Washington, D.C. 20549
Proxy Statement Pursuant to Section 14(a) of the Securities
Exchange Act of 1934 (Amendment No.1)
Filed by the Registrant þ
Filed by a Party other than the Registrant o
Check the appropriate box:
þ |
Preliminary Proxy Statement |
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Confidential, for Use of the Commission Only (as permitted by Rule 14a-6(e)(2)) |
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Definitive Proxy Statement |
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Definitive Additional Materials |
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Soliciting Material Pursuant to §240.14a-12 |
Core Laboratories N.V.
(Name of Registrant as Specified In Its Charter)
(Name of Person(s) Filing Proxy Statement, if other than the Registrant)
Payment of Filing Fee (Check the appropriate box):
þ |
No fee required. |
o |
Fee computed on table below per Exchange Act Rules 14a-6(i)(1) and 0-11. |
(1) |
Title of each class of securities to which transaction applies: |
(2) |
Aggregate number of securities to which transaction applies: |
(3) |
Per unit price or other underlying value of transaction computed pursuant to Exchange Act
Rule 0-11 (set forth the amount on which the filing fee is calculated and state how it was
determined): |
(4) |
Proposed maximum aggregate value of transaction: |
(5) |
Total fee paid: |
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Fee paid previously with preliminary materials. |
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Check box if any part of the fee is offset as provided by Exchange Act Rule 0-11(a)(2)
and identify the filing for which the offsetting fee was paid previously. Identify the
previous filing by registration statement number, or the Form or Schedule and the date of its
filing. |
(1) |
Amount Previously Paid: |
(2) |
Form, Schedule or Registration Statement No.: |
(3) |
Filing Party: |
(4) |
Date Filed: |
Herengracht 424
1017 BZ Amsterdam
The Netherlands
To Be Held June 10, 2010
Dear Shareholder:
You are cordially invited to attend our 2010 annual meeting of shareholders which will be held
at the Sheraton Amsterdam Airport Hotel and Conference Center, Schiphol Boulevard 101, 1118 BG,
Amsterdam, The Netherlands, on Thursday, June 10, 2010 at 3:30 p.m., local time, for the following
purposes as proposed by the Board of Supervisory Directors:
1. |
To elect three Class II Supervisory Directors to serve until our annual meeting in 2013
and until their successors shall have been duly elected and qualified; |
2. |
To confirm and adopt our Dutch Statutory Annual Accounts in the English language for
the fiscal year ended December 31, 2009; |
3. |
To approve and resolve the cancellation of our repurchased shares up to the date of our
annual meeting; |
4. |
To approve and resolve the extension of the existing authority to repurchase up to
25.6% of our issued share capital until December 10, 2011, as follows: |
a. |
our shareholders will be asked to renew the authorization of the Management
Board to repurchase up to 10% of our issued share capital from time to time for an
18-month period, and such repurchased shares may be used for any legal purpose, and |
b. |
our shareholders will be asked to renew the authorization of our Management
Board to repurchase up to an additional 15.6% of our issued share capital from time to
time for an 18-month period, and such repurchased shares may only be used for the
satisfaction of any obligation the Company may have to deliver shares pursuant to its
0.25% Senior Exchangeable Notes which we refer to as the Senior Exchangeable Notes,
or pursuant to a warrant we sold to Lehman OTC (now held by an affiliate of Citigroup,
Inc. (Citi)) contemporaneously with the issuance of our Senior Exchangeable Notes; |
5. |
To approve and resolve the extension of the authority to issue shares and/or to grant
rights (including options to purchase) with respect to our common and preference shares up
to a maximum of 20% of outstanding shares per annum until June 10, 2015; |
6. |
To approve and resolve the extension of the authority to limit or exclude the
preemptive rights of the holders of our common shares and/or preference shares up to a
maximum of 20% of outstanding shares per annum until June 10, 2015; |
7. |
To approve and resolve amendments to the Core Laboratories N.V. articles of association
to |
a. |
make mandatory revisions to reduce the par value of the shares from EUR 0.04 to
EUR 0.02 in connection with the proposed two-for-one share split and to comply with
recent changes in Dutch law, including to allow electronic means of communication with
regard to our annual meetings of shareholders, and |
b. |
make voluntary revisions related to the Management Board and Supervisory Board; |
8. |
To approve and resolve a two-for-one stock split authorized by the Supervisory Board; |
9. |
To ratify the appointment of PricewaterhouseCoopers as our Companys independent
registered public accountants for the year ending December 31, 2010; and |
10. |
To transact such other business as may properly come before the annual meeting or any
adjournment thereof. |
Each of the matters 2 through 6 being presented at the annual meeting has been presented to
and approved by our shareholders at our prior annual meetings or at the special meeting conducted
on January 29, 2009. In large
measure, these matters are presented to our shareholders each year as a result of our being
organized under the laws of The Netherlands. Copies of the Dutch statutory annual accounts, the
report of the Management Board, the draft of the amended articles of association and the list of
nominees for the Supervisory Board will be available for inspection at our offices in The
Netherlands, located at Herengracht 424, 1017 BZ Amsterdam, Attention: Mr. Jacobus Schouten, by
registered shareholders and other persons entitled to attend our shareholder meetings. Such copies
will be available for inspection from the date of this notice until the close of our annual
It is important that your shares be represented at the annual meeting regardless of whether
you plan to attend. Therefore, please mark, sign, date and return the accompanying proxy card
promptly. If you are present at the annual meeting and wish to do so, you may revoke your proxy
and vote in person.
By Order of the Board of Supervisory Directors,
Jacobus Schouten |
Supervisory Director |
April , 2010
Amsterdam, The Netherlands
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Herengracht 424
1017 BZ Amsterdam
The Netherlands
This proxy statement and the accompanying proxy card are first being made available to you on
the Internet on April , 2010 or, upon your request, mailed
to you on or about April , 2010
and are being furnished in connection with the solicitation of proxies by and on behalf of the
Board of Supervisory Directors of Core Laboratories N.V. (Core or the Company) for use at our
2010 annual meeting of shareholders to be held at the Sheraton Amsterdam Airport Hotel and
Conference Center, Schiphol Boulevard 101, 1118 BG, Amsterdam, The
Netherlands, on Thursday, June
10, 2010 at 3:30 p.m., local time for the purpose of voting on the proposals described in this
proxy statement.
As permitted by rules adopted by the Securities and Exchange Commission, we are making this
proxy statement and our Annual Report available on the Internet. On
or before April , 2010, we
mailed a notice to shareholders containing instructions on how to access the proxy statement and
Annual Report and vote online. In addition, shareholders may request to receive proxy materials in
printed form by mail or electronically by email on an ongoing basis.
Choosing to receive your future proxy materials by email will save us the cost of printing and
mailing documents to you. If you choose to receive future proxy materials by email, you will
receive an email next year with instructions containing a link to those materials and a link to the
proxy voting site. Your election to receive proxy materials by email will remain in effect until
you terminate it.
You will be voting on the following matters proposed by the Board of Supervisory Directors:
1. |
To elect three Class II Supervisory Directors to serve until our annual meeting in 2013 and
until their successors shall have been duly elected and qualified; |
2. |
To confirm and adopt our Dutch Statutory Annual Accounts in the English language for the
fiscal year ended December 31, 2009; |
3. |
To approve and resolve the cancellation of our repurchased shares up to the date of our
annual meeting; |
4. |
To approve and resolve the extension of the existing authority to repurchase up to 25.6% of
our issued share capital until December 10, 2011, as follows: |
a. |
our shareholders will be asked to renew the authorization of the Management
Board to repurchase up to 10% of our issued share capital from time to time for an
18-month period, and such repurchased shares may be used for any legal purpose, and |
b. |
our shareholders will be asked to renew the authorization of our Management
Board to repurchase up to an additional 15.6% of our issued share capital from time to
time for an 18-month period, and such repurchased shares may only be used for the
satisfaction of any obligation the Company may have to |
deliver shares pursuant to its Senior Exchangeable Notes, or pursuant to a warrant we
sold to Lehman OTC (now held by Citi) contemporaneously with the issuance of our Senior
Exchangeable Notes; |
5. |
To approve and resolve the extension of the authority to issue shares and/or to grant rights
(including options to purchase) with respect to our common and preference shares up to a maximum
of 20% of outstanding shares per annum until June 10, 2015; |
6. |
To approve and resolve the extension of the authority to limit or exclude the preemptive
rights of the holders of our common shares and/or preference share up to a maximum of 20% of
outstanding shares per annum until June 10, 2015; |
7. |
To approve and resolve amendments to the Core Laboratories N.V. articles of association
to |
a. |
make mandatory revisions to reduce the par value of the shares from EUR 0.04 to
EUR 0.02 in connection with the proposed two-for-one share split and to comply with
recent changes in Dutch law, including to allow electronic means of communication with
regard to our annual meetings of shareholders, and |
b. |
make voluntary revisions related to the Management Board and Supervisory Board; |
8. |
To approve and resolve a two-for-one stock split authorized by the Supervisory Board; |
9. |
To ratify the appointment of PricewaterhouseCoopers as our Companys independent registered
public accountants for the year ending December 31, 2010; and |
10. |
To transact such other business as may properly come before the annual meeting or any
adjournment thereof. |
If you hold common shares at the close of business in New York City on March 22, 2010, the
record date for the determination of shareholders, you are entitled to notice of and to vote at our
annual meeting. On March 22, 2010, there were 22,324,393 common shares outstanding, each of
which is entitled to one vote. Our common shares are the only class of our capital stock
outstanding and entitled to notice of and to vote at the annual meeting.
If you are a registered shareholder, meaning that you hold your shares in certificate form or
through an account with our transfer agent, American Stock Transfer and Trust Company, you can vote
by mail, by completing, signing and returning the accompanying proxy card or you may vote online at
If you hold your shares through an account with a bank or broker, you must obtain a legal
proxy from the bank or broker in order to vote at the meeting. Please follow the directions that
your bank or broker provides.
Given the time of the meeting in The Netherlands, in order for your mailed or online vote to
be counted, it must be received on or before 5:00 p.m. local time in New York, New York on
Wednesday, June 9, 2010. Any other proxies that are actually received in hand by our Secretary
before the polls close at the conclusion of voting at the meeting will be voted as indicated.
You may vote your shares at the meeting if you attend in person. Even if you plan to attend
the meeting, we encourage you to vote your shares by proxy.
You may change your vote at any time before the polls close at the conclusion of voting at the
meeting. You may revoke your proxy (1) by giving written notice to Mark F. Elvig, Secretary, in
care of Core Laboratories LP, 6316 Windfern Road, Houston, Texas 77040, at any time before the
proxy is voted, (2) by submitting a properly signed proxy card with a later date, or (3) by voting
in person at the annual meeting.
Proxies that are signed and returned but do not contain instructions will be voted FOR all
proposals and in accordance with the best judgment of the named proxies on any other matters
properly brought before the meeting.
Under Dutch law and our articles of association, there is no specific quorum requirement for
our annual meeting and the affirmative vote of a majority of votes cast is required to approve each
of the proposals proposed by the Supervisory Board, except that in relation to items 3 and 6, a
two-thirds majority of the votes cast is required to approve the proposal in the event less than
50% of the issued share capital is present or represented at the meeting and in relation to items 7
and 8, a two-thirds majority of the votes cast representing more than half of the issued share
capital is required to approve these proposals. In addition, Dutch law and our articles of
association provide that common shares abstaining from voting will count as shares present at the
annual meeting but will not count for the purpose of determining the number of votes cast. Broker
non-votes will not count as shares present at the annual meeting or for the purpose of determining
the number of votes cast. A broker non-vote occurs if you do not provide the record holder of
your shares (usually a bank, broker, or other nominee) with voting instructions on a matter and the
holder is not permitted to vote on the matter without instructions from you under applicable rules
of the New York Stock Exchange, or NYSE.
We will bear the cost of preparing and mailing proxy materials as well as the cost of
soliciting proxies and will reimburse banks, brokerage firms, custodians, nominees and fiduciaries
for their expenses in sending proxy materials to the beneficial owners of our common shares. The
solicitation of proxies by the Supervisory Board will be conducted by mail and also through the
Internet. In addition, certain members of the Supervisory Board, as well as our officers and
regular employees may solicit proxies in person, by facsimile, by telephone or by other means of
electronic communication. We have retained Georgeson Shareholder Communications to assist in the
solicitation of proxies for a fee of $10,000 plus out-of-pocket expenses. In addition to
solicitation of proxies, Georgeson may provide advisory services as requested pertaining to the
solicitation of proxies.
Security Ownership by Certain Beneficial Owners and Management
The table below sets forth certain information, as of March 22, 2010, with respect to the
common shares beneficially owned by:
each person known to us to own beneficially 5% or more of our outstanding common shares; |
each Supervisory Director; |
each nominee for election as Supervisory Director; |
each of our executive officers; and |
all Supervisory Directors and executive officers as a group. |
Number of |
Percentage of |
Common Shares |
Common Shares |
Name of Beneficial Owner (1) |
Beneficially Owned |
Outstanding (2) |
Capital World Investors (3) |
2,492,700 |
11.2 |
% |
ClearBridge Advisors, LLC (4) |
1,960,722 |
8.8 |
% |
Baron Capital Group, Inc. (5) |
1,428,922 |
6.4 |
% |
David M. Demshur |
275,246 |
1.2 |
% |
Richard L. Bergmark |
116,254 |
* |
Monty L. Davis |
150,784 |
* |
Joseph R. Perna |
40,000 |
* |
D. John Ogren |
51,997 |
* |
Rene R. Joyce |
22,997 |
* |
Alexander Vriesendorp |
1,903 |
* |
Michael C. Kearney |
6,013 |
* |
Jacobus Schouten |
960 |
* |
All Supervisory Directors and executive officers as a group |
666,154 |
3.0 |
% |
* |
Represents less than 1%. |
(1) |
Unless otherwise indicated, each person has sole voting power and investment power with
respect to the common shares listed. |
(2) |
Based on 22,324,393 common shares outstanding as of March 22, 2010. |
(3) |
Based upon an Amendment No. 3 to Schedule 13G/A filed with the SEC on February 11, 2010,
Capital World Investors is deemed to be the beneficial owner of 2,492,700 shares as a result
of Capital Research and Management Company acting as investment adviser to various
investment companies registered under Section 8 of the Investment Company Act of 1940.
Capital World Investors current address is 333 South Hope Street, Los Angeles, CA 90071. |
(4) |
Based upon an Amendment No. 4 to Schedule 13G/A filed with the SEC on February 12, 2010,
ClearBridge Advisors, LLC is deemed to be the beneficial owner of 1,960,722 shares.
ClearBridge Advisors current address is 620 8th Avenue, New York, NY 10018. |
(5) |
Based upon a Schedule 13G filed with the SEC on February 12, 2010, Baron Capital Group,
Inc. is deemed to be the beneficial owner of 1,428,922 shares. Baron Capital Groups
current address is 767 Fifth Avenue, 49th Floor, New York, NY 10153. |
Section 16(a) Beneficial Ownership Reporting Compliance
Section 16(a) of the Securities Exchange Act of 1934 requires the Supervisory Directors,
executive officers and persons who own more than 10% of our common shares, among others, to file
initial reports of ownership and reports of changes in ownership (Forms 3, 4 and 5) of our common
shares with the Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) and the NYSE. Such filers are required
by SEC regulations to furnish us with copies of all such forms that they file.
To our knowledge, based solely upon our review of the Section 16(a) filings that have been
received by us, we believe that during the fiscal year ended December 31, 2009, our Supervisory
Directors, executive officers and 10% shareholders complied with all applicable Section 16(a)
filing requirements.
Equity Compensation Plan Information
We have two main incentive plans, our 2007 Long-Term Incentive Plan, which we refer to as our
LTIP, and our Director Plan, both of which have been approved by our shareholders. The table below
provides information regarding our equity compensation plans as of December 31, 2009.
Number of Common |
Number of Common |
Shares to be Issued Upon |
Weighted Average |
Shares Remaining |
Exercise of Outstanding |
Exercise Price of |
Available for Future |
Options, Warrants and |
Outstanding Options, |
Issuance Under Equity |
Rights |
Warrants and Rights |
Compensation Plans |
compensation plans
approved by our
shareholders |
426,580 |
$ |
14.48 |
729,920 |
Equity compensation
plans not approved by
our shareholders |
Total |
426,580 |
$ |
14.48 |
729,920 |
Board of Supervisory Directors
Set forth below as of March 22, 2010 are the names, ages and biographical information for our
Supervisory Directors, including individuals who have been nominated for reelection as a
Supervisory Director. You may vote for any of the nominees, for all nominees, or for none of the
Continuing Class I Supervisory Directors (Term to Expire 2011) |
David M. Demshur, 54
Mr. Demshur joined our Company in 1979
and presently serves as our President
and Chief Executive Officer and as
Chairman of our Supervisory Board.
Since joining our Company, Mr. Demshur
has held various operating positions,
including Manager of Geological Sciences
from 1983 to 1987, Vice President of
Europe, Africa and the Middle East from
1989 to 1991, Senior Vice President of
Petroleum Services from 1991 to 1994 and
Chief Executive Officer and President
from 1994 to the present time. Mr.
Demshurs extensive background with the
Company and the diversity of experiences
gained while in these leadership roles
positions him to be an effective leader
of our Company. Mr. Demshur is a member
of the Society of Petroleum Engineers,
the American Association of Petroleum
Geologists, Petroleum Exploration
Society of Great Britain and the Society
of Core Analysts Section of the Society
of Professional Well Loggers
Association. Mr. Demshur has served as a
Supervisory Director since our initial
public offering in 1995 and as Chairman
of our Supervisory Board since May 2001. |
Rene R. Joyce, 62
Mr. Joyce serves as the chief executive
officer of Targa Resources, Inc. and as
a member of its board of directors since
April 2004. Mr. Joyce has also served
as a member of the board of directors of
the general partner of Targa Resource
Partners LP since February 2007. Mr.
Joyce served as an independent
consultant in the energy industry from
2000 through April 2004. Mr. Joyce
served as president of Energy Services
of Coral Energy, LLC from its
acquisition by Shell Oil Company in 1998
until the end of 1999. From 1990 until
1998, Mr. Joyce served as president of
the operating companies of Tejas Gas
Corporation, Corals predecessor and a
listed company on the NYSE. The Company
benefits from Mr. Joyces current
experience as the Chief Executive
Officer of a publicly traded entity
which affords us his valuable insight
into matters affecting public companies.
His diversity of educational background
of being a degreed engineer and an
attorney-at-law enables Mr. Joyce to
provide the Company with counsel on a
variety of technical and professional
matters. Mr. Joyce is a member of the
Louisiana State Bar Association. Mr.
Joyce has served as a Supervisory
Director since 2000. |
Michael C. Kearney, 61
Mr. Kearney serves as Chief Executive
Officer of Deepflex Inc. since September
2009 and had served as the chief
financial officer of Deepflex Inc., from
January 2008 until September 2009. He
served as executive vice president and
chief financial officer of Tesco
Corporation, a Canadian based
oil-service company from October 2004 to
January 2007. From 1998 until 2004, Mr.
Kearney served as the chief financial
officer and vice president
administration of Hydril Company, a
manufacturer of products for petroleum
drilling and production. Mr. Kearney
brings to the Company significant
accounting expertise as a result of his
work experience and educational
training. He has executive level
experience as a Chief Financial Officer
at |
publicly traded companies which
benefits the Company due to Mr.
Kearneys direct knowledge of operating
and maintaining internal control of
financial reporting given his position
as a certifying officer. In addition to
being a Certified Public Accountant, Mr.
