
Recurring capital expenditures
Casualty losses, net of tax
Transaction costs, net of tax
Adjusted CFFO
Adjusted CFFO per share
To vote by mail, mark, sign and date your proxy
and return it in the enclosed postage-paid envelope.
The Board of Directors recommends a vote FOR Proposals 1,
2, 3 and 5 and for Proposal 4,
the option of EVERY ONE YEAR as the preferred frequency for advisory votes on executive compensation
Please mark your votes as
indicated in this example
x |
1. |
Proposal to elect as directors of the Company the following persons to hold office until the
annual meeting of stockholders of the Company to be held in 2014 or until their respective successors are
duly qualified and elected. |
FOR all nominees
listed to left
(except as marked
to the contrary)
to vote for all
nominees listed
Lawrence A. Cohen
Craig F. Hartberg
03 E.
Rodney Hornbake
(INSTRUCTIONS: To withhold authority to vote for any individual
nominee, mark the FOR all nominees listed to left box and write that nominees
name in the space provided below.)
2. |
Proposal to ratify the Audit Committees appointment of Ernst & Young
LLP, independent accountants, as the Companys independent auditors.
o |
3. |
Proposal to approve, on an advisory basis, the
compensation of the Companys named executive officers.
o |
4. |
Proposal to approve, on an advisory basis, the frequency of an advisory vote
on the compensation of the Companys named executive officers.
o |
5. |
In their discretion, the proxies are authorized to vote upon such other business as may properly come before the meeting.
o |
This proxy will be voted as directed herein by the undersigned stockholder.
If no direction is made, this proxy will be voted as indicated below:
FOR the election of each of the nominees for director
(Proposal 1), FOR Proposals 2, 3 and 5, and for Proposal
4, the option of EVERY ONE YEAR as the preferred frequency for advisory votes on executive compensation
Mark Here for
Address Change
or Comments
o |
NOTE: Please sign as name appears hereon. Joint owners should each sign. When signing as
attorney, executor, administrator, trustee or guardian, please give full title as such.
Date |
2011 |
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The undersigned hereby appoints Lawrence A. Cohen and Ralph A. Beattie, and each of them, as
proxies, each with the power to appoint his substitute, and hereby authorizes them to represent and
vote, as designated hereon, all of the shares of the common stock of Capital Senior Living
Corporation (the Company), held of record by the undersigned on March 28, 2011, at the Annual
Meeting of Stockholders of the Company to be held on May 25, 2011 and any postponement(s) or
adjournment(s) thereof.
Address Change/Comments
(Mark the corresponding box on the reverse side)
P.O. BOX 3550
(Continued and to be marked, dated and signed, on the other side)
96694 |