Kearney also earned a Masters in
Accounting upon completion of his
Bachelors in Accounting. Mr. Kearney has
served as a Supervisory Director since
2004. |
Nominees for Class II Supervisory Directors (Term To Expire 2013) |
D. John Ogren, 66
Mr. Ogren served as the president of
Production Operators, Inc. from 1994
until 1999. Production Operators was
listed on the Nasdaq Stock Market prior
to its acquisition by Camco
International in 1997 and Schlumbergers
acquisition of Camco International in
1998. From 1989 until 1991, Mr. Ogren
served as senior vice president of
Conoco Inc. and from 1992 until 1994, as
senior vice president of E.I. duPont.
Mr. Ogren serves as a director and is
Chairman of Deepflex Inc. in addition to
serving as a director of John Wood Group
PLC. Until July 2008, he served as the
non-executive chairman of WellDynamics,
a Halliburton/Shell joint venture
company. He is a member of the Society
of Petroleum Engineers. The combination
of Mr. Ogrens experiences within the
oilfield service sector in addition to
his senior level work experience within
an oil and gas operating company provide
valuable insight for the Company. Having
served in senior operating and executive
management positions as well as in the
role of Chairman of other companies
during his career, he has the background
to deal with the many facets of planning
as well as issues related to
compensation that are handled in his
role as Chair of the Compensation
Committee. Mr. Ogren has served as a
Supervisory Director since 2000. |
Joseph R. Perna, 66
Mr. Perna served as Manager with Ethyl
Corporation from 1972 to 1985. He
joined our Company as General Manager in
1985. In 1991, he was promoted to Senior
Vice President, with responsibility for
certain laboratory services operations
and the Technology Products Division, a
position he held until his retirement on
March 31, 1998. Mr. Perna has
significant historical knowledge of the
Company and its worldwide operations.
This in-depth knowledge and experience
is useful when making decisions
regarding the strategic direction of the
Company and serves to guide us when
considering the implementation of any
changes or modifications to our
strategic direction. This knowledge is
unique from the other non-employee
directors given his long-term
association with the Company. This
background enables our Audit Committee
to have a broader, more detailed view of
our internal control environment. Mr.
Perna has served as a Supervisory
Director since our initial public
offering in 1995. |
Jacobus Schouten, 55
Mr. Schouten serves on the board of
directors of various privately-held
European companies. He has been a
managing director of International
Mezzanine Capital B.V., a private equity
fund, since 1990. Mr. Schoutens
service on other Supervisory Boards in
Holland has given him broad, diversified
exposure to best practices for corporate
governance. This knowledge combined with
his experience provides him with the
judgment necessary to work effectively
on our Nominating and Governance
Committee. Mr. Schouten has served as a
Supervisory Director since our initial
public offering in 1995. |
Continuing Class III Supervisory Directors (Term to Expire 2012) |
Richard L. Bergmark, 56
Mr. Bergmark joined Western Atlas
International, Inc. as Treasurer in
1987. From 1987 to 1994, our Company
was operated as a division of Western
Atlas. In 1991, Mr. Bergmark became the
Area Manager for Finance and
Administration for Europe, Africa and
the Middle East operations of Western
Geophysical, a division of Western
Atlas. From our separation with Western
Atlas in 1994 until 1999, he served as
our Chief Financial Officer and
Treasurer and in 1999 he was appointed
Executive Vice President. Mr. Bergmark
presently serves as our Executive Vice
President, Chief Financial Officer and
Treasurer and as a Supervisory Director.
He has substantial knowledge of the
industry based upon his 20+ years with
the Company and its predecessors and has
extensive knowledge about the history of
the Company, both of which are important
for planning and management purposes.
Furthermore, his understanding of the
financial matters relating to the
Company and our industry are of crucial
importance to the Company. Mr.
Bergmark, along with our Chief Executive
Officer, has developed important
contacts with others in the industry and
has an excellent relationship with our
shareholders. Mr. Bergmark has served as
a Supervisory Director since our initial
public offering in 1995. |
Alexander Vriesendorp, 57
Mr. Vriesendorp has been a partner since
1996 of Shamrock Partners B.V. which
serves as the manager for the
Vreedenlust venture capital funds. From
1998 until 2001, Mr. Vriesendorp served
as chief executive officer of RMI
Holland B.V., a valve manufacturer, in
The Netherlands. From 1991 until 1995,
he served as chief executive officer of
the Nienhuis Group, a manufacturer and
distributor of Montessori materials in
The Netherlands. Mr. Vriesendorp serves
on the supervisory boards of various
privately-held European companies. The
Company engages in business in more than
fifty countries. Mr. Vriesendorps broad
international experience and counsel is
particularly beneficial to the Company.
Further, his training as an attorney in
Holland has been beneficial to the
Company when making decisions regarding
the appropriate structure in compliance
with Dutch corporate governance. Mr.
Vriesendorp is able to apply those
diverse educational and work experience
attributes as a member of our Nominating
and Governance Committee. Mr.
Vriesendorp has served as a Supervisory
Director since 2000. |
Non-Employee Director Compensation
The following table sets forth a summary of the compensation we paid to our non-employee
Supervisory Directors in 2009. Supervisory Directors who are our full-time employees receive no
compensation for serving as Supervisory Directors.
Director Compensation for Year Ended December 31, 2009
Change in |
Pension Value |
and Nonqualified |
Fees Earned or |
Deferred |
Paid in Cash |
Stock Awards |
Compensation |
Total |
Name |
($) |
($)(1) |
Earnings (2) |
($) |
Rene R. Joyce |
68,500 |
100,069 |
168,569 |
Michael C. Kearney |
68,500 |
100,069 |
168,569 |
D. John Ogren |
57,500 |
100,069 |
157,569 |
Joseph R. Perna |
55,000 |
100,069 |
(66,000 |
) |
89,069 |
Jacobus Schouten |
49,000 |
100,069 |
149,069 |
Alexander Vriesendorp |
50,500 |
100,069 |
150,569 |
(1) |
Each of our non-employee Supervisory Directors had the following aggregate number of
stock awards outstanding as of December 31, 2009: Joyce, 3,899; Kearney, 3,899; Ogren, 3,899;
Perna, 3,899; Schouten, 3,899 and Vriesendorp, 3,899. The amounts included in the Stock
Awards column include the aggregate grant date fair value of the equity-based awards granted
during 2009 and have been computed in accordance with FASB ASC Topic 718, formerly FAS
123(R). Management estimates that the probable outcome of the performance conditions being
met will result in 100% of the grant vesting in July 2012. None of our non-employee
Supervisory Directors had any option awards outstanding as of December 31, 2009. |
(2) |
The changes in pension value and nonqualified deferred compensation earnings for 2009 were
the result of changes in the underlying actuarial assumptions and were not the result of
additional contributions. |
Retainer/Fees. Each non-employee Supervisory Director was paid the following amounts during
fiscal 2009:
an annual retainer of $40,000, payable semiannually in arrears; or if the Audit
Committee chair, an annual retainer of $55,000; or if the Compensation Committee chair or
the Nominating and Governance Committee chair, an annual retainer of $50,000 or $49,000,
respectively; |
$1,500 per meeting of the Supervisory Board at which the individual is present in
person; |
$1,500 per meeting for each committee meeting at which the individual is present in
person; and |
reimbursement for all out-of-pocket expenses incurred in attending any Supervisory Board
or committee meeting. |
Equity-based Compensation. On each of September 15, 2006, August 15, 2007, July 15, 2008 and
July 15, 2009, we awarded 2,000, 2,000, 742 and 1,157 restricted performance shares, respectively,
to each of our non-employee directors under our 2006 Non-Employee Director Stock Incentive Plan. A
restricted performance share is an unvested right to receive a share of our common stock at such
time or times described below. Each award is subject to the terms of our 2006 Non-Employee
Director Stock Incentive Plan and an award agreement, the terms of which are materially identical
for each award recipient. The award granted on September 15, 2006 vested in September 2009 and
shares were delivered to the non-employee directors, less applicable withholdings for taxes.
The restricted performance shares are unvested and may not be sold, assigned, or otherwise
transferred by an award recipient until such time as, and then only to the extent that, the
restricted performance shares have vested. Subject to certain exceptions described below, the
restricted performance shares will vest based on our return on equity, which is defined in the
award agreement as a percentage determined by dividing (1) one-third of our
aggregate earnings before interest and income taxes for the performance period that, in the
case of the 2006 awards, began on September 15, 2006 and ended on September 15, 2009, in the case
of the 2007 awards, began on August 15, 2007 and ends on August 15, 2010, in the case of the 2008
awards, began on July 15, 2008 and ends on July 15, 2011, and, in the case of the 2009 awards,
began on July 15, 2009 and ends on July 15, 2012, by (2) total shareholders equity as of the last
day of the performance period. Specifically: (a) if our return on equity for the performance
period equals or exceeds the second target, the award recipients will fully vest in their
restricted performance shares; (b) if our return on equity for the performance period is less than
the second target but equal to or greater than the first target, the award recipients will vest in
an incremental amount of their restricted performance shares, and (c) if our return on equity for
the performance period is less than the first target, the award recipients will not vest in the
restricted performance shares. The first and second targets for our 2006 grants were 28% and 35%,
respectively, the first and second targets for our 2007 grants were 40% and 50%, respectively, and
the first and second targets for our 2008 grants were 160% and 200%, respectively. The first and
second targets in the 2009 awards were based upon our return on equity compared to the returns
earned by the members of the S&P 500 Oil & Gas Equipment & Services Index with 50% of the shares
vesting if our return is at or above the 50th percentile of the members return and 100%
of the shares vesting if our return is at or above the 75th percentile of the members
return, respectively.
April 1, 2010, we made a grant to the non-employee directors which match the
criteria for the performance shares awarded the executives as described on page 20, in the amount
set forth below under 2010 Non-Employee Director Compensation. Assuming a recipients continued
service (or death or disability during the performance period) and the satisfaction of certain
performance goals is achieved, the performance shares will vest at the end of a three-year
performance period that begins on January 1, 2010 (the performance period). The restricted
performance shares will vest only upon the Companys return on invested capital being in the top
decile of the Companys peers as published by Bloomberg at the end of the performance period and
the shares shall fully vest if that criterion is met. If it is not met, then no shares shall vest
and the award shall be forfeited.
In the event of an award recipients death or disability prior to the last day of the
performance period, his or her restricted performance shares will vest as described above. If an
award recipients service with us terminates (other than for death or disability) prior to the last
day of the performance period, his or her restricted performance shares will be immediately
forfeited to the extent not then vested. In the event of a change in control (as defined in the
2006 Non-Employee Director Stock Incentive Plan) prior to the last day of the performance period
and while the award recipient is in our service (or in the event of a termination of the award
recipients service upon such change in control), all of the award recipients restricted
performance shares will vest as of the effective date of such change in control.
Other Arrangements. Mr. Perna was one of our officers until his retirement on March 1, 1998.
He participates in the Group SERP. Please see Information About Our Executive Officers and
Executive Compensation Pension Benefit Plans Group SERP for a discussion of the terms of
that plan.
2010 Non-Employee Director Compensation. On April 1, 2010, as we did in 2009, we awarded each of our non-employee directors an
amount of restricted performance shares equal to $100,000 based on the closing price of
our common stock on a date certain. This year, the award was based on the closing price
on March 31, 2010. The terms of the restricted performance shares are described above under Equity-based Compensation.
In addition, each non-employee Supervisory Director shall receive the following amounts during
fiscal 2010:
an annual retainer of $40,000, payable semiannually in arrears; or if the Audit
Committee chair, an annual retainer of $55,000; or if the Compensation Committee chair or
the Nominating and Governance Committee chair, an annual retainer of $50,000 or $49,000,
respectively; |
$1,500 per meeting of the Supervisory Board at which the individual is present in
person; |
$1,500 per meeting for each committee meeting at which the individual is present in
person; and |
reimbursement for all out-of-pocket expenses incurred in attending any Supervisory Board
or committee meeting. |
Board Membership
The Company has a two-tier board structure consisting of a Management Board and a Supervisory
Board, each of which must consist of at least one member under the Companys articles of
association. Under Dutch law, the Supervisory Boards duties include supervising and advising the
Management Board in performing its management tasks. The Supervisory Board currently consists of
eight Supervisory Directors. The Supervisory Directors are expected to exercise oversight of
management with the Companys interests in mind. The Supervisory Board is divided into three
classes, with each class subject to re-election every third year by the shareholders at the annual
The Management Boards sole member is Core Laboratories International B.V. As a Managing
Director, Core Laboratories International B.V.s duties include overseeing the management of the
Company, consulting with the Supervisory Board on important matters and submitting certain
important decisions to the Supervisory Board for its prior approval.
Board Structure
David Demshur serves as the Companys Chief Executive Officer and as Chairman of the
Supervisory Board. Given the smaller size of the Company, we believe our shareholders are well
served by having Mr. Demshur hold the Chief Executive Officer role along with being Chairman of the
Company and that this is the most effective Board leadership structure for us at the present time.
We also note that within our industry, the common practice is for the same person to hold both
positions. We believe this structure has served us well for many years.
During sessions without the Chairman, Rene Joyce conducts the meetings of directors in the
role of our Lead Director. The Lead Director has leadership authority and responsibilities and
sets the agenda for, and leads, all executive sessions of the independent directors, providing
consolidated feedback, as appropriate, from those meetings to the Chairman.
In its role in the risk oversight of the Company, the Board oversees our stockholders
interest in the long-term health and the overall success of the Company and its financial strength.
The Board is actively involved in overseeing risk management for the Company, and each of our
Board committees considers the risks within its areas of responsibilities. The Board and each of
our Board committees regularly discuss with management our major risk exposures, their potential
financial impact on us and the steps we take to manage them.
Supervisory Director Independence
In connection with determining the independence of each Supervisory Director of the Company,
the Board inquired as to any transactions and relationships between each Supervisory Director and
his or her immediate family and the Company and its subsidiaries, and reviewed and discussed the
results of such inquiry. The purpose of this review was to determine whether any such
relationships or transactions were material and, therefore, inconsistent with a determination that
a Supervisory Director is independent, under the standards set forth by the NYSE and, to the extent
consistent therewith, the Dutch Corporate Governance Code (the Dutch Code). Under the Dutch
Code, the Supervisory Board is to be composed of members who are able to act critically and
independently of each other and of the Management Board. As a result of this review, after finding
no material transactions or relationships, the board affirmatively determined that each of Messrs.
Joyce, Kearney, Ogren, Perna, Schouten and Vriesendorp are independent under the applicable
standards described above.
Supervisory Board Meetings
The Supervisory Board held four meetings in 2009. Each Supervisory Director attended at least
75% of the meetings of the Supervisory Board and of all committees on which he serves. Under our
Corporate Governance Guidelines, Supervisory Directors are expected to diligently fulfill their
fiduciary duties to shareholders, including preparing for, attending and participating in meetings
of the Supervisory Board and the committees of which the Supervisory Director is a member. We
expect each of our Supervisory Directors to attend our 2010 annual meeting as our current policy
requires Supervisory Director attendance at the annual meeting.
Our Nonemployee Supervisory Directors have met separately in executive session without any
members of management present. The Chairman of the Nominating and Governance Committee is the
presiding Supervisory Director at each such session. If any of our Nonemployee Supervisory
Directors were to fail to meet the applicable criteria for independence, then our independent
Supervisory Directors would meet separately at least once a year in accordance with the rules of
the NYSE.
Committees of the Supervisory Board
The Supervisory Board has three standing committees, the identities, memberships and functions
of which are described below:
Audit Committee. The current members of the Audit Committee of our Supervisory Board are
Messrs. Kearney (Chairman), Joyce and Perna. The Audit Committees principal functions include
making recommendations concerning the engagement of the independent registered public accountants,
reviewing with the independent registered public accountants the plan and results of the
engagement, approving professional services provided by the independent registered public
accountants and reviewing the adequacy of our internal accounting controls. Each member of the
Audit Committee is independent, as defined by Section 10A of the Exchange Act and by the corporate
governance standards set forth by the NYSE and, to the extent consistent therewith, the Dutch Code.
Each member of the Audit Committee is financially literate and Mr. Kearney qualifies as an audit
committee financial expert under the rules promulgated pursuant to the Exchange Act. The Audit
Committee held five meetings in 2009. See Report of the Audit Committee below.
Compensation Committee. The current members of the Compensation Committee of our Supervisory
Board are Messrs. Ogren (Chairman), Joyce and Perna. The Compensation Committees principal
functions include a general review of our compensation and benefit plans to ensure that they are
properly designed to meet corporate objectives. The Compensation Committee reviews and approves the
compensation of our Chief Executive Officer and our senior executive officers, granting of awards
under our benefit plans and adopting and changing major compensation policies and practices. In
addition to establishing the compensation for the Chief Executive Officer, the Compensation
Committee reports its recommendations to the whole Supervisory Board for approval. Pursuant to its
charter, the Compensation Committee has the authority to delegate its responsibilities to other
persons. On February 28, 2003, our Supervisory Board established an Options Subcommittee
consisting of Messrs. Ogren (Chairman) and Joyce, which was renamed the Equity Awards Subcommittee
in 2006. The Equity Awards Subcommittees principal function is to review and approve awards made
pursuant to our LTIP. The Compensation Committee held one meeting in 2009 and the Equity Awards
Subcommittee held two meetings in 2009.
The Compensation Committee periodically retains a consultant to provide independent advice on
executive compensation matters and to perform specific project-related work. The consultant reports
directly to the committee, which preapproves the scope of the work and the fees charged. The
Committee indicates to the consultant the role that management has in the analysis of executive
compensation, such as the verification of executive and Company information that the consultant
requires. In 2009, the Compensation Committee retained Stone Partners, Inc. (Stone Partners) to
advise it on selecting a peer group of companies to be used for compensation purposes. See
Compensation Discussion and Analysis Role of Consultant below.
The Committee operates under a written charter. A copy of the Compensation Committee charter
may be found on the Companys website at See
Compensation Committee Report below.
Nominating and Governance Committee. The current members of the Nominating and Governance
Committee are Messrs. Joyce (Chairman), Schouten and Vriesendorp. The Nominating and Governance
Committees principal functions include recommending candidates to the Supervisory Board for
election or appointment as Supervisory Director and advising about, and recommending to the
Supervisory Board, an appropriate set of corporate governance practices. Each member of the
Nominating and Governance Committee is independent as defined by the corporate governance standards
of the NYSE. The Nominating and Governance Committee held two meetings in 2009. A copy of the
Nominating and Governance Committee Charter may be found on the Companys website at
Qualifications of Supervisory Directors
The Nominating and Governance Committee has the responsibility to make recommendations to the
Board of Supervisory Directors of candidates for the Board that will perform well in that role and
maximize shareholder value. In considering suitable candidates for that position, the Nominating and Governance
Committee considers, among other factors, the persons reputation, knowledge,
experience, integrity, independence, skills, expertise, business and governmental acumen
and time commitments. In addition to considering these factors on an individual basis, the
Nominating and Governance Committee considers how these factors contribute to the
overall variety and mix of attributes of our Board as a whole so that the members of our
Board collectively possess the diverse knowledge and complementary attributes
necessary to oversee our business.
Supervisory Directors should be excellent representatives of the Company
and be able to provide a wide range of management and strategic advice and be someone that the
Company can count on to devote the required time and attention needed from members of the Board.
In the case of current Supervisory Directors being considered for renomination, the Nominating and
Governance Committee will also take into account the Supervisory Directors tenure as a member of
our Board of Supervisory Directors; the Supervisory Directors history of attendance at meetings of
the Board of Supervisory Directors and committees thereof; the Supervisory Directors preparation
for and participation in all meetings, and the Supervisory Directors contributions and performance
as a member of the Board.
Six of the eight members of the Board are considered independent under applicable SEC, NYSE
and Dutch Code standards. For this years annual meeting and election, all three candidates are
considered to be independent under applicable standards, and the Nominating and Governance
Committee believes they possess the characteristics outlined above and bring to the Board valuable
skills that enhance the Boards ability to manage and guide the strategic affairs of the Company in
the best interests of our shareholders.
A more complete description of the specific qualifications of each of our Board members and of
this years nominees are contained in the biographical information section beginning on page 6 of
this Proxy.
Supervisory Director Nomination Process
The Nominating and Governance Committee, the Chairman of the Supervisory Board, the
Chief Executive Officer, or a Supervisory Director identifies a need to add a new board
member that meets specific criteria or to fill a vacancy on the board. The Nominating and
Governance Committee also reviews the candidacy of existing members of the Supervisory
Board whose terms are expiring and who may be eligible for reelection to the Supervisory
Board. The Nominating and Governance Committee also considers recommendations for nominees
for directorships submitted by shareholders as provided below. |
If a new board member is to be considered, the Nominating and Governance Committee
initiates a search by seeking input from other Supervisory Directors and senior management,
and hiring a search firm, if necessary. An initial slate of candidates that will satisfy
specific criteria and otherwise qualify for membership on the Supervisory Board are
identified by and/or presented to the Nominating and Governance Committee, which ranks the
candidates. Members of the Nominating and Governance Committee review the qualifications
of prospective candidate(s), and the Chairman of the Supervisory Board, the Chief Executive
Officer, and all other Supervisory Board members have the opportunity to review the
qualifications of prospective candidate(s). |
Shareholders seeking to recommend Supervisory Director candidates for consideration by
the Nominating and Governance Committee may do so by writing to the Companys Secretary at
the address indicated on the cover page of this proxy, giving the recommended candidates
name, biographical data and qualifications. The Nominating and Governance Committee will
consider all candidates submitted by shareholders within the time period set forth
specified under Other Proxy Matters Information About Our 2011 Annual Meeting below. |
The Nominating and Governance Committee recommends to the Supervisory Board the
nominee(s) from among the candidate(s), including existing members of the Supervisory Board
whose terms are expiring and who may be eligible for reelection to the Supervisory Board,
and new candidates, if any, identified as described above. |
The nominee(s) are nominated by the Supervisory Board. |
Related Person Transactions
Related person transactions have the potential to create actual or perceived conflicts of
interest between the Company and its directors and executive officers or their immediate family
members. Under its charter, the Audit Committee is charged with the responsibility of reviewing
with management and the independent registered public accountants (together and/or separately, as
appropriate) insider and affiliated party transactions and potential conflicts of interest. The
Audit Committee has delegated authority to review transactions involving employees, other than our
executive officers, to our general counsel. We identify such transactions by distributing
questionnaires annually to each of our directors, officers and employees.
In deciding whether to approve a related person transaction the following factors may be
information about the goods or services proposed to be or being provided by or to the
related party or the nature of the transactions; |
the nature of the transactions and the costs to be incurred by the Company or payments
to the Company; |
an analysis of the costs and benefits associated with the transaction and a comparison
of comparable or alternative goods or services that are available to the Company from
unrelated parties; |
the business advantage the Company would gain by engaging in the transaction; and |
an analysis of the significance of the transaction to the Company and to the related
party. |
To receive approval, the related person transaction must be on terms that are fair and
reasonable to the Company, and which are as favorable to the Company as would be available from
non-related entities in comparable transactions. The Audit Committee requires that there is a
Company business interest supporting the transaction and the transaction meets the same Company
standards that apply to comparable transactions with unaffiliated entities. The Audit Committee
has adopted a written policy that governs the approval of related person transactions.
There were no transactions that occurred during fiscal year 2009 in which, to our knowledge,
the Company was or is a party, in which the amount involved exceeded $120,000, and in which any
director, director nominee, executive officer, holder of more than 5% of our common shares or any
member of the immediate family of any of the foregoing persons had or will have a direct or
indirect material interest.
Compensation Committee Interlocks and Insider Participation
During 2009, no executive officer served as:
a member of the compensation committee (or other board committee performing equivalent
functions or, in the absence of any such committee, the entire board of directors) of
another entity, one of whose executive officers served on our Compensation Committee; |
a member of the compensation committee (or other board committee performing equivalent
functions or, in the absence of any such committee, the entire board of directors) of
another entity, one of whose executive officers served as one of our Supervisory Directors;
or |
a director of another entity, one of whose executive officers served on our Compensation
Committee or the board of directors of one of our subsidiaries. |
Joseph R. Perna, a member of our Compensation Committee, was an officer of our Company until his
retirement on March 1, 1998, more than twelve years ago.
Communications with Directors; Website Access to Our Corporate Documents
Shareholders or other interested parties can contact any Supervisory Director or committee of
the Board of Supervisory Directors by directing correspondence to them in care of Mark F. Elvig,
Secretary, in care of Core Laboratories LP, 6316 Windfern Road, Houston, Texas 77040. Comments or
complaints relating to the Companys accounting, internal accounting controls or auditing matters
will be referred to members of the Audit Committee.
Our Internet address is Our Corporate Governance Guidelines, our Code of
Business Conduct and Ethics and the charters of our Supervisory Board committees are available on
our website. We will also furnish printed copies of such information free of charge upon written
request to our Investor Relations department.
We file Quarterly Reports on Form 10-Q, Annual Reports on Form 10-K and Current Reports on
Form 8-K with the SEC. These reports are available free of charge through our website as soon as
reasonably practicable after they are filed electronically with the SEC. We may from time to time
provide important disclosures to investors by posting them in the investor relations section of our
website, as allowed by SEC rules. Materials we file with the SEC may also be read and copied at
the SECs Public Reference Room at 100 F Street, N.W., Washington, D.C. 20549. Information on the
operation of the Public Reference Room may be obtained by calling the SEC at 1-800-SEC-0330. The
SEC also maintains an Internet website at that contains reports, proxy and information
statements, and other information regarding our Company that we file electronically with the SEC.
Our 2009 Annual Report on Form 10-K included the required Section 302 certifications.
Dutch Corporate Governance Code
The Dutch Code contains principles of good corporate governance and best practice provisions.
The Dutch Code emphasizes the principles of integrity, transparency and accountability as the
primary means of achieving good corporate governance. The Dutch Code includes certain principles of
good corporate governance, supported by best practice provisions. Listed Dutch N.V. companies
are required to disclose in their annual report and accounts how they intend to incorporate the
principles of the Dutch Code or, where relevant, to explain why they do not. The Management Board
has reviewed the Dutch Code and generally agrees with its fundamental principles. As discussed
above, the Company complies with U.S. corporate governance rules and, to the extent consistent
therewith, the corporate governance principles of the Dutch Code. The Company intends to continue
to monitor the developments in corporate governance and shall take such steps as it considers
appropriate to further implement the provisions of the Dutch Code. Please see the report of the
Management Board, a copy of which will be available for inspection at our offices in The
Netherlands, located at Herengracht 424, 1017 BZ Amsterdam and on our Internet site at for a discussion of our compliance with the Dutch Code.
Our executive compensation program is designed to create strong financial incentive for our
officers to increase revenues, profits, operating efficiency and returns, which we expect to lead
to an increase in shareholder value. Our Compensation Committees principal functions include
conducting periodic reviews of the compensation and benefits programs to ensure that they are
properly designed to meet corporate objectives, overseeing of the administration of the cash
incentive and equity-based plans and developing the compensation program for the Supervisory
Directors. Our executive compensation program includes five primary elements. Three of the
elements are performance-oriented and, taken together, all constitute a flexible and balanced
method of establishing total compensation for our senior executive officers. The elements are a)
base salary, b) annual incentive plan awards, c) stock-based compensation, d) benefits and e)
severance/change-in-control compensation.
Compensation Philosophy
The following objectives guide the Compensation Committee in its deliberations regarding
executive compensation matters:
Provide a competitive compensation program that enables us to retain key executives and
Supervisory Board members; |
Ensure a strong relationship between our performance results and those of our segments
and the total compensation received by an individual; |
Balance annual and longer term performance objectives; |
Encourage executives to acquire and retain meaningful levels of common shares; and |
Work closely with the Chief Executive Officer to ensure that the compensation program
supports our objectives and culture. |
We believe that the overall compensation of executives should be competitive with the market
in which we compete for executive talent. This market consists of both the oilfield services
industry and other service-based industries in which we compete for executive talent. In
determining the proper amount for each compensation element, we review publicly available
compensation data, as well as the compensation targets for comparable positions at similar
corporations within these industries. We also consider the need to maintain levels of compensation
that are fair among our executive officers given differences in their respective responsibilities,
levels of accountability and decision authority. The Compensation Committee generally focuses on
compensation structures designed to reflect the market median. We believe that maintaining
compensation at or near the median of our peer group minimizes competitive disadvantage while at
the same time fairly compensating our executive officers for meeting our corporate goals. The
Compensation Committee uses a range of compensation targets so as to respond better to changing
business conditions, manage salaries and incentives more evenly over an individuals career, and
minimize potential for automatic increases in salaries and incentives that could occur with
inflexible and narrow competitive targets. The Compensation Committee links a significant portion
of each executives total compensation to accomplishing specific, measurable results based on both
company and individual performance intended to create value for shareholders in both the short and
long-term. Only executives with performance exceeding established targets may significantly exceed
the market median in total compensation due to incentive compensation.
Role of our Executive Officers in Establishing Compensation
Our Chief Executive Officer provides recommendations to the Compensation Committee in its
evaluation of our executive officers, including recommendations of individual cash and equity
compensation levels for executive officers. Mr. Demshur relies on his personal experience serving
in the capacity of Chief Executive Officer with respect to evaluating the contribution of our other
executive officers as well as publicly available information for comparable compensation guidance
as the basis for his recommendations to the Compensation Committee. Mr.
Elvig, our Vice President, General Counsel and Secretary, attended the Compensation
Committees 2009 meeting and acted as secretary of that meeting for the purpose of keeping minutes.
However, Mr. Elvig was not present during Compensation Committee deliberations and voting
pertaining to the determination of his own compensation.
Role of Consultant
Our Compensation Committee periodically retains a consultant to provide independent advice on
executive compensation matters and to perform specific project-related work. In fiscal 2007, the
Compensation Committee retained Stone Partners, a compensation consulting firm, to advise the
Compensation Committee regarding analysis of cash compensation for our executives. The
Compensation Committee requested that Stone Partners assess the proposed base salaries and target
annual incentive compensation for each executive officer. Stone Partners advised the Compensation
Committee that based on our current revenues and the level and responsibilities of each position,
the proposed base salaries and targeted annual cash compensation were consistent with the external
market median of the benchmarked data. See Benchmarking below. The Compensation Committee
did have the assistance of a compensation consulting firm in fiscal 2008 for certain benchmarking
and review of compensation trends. Other than services provided in selecting the peer group of
companies to be used for compensation purposes, the Compensation Committee did not retain services
for executive compensation consulting from Stone Partners in fiscal 2009 to advise the Committee on
cash compensation analysis for our executives.
The Compensation Committee periodically retains Stone Partners as compensation consultant to
assist in the Compensation Committees compensation determinations. Stone Partners reports to, and
acts at the direction of, the Compensation Committee. The Compensation Committee reviews several
sources as a reference for determining competitive total compensation packages. In addition, the
Compensation Committee reviews proxy statement data from a peer group of companies.
Selecting the Peer Group
The Compensation Committee, with the assistance of Stone Partners, has developed a peer group
of companies to be used for compensation purposes. The peer group consists of publicly traded
oilfield services companies comparable in size to our company in terms of annual revenues and the
value of ongoing operations.
The Compensation Committee periodically reviews the composition of our compensation peer group
and reviews the compensation paid at these companies, as well as their corporate performance, and
other factors in determining the appropriate compensation levels for our executives. For 2009, the
Compensation Committee reviewed the peer companies based on industry, revenue, market cap and
assets and the following companies comprise our compensation peer group for the fiscal year ended
CARBO Ceramics Inc.
Helix Energy Solutions Group, Inc
Oil States International Inc. |
Dresser-Rand Group Inc.
Newpark Resources Inc.
Superior Energy Services Inc. |
Global Industries Ltd.
Oceaneering International, Inc.
Tidewater Inc. |
Elements of Compensation
Base Salary. Base salary is the fixed annual compensation we pay to an executive for
performing specific job responsibilities. It represents the minimum income an executive may
receive in any given year. We target base salaries to result in annual salaries at approximately
the market median of our peer group for executives having similar responsibilities. The
Compensation Committee may adjust salaries based on its annual review of the following factors:
the individuals experience and background; |
the individuals performance during the prior year; |
the benchmark salary data; |
the general movement of salaries in the marketplace; and |
our financial and operating results. |
As a result of these factors, a particular executives base salary may be above or below the
targeted median at any point in time. For 2009, Messrs. Demshur, Bergmark and Davis were awarded a
4% merit increase in their 2008 base salaries, subject however to the discretion of the Board
Chairman to implement at such time as he deemed appropriate. The new approved salary levels for
2009 base salaries were as follows: Mr. Demshur, $682,000; Mr. Bergmark, $416,000 and Mr. Davis,
$406,000; however, in consideration of the economy, their base salaries remained at the 2008 level
throughout 2009 as follows: Mr. Demshur, $656,000; Mr. Bergmark, $400,000 and Mr. Davis, $390,000.
For 2010, the Compensation Committee has approved an increase in base salaries for our executives
as follows: Mr. Demshur, $700,000; Mr. Bergmark, $425,000 and Mr. Davis, $415,000.
Non-Equity Incentive Compensation. The Compensation Committee determines the terms under
which the annual incentive compensation will be paid to executive officers. The purpose of these
awards is to:
Share our success with employees; |
Provide a financial incentive to focus on specific performance targets; |
Reward employees based on individual and team performance; |
Promote a sense of shared accomplishment among employees; and |
Encourage employees to continually improve our financial and operating performance and
thereby create shareholder value. |
Under our annual incentive plan, the Compensation Committee has the discretion to set goals
and objectives that it believes are consistent with creating shareholder value, including financial
measures, operating objectives, growth goals and other measures. The Compensation Committee also
considers individual achievement. The Compensation Committee designs these awards so that cash
incentive compensation will approximate the market median when individual and corporate strategic
objectives are achieved and will exceed the market median when performance plans are exceeded.
Annual incentive awards are designed to put a significant portion of total compensation at risk.
For fiscal 2009, the Compensation Committee determined that the annual incentive compensation
for the executives will be at the discretion of the Committee, provided that the Company attains
certain minimum EPS results for the year and that any payouts under the program be based upon
market benchmarked multiples of annual salary. For 2009, the minimum EPS that must have been
attained was $4.47 per share before any discretionary incentive award could be made. Further, any
such award was set at a maximum of 1.5 times annual salary for Mr. Demshur and 1.0 times salary for
both Messrs. Bergmark and Davis.
For fiscal 2010, the Compensation Committee has determined that the annual incentive
compensation should still be at the discretion of the Committee, provided that the Company attains
certain minimum EPS results for the year and that any payouts under the program be based upon
market benchmarked multiples of annual salary. For 2010, the minimum EPS that must be attained is
$5.32 per share and the Committee has approved an increase in the benchmarked multiple of annual
salary to a maximum of 1.75 times annual salary for Mr. Demshur and 1.25 times annual salary for
both Messrs. Bergmark and Davis.
Under the annual incentive plan, the maximum award opportunity is established as a percentage
of salary for each executive officer based upon a review of the competitive data for that officers
position, level of responsibility and ability to impact our financial success. The Supervisory
Board has approved an amendment to Messrs. Demshurs, Bergmarks and Davis employment agreements,
such that each of Messrs. Demshur, Bergmark and Davis is entitled to receive amounts of up to 175%,
125% and 125% of base salary, respectively. We believe these amounts are consistent with those
provided to similarly situated executives by companies in our peer group.
Execution of our business strategy in 2009 was focused on maximizing returns on invested
capital and generating free cash flow which ultimately provided shareholder returns which
outperformed our industry. As a result, our diluted earnings per share were $4.87, which exceeded
our minimum performance target for 2009 of $4.47 per share. Based upon this performance in 2009,
our three executives were awarded bonuses as follows: Mr. Demshur, $600,000; Mr. Bergmark, $250,000
and Mr. Davis $250,000.
Equity Incentive Compensation. We currently administer long-term incentive compensation
awards through our LTIP. Specifically, we encourage share ownership by awarding long-term equity
incentive awards under programs, consisting of the Restricted Share Award Program, or RSAP, and
the Performance Share Award Program, or PSAP. We believe that widespread common share ownership
by key employees is an important means of encouraging superior performance and employee retention.
Our equity-based compensation programs encourage performance and retention by providing additional
incentives for executives to further our growth, development and financial success by personally
benefiting through the ownership of our common shares and/or rights, which recognize growth,
development and financial success over a longer time horizon.
We use restricted share grants as our primary form of equity compensation, which we believe
are a stronger motivational tool for our employees. Restricted share awards provide some value to
an employee during periods of stock market volatility, whereas other forms of equity compensation,
such as stock options, may have limited perceived value and may do little to retain and motivate
employees when the current value of the companys stock is less than the option price. Currently,
our long-term equity incentive compensation is exclusively in the form of restricted shares and
performance restricted shares.
The Equity Awards Subcommittee, a subcommittee of our Compensation Committee, based on
recommendations from our Chief Executive Officer, determines the amount and terms of our long-term
incentive awards by periodically reviewing competitive market data and each executives long-term
past performance, ability to contribute to our future success, and time in the current job. The
subcommittee takes into account the risk of losing the executive to other employment opportunities
and the value and potential for appreciation in our shares. The number of shares previously
granted or vested pursuant to prior grants is not typically a factor that is used when determining
subsequent grants to an executive officer. The subcommittee considers the foregoing factors
together and subjectively determines the appropriate magnitude of the award. As a result of the
three named executive officers declining equity based awards in 2009, equity incentives were not
part of their total compensation.
The subcommittee awards restricted shares and performance restricted shares that vest over a
period of years. Restricted share awards vest based on an employees continued employment over a
period of time. The subcommittee determines the appropriate length of the vesting period which for
most restricted shares is at a rate of 1/6 per year over a period of six years. Performance
restricted shares vest if we achieve certain performance goals generally over a three-year period,
which allow us to compensate our employees as we meet or exceed our business objectives.
We have no program, plan or practice to time the grant of restricted shares or performance
shares to executives in coordination with material non-public information.
Restricted Share Award Program. In 2009, Messrs. Demshur, Bergmark and Davis, at their
request, were not granted a Restricted Share award. Restricted Share awards are subject to
continued employment, and one-sixth of the shares vest each year for six years on the anniversary
of the date of grant. Full vesting will occur if an executive officers employment is terminated
because of death or disability or upon the occurrence of a change in control if the executive
officer has been continuously employed by us from the date of the grant until the change in
control. No performance accelerators for early vesting exist within this award. Compensation
expense relating to these awards, which we recognized for financial accounting purposes during
fiscal 2009, is reflected in footnote 1 to the Summary.
Our named executive officers declined equity based awards for 2009 in order to allow for
additional grants of equity based awards to other employees. For 2009, 123,550 shares of
restricted stock were awarded to 268 employees. Restricted stock awards may also be made to new
hires as an inducement to attract candidates.
In 2010, Messrs. Demshur, Bergmark and Davis, at their request again, will not be granted a
Restricted Share award.
Performance Share Award Program. Under the PSAP, our executive officers are awarded rights to
receive a pre-determined number of common shares if certain performance targets are met, as defined
in the applicable agreements for the respective three-year period. The following discussion relates
to the PSAP awards granted in 2010.
PSAP Awards. On April 1, 2010, we made grants of 45,000 performance shares to
our executive officers and others at the discretion of Chief
Executive Officer for 2010. Assuming
the recipients continued employment (or death or disability while employed) and the satisfaction
of certain performance goals is achieved, these awards vest at the end of a three-year performance
period that begins on January 1, 2010 (the performance period).
The restricted performance shares are unvested and may not be sold, assigned, or otherwise
transferred by an award recipient until such time as, and then only to the extent that, the
restricted performance shares have vested. Subject to certain exceptions described below, the
restricted performance shares will vest assuming a recipients continued employment (or death or
disability while employed) and the satisfaction of certain performance goals is achieved. The
restricted performance shares will vest only upon the Companys return on invested capital being in
the top decile of the Companys peers as published by Bloomberg at the end of the performance
period and the shares shall fully vest if that criterion is met. If it is not met, then no shares
shall vest and the award shall be forfeited.
In the event of an award recipients death or disability prior to the last day of the
performance period, his or her restricted performance shares will vest as described above. If an
award recipients service with us terminates (other than for death or disability) prior to the last
day of the performance period, his or her restricted performance shares will be immediately
forfeited to the extent not then vested. In the event of a change in control (as defined in the
2007 Long-Term Incentive Plan) prior to the last day of the performance period and while the award
recipient is in our service (or in the event of a termination of the award recipients service upon
such change in control), all of the award recipients restricted performance shares will vest as of
the effective date of such change in control.
Health and Welfare Benefits. We offer a standard range of health and welfare benefits to all
employees, including our executive officers. These benefits include medical, prescription drug, and
dental coverages, life insurance, accidental death and dismemberment, long-term disability
insurance and flexible spending accounts. Our plans do not discriminate in favor of our executive
401(k). We offer a defined contribution 401(k) plan to substantially all of our employees in
the United States. We provide this plan to assist our employees in saving some amount of their
cash compensation for retirement in a tax efficient manner. Participants may contribute up to 60%
of their base and cash incentive compensation, subject to the current limits under the Internal
Revenue Code of 1986, as amended (the Code). We match employee contributions under this plan up
to the first 4% of the participants contribution and may make additional discretionary
contributions. For plan year 2009, we contributed an additional 1% of the admissible compensation
for each eligible employee, including our executive officers, into the plan to acknowledge the
outstanding efforts of our employees. We have not yet determined the amount of such discretionary
contributions for 2010.
Deferred Compensation Plan. Through our subsidiary, Core Laboratories LP, we have adopted a
nonqualified deferred compensation plan that permits certain employees, including all executive
officers, to elect to defer all or a part of their cash compensation (base, annual incentives
and/or commissions) from us until the termination of their status as an employee. Participating
employees are eligible to receive a matching deferral under the nonqualified deferred compensation
plan that compensates them for contributions they could not receive from us under the 401(k) plan
due to the various limits imposed on 401(k) plans by the U.S. federal income tax laws.
The employer matching contributions vest at a rate of 20% per year over a period of 5 years.
Discretionary employer contributions may also be made on behalf of participants in the plan and are
subject to discretionary vesting schedules determined at the time of such contributions. Vesting in
all employer contributions is accelerated upon the death of the participant or a change in control.
Employer contributions under the plan are forfeited upon a participants termination of employment
to the extent they are not vested at that time.
Supplemental Executive Retirement Plans. In 1998, based on our review of post-retirement
compensation provided by various companies in the oilfield services industry, we adopted a
Supplemental Executive Retirement Plan, referred to as the Group SERP, for the benefit of certain
key employees and outside directors. The Group
SERP was established to provide additional retirement income for certain of our then-executive
officers and death benefits to the officers designated beneficiaries as a reward for the executive
officers prior contributions and future efforts to our success and growth. Richard Bergmark,
David Demshur and Joseph Perna, a former officer and current director, participate in the Group
SERP. Please read Information About Our Executive Officers and Executive Compensation Pension
Benefit Plans Group SERP for more information about the Group SERP.
In 1999, based on our review of post-retirement compensation provided by various companies in
the oilfield services industry, we adopted a Supplemental Executive Retirement Plan for Monty L.
Davis, which is referred to as the Individual SERP. The terms of the Individual SERP are similar
to that of the Group SERP except that the amount of the retirement benefit is determined using a
formula that takes into consideration the participants compensation, years of employment, and a
five-year vesting schedule. Please read Information About Our Executive Officers and Executive
Compensation Pension Benefit Plans Individual SERP for more information about the Individual
Other Perquisites and Personal Benefits. We do not offer any perquisites or other personal
benefits to any executive with a value over $10,000 beyond those discussed above.
We believe in the importance of providing attractive intangible benefits to all employees such
as open and honest communications, ethical business practices, and a safe work environment.
Executive Compensation Policies
Share Retention Guidelines. We suggest that each executive and senior manager own our common
shares equal in value to at least one times that persons annual base salary. Alignment with
shareholder interests is reflected in current stock ownership among the named executive officers,
the value of which ranges from approximately 44 to 76 times annual base salary based on the closing
price of our common stock on December 31, 2009, as reflected in the beneficial ownership table
provided in Ownership of Securities Securities Ownership by Certain Beneficial Owners and
Management. They reflect a significant personal investment in us by the same executives
responsible for determining the future success of the organization and the return to shareholders.
Securities Trading Policy. We prohibit officers and certain other managers from trading our
securities on the basis of material, non-public information or tipping others who may so trade on
such information and from trading in our securities without obtaining prior approval from our
General Counsel. If the manager does not have inside information that is material to the business,
the officer or manager may trade immediately following quarterly earnings press releases during an
Allowed Trading Window. Any exceptions must be requested in writing and signed by one of the
following persons: Chief Executive Officer, Chief Operating Officer, Chief Financial Officer or
General Counsel. Any derivative transaction which effectively shifts the economic risk of ownership
to a third party is not allowed at any time by these officers and certain other managers unless
approved by the Compensation Committee.
Deductibility of Compensation over $1 million. Section 162(m) of the Internal Revenue Code
imposes a limit of $1 million, unless compensation is performance based or another exception
applies, on the amount that a publicly held corporation may deduct in any year for the compensation
paid or accrued with respect to its chief executive officer and each of its four other most highly
compensated executive officers. Although we have not yet finalized our 2009 tax return, we expect
that this limit may apply to certain deductions in the 2009 tax return.
Employment Agreements and Change in Control Agreements
We maintain employment agreements with our three executive officers to ensure they will
perform their roles for an extended period of time. These agreements are described in more detail
elsewhere in this proxy statement. Please read Information About Our Executive Officers and
Executive Compensation Narrative Disclosure to Summary Compensation Table and Grants of
Plan-Based Awards Table Employment Agreements. These agreements provide for severance
compensation to be paid if the employment of the executives is terminated under certain conditions,
such as following a change in control, termination by Messrs. Demshur, Bergmark or Davis for any
reason or termination by us for any reason other than upon their death or disability, for cause
or upon a material breach of a material provision of his employment agreement, each as defined in
the agreements.
The employment agreements between us and our named executive officers and the related
severance provisions are designed to meet the following objectives:
Change in Control. As part of our normal course of business, we engage in discussions with
other companies about possible collaborations and/or other ways in which the companies may work
together to further our respective long-term objectives. In addition, many larger, established
companies consider companies at similar stages of development to ours as potential acquisition
targets. In certain scenarios, the potential for merger or being acquired may be in the best
interests of our shareholders. We provide severance compensation if an executives employment is
terminated following a change in control transaction to promote the ability of our senior
executives to act in the best interests of our stockholders even though their employment could be
terminated as a result of the transaction.
Termination without Cause. If we terminate the employment of an executive officer without
cause as defined in the applicable agreement, we are obligated to continue to pay him certain
amounts as described in greater detail in Potential Payments Upon Termination or Change in
Control. We believe these payments are appropriate because the terminated executive is bound by
confidentiality, nonsolicitation and non-compete provisions covering two years after termination
and because we and the executive have a mutually agreed to severance package that is in place prior
to any termination event. This provides us with more flexibility to make a change in senior
management if such a change is in our and our shareholders best interests.
Executive Officers
As of December 31, 2009, our executive officers consisted of David M. Demshur, Richard L
Bergmark and Monty L. Davis. Biographical information regarding Messrs. Demshur and Bergmark can
be found in Information About Our Supervisory Directors and Director Compensation Board of
Supervising Directors. The following biography describes the business experience of Mr. Davis.
Our executive officers are not Managing Directors of our Company for purposes of Dutch law.
Monty L. Davis, who is 55 years of age, joined Western Atlas International in 1977, holding
various management positions including Atlas Wireline Division Financial Controller for Europe,
Africa and the Middle East from 1983 to 1987, Core Laboratories Division Vice President of Finance
from 1987 to 1991, and Atlas Wireline Division vice president of finance and administration from
1991 to 1993. In 1993, Mr. Davis left Western Atlas International and joined Bovar Inc. of Calgary,
Canada, an environmental waste disposal company, as chief financial officer. From 1994 to 1995 he
served as chief operating officer and from 1995 to 1998 he served as president and chief executive
officer of Bovar Inc. Mr. Davis rejoined our Company as Senior Vice President in 1998, and in 1999
was promoted to Chief Operating Officer, the position he currently holds.
Summary Compensation
The following table summarizes, with respect to our Chief Executive Officer and each of our
other named executive officers as of December 31, 2009, information relating to the compensation
earned for services rendered in all capacities during fiscal years 2007, 2008, and 2009.
Summary Compensation for the Years Ended December 31, 2007, 2008 and 2009
Change in |
Pension |
Value and |
Nonqualified |
Non-Equity |
Deferred |
Stock |
Incentive Plan |
Compensation |
All Other |
Name and |
Salary |
Awards |
Compensation |
Earnings |
Compensation |
Total |
Principal Position |
Year |
($) |
($)(1) |
($) |
($) |
($)(4) |
($) |
David M. Demshur |
2009 |
656,000 |
600,000 |
184,000 |
(3) |
9,973 |
1,449,973 |
President and Chief |
2008 |
656,000 |
984,000 |
777,000 |
(3) |
9,355 |
2,426,355 |
Executive Officer |
2007 |
625,000 |
(2) |
352,000 |
(3) |
9,164 |
986,164 |
Richard L. Bergmark
2009 |
400,000 |
250,000 |
184,000 |
(3) |
9,981 |
843,981 |
Executive Vice President, |
2008 |
400,000 |
400,000 |
774,000 |
(3) |
9,366 |
1,583,366 |
Chief Financial Officer and Treasurer |
2007 |
380,000 |
518,496 |
(2) |
354,000 |
(3) |
9,183 |
1,261,679 |
Monty L. Davis |
2009 |
390,000 |
250,000 |
110,000 |
(3) |
9,977 |
759,977 |
Operating Officer |
2008 |
390,000 |
390,000 |
461,000 |
(3) |
6,663 |
1,247,663 |
and Senior Vice President |
2007 |
370,000 |
518,496 |
(2) |
214,000 |
(3) |
9,177 |
921,673 |
(1) |
The amounts included in the Stock Awards column include the aggregate grant date fair
value of the equity-based awards granted during 2007, 2008 and 2009, and have been computed in
accordance with FASB ASC Topic 718, formerly FAS 123(R). Assumptions used in the calculation
of these amounts are included in Note 13 to our audited financial statements for the fiscal
years ended December 31, 2007, 2008 and 2009 included in our annual reports on Form 10-K. See
Narrative Disclosure to Summary Compensation Table and Grants of Plan-Based Awards Table for
a description of the material features of these awards. |
(2) |
For 2007, based on non-discretionary performance measures, Messrs. Demshur, Bergmark and
Davis were entitled to receive non-equity incentive compensation of $703,125, $285,000 and
$277,500, respectively, however, elected not to accept such payment so that the incentive
could be paid to our other employees. Calculated based on 2007 year-end base salaries of:
Demshur$625,000; Bergmark$380,000; and Davis$370,000. |
(3) |
The change in pension value during 2007, 2008 and 2009 for each of our named executive
officers was: Demshur$352,000, $777,000 and $184,000; Bergmark$354,000, $774,000 and
$184,000; Davis$214,000, $461,000 and $110,000; No amounts are attributable to nonqualified
deferred compensation earnings. The changes in pension value for 2008 were the result of
changes in the underlying actuarial assumptions and were not the result of additional
contributions. |
(4) |
No executive officer received perquisites in excess of $10,000 in fiscal 2007, 2008 or 2009. |
All Other Compensation from Summary Compensation Table
The following table contains a breakdown of the compensation and benefits included under All
Other Compensation in the Summary Compensation table above.
Core 401(k) |
Company-Owned |
Contributions |
Life Insurance(1) |
Total |
Name |
Year |
($) |
($) |
($) |
David M. Demshur |
2009 |
9,800 |
173 |
9,973 |
2008 |
9,200 |
155 |
9,355 |
2007 |
9,000 |
164 |
9,164 |
Richard L. Bergmark |
2009 |
9,800 |
181 |
9,981 |
2008 |
9,200 |
166 |
9,366 |
2007 |
9,000 |
183 |
9,183 |
Monty L. Davis |
2009 |
9,800 |
177 |
9,977 |
2008 |
6,500 |
163 |
6,663 |
2007 |
9,000 |
177 |
9,177 |
(1) |
The amounts shown reflect premiums we pay for life insurance coverage for our executive
officers, which insurance payments will be used to assist us with providing death benefits
under the deferred compensation plan. |
Grants of Plan-Based Awards
No grants of plan-based awards were awarded to our Chief Executive Officer or executive
officers in the last completed fiscal year under any plan.
Narrative Disclosure to Summary Compensation Table and Grants of Plan-Based Awards Table
The following is a discussion of material factors necessary to an understanding of the
information disclosed in the Summary Compensation Table.
Employment Agreements.
David M. Demshur. Mr. Demshur serves as our President and Chief Executive Officer pursuant to
an employment agreement entered into on August 1, 1998, as amended and restated as of December 31,
2007. Unless either party gives notice to terminate the agreement, the agreement will
automatically renew each year on the anniversary of the effective date for a successive three-year
term. Mr. Demshurs employment agreement entitles him to an original base salary of $420,000,
subject to increase at the discretion of the Compensation Committee, and the opportunity to earn a
yearly bonus of up to 150%, which the Supervisory Board has approved to increase to 175% effective
for 2010, of his then current annual base salary dependent upon his reaching certain performance
objectives established by the Compensation Committee and described above under Compensation
Discussion and Analysis Non-Equity Incentive Compensation. The employment agreement provides
that Mr. Demshur is entitled to participate in all of our benefit plans and programs that are
available to our other executive employees.
Richard L. Bergmark. Mr. Bergmark serves as our Chief Financial Officer and Treasurer
pursuant to an employment agreement entered into on August 1, 1998, as amended and restated as of
December 31, 2007. Unless either party gives notice to terminate the agreement, the agreement will
automatically renew each year on the anniversary of the effective date for a successive three-year
term. Mr. Bergmarks employment agreement entitles him to an original base salary of $236,250,
subject to increase at the discretion of the Compensation Committee, and the opportunity to earn a
yearly bonus of up to 100%, which the Supervisory Board has approved to increase to 125% effective
for 2010, of his then current annual base salary dependent upon his reaching certain performance
objectives established by the Compensation Committee and described above under Compensation
Discussion and Analysis Non-Equity Incentive Compensation. The employment agreement provides
that Mr. Bergmark is entitled to participate in all of our benefit plans and programs that are
available to our other executive employees.
Monty L. Davis. Mr. Davis serves as our Chief Operating Officer pursuant to an employment
agreement entered into on August 1, 1998, as amended and restated as of December 31, 2007. Unless
either party gives notice to terminate the agreement, the agreement will automatically renew each
year on the anniversary of the effective date for a successive three-year term. Mr. Davis
employment agreement entitles him to an original base salary of $231,000, subject to increase at
the discretion of the Compensation Committee, and the opportunity to earn a yearly
bonus of up to 100%, which the Supervisory Board has approved to increase to 125% effective
for 2010, of his then current annual base salary dependent upon his reaching certain performance
objectives established by the Compensation Committee and described above under Compensation
Discussion and Analysis Non-Equity Incentive Compensation. The employment agreement provides
that Mr. Davis is entitled to participate in all of our benefit plans and programs that are
available to our other executive employees.
Restricted Share Award Program. In 2009, the subcommittee granted 123,550 restricted shares
to employees under the RSAP program, none of which were to named executive officers. In April 2008,
the subcommittee granted 124,950 restricted shares to employees under the RSAP program, none of
which were to named executive officers. On March 1, 2007, the subcommittee granted 74,900
restricted shares to employees under the RSAP program, none of which were to named executive
officers. Subject to continued employment with us, these shares vest in the amount of 1/6th of
each grant on each of the six annual anniversaries of the date of grant. Full vesting will occur,
however, if an employees employment with us is terminated by reason of death or disability or if
an employee continues in our employment until the date upon which a change in control occurs. For
2010, the subcommittee has authorized 100,000 shares for in-cycle grants and an additional 10,000
shares for out-of-cycle grants for retention and recruitment purposes, and it is anticipated such
in-cycle grants will be awarded with an effective date of August 1, 2010.
Executive Restricted Share Matching Program. In order to vest in the Restricted Gross-up
Shares, a participant generally must have remained in our employment until June 1, 2007 and
maintain continuous ownership until such date of (a) the equivalent number of shares the
participant initially purchased in order to receive the original restricted matching share award
plus (b) a number of the shares received in the restricted matching share award (which number of
shares is generally equal to all of the shares included in the restricted matching share award less
a percentage of such shares surrendered by the participant to pay applicable taxes upon their
vesting). At June 1, 2007 all of the Restricted Gross-up Shares vested pursuant to the terms of
the Executive Restricted Share Matching Program.
Pension Benefit Plans. For a description of our Supplemental Executive Retirement Plans,
please read Pension Benefit Plans below.
Outstanding Equity Awards at Fiscal Year End
The following table provides information concerning stock that has not vested, and equity
incentive plan awards for our Chief Executive Officer and each of our other executive officers as
of the end of our last completed fiscal year. None of our executive officers held unexercised
options as of the end of our last completed fiscal year.
Outstanding Equity Awards at December 31, 2009
Number of Shares or |
Market Value of Shares |
Units of Stock That |
or Units of Stock That |
Have Not Vested |
Have Not Vested |
Name |
(#) |
($) |
David M. Demshur |
Richard L. Bergmark |
7,400 |
(1) |
874,088 |
Monty L. Davis |
7,400 |
(1) |
874,088 |
(1) |
Consists of restricted shares remaining unvested which were granted to each named
executive officer in 2006 and 2007. See Narrative Disclosure to Summary Compensation Table
and Grants of Plan Based Awards Table Restricted Share Award
Program and Executive
Restricted Share Matching Program for a description of the vesting terms of these awards. |
Option Exercises and Stock Vested
The following table provides information concerning each exercise of stock option and each
vesting of stock, including restricted stock, restricted stock units and similar instruments during
the last completed fiscal year on an aggregated basis with respect to each of our executive
Stock Vested for the Year Ended December 31, 2009
Stock Awards |
Number of Shares |
Value Realized on |
Acquired on Vesting |
Vesting |
Name |
(#) |
($) |
David M. Demshur |
Richard L. Bergmark |
2,100 |
166,270 |
Monty L. Davis |
2,100 |
166,270 |
Pension Benefit Plans
The following table provides information on our executive officers pension benefit plans as
of December 31, 2009, including, with respect to each executive officer, the number of years
credited under the applicable plan, the actuarial present value of the accumulated pension benefit
and the dollar amount of any payments received during the year ended December 31, 2009.
Pension Benefit Plans as of December 31, 2009
Number of Years |
Present Value of |
Payments |
Credited Service |
Accumulated Benefit |
During 2009 |
Name |
Plan Name |
(#) |
($) |
($) |
David M. Demshur |
Group SERP |
N/A |
3,209,000 |
Richard L. Bergmark |
Group SERP |
N/A |
3,295,000 |
Monty L. Davis |
Individual SERP |
25.0 |
1,940,000 |
Group SERP. In 1998, we adopted the Core Laboratories Supplemental Executive Retirement
Plan, which we refer to as the Group SERP, for the benefit of certain key employees and outside
directors. The Group SERP was subsequently amended in 1999, 2001, 2002, 2003 and 2007. The Group
SERP was established to provide additional retirement income to the participants and death benefits
to the participants designated beneficiaries as a reward for the participants contributions to
our success and growth. Richard L. Bergmark, David M. Demshur and Joseph Perna, a former employee
and current director, participate in the Group SERP. Each participant is entitled to receive a
retirement benefit of $250,000 per year, which begins on the participants retirement date (which
is the later of the participants termination of employment or attaining the age of 65 years) and
is paid in annual installments until the participants death. If a participant dies on or after
his retirement date and prior to receiving 15 annual installments of his retirement benefit, then
the participants designated beneficiary is entitled to receive $250,000 each year until such
payments have been made for an aggregate of 15 years to both the participant and such designated
beneficiary. If the participant dies before his retirement date, the designated beneficiary of the
deceased participant is entitled to receive $225,000 each year for 15 years. Each participants
benefit under the Group SERP is fully vested and fully accrued. Each participant has made an
irrevocable election to receive a lump sum payment if a change in control occurs. The lump sum
amount will be equal to the actuarially equivalent value of the retirement benefits that would have
been paid upon the participants retirement. Benefits under the Group SERP may be forfeited only
in the event of a participants termination for cause (defined as the participants conviction of a
felony or a misdemeanor involving moral turpitude).
Individual SERP. In 1999, we adopted the Core Laboratories Supplemental Executive Retirement
Plan for Monty L. Davis, which we refer to as the Individual SERP. The Individual SERP provides
the participant an annual retirement benefit, which begins on the participants retirement date
(which is the later of the participants termination of employment or attaining the age of 65
years) and is paid in annual installments until the participants death. The annual retirement
benefit is equal to 2% of the participants final average pay (defined below) for each year of
credited service (not to exceed 25 years of credited service). In the event of a change in control
while the executive is employed by us or the involuntary termination of the executives employment
without cause within six months prior to a change in control, Mr. Davis will receive an annual
retirement benefit in the amount equal to the greater of the amount determined above or $150,000.
If a participant dies on or after his retirement date and prior to receiving 15 annual installments
of his retirement benefit, then the participants designated beneficiary is entitled to
the retirement benefit described above each year until such payments have been made for an
aggregate of 15 years to both the participant and his designated beneficiary. In the event that a
participant dies before his retirement date, his designated beneficiary will receive an annual
retirement benefit in the amount equal to the greater of the amount determined above or $150,000
for 15 years. Additionally, the participant has made an irrevocable election to receive a lump sum
payment if a change in control occurs. The lump sum amount would be equal to the actuarially
equivalent value of the retirement benefits that would have been paid upon the participants
retirement. A participant will forfeit his interest in an Individual SERP if he is terminated for
cause (defined as the participants conviction of a felony or a misdemeanor involving moral
A participants final average pay for purposes of calculating the annual retirement benefit
under an Individual SERP is the average of the participants annual base salary for the five
consecutive calendar years immediately preceding the calendar year in which occurs the earlier of
the participants death or termination of employment. In the event a change in control occurs (as
defined in the Individual SERP), final average pay is the greater of (x) the amount determined
above, and (y) the participants annual base salary for the five consecutive calendar years
immediately preceding the calendar year in which the change in control occurs.
We have purchased insurance coverage on the lives of Messrs. Demshur, Bergmark, Perna and
Davis to assist us in providing benefits under the Group SERP and the Individual SERP
(collectively, the SERPs). We are the owner and beneficiary of the insurance coverage for which
all of the Group SERP and the Individual SERP premiums are fully paid. Based on actuarial
calculations, the benefits paid to us under the insurance policies should be sufficient to cover
the costs of the SERPs benefits for these individuals. However, to the extent the death benefits
under the policies are insufficient to cover those costs, we are obligated to pay the remainder out
of other general assets to absorb any shortfall.
Nonqualified Deferred Compensation
The following table provides information relating to our executive officers benefits in the
nonqualified deferred compensation plans, including, with respect to each executive officer, the
aggregate contributions made by such executive officer during the year ended December 31, 2009, the
aggregate contributions made by the company during the year ended December 31, 2009, on behalf of
the executive officer, the aggregate interest or other earnings accrued during the year ended
December 31, 2009, the aggregate value of withdrawals and distributions to the executive officer
during the year ended December 31, 2009 and balance of account as of December 31, 2009.
Nonqualified Deferred Compensation for the Year Ended December 31, 2009
Executive |
Registrant |
Aggregate |
Aggregate Balance |
Contributions |
Contributions in |
Aggregate Earnings |
Withdrawals/ |
at December 31, |
in 2009 |
2009 |
(Losses) in 2009 |
(Distributions) |
2009 |
Name |
($) |
($) |
($) |
($) |
($) |
David M. Demshur |
77,710 |
21,547 |
(555,340 |
) |
0 |
2,603,322 |
Richard L. Bergmark |
13,230 |
9,230 |
(123,660 |
) |
0 |
364,299 |
Monty L. Davis |
37,500 |
12,300 |
(168,774 |
) |
0 |
660,521 |
Since 2006, the employer has made matching contributions on all participant salary
reduction deferrals to the plan. The plan also provides for employer contributions equal in amount
to certain forfeitures of, and/or reductions in, employer contributions that participants could
have received under the 401(k) Plan in the absence of certain limitations imposed by the Code.
Distributions of a participants plan benefits can only be made under certain prescribed
circumstances, such as termination of employment or upon a specified date as elected by the
participant. In the event of a termination of employment (other than by death or disability) of a
key employee, distributions must be delayed for six months. A participants plan benefits
include the participants deferrals, the vested portion of the employers contributions, and deemed
investment gains and losses on such amounts. In the case of a participant who dies while employed
with the employer, an additional $50,000 life insurance benefit will also be paid under the plan to
the participants beneficiary. The plan was amended in 2008 to comply with the American
Jobs Creation Act of 2004 to reflect certain statutorily mandated requirements applicable to
the plan. For additional information, see Elements of Compensation Deferred Compensation
Potential Payments Upon Termination or Change in Control
We have entered into certain agreements and maintain certain plans that will require us to
provide compensation and/or benefits to our named executive officers in the event of a termination
of employment or a change in control of the Company. The compensation and benefits described below
assume that any termination of employment was effective as of December 31, 2009, and thus includes
amounts earned through that date. The tables below provide estimates of the compensation and
benefits that would be provided to the executives upon their termination of employment; however, in
the event of an executives separation from the Company, any actual amounts will be determined
based on the facts and circumstances in existence at that time.
Employment Agreements
The Demshur, Bergmark and Davis Employment Agreements
Messrs. Demshur, Bergmark and Davis have employment agreements which include provisions
governing the payment of severance benefits if employment is terminated by the executive for any
reason or by the Company for any reason other than (1) death or disability, (2) for cause, or (3)
the executives material breach of a material provision of the employment agreement. In such event,
our executive severance benefits will be comprised of:
(a) the payment of a lump-sum amount equal to the sum of:
200% of his base salary as in effect immediately prior to the termination; and |
two times 45% of the maximum annual incentive bonus he could have earned pursuant to
his employment agreement; |
(b) provision of a benefits package for the executive and his spouse and dependent children
consisting of medical, hospital, dental, disability and life insurance benefits at least as
favorable as those benefits provided to the executive and his spouse and dependent children
immediately prior to termination, for as long as the executive and his spouse or dependent children
are living;
(c) the provision of outplacement services at a cost not to exceed 100% of the executives
annual base salary as in effect immediately prior to the termination;
(d) the full and immediate vesting and exercisability of all of his outstanding stock options,
which options shall remain exercisable for the greater of (1) three months following such
termination, or (2) the period provided in the plan or plans pursuant to which such stock options
were granted.
For purposes of calculating the lifetime medical benefits, we assume the following:
a discount rate of 6.25%; |
mortality table under section 417(e)(3)(A)(ii)(I), the 2009 Applicable Mortality Table
for Lump Sums under the Pension Protection Act of 2006 (PPA); |
a current medical trend of 8.20% per annum, decreasing in accordance with a schedule
over time to 6.00% in 2012 and 5.40% in 2033; |
that medical benefits are to be coordinated with Medicare such that premiums will be
reduced by 50% for ages 65 and older; and |
that the health plan is fully insured and community rated and will continue to be so in
the future. |
For purposes of calculating the welfare benefits, we assume the following:
the basic life insurance benefit was valued as a whole life premium at discount rate of
5%; |
mortality table under section 417(e)(3)(A)(ii)(I), the 2009 Applicable Mortality Table
for Lump Sums under PPA; |
the accidental death and disability coverage was valued as 11.3% of the value of basic
life insurance benefit, per the current premium ratio and this benefit was assumed to
continue beyond age 65; and |
the long-term disability premium was escalated to 4% at age 65, reflecting the
age-related incidence of disability as well as increased administrative costs; no value is
attributed to the benefit beyond age 65, as long-term disability coverage is rarely
available once employment ends. |
If the executives employment is terminated as a result of death or disability, the executive
(if living), his spouse, and/or his dependent children, as applicable, will be entitled to the
benefits described under clause (b) and (d) above.
If the executives employment is terminated for any reason within three years following a
change in control, the executive will be entitled to the same benefits described above except that
certain outstanding stock options shall remain exercisable for the greater of (i) one year
following such termination, or (ii) the period provided in the plan or plans pursuant to which such
stock options were granted, and the lump-sum payment described in clause (a) above shall be equal
to three times the sum of:
his base salary as in effect immediately prior to his termination of employment; and |
the greater of (A) 45% of the maximum annual incentive bonus he could have earned
pursuant to his employment contract for the year in which his employment terminates or (B)
the highest annual bonus he received in the three fiscal years ending prior to the fiscal
year in which occurred the change in control. |
The employment agreements generally use the following terms:
Cause means the executive has been convicted of any felony or a misdemeanor involving moral
Change in Control means a merger of the Company with another entity, a consolidation
involving the Company, or the sale of all or substantially all of the assets of the Company if (i)
the holders of equity securities of the Company immediately prior to the transaction do not
beneficially own immediately after the transaction 50% or more of the common equity of the
resulting entity, (ii) the holders of equity securities of the Company immediately prior to the
transaction do not beneficially own immediately after the transaction 50% of the voting securities
of the resulting entity, or (iii) the persons who were members of the Supervisory Board of
Directors immediately prior to the transaction are not the majority of the board of the resulting
entity immediately after the transaction. A Change in Control also occurs when (i) there is
shareholder approval of a plan of dissolution or liquidation of the Company, (ii) any person or
entity acquires or gains ownership of control of more than 30% of the combined voting power of
outstanding securities of the Company or resulting entity, or (iii) a change in the composition of
the Board of Directors the results of which are that fewer than a majority of the supervisory
directors are incumbent directors.
Each executives employment agreement contains a standard confidentiality and nonsolicitation
provision and requires that the executive not compete with the business conducted by the Company at
any time during the period that he is employed by the Company and for the two-year period
thereafter unless his employment with the Company is terminated by him for good reason, or by the
Company for cause. Notwithstanding, the post-employment noncompetition and nonsolicitation
restrictions terminate upon a change in control of the Company.
Upon a change in control, our executive officers may be subject to certain excise taxes
pursuant to Section 4999 of the Code (which imposes a 20% excise tax on certain excess parachute
payments). In such case, we have agreed to pay each of our executive officers a gross-up payment
such that, after the payment of any income, excise or other tax on the gross-up payment, the
executive officer retains an amount sufficient to pay all excise taxes pursuant to Section 4999 of
the Code.
The calculation of the Section 4999 gross-up amounts described above is based upon an excise
tax rate under Section 4999 of 20%, a 35% federal income tax rate and a 1.45% Medicare tax rate.
For purposes of the gross-up calculations, we have assumed that (1) no amounts will be discounted
as attributable to reasonable compensation, (2) all cash severance payments are contingent on a
change in control (although we believe there may be a viable position to the contrary with respect
to at least a portion of the cash severance payments), and (3) we could rebut the presumption
required under applicable regulations that the restricted shares granted in 2008 were contingent
upon a change in control.
The tax gross-up payment described above will be payable to the executive for any excise tax
incurred under Section 4999 of the Code regardless of whether his employment is terminated.
However, the amount of the gross-up payment will change based upon whether the executives
employment with us is terminated because the amount of compensation subject to the Section 4999
excise tax will change.
The tables below reflect the amount of compensation that would be payable to each of the named
officers in various scenarios involving termination of the named officers employment, including
following a change in control. The amount of compensation payable to each named officer upon
voluntary termination, involuntary not-for-cause termination (non-change in control), voluntary
termination for good cause or involuntary termination following a change in control, involuntary
for cause termination, and termination in the event of death or disability of each named officer is
shown below. The amounts shown assume that the termination was effective on December 31, 2009 and
thus includes amounts earned through that time and are estimates of the amounts which would be paid
out to the officers upon their termination. The amounts payable upon termination following a
change in control assume that the change in control occurred on December 31, 2009 and the
termination was effective the same day. The actual amounts to be paid out can only be determined
at the time of the officers separation from us. The officer would also have available the value of
exercisable options reflected in the Outstanding Equity Awards at Fiscal Year End table.
David M. Demshur
Termination |
Voluntary |
Involuntary |
related |
Termination |
Early |
Not For Cause |
For Cause |
to Change-in- |
Disability |
on |
Retirement on |
Termination |
Termination on |
Control |
on |
Death on |
12/31/2009 |
12/31/2009 |
on 12/31/2009 |
12/31/2009 |
on 12/31/2009 |
12/31/2009 |
12/31/2009 |
Compensation: |
Severance |
$ |
1,312,000 |
$ |
1,312,000 |
$ |
1,312,000 |
$ |
$ |
1,968,000 |
$ |
$ |
Short-term Incentive |
$ |
885,600 |
$ |
885,600 |
$ |
885,600 |
$ |
$ |
2,952,000 |
$ |
$ |
Long-term Incentives: |
Unvested and Accelerated
Restricted Share Award
Program |
$ |
$ |
$ |
$ |
$ |
$ |
$ |
Benefits & Perquisites: |
Health and Welfare Benefits |
$ |
317,300 |
$ |
317,300 |
$ |
317,300 |
$ |
$ |
317,300 |
$ |
317,300 |
$ |
317,300 |
Outplacement Services |
$ |
656,000 |
$ |
$ |
656,000 |
$ |
$ |
656,000 |
$ |
$ |
Excise Tax & Gross-Up |
$ |
$ |
$ |
$ |
$ |
$ |
$ |
Total |
$ |
3,170,900 |
$ |
2,514,900 |
$ |
3,170,900 |
$ |
$ |
5,893,300 |
$ |
317,300 |
$ |
317,300 |
Richard L. Bergmark
Termination |
Voluntary |
Involuntary Not For |
For Cause |
related to |
Termination on |
Early Retirement on |
Cause Termination |
Termination on |
Change-in-Control |
Disability on |
12/31/2009 |
12/31/2009 |
on 12/31/2009 |
12/31/2009 |
on 12/31/2009 |
12/31/2009 |
Death on 12/31/2009 |
Compensation: |
Severance |
$ |
800,000 |
$ |
800,000 |
$ |
800,000 |
$ |
$ |
1,200,000 |
$ |
$ |
Short-term Incentive |
$ |
360,000 |
$ |
360,000 |
$ |
360,000 |
$ |
$ |
1,200,000 |
$ |
$ |
Long-term Incentives: |
Unvested and Accelerated
Restricted Share Award
Program |
$ |
$ |
$ |
$ |
$ |
874,088 |
$ |
874,088 |
$ |
874,088 |
Benefits & Perquisites: |
Health and Welfare Benefits |
$ |
321,100 |
$ |
321,100 |
$ |
321,100 |
$ |
$ |
321,100 |
$ |
321,100 |
$ |
321,100 |
Outplacement Services |
$ |
400,000 |
$ |
$ |
400,000 |
$ |
$ |
400,000 |
$ |
$ |
Excise Tax & Gross-Up |
$ |
$ |
$ |
$ |
$ |
$ |
$ |
Total |
$ |
1,881,100 |
$ |
1,481,100 |
$ |
1,881,100 |
$ |
$ |
3,995,188 |
$ |
1,195,188 |
$ |
1,195,188 |
Monty L. Davis
Termination |
Voluntary |
Involuntary Not For |
For Cause |
related to |
Termination on |
Early Retirement on |
Cause Termination |
Termination on |
Change-in-Control |
Disability on |
12/31/2009 |
12/31/2009 |
on 12/31/2009 |
12/31/2009 |
on 12/31/2009 |
12/31/2009 |
Death on 12/31/2009 |
Compensation: |
Severance |
$ |
780,000 |
$ |
780,000 |
$ |
780,000 |
$ |
$ |
1,170,000 |
$ |
$ |
Short-term Incentive |
$ |
351,000 |
$ |
351,000 |
$ |
351,000 |
$ |
$ |
1,170,000 |
$ |
$ |
Long-term Incentives: |
Unvested and Accelerated
Restricted Share Award
Program |
$ |
$ |
$ |
$ |
$ |
874,088 |
$ |
874,088 |
$ |
874,088 |
Benefits & Perquisites: |
Health and Welfare Benefits |
$ |
311,300 |
$ |
311,300 |
$ |
311,300 |
$ |
$ |
311,300 |
$ |
311,300 |
$ |
311,300 |
Outplacement Services |
$ |
390,000 |
$ |
$ |
390,000 |
$ |
$ |
390,000 |
$ |
$ |
Excise Tax & Gross-Up |
$ |
$ |
$ |
$ |
$ |
$ |
$ |
Total |
$ |
1,832,300 |
$ |
1,442,300 |
$ |
1,832,300 |
$ |
$ |
3,915,188 |
$ |
1,185,388 |
$ |
1,185,388 |
Nonqualified Deferred Compensation Plan.
See the Nonqualified Deferred Compensation Table and subsequent narrative discussion for a
description of the benefits payable to the named executive officers under the Nonqualified Deferred
Compensation Plan upon death or separation from service, and in connection with a change in
Supplemental Executive Retirement Plans.
Please see the Pension Benefits Table and narrative that follows the table for a discussion of
the benefits payable to the named executive officers under the Group SERP and the Individual SERP
upon death or separation from service, and in connection with a change in control. As described in
the Pension Benefits Table, if a participant in the Group SERP or an Individual SERP made a timely
election, he would be entitled to receive a lump sum payment upon a change in control of the
Company equal to the actuarially equivalent value of the retirement benefits that would have been
paid upon the participants retirement.
Restricted Share Award Program.
Awards under our RSAP will vest in full in the event an executive officers service is
terminated by reason of his death or disability or upon the occurrence of a change in control. As
a result, assuming such event occurred on December 31, 2009, Messrs. Bergmark and Davis would have
each become vested in $874,088 worth of common shares. Mr. Demshur did not have any outstanding
RSAP awards at December 31, 2009.
During the last fiscal year, and this year in preparation for the filing of this proxy
statement with the SEC, the Compensation Committee:
reviewed and discussed the Companys disclosure set forth herein below the heading
Compensation Discussion and Analysis with management; and |
based on the reviews and discussions referred to above, recommended to the Supervisory
Board that the disclosure set forth herein below the heading Compensation Discussion and
Analysis be included in this proxy statement and incorporated by reference into our annual
report on Form 10-K for the year ended December 31, 2009. |
Submitted by the Compensation Committee of the Board of Supervisory Directors.
D. John Ogren (Chairman)
Rene R. Joyce
Joseph R. Perna
The Audit Committee currently consists of Messrs. Kearney, Perna and Joyce. The Company has
determined that: (1) each member of the Audit Committee is independent, as defined in Section 10A
of the Exchange Act and under the standards set forth by the NYSE and, to extent consistent
therewith, the Dutch Code; and (2) all current Audit Committee members are financially literate.
In addition, Mr. Kearney qualifies as an audit committee financial expert under the applicable
rules promulgated pursuant to the Exchange Act and as defined in the Dutch Code.
During the last fiscal year, and earlier this year in preparation for the filing with the SEC
of the Companys Annual Report on Form 10-K for the year ended December 31, 2009, the Audit
reviewed and discussed the Companys audited financial statements as of and for the year
ended December 31, 2009 with management and with the independent registered public
accountants; |
considered the adequacy of the Companys internal controls and the quality of its
financial reporting, and discussed these matters with management, with the internal
auditors and with the independent registered public accountants; |
reviewed and discussed with the independent registered public accountants (1) their
judgments as to the quality of the Companys accounting policies, (2) the written
disclosures and the letter from the independent registered public accountants required by
Public Company Accounting Oversight Board Independence Rules, and the independent
registered public accountants independence, and (3) the matters required to be discussed
by Public Company Accounting Oversight Board AU Section 380, Communication with Audit
Committees by the Auditing Standards Board of the American Institute of Certified Public
Accountants; |
discussed with management, with the internal auditors and with the independent
registered public accountants the process by which the Companys chief executive officer
and chief financial officer make the certifications required by the SEC in connection with
the filing with the SEC of the Companys periodic reports, including reports on Forms 10-K
and 10-Q; |
pre-approved all auditing services and non-audit services to be performed for the
Company by the independent registered public accountants as required by the applicable
rules promulgated pursuant to the Exchange Act, considered whether the rendering of
non-audit services was compatible with maintaining PricewaterhouseCoopers independence,
and concluded that PricewaterhouseCoopers independence was not compromised by the
provision of such services (details regarding the fees paid to PricewaterhouseCoopers in
fiscal 2009 for audit services, audit-related services, tax services and all other
services, are set forth at Audit Fee Summary below); and |
based on the reviews and discussions referred to above, recommended to the Supervisory
Board that the financial statements referred to above be included in the Companys Annual
Report on Form 10-K for the year ended December 31, 2009. |
As recommended by the NYSEs corporate governance rules, the Audit Committee also considered
whether, to assure continuing auditor independence, it would be advisable to regularly rotate the
audit firm itself. The Audit Committee has concluded that the current benefits to the Company from
continued retention of PricewaterhouseCoopers warrant retaining the firm at this time. The
Committee will, however, continue to review this issue on an annual basis.
A copy of the Audit Committees written charter may be found on the Companys website, at
Notwithstanding the foregoing actions and the responsibilities set forth in the Audit
Committees charter, it is not the duty of the Audit Committee to plan or conduct audits or to
determine that the Companys financial statements are complete and accurate and in accordance with
generally accepted accounting principles. Management is responsible for the Companys financial
reporting process including its system of internal controls,
and for the preparation of consolidated financial statements in accordance with accounting
principles generally accepted in the United States. The independent registered public accountants
are responsible for expressing an opinion on those financial statements. Committee members are not
employees of the Company or accountants or auditors by profession. Therefore, the Committee has
relied, without independent verification, on managements representation that the financial
statements have been prepared with integrity and objectivity and in conformity with accounting
principles generally accepted in the United States and on the representations of the independent
registered public accountants included in their report on the Companys financial statements.
The Committee meets regularly with management and the independent and internal auditors,
including private discussions with the independent registered public accountants and the Companys
internal auditors and receives the communications described above. The Committee has also
established procedures for (a) the receipt, retention and treatment of complaints received by the
Company regarding accounting, internal accounting controls or auditing matters, and (b) the
confidential, anonymous submission by the Companys employees of concerns regarding questionable
accounting or auditing matters. However, this oversight does not provide us with an independent
basis to determine that management has maintained appropriate accounting and financial reporting
principles or policies, or appropriate internal controls and procedures designed to assure
compliance with accounting standards and applicable laws and regulations. Furthermore, our
considerations and discussions with management and the independent registered public accountants do
not assure that the Companys financial statements are presented in accordance with generally
accepted accounting principles or that the audit of the Companys financial statements has been
carried out in accordance with generally accepted auditing standards.
Submitted by the Audit Committee of the Board of Supervisory Directors.
Audit Committee
Michael C. Kearney (Chairman)
Rene R. Joyce
Joseph R. Perna
Audit Fee Summary
The Audit Committee approved in advance approximately 75% of the non-audit fees. Set forth
below is a summary of the total fees paid to our independent registered public accounting firm,
PricewaterhouseCoopers, for fiscal years 2009 and 2008. These fees consisted of:
2009 |
2008 |
Audit Fees |
$ |
2,447,512 |
$ |
2,467,000 |
Audit Related Fees |
390,280 |
446,000 |
Tax Fees |
136,178 |
201,700 |
All Other Fees |
45,705 |
66,900 |
Total |
$ |
3,019,675 |
$ |
3,181,600 |
Audit Fees. Audit fees consist primarily of the audit and quarterly reviews of the
consolidated financial statements, assistance with and review of documents filed with the SEC, work
performed by tax professionals in connection with the audit and quarterly reviews, and the audit of
internal controls in order to comply with the Sarbanes-Oxley Act of 2002.
Audit-Related Fees. Audit-related fees consist primarily of statutory audits of subsidiaries
required by governmental or regulatory bodies and attestation services required by statute or
regulation; and certain agreed-upon procedures including accounting and research work necessary to
comply with generally accepted auditing standards.
Tax Fees. Tax fees include professional services provided for preparation of federal and
state tax returns, review of tax returns prepared by the Company, assistance in assembling data to
respond to governmental reviews of past tax filings, and tax advice, exclusive of tax services
rendered in connection with the audit.
All Other Fees. Other fees consist primarily of comfort letters, consents, research and
consulting, and work performed related to other SEC filings.
Item 1. Election of Supervisory Directors
Our articles of association provide for one or more Supervisory Directors. Our Supervisory
Board currently has eight members who are divided into three classes of Supervisory Directors.
Each class is elected for a term of three years such that the term of one class of Supervisory
Director expires at the annual meeting each year. At this years annual meeting we will be
electing three Class II Supervisory Directors. The Supervisory Board is proposing the election of
Messrs. D. John Ogren, Jacobus Schouten and Joseph R. Perna as Class II Supervisory Directors for a
term expiring at the annual meeting in 2013. All of the Class II nominees for Supervisory Director
are presently members of the Supervisory Board. Please see Information About Our Supervisory
Directors and Director Compensation Board of Supervisory Directors for biographical information
of our Supervisory Directors.
Candidates for Supervisory Director are recommended by the Nominating and Governance Committee
to our Supervisory Board. Our Supervisory Board then nominates selected candidates, who are
elected at the annual meeting by the affirmative vote of a majority of the votes cast at the
meeting. You may vote for any of the nominees, all of the nominees, or for none of the nominees.
Under Dutch law and our articles of association, common shares abstaining from voting will not
count as votes cast at the annual meeting but will count for the purpose of determining the number
of shares represented at the meeting. Broker non-votes will not count as shares present at the
annual meeting or for the purpose of determining the number of votes cast.
Unless otherwise instructed or unless the proxy is withdrawn, the accompanying proxy will be
voted for the election of the nominees listed above. If at the time of, or prior to, the annual
meeting any of the nominees should be unable or decline to serve, the discretionary authority
provided in the proxy may be used to vote for a substitute or substitutes designated by our
Supervisory Board. The Supervisory Board has no reason to believe that any substitute nominees
will be required. No proxy will be voted for a greater number of persons than the number of
nominees named herein. Shareholders may not cumulate their votes in the election of Supervisory
The Supervisory Board recommends that shareholders vote FOR the nominees for Supervisory
Director as set forth above, and proxies executed and returned will be so voted unless contrary
instructions are indicated thereon.
Item 2. Confirmation and Adoption of Annual Accounts
At the annual meeting, as required under Dutch law and our articles of association our
shareholders will be asked to confirm and adopt our Dutch Statutory Annual Accounts (the Annual
Accounts) for the fiscal year ended December 31, 2009, which are our audited consolidated
financial statements that are prepared in accordance with Dutch generally accepted accounting
principles. In accordance with Article 408, Book 2 of the Dutch Civil Code, the Annual Accounts
are our annual accounts and our participation. However, the Annual Accounts do not represent the
consolidated accounts of our Company and subsidiaries as presented in our Consolidated Financial
Statements contained in our Annual Report on Form 10-K for the year ended December 31, 2009.
Companies domiciled in the United States are not generally required to obtain shareholder
confirmation and adoption of annual accounts.
The affirmative vote of the majority of the votes cast at the annual meeting is required to
confirm and adopt the Annual Accounts. Under Dutch law and our articles of association, common
shares abstaining from voting will not count as votes cast at the annual meeting. Broker non-votes
will not count as shares present at the annual meeting or for the purpose of determining the number
of votes cast.
The Supervisory Board recommends that shareholders vote FOR the confirmation and adoption of
the Annual Accounts, and proxies executed and returned will be so voted unless contrary
instructions are indicated thereon.
Item 3. Cancellation of Our Repurchased Shares Up to the Date of Our Annual Meeting
At the annual meeting, our shareholders will be asked to resolve to cancel all of the treasury
shares that have been repurchased and are being held by the Company, as opposed to any of its
subsidiaries (collectively we), as of
the date of our annual meeting. According to the Dutch Civil Code and pursuant to prior
shareholder authorization, we can hold up to 25.6% of our issued share capital at one time divided
into lots of 10% and 15.6%, as described in the proxy statement for the special shareholder meeting
held on January 29, 2009. According to that prior shareholder approval, only the shares in the 10%
lot are subject to cancellation at this time. The remaining 15.6% must be reserved for use with
the exchangeable notes when they become due or warrants. This restriction is not typical for a
company domiciled in the United States but is imposed on us as a result of our being organized
under the laws of The Netherlands. As of March 22, 2010, we
held 690,902 shares repurchased
to-date in 2010 of our issued share capital that formed part of the 10% lot. Management believes it
is in the best interest of our shareholders for shares held by the Company at the time of the
annual meeting, that form part of the 10% lot, to be cancelled. We
plan to have these 690,902 shares, and any
others repurchased in 2010 before the meeting, transferred to the
Company up to
the date of the annual meeting to have them cancelled. This authority is similar to that generally
afforded under state law to public companies domiciled in the United States. Upon the affirmative
vote of our shareholders, the shares held by the Company on the date of the general meeting of
shareholders that formed part of the 10% lot will be cancelled in the manner described in Article
2:99(2) and 2:100 of the Dutch Civil Code.
After the general meeting of shareholders, if the Company held any shares that were approved
to be cancelled, we will post a copy of the extract of the minutes of the annual meeting of
shareholders at the Dutch commercial registry and will subsequently publish a notice of such
deposit in a Dutch daily newspaper. If no creditors oppose the capital reduction within two months
after each respective publication in a Dutch daily newspaper, then the cancellation of the shares
will become effective after this two-month waiting period.
The affirmative vote of the majority of the votes cast at the annual meeting is required to
cancel our repurchased shares if more than one-half of our issued share capital is represented at
the annual meeting. If less than one-half of our issued share capital is represented at the annual
meeting, then the affirmative vote of two-thirds of the votes cast at the annual meeting is
required to approve the cancellation of our repurchased shares that formed part of the 10% lot.
Under Dutch law and our articles of association, common shares abstaining from voting and broker
non-votes will not count as votes cast at the annual meeting.
The Supervisory Board recommends that shareholders vote FOR the cancellation of our
repurchased shares held by the Company up to the date of our annual meeting that formed part of the
10% lot, and proxies executed and returned will be so voted unless contrary instructions are
indicated thereon.
Item 4. Extension and Renewal of Existing Authority to Repurchase Shares
Pursuant to a change in Dutch law in 2008 and subject to certain Dutch statutory provisions
and shareholder authorization, we and our subsidiaries are allowed to repurchase more than 10% and
up to 50% of our issued share capital, instead of a maximum of 10% of our issued share capital
before the change in law. On January 29, 2009, we conducted a Special Shareholder meeting at which
we received authority for the Management Board to purchase up to 25.6% of our issued share capital
for a period of eighteen (18) months, until July 29, 2010. That authority more specifically
provided the Management Board could repurchase the 25.6% as follows:
a. up to 10% of our issued share capital from time to time for an 18-month period, and such
repurchased shares may be used for any legal purpose, and
b. up to an additional 15.6% of our issued share capital from time to time for an 18-month
period, and such repurchased shares may only be used for the satisfaction of any obligation
the Company may have to deliver shares to the holders of the Senior Exchangeable Notes when
they become due or pursuant to a warrant we sold to Lehman OTC (now held by Citi)
contemporaneously with the issuance of our Senior Exchangeable Notes.
For the 2010 annual meeting, it is proposed to extend and renew the existing authorization of
our Management Board to repurchase up to 25.6% of the issued share capital, as described in more
detail below, through one or more purchases at the stock exchange where our shares are listed or
otherwise, and to determine the price of shares at any price in the open market, such price not to
be outside the range of between 5 percent above or below the average closing price of the three
preceding trading days on the stock exchanges where the Companys stock is traded, and in no event
to exceed $300.00 per share or its equivalent in other currencies. This authorization of our
Board must be renewed every 18 months. In connection with our initial public offering in
September 1995, our shareholders authorized repurchases for a period of 18 months. At each annual
meeting from 1995 through 2008 and at the special meeting in January 2009, our shareholders have
renewed that authorization such that the current period is set to expire on July 29, 2010. In
2009, we repurchased approximately 139,129 of our common shares for an aggregate purchase price of
approximately $9.4 million. We believe that it is in the best interest of our Company and
shareholders to have the flexibility to repurchase shares in the future if the Management Board
deems it advisable to do so. Further, by extending and renewing the existing authorization of
25.6%, the Company will have the ability to continue to repurchase its common shares in order to
satisfy the obligation it may have to deliver its common shares to the holders of the Senior
Exchangeable Notes when they come due or pursuant to a warrant we sold to Lehman OTC (now held by
Citi) contemporaneously with the issuance of our Senior Exchangeable Notes. This authority is
similar to that generally afforded under state law to public companies domiciled in the United
At the annual meeting, our shareholders will be asked to authorize the Management Board to
repurchase up to 25.6% of our issued share capital from time to time for an 18-month period from
the date of the annual meeting until December 10, 2011, through one or more purchases at
the stock exchange where our shares are listed or otherwise, as follows:
a. our shareholders will be asked to renew the authorization of the Management Board to
repurchase up to 10% of our issued share capital from time to time for an 18-month period,
and such repurchased shares may be used for any legal purpose, and
b. our shareholders will be asked to renew the authorization of our Management Board to
repurchase up to an additional 15.6% of our issued share capital from time to time for an
18-month period, and such repurchased shares may only be used for the satisfaction of any
obligation the Company may have to deliver shares to the holders of the Senior Exchangeable
Notes when they become due or pursuant to a warrant we sold to Lehman OTC contemporaneously
with the issuance of our Senior Exchangeable Notes.
The affirmative vote of the majority of the votes cast at the annual meeting is required to
authorize the Management Board to repurchase up to 25.6% of our issued share capital, as described
herein, from time to time for an 18-month period from the date of the annual meeting. Under Dutch
law and our articles of association, common shares abstaining from voting and broker non-votes will
not count as votes cast at the special meeting.
The Supervisory Board recommends that shareholders vote FOR the authorization of the
Management Board to repurchase up to 25.6% of our issued share capital, the final 15.6% exclusively
to be used for the satisfaction of any obligation the Company may have to deliver shares to the
warrant counter-party or holders of the Senior Exchangeable Notes when they become due, from time
to time until December 10, 2011, through one more purchases at the stock exchange where our shares
are listed or otherwise and to determine the price of shares at any price in the open market, such
price not to be outside the range of between 5 percent above or below the average closing price of
the three preceding trading days on the stock exchanges where the Companys stock is traded, and in
no event to exceed $300.00 per share or its equivalent in other currencies and proxies executed and
returned will be so voted unless contrary instructions are indicated thereon.
Item 5.
Extension of Authority to Issue Shares of Core Laboratories N.V.
Until June 10, 2015
Our current authorized share capital consists of 100 million common shares and 3 million
preference shares, each share with a current par value of EUR 0.04. Under Dutch law and our
articles of association, the Supervisory Board has the power to issue shares of our authorized
share capital as long as the Supervisory Board has been designated and authorized by the
shareholders to do so at the annual meeting. An authorization of the Supervisory Board to issue
shares may be effective for a period of up to five years and may be renewed on an annual rolling
basis. In connection with our initial public offering in September 1995, our shareholders
authorized the Supervisory Board to issue shares and/or rights with respect to our shares for a
five-year period. At each annual meeting subsequent to 1995, our shareholders have extended the
period such that the current period is set to expire on May 14,
2014. We currently do not have any
specific plans, proposals or arrangements to issue any of the authorized shares of common stock for
any purpose other than the stock split proposed in Item 8. However, in the ordinary
course of our business, we may determine from time to time that the issuance of shares of
common stock is in the best interests of the Company, including in connection with future
acquisitions or financings.
At the annual meeting, our shareholders will be asked to approve a further extension of this
authority to issue shares and/or to grant rights, including options to purchase, with respect to
our unissued common and preference shares up to the maximum number of common and preference shares
indicated by the authorized share capital as this will read following the amendment of our articles
of association as described in Item 7, for a five-year period from the date of the annual meeting
until June 10, 2015. This authority to issue shares is similar to that generally afforded under
state law to public companies domiciled in the United States. Management believes that retaining
the flexibility to issue shares for acquisition, financing or other business purposes in a timely
manner without first obtaining specific shareholder approval is important to our continued growth.
Furthermore, our common shares are listed on the NYSE and, accordingly, the issuance of additional
shares will remain subject to the rules of the NYSE. In particular, the NYSE requires shareholder
approval for the issuance of shares of common stock in excess of 20% of the shares outstanding
except for public offerings for cash or bona fide private offerings at a price greater than both
the book and market value of a companys common stock. The authority of the Supervisory Board to
issue shares as described in this proxy statement does not include the power to increase the total
number of authorized shares of Core Laboratories N.V., except as described in Item 8.
The affirmative vote of the majority of the votes cast at the annual meeting is required to
extend the authority of the Supervisory Board to issue shares and/or to grant rights (including
options to purchase) with respect to our common and/or preference shares for a five-year period
from the date of the annual meeting. Under Dutch law and our articles of association, common
shares abstaining from voting will not count as votes cast at the annual meeting. Broker non-votes
will not count as shares present at the annual meeting or for the purpose of determining the number
of votes cast.
The Supervisory Board recommends that shareholders vote FOR the extension of the authority
of the Supervisory Board to issue shares and/or to grant rights (including options to purchase)
with respect to our common and/or preference shares up to a maximum of 20% of outstanding shares as
this will read following the amendment of our articles of association as described in Item 7, per
annum until June 10, 2015, and proxies executed and returned will be so voted unless contrary
instructions are indicated thereon.
Item 6. |
Extension of Authority of Supervisory Board to Limit or Eliminate Preemptive Rights Until
June 10, 2015 |
Holders of our common shares (other than our employees and employees of our subsidiaries who
are issued common shares pursuant to the exercise of options granted under the LTIP and the
Director Plan) have a pro rata preemptive right of subscription to any of our common shares issued
for cash unless such right is limited or eliminated by our Supervisory Board. Holders of our
common shares have no pro rata preemptive subscription right with respect to any common shares
issued for consideration other than cash. If designated and authorized by our shareholders at the
annual meeting, the Supervisory Board has the power to limit or eliminate such rights. Such an
authorization may be effective for up to five years and may be renewed for successive five-year
periods. In connection with our initial public offering in September 1995, our shareholders
authorized the Supervisory Board to limit or eliminate the preemptive rights of holders of our
common shares for a five-year period. At each annual meeting subsequent to 1995, our shareholders
have extended this period such that the current period is set to
expire on May 14, 2014.
At the annual meeting, our shareholders will be asked to approve a further extension of this
authority for a five-year period from the date of the annual meeting
until June 10, 2015 to limit or
eliminate preemptive rights. Preemptive rights are uncommon for public companies domiciled in the
United States. Management believes that if the Supervisory Board is not granted the authority to
limit preemptive rights, the ability of our Company to engage in equity financing transactions
would be significantly affected. Any limits or waivers of preemptive rights would apply equally to
all holders of our common shares. Furthermore, as long as our common shares remain listed on the
NYSE, any issuance of common shares will remain subject to the rules of the NYSE, including
limitations on our ability to issue shares without shareholder approval. See Item 5 above for a
discussion of the NYSE rules regarding stock issuances.
The affirmative vote of the majority of the votes cast at the annual meeting is required
to extend the authority of the Supervisory Board to limit or eliminate the preemptive rights of
holders of our common shares for a five-year period from the date of the annual meeting. However,
if less than 50% of all issued shares are present or represented at the meeting, then two-thirds of
the votes cast will be required to extend this authority. Under Dutch law and our articles of
association, common shares abstaining from voting will not count as votes cast at the annual
meeting. Broker non-votes will not count as shares present at the annual meeting or for the
purpose of determining the number of votes cast.
The Supervisory Board recommends that shareholders vote FOR the extension of the authority
of the Supervisory Board to limit or eliminate preemptive rights of holders of our common shares
and/or preference shares up to a maximum of 20% of outstanding shares as this will read following
the amendment of our articles of association as described in
Item 7, per annum until June 10, 2015,
and proxies executed and returned will be so voted unless contrary instructions are indicated
Item 7. Approval of Amendments to the Companys Articles of Association
Core Laboratories N.V. is incorporated under the laws of The Netherlands and is governed by
its articles of association. In order to clarify certain matters under the articles of association
and also to effect a change in the par value of the shares in connection with the two-for-one share
split described in Item 8, we are requesting that our shareholders vote in favor of the amendments
to our articles of association, which are consistent with Dutch law. In accordance with our
articles of association, this proposal is made by the Management Board, which proposal has been
approved by the Supervisory Board.
The following summary of the principal changes to be effected by the proposed mandatory and
voluntary amendments is subject to the specific text of the amendment to the articles of
association. This summary does not purport to be complete. For complete information, you should
read the full text of the draft notarial deed of amendment to the articles of association included
as Appendix A to this Proxy Statement. For purposes of comparison, the full text of the current
articles of association is included in this Proxy Statement as Appendix B.
The amendments are as follows:
Subject |
Proposed Change |
Reason for Change |
Article 4.1
Authorized Share
Capital and Par Value
of each share.
Change the par value
from EUR 0.04 to EUR
0.02 and revise all
such references
contained in the
articles of
association. Increase
the authorized share
capital to two
hundred million
ordinary shares and
six million
preference shares,
each share with a par
value of EUR 0.02.
If the shareholders
approve the
two-for-one stock
split (Item 8), the
par value per share
will be converted to
EUR 0.02 pursuant to
the amendment to the
articles of
association and the
number of authorized
and issued shares
will be doubled. |
Article 7.3 The
possibility to grant
loans with a view to
the subscription for
or acquisition by
others of shares in
our capital.
Include the
possibility that we
and our subsidiaries
may grant loans, with
a view to the
subscription for or
acquisition by others
of shares in our
capital, with due
observance of
applicable provisions
of Dutch law.
This possibility is
consistent with the
changes of Dutch law
in 2008 and we want
to make express
reference to this
possibility. If the
Management Board
wants to use this
possibility in the
future, the granting
of loans can only be
done under strict
conditions and
including shareholder
approval which
requires a resolution
adopted with a
majority of 95% of
the votes cast. |
Subject |
Proposed Change |
Reason for Change |
Article 14.7 The
extensive list of the
Resolutions of the
Management Board that
are not subject to
approval of the
Supervisory Board
will be deleted.
Article 14.7
will be deleted and
Article 14.9 (old)
will be renumbered
Article 14.8 which
includes a general
possibility for the
Supervisory Board to
decide which
Resolutions of the
Management Board will
be subject to its
(Supervisory Board)
In view of deleting
Article 14.7, the
other paragraphs in
Article 14 will be
Since the wording in
Article 14.7 is not
quite clear and also
for practical
reasons, we propose
to delete the
extensive list of
Resolutions of the
Management Board that
may be approved by
the Management Board
without Supervisory
Board Approval.
Pursuant to Article
14.1, the Management
Board has broad
general powers to act
unless such powers
are withheld by the
Supervisory Board.
Thus there is no
reason to enumerate
specific examples of
such broad powers.
This is consistent
with Dutch law. |
Article 15.3
Management Board
resolutions in case
of conflict of
interest situations
with the Company.
Article 15.3
currently refers to
approval of the
General Meeting for
Management Board
resolutions in case
of a conflict of
interest of the
Management Board
member who is not at
the same time a
shareholder. We
propose to delete
Article 15.3 and make
such Management Board
resolutions in
conflict of interest
situations subject to
the approval of the
Supervisory Board on
the basis of the
possibility as
included in Article
14.8 (new).
We propose to make
these changes for
practical reasons. |
Article 16.15
Multiple re-election
terms for Supervisory
Board members.
To permit Supervisory
Board members to be
re-elected to the
board for more than
one successive term.
This requirement is
consistent with Dutch
law and while implied
in the current
articles of
association and
practice, we want to
make express
reference to this
provision. |
Article 18.1 Update
of the wordings and
the list of yearly
Items on the agenda
of our annual meeting
To accurately list
the yearly Items on
the agenda of our
We propose to make
these changes to
clarify the yearly
Items on the agenda
of our AGM. |
Article 18.5
Notices for our
Shareholder Meetings
may also be given by
sending electronic
Include the
possibility that
notices for our
Shareholder Meetings
can also be sent by
electronic means.
The possibility of
sending notices for
our Shareholder
Meetings is
consistent with Dutch
law and we want to
make express
reference to this
possibility. |
Article 19.4 (new),
19.5 (new) and 19.6
(new) A mandate to
allow electronic
means of
communication with
regard to attendance
and decision making
at the AGM.
The Management Board
should have the power
to decide that
shareholders may
participate at the
AGM through an
electronic means of
communication and
that votes may be
cast electronically
prior to the AGM.
These possibilities
are consistent with
Dutch law and we want
to make express
reference to these
possibilities. |
Furthermore, it is proposed to designate the Management Board member and each civil law
notary, junior civil law notary and notarial assistant working at NautaDutilh N.V. to apply for, or
instruct others to apply for, the declaration for the amendment of the articles of association
referred to in Article 2:125 of the Netherlands Civil Code and, after the declaration has been
obtained, to designate them and each lawyer working at NautaDutilh N.V., to have the notarial deed
in relation to the amendment of the articles of association executed.
The affirmative vote of a two-thirds majority of the votes cast representing more than half of
the issued share capital is required to approve the proposal. Under Dutch law and our articles of
association, ordinary shares abstaining from voting and broker non-votes will not count as votes
cast at the annual meeting. Broker non-votes will not count as shares present at the annual meeting
or for the purpose of determining the number of votes cast.
If this proposal is not adopted, then our articles of association will not accurately reflect
current Dutch law as described above and the two-for-one stock split as described in Item 8 will
not be possible.
The Supervisory Board recommends that the shareholders vote FOR the approval of the amendments to
the Amended and Restated articles of association of Core Laboratories N.V. and proxies executed and
returned will be so voted unless contrary instructions are indicated thereon.
Item 8. Approval of a Two-for-One Stock Split Authorized by the Supervisory Board
Background Information
On February 10, 2010, the Supervisory Board adopted a resolution declaring it advisable to
propose to the Annual Meeting a two-for-one stock split. However, the implementation of the stock
split is contingent upon approval of Item 7. Specifically, if the amendment to convert the
Companys par value from EUR 0.04 per share to EUR 0.02 per share is not approved by our
shareholders, then under Dutch law, the Company will not be able to effect a two-for-one stock
split. If Item 7 and this Item 8 are approved, then the stock split would be accomplished by
restating Article 4.1 of the Companys articles of association to read as follows:
1. The authorised share capital of the company amounts to four million one hundred twenty
thousand euros (EUR 4,120,000.), divided into two hundred million (200,000,000) ordinary shares and six million (6,000,000) preference shares, each with a nominal value of two
eurocents (EUR 0.02).
In the event that shareholder approval of this proposal is obtained, the two-for-one stock
split will become effective upon the execution of the notarial deed of amendment to the articles of
association in the Netherlands. Thereafter, each shareholder of record at the close of business on
the record date for the stock split, being the close of business on June 30, 2010, will be entitled
to one additional ordinary share for every ordinary share so held. The Company expects that the
additional shares will be electronically recorded in DRS book entry format upon the close of
business on July 8, 2010, about one week after the June 30, 2010 record date of the stock split,
being the scheduled date of execution of the notarial deed of amendment to the articles of
Reasons for the Amendment
Generally, stock splits are intended to shift the market price range of shares to a level that
will facilitate increased trading activity and will broaden the marketability of such shares. The
Supervisory Board monitors the trading price of the Companys ordinary shares and believes that it
is important to maintain a relatively affordable trading price to promote the ordinary shares as an
attractive investment opportunity. Consequently, the Supervisory Board has approved a two-for-one
stock split, subject to shareholder approval. In addition to doubling the number of shares owned
by each shareholder, the stock split is generally expected to have the effect of reducing the
trading price of the ordinary shares by approximately one-half. This reduction and the increased
number of shares, the Supervisory Board believes, will place the trading price in a range that is
more attractive to investors, particularly individual investors, and is expected to increase the
volume of stock trading.
This planned stock split would be effected by reducing the par value of each share from EUR
0.04 to EUR 0.02 (subject to our shareholders approving Item 7) and by converting each of the
authorized ordinary shares into two ordinary shares, so that the resulting post-split number of
shares in each account is twice the pre-split number of shares. The number of ordinary shares
issued as of the record date for the Annual Meeting of Shareholders was ,
and we held shares as treasury shares. As of that date, there are also
shares outstanding awards granted that are subject to vesting if all conditions are met under the
benefit plans for employees and directors and there are options outstanding that are
subject to issuance if all conditions are met. All issued shares, including outstanding and
treasury shares, as well as shares represented by unvested, outstanding awards and options, will be
split 2-for-1, and the number of authorized shares available for future awards under any equity
award plan will double.
Possible Effects of the Proposed Stock Split
Under the proposed stock split, each of the newly authorized ordinary shares will have the
same rights and privileges as currently authorized ordinary shares. Approval of the proposed stock
split will not affect the rights of the holders of currently outstanding ordinary shares. The
Company intends to list the additional ordinary shares resulting from the stock split on the New
York Stock Exchange.
Additionally, the stock split will affect all earnings per share amounts reflected on the
Consolidated Statements of Operations, since earnings per share will be stated for the periods
presented to reflect the increase in the number of ordinary shares outstanding. Although earnings
per share is expected to decrease on a per share basis due to the stock split, the stock split
itself has no effect on the Companys earnings. The stock split will not otherwise affect the
Companys Consolidated Statements of Operations or the Consolidated Statements of Cash Flows,
except to the extent of additional costs to effectuate the amendment and the stock split, which are
not expected to be material to the Company.
The Companys shareholders do not have preemptive rights, which means they do not have the
right to purchase shares in connection with any new issuance of ordinary shares in order to
maintain their proportionate interests in the Company. In addition, this two-for-one stock split
will have an impact on the earnings per share.
Implementation of the Stock Split
If the proposed stock split is approved, it will become effective upon the execution of the
notarial deed of amendment to the articles of association in the Netherlands. As discussed under
Background Information above, each shareholder of record at the close of business on the record
date for the stock split will then be entitled to one additional ordinary share for every ordinary
share held. The effective date of the stock split may be deferred until a later date for reasons
of administrative convenience. The Company expects to declare the stock split to be effective upon
the close of business on July 8, 2010.
Upon the close of business on the record date, the Company expects the transfer agent to begin
the process to electronically record the additional shares in DRS book entry format on July 8,
2010. No new stock certificates will be issued; however, certificates that currently represent
outstanding ordinary shares will continue to represent the same number of ordinary shares after the
effective date of the stock split.
Accordingly, please do not destroy your existing share certificates or return them to the
Company or its transfer agent. Shareholders whose shares are held in street name (through a
broker, bank or other nominee) will not receive certificates representing additional shares, but
will be credited with additional ordinary shares in accordance with the procedures used by their
brokers or other nominees.
Furthermore, as mentioned in Item 7, it is proposed to designate the Management Board member
and each civil law notary, junior civil law notary and notarial assistant working at NautaDutilh
N.V. to apply for, or instruct others to apply for, the declaration for the amendment of the
articles of association referred to in Article 2:125 of the Netherlands Civil Code and, after the
declaration has been obtained, to designate them and each lawyer working at NautaDutilh N.V., to
have the notarial deed in relation to the amendment of the articles of association executed.
The affirmative vote of a two-thirds majority of the votes cast representing more than half of
the issued share capital is required to approve the proposal. Under Dutch law and our articles of
association, ordinary shares abstaining from voting and broker non-votes will not count as votes
cast at the annual meeting. Broker non-votes will not count as shares present at the annual meeting
or for the purpose of determining the number of votes cast.
The Supervisory Board recommends that the shareholders vote FOR the approval of the stock
split and proxies executed and returned will be so voted unless contrary instructions are indicated
Item 9. Ratification of Appointment of PricewaterhouseCoopers as Our Independent Registered Public Accounting Firm for 2010
The Audit Committee of the Supervisory Board has recommended and the Supervisory Board has
approved the appointment of the firm of PricewaterhouseCoopers as our independent registered public
accountants for the year
ending December 31, 2010 subject to ratification by our shareholders. PricewaterhouseCoopers
has acted as our independent registered public accountants since April 2002. We have invited
representatives of PricewaterhouseCoopers to the annual meeting and we expect one such
representative to attend. If such representative should attend, we expect that he or she will be
available to respond to questions and will have the opportunity to make a statement if he or she
desires to do so.
The affirmative vote of the majority of the votes cast at the annual meeting is required to
ratify the appointment of PricewaterhouseCoopers as our independent registered public accountants
for 2010. Under Dutch law and our articles of association, common shares abstaining from voting
will not count as votes cast at the annual meeting. Broker non-votes will not count as shares
present at the annual meeting or for the purpose of determining the number of votes cast.
In the event the appointment is not ratified, our Supervisory Board will consider the
appointment of other independent accountants.
The Supervisory Board recommends that the shareholders vote FOR the ratification of
PricewaterhouseCoopers appointment as our independent registered public accountants for 2010 and
proxies executed and returned will be so voted unless contrary instructions are indicated thereon.
Item 10. Other Matters to Be Voted On
The Supervisory Board does not know of any other matters that are to be presented for action
at the annual meeting. However, if any other matters properly come before the annual meeting or
any adjournment thereof, it is intended that the accompanying proxy will be voted in accordance
with the judgment of the persons voting the proxy.
Information About Our 2011 Annual Meeting
Any shareholder who desires to submit a proposal for inclusion in the proxy material for
presentation at the 2011 annual meeting of shareholders must forward such proposal to our Secretary
at the address indicated on the cover page of this proxy statement, so that the Secretary receives
it no later than December 1, 2010. Any notice of a proposal to be considered at the 2011 annual
meeting should also be submitted to our Secretary. Any such notice will be considered untimely if
not received by the Secretary on or before February 15, 2011.
Stockholders Sharing the Same Address
The Company is sending only one copy of its proxy statement to stockholders who share the same
address, unless they have notified the Company that they want to continue receiving multiple
copies. This practice, known as householding, is designed to reduce duplicate mailings and save
significant printing and postage costs as well as natural resources.
If you received householded mailing this year and you would like to have additional copies of
the Companys proxy statement mailed to you, or you would like to opt out of this practice for
future mailings, please submit your request to Mark F. Elvig, Secretary, in care of Core
Laboratories LP, 6316 Windfern Road, Houston, Texas 77040 or by phone at 713-328-2673. You may
also contact the Company if you received multiple copies of the annual meeting materials and would
prefer to receive a single copy in the future.
Incorporation by Reference
The information contained in this proxy statement in the sections entitled Shareholder Return
Performance Presentation, Compensation Committee Report and Report of the Audit Committee
shall not be deemed to be soliciting material or to be filed with the Securities and Exchange
Commission, nor shall such information be incorporated by reference into any future filings with
the Securities and Exchange Commission, or subject to the liabilities of Section 18 of the Exchange
Act, except to the extent that the Company specifically incorporates it by reference into a
document filed under the Securities Act of 1933, as amended, or the Exchange Act.
Other Information
A copy of our Annual Report on Form 10-K for the year ended December 31, 2009, including the
financial statements, schedules and exhibits thereto, may be obtained without charge by written
request to Mark F. Elvig, Secretary, in care of Core Laboratories LP, 6316 Windfern Road, Houston,
Texas 77040.
By Order of the Board of Supervisory Directors,
Jacobus Schouten |
Supervisory Director |
Amsterdam, The Netherlands
April , 2010
Appendix A
Office (unofficial) translation of the proposed deed of amendment
of the articles of association
of Core Laboratories N.V.
On this the [ ] day of [ ] two thousand and ten, appeared before me, Marcel Dirk Pieter Anker,
civil law notary at
[ ], employed at the offices of me, civil law notary, 1077 XV Amsterdam, Strawinskylaan 1999,
born at [ ] on [ ].
The person appearing declared that the general meeting of shareholders of Core Laboratories N.V., a
public limited liability company (naamloze vennootschap), having its corporate seat at Amsterdam,
the Netherlands (address: 1017 BZ Amsterdam, Herengracht 424, trade register number: 33261158),
held in Amsterdam on the thirteenth day of May two thousand and ten has resolved to amend the
articles of association of the company.
The articles of association were last amended on the first day of July two thousand and six before
M.F.E. de Waard-Preller, civil law notary at Rotterdam.
Further to this resolution the person appearing stated that the articles of association of the
aforementioned company are amended as follows:
I. Article 4 paragraph 1 will be:
1. |
The authorised share capital of the company amounts to four million
one hundred twenty thousand euros (EUR 4,120,000.), divided into
two hundred million (200,000,000) ordinary shares and six million
(6,000,000) preference shares, each with a nominal value of two
eurocents (EUR 0.02). |
II. Article 7 paragraph 3 will be:
3. |
Neither the company, nor any of its subsidiaries shall be allowed to
grant security, provide a quotation guarantee, to guarantee in any
other way or to bind itself jointly or severally with or for others
with a view to the subscription or acquisition of shares or
depositary receipts for shares in the company by others.
The company and its subsidiaries may only provide loans, with a view
to the subscription for or acquisition by others of shares in the
capital of the company or depositary receipts therefor, with due
observance of the provisions of Article 2:98c (2-7) of the (Dutch)
Civil Code.. |
III. Article 14 paragraph 7 will be deleted.
IV. Article 14 paragraph 8 will be renumbered paragraph 7.
V. Article 14 paragraph 9 will be renumbered paragraph 8.
VI. Article 14 paragraph 10 will be renumbered paragraph 9 and will be:
9. |
The absence of the approval required in accordance with paragraphs 7
and 8 of this article and paragraph 3 of article 15 shall not affect
the powers of representation of the board of management or of the
managing directors.. |
VII. Article 14 paragraph 11 will be renumbered paragraph 10.
VIII Article 14 paragraph 12 will be renumbered paragraph 11.
IX. Article 14 paragraph 13 will be renumbered paragraph 12.
X. Article 15 paragraph 3 will be deleted.
XI. Article 16 paragraph 15 will be:
15. |
A supervisory director may be appointed to the supervisory board for a three-year term. With due observance of the first
sentence, each supervisory director shall be eligible for immediate re-appointment. The supervisory board shall draw up a
retirement rota in order to avoid, as far as possible, a situation in which re-appointments occur simultaneously. The rota
shall be made available and shall, in any event, be put on the companys website.
A member of the supervisory board shall be re-appointed only after careful consideration.. |
XII. Article 18 paragraph 1 will be:
1. |
Not less than one general meeting shall be held each year within six months of the close of the financial year; the
purpose of the meeting shall, among other things, be: |
a. |
to discuss the annual accounts and, if required by law, the annual report and
the other information referred to in Article 2:392 (Dutch) Civil Code, unless an
extension of time has been granted for the preparation of the annual accounts; |
b. |
to discuss whether or not to adopt the annual accounts, unless an extension of
time has been granted for the preparation thereof; |
c. |
to determine the profit appropriation; |
d. |
to decide whether or not to discharge the board of management; |
e. |
to do all other things required by law.. |
XIII. Article 18 paragraph 5 will be:
5. |
Notice of the meetings must be given to the persons entitled to
attend meetings, without prejudice to the provisions of paragraph 3
of this article, by or on behalf of the board of management or the
board of supervisory directors. The notice convening a general
meeting shall be published by advertisement which shall at least be
published in a nationally distributed daily newspaper in The
Netherlands. In addition, the shareholders shall be notified by
means of letters delivered through the mails; the period of notice
shall be at least fifteen days, not including the day of the notice
and the day of the meeting. |
Notice of a meeting may also be given by sending an electronic message that is readable and
capable of being produced in writing to the address notified for this purpose to the company
by those persons entitled to attend meetings that have consented to receiving notice in this
manner.. |
XIV. A new paragraph 4 will be added to Article 19 that will read:
4. |
The board of management may decide that each person entitled to attend meetings is entitled, in person or
by written proxy, through an electronic means of communication, to participate in the general meeting, to
take the floor and, to the extent applicable, to exercise voting rights. In order to participate in the
general meeting pursuant to the preceding sentence it is necessary that the person entitled to attend
meetings can, via the selected electronic means of communication, be identified, directly take cognisance
of the matters handled in the meeting and, to the extent applicable, exercise the voting rights.. |
XV. A new paragraph 5 will be added to Article 19 that will read:
5. |
The board of management may attach conditions to the use of the electronic means of communication. These
conditions shall be made known in the notice of the meeting.. |
XVI. A new paragraph 6 will be added to Article 19 that will read:
6. |
The board of management may decide that votes cast electronically prior to the general meeting shall be
equivalent to votes cast during the meeting. These votes shall be cast no earlier than on the thirtieth
day before the day of the meeting. For the purpose of applying this paragraph, persons with voting rights
shall be those that have such rights on a date to be set in the notice of a general meeting and are
registered as such in a register designated by the board of management, irrespective of who have voting
rights on the shares at the time of the general meeting. The final registration date may not be set
earlier than the thirtieth day before that of the meeting.. |
Finally, the person appearing declared:
that by this deed of amendment each share, having a nominal value of four eurocents (EUR 0.04), was split
into two (2) shares, each share having a nominal value of two eurocents (EUR 0.02), whereby upon the
execution of this deed the total issued share capital of the company will amount to [one million thirteen
thousand seven hundred ninety-nine] euros and [eighty-four] cents (EUR [1,013,799.84]), consisting of
[fifty million six hundred eighty-nine thousand nine hundred ninety-two] (50,689,992]) ordinary shares,
each share with a nominal value of two eurocents (EUR 0.02); |
that he has been appointed by the abovementioned general meeting of shareholders to apply for the
declaration of no objection as mentioned in article 2:235 of the Dutch Civil Code and after obtaining that
declaration to lay down and confirm the amendment of the articles of association by notarial deed; |
that the abovementioned declaration of no objection was issued as appears from a Ministerial Declaration
of no objection, attached to this deed, under number N.V. 495.252, dated the [ ] day of [ ] two thousand
and ten. |
The person appearing is known to me, civil law notary.
This Deed was executed in Amsterdam on the date mentioned in its heading.
After I, civil law notary, had conveyed and explained the contents of the Deed in substance to the
person appearing, he declared that he had taken note of the contents of the Deed, was in agreement
with the contents and did not wish them to be read out in full. Following a partial reading, the
Deed was signed by the person appearing and by me, civil law notary.
Appendix B
Core Laboratories N.V.
CONTINUOUS TEXT of the articles of association of Core Laboratories N.V., with corporate seat in
Amsterdam, after partial amendment to the articles of association, by deed executed before M.F.E.
de Waard-Preller, civil law notary in Rotterdam, on 1 July 2006.
Ministerial declaration of no-objection dated 29 June 2006, number N.V. 495.252
This is a translation into English of the original Dutch text. An attempt has been made to be as
literal as possible without jeopardizing the overall continuity. Inevitably, differences may occur
in translation, and if so the Dutch text will by law govern.
Article 1.
The terms used in the Articles of Association of this company are defined below:
a. |
the company: the legal entity to which these Articles of Association appertain; |
b. |
the board of management: the management board of the company; |
c. |
the board of supervisory directors: the board of supervisory directors of the
company; |
d. |
rights attached to depositary receipts for shares: the rights which the (Dutch) Civil
Code grants to holders of depositary receipts for shares which have been issued with the
cooperation of a company; |
e. |
persons entitled to attend meetings: the companys shareholders, usufructuaries and
pledgees holding the rights attached to depositary receipts for shares of the company; |
f. |
the general meeting: either the body that comprises the voting shareholders of the
company and other persons within the company entitled to vote or the meeting of persons
entitled to attend meetings of the shareholders of the company; |
g. |
the meeting of holders of shares of a special class: either the body that comprises
the persons holding the voting rights over shares of a special class or the meeting of persons
holding the voting rights over shares of a special class; |
h. |
distributable reserves: that part of the companys equity which exceeds the sum of
the paid and called-up capital and the reserves which have to be maintained by virtue of the
law and/or these Articles of Association; |
i. |
annual accounts: the balance sheet, the profit and loss account and explanatory notes
to these documents; |
j. |
subsidiary: a legal entity |
a. |
in the general meeting of which the company or one or more of its subsidiaries can,
whether or not by virtue of an agreement with other persons entitled to vote, exercise on
its own or together with others more than half of the voting rights or |
b. |
of which the company or one or more of its subsidiaries is or are a shareholder and
in which it or they can, whether or not by virtue of an agreement with other persons
entitled to vote, appoint or dismiss on its own or together with others more than half of
the managing or supervisory directors, even if all those entitled to vote do so, as well
as other legal entities which the law equates with subsidiaries, all the aforegoing
within the meaning of article 2:24a of the (Dutch) Civil Code; |
k. |
group company: a legal entity with which the company is structurally associated into
an economic unity. |
Article 2.
1. |
The name of the company is: Core Laboratories N.V.. |
2. |
It has its corporate seat at Amsterdam. |
3. |
The company shall continue to exist for an indefinite period of time. |
Article 3.
The objects of the company are:
1. |
the acquisition, possession, administration, sale, exchange, transfer and investment in and
disposal of shares, bonds, funds, order documents, evidences of indebtedness and other
securities, the borrowing of money and the issuance of documents evidencing indebtedness
therefor, as well as the lending of money; |
2. |
the granting of suretyships for the fulfilment of obligations of the company or of third
parties; |
3. |
The acquisition of: |
a. |
income arising from the disposal or licensing of copyrights, patents, designs,
secret processes or formulae, trademarks and similar interests; |
b. |
royalties, including rentals, in respect of or relating to the use of industrial,
commercial or scientific equipment as well as in respect of the exploitation of a mine or
quarry or any other natural resource and other real properties; |
c. |
consideration for the rendering of technical assistance and scientific analyses and
related ser-vices; |
4. |
the acquisition, possession, disposal, administration, development, lease, letting,
mortgaging or in general the encumbrance of real property and any right to or interest in real
property; |
5. |
the trading in, including wholesale, distributive and future trade, the manufacturing, as
well as the import and export of raw materials, minerals, metals, organic materials,
semi-finished products and finished products of whatever nature and under whatever name; |
6. |
the acting as a holding company; |
7. |
the participation in and the management and joint management of other companies and
enter-prises; and |
8. |
the performance of everything connected with the foregoing in the widest sense of the word. |
Article 4.
1. |
The authorised share capital of the company amounts to four million one hundred twenty
thousand euros (EUR 4,120,000.), divided into one hundred million (100,000,000) ordinary
shares and three million (3,000,000) preference shares, each with a nominal value of four
eurocents (EUR 0.04). |
2. |
The common shares and the preference shares shall be in registered form only. |
3. |
Where in these Articles of Association the terms shares and/or shareholders are used without
any further specification, these terms shall refer to the common shares and the preference
shares and holders of such shares respectively. |
4. |
The company shall not co-operate with the issuance of depositary receipts in respect of its
shares. |
5. |
Each outstanding preference share may be converted by the holder thereof into a common share
on such terms and conditions as shall be determined by the board of supervisory directors at
the time the preference shares are issued. At conversion, the preference share concerned shall
acquire all characteristics of a common share. Conversion shall not take place if and insofar
as the number of outstanding common shares would exceed the number of common shares referred
to in paragraph 1 of this article. |
Article 5.
1. |
Shares that have not yet been issued shall, up to the amount of the authorized capital, with
due observance of the provisions of the (Dutch) Civil Code, be capable of being issued by
virtue of a resolution of the board of supervisory directors. The authority or the board of
supervisory directors, as referred to in the preceding sentence, shall terminate five years
after the date of execution of this deed, unless the general meeting has extended such
authority. |
2. |
In case the board of supervisory directors no longer has the authority referred to in
paragraph 1 of this Article, any resolution to issue shares shall require the prior approval
of the board of supervisory directors. |
3. |
Any resolution to issue shares shall stipulate the terms and conditions of issuance. |
Article 6.
1. |
Except as provided below, in the event of the issue of new common shares, each holder of
common shares shall have a pre-emptive right to subscribe to such shares pro rata to his
existing holding of such shares. No pre-emptive rights are attached to shares issued to
employees of the company or employees of a group company. Shareholders shall furthermore have
no pre-emptive right in respect of shares issued for a non-cash contribution. |
The holders of preference shares shall have no pre-emptive rights to subscribe to shares,
whereas holders of common shares shall have no pre-emptive rights to subscribe to preference
shares. |
2. |
Pre-emptive rights can, with due observance of the relevant provisions of the (Dutch) Civil
Code, be restricted or excluded by virtue of a resolution of the board of supervisory
directors. The provisions in article 5, paragraph 1, second sentence, and article 5, paragraph
2 shall mutatis mutandis apply. |
3. |
The company shall announce the issue of shares to which pre-emptive rights are attached and
the period in which that right is capable of being exercised in a written notification to all
the share-holders sent to the addresses set forth in the register of shareholders within
fourteen days of such a resolution being passed. Pre- |
emption rights with respect to an issue shall be capable of being exercised only during the
four weeks after the day the announcement relating to such issue has been sent out. |
4. |
The provisions in article 5 and in this article shall apply as well to the granting of rights
to sub-scribe for shares (other than rights granted to employees of the company or employees
of a group company) within the meaning of Article 2:96A of the (Dutch) Civil Code. |
Shareholders, however, shall have no pre-emptive rights for shares which are being issued to a
person who exercises a previously acquired right to subscribe for shares. |
Article 7.
1. |
The full nominal amount of the shares must be paid in on issue. It may be stipulated though
that a part of the nominal amount of the preference shares, not exceeding three quarters
thereof, needs only be paid after the company has called it in. If a share is subscribed for
at a higher price, the balance of these amounts must be paid in on issue. |
2. |
Payment for a share must be made in cash insofar as no other manner of payment has been
agreed on. Payment in foreign currency can be made only with the approval of the company,
which approval shall be deemed given upon acceptance of foreign currency by the company. |
3. |
Neither the company, nor any of its subsidiaries, shall be allowed to make loans, grant
security, provide a quotation guarantee, to guarantee in any other way or to bind itself
jointly or severally with or for others with a view to the subscription or acquisition of
shares or depositary receipts for shares in the company by others. |
Article 8.
1. |
Upon any issue of shares the company cannot subscribe for its shares. |
2. |
The company may acquire fully-paid shares in its own capital but only with due observance of
the provisions in Article 2:98 of the (Dutch) Civil Code and furthermore with the
authorization of the board of management for such acquisition by the general meeting. Such
authorization shall be valid for not more than eighteen months. The general meeting must
specify in the authorization the number of shares which may be acquired, the manner in which
they may be acquired and the limits within which the price must be set. |
3. |
No authorization, as referred to in paragraph 2, shall be required for any acquisition by the
company of its own shares for the purpose of transferring the same to employees of the company
or of a group company under a scheme applicable to such employees. The provision in article
2:98, paragraph 5 of the (Dutch) Civil Code shall be applicable to any such acquisition. |
4. |
Alienation of shares held by the company in its own capital shall be effected only in
pursuance of a resolution of the board of supervisory directors. Upon taking the resolution to
alienate such shares, the terms and conditions of such alienation shall also be determined by
the board of supervisory directors. |
Article 9
1. |
The general meeting shall, upon a proposal thereto by the board of supervisory directors,
have power to pass a resolution to reduce the issued share capital either by cancelling shares
or by reducing the par value of the shares by means of an amendment to the companys Articles
of Association but only with due observance of the provisions in article 2:99 of the (Dutch)
Civil Code. |
2. |
A resolution to cancel shares may only relate (i) to shares which the company holds in its
own share capital or of which it holds the depositary receipts, (ii) to preference shares
which may be cancelled on redemption or (iii) to the balloted preference shares that may be
balloted for redemption by the board of management. |
3. |
Partial repayment on shares or exemption from the obligation to pay up shall only be allowed
in the event of implementing a resolution to reduce the amount of the shares. Such repayment
or ex-emption shall be allowed pro rata on all shares. The pro rata requirement may be
abandoned if all shareholders consent. |
4. |
The notice convening a meeting at which a resolution, as mentioned in this article, is to be
passed shall state the purpose of the reduction of share capital and the manner of
implementation. |
Article 10.
1. |
At the request in writing of a shareholder, share certificates shall be issued in respect of
the shares held by such shareholder. The form and the contents of the share certificates shall
be determined by the board of supervisory directors. |
2. |
Share certificates for more than one share may be made available. Such plural share
certificates may at all times be exchanged for singular certificates and vice versa, free of
charge. |
3. |
The share certificates shall be signed by a member of the board of management or a transfer
agent duly authorized by it for this purpose, either by an original signature or by a
facsimile signature. |
4. |
If share certificates are damaged, lost or missing, the board of management or a transfer
agent duly authorized by it for this purpose, may issue duplicates thereof and may establish
conditions for such issuance. As a result of the issuance of duplicates, the original
documents shall become null and void vis-à-vis the company. The new certificates will bear the
same numbers and letters of the documents they replace. |
5. |
The shares shall be consecutively numbered per class from 1 onwards. |
6. |
The board of management or a transfer agent duly authorized by it for this purpose, shall
keep a register at the office of the company containing the data referred to in article 2:85
of the (Dutch) Civil Code. The register may, at the discretion of the board of management, in
whole or in part, be kept in more than one copy and at more than one place. |
7. |
If a share, a usufruct or a right of pledge over a share forms part of undivided property to
which Title 7 of Book 3 of the (Dutch) Civil Code is applicable, then the persons jointly
entitled thereto whose names, moreover, must be recorded in the register shall only be
capable of being represented vis à vis the company by one person to be appointed by them for
that purpose in a written statement. |
The personal details of the representative thus appointed shall be entered into the register,
and all notifications and notices to the persons jointly entitled to that undivided property
shall be capable of being sent to the address, recorded in the register, of the person thus
appointed. |
Article 11.
1. |
The transfer of shares or the transfer or termination of usufruct on shares, or else the
establishment or renunciation of usufruct or a right of pledge on shares takes place with
consideration of that defined in article 2:86, or else article 2:86c of the (Dutch) Civil
Code. |
2. |
Transfers of shares shall be registered on the records maintained by or on behalf of the
company for such purpose upon (i) surrender to the company or its duly authorized transfer
agent of a certificate or certificates representing the shares requested to be transferred,
the transfer provisions on the certificate or certificates being duly completed or on a
separate accompanying transfer in such form as the company or transfer agent |
approves, together with such evidence of the payment of transfer taxes and compliance with
other provisions of law as the company or its transfer agent may require, or (ii) if shares
are not represented by certificates, upon compliance with such transfer procedures as may be
approved by the company or such transfer agent or prescribed by applicable law. |
Article 12.
1. |
Each shareholder is entitled to create a right of usufruct or a right of pledge on or over
the shares held by him in whole or in part. The shareholder shall have the voting rights for
shares over which a right of usufruct or a right of pledge has been established. |
2. |
In deviation from the provision in the last sentence of the previous paragraph, the
usufructuary or pledgee shall have the voting rights if this was agreed upon when the limited
right was established and the usufructuary or pledgee is a person to whom the shares can
freely be transferred in compliance with the provisions in these Articles of Association. |
3. |
If the usufructuary or pledgee is not such a person, he shall only be entitled to have the
voting rights where these rights were granted upon creation of the limited right and this has
been approved by the board of supervisory directors, which approval may be subject to
conditions which shall be stated in the resolution of the board of supervisory directors
whereby such granting is approved. |
4. |
If any other person, who is not at the same time a person to whom these Articles of
Association al-low the shares to be freely transferred, acquires the rights of a pledgee who
is entitled to vote, he shall only be entitled to the right to vote if the transfer of the
voting right has been approved by the board of supervisory directors. |
5. |
The approval referred to in paragraphs 3 and 4 hereof must be requested by registered letter
ad-dressed to the board of supervisory directors. |
As promptly as practicable but at least within thirty days after a request for that approval
has been received, a meeting of the board of supervisory directors shall be called, to which
the request for that approval shall be submitted. If the board of supervisory directors fails
to hold the said meeting, then the person who made the request shall himself have authority to
call the meeting of the board of supervisory directors subject to due observance of what has
been provided thereon in these Articles of Association. |
6. |
Shareholders not entitled to vote and usufructuaries and pledgees entitled to vote shall have
the rights attached to depositary receipts for shares. |
Article 13.
1. |
The company shall have a board of management, consisting of one or more members under the
supervision of a board of supervisory directors. |
2. |
The number of managing directors in office shall be fixed by the board of supervisory
directors. |
3. |
Natural as well as legal persons can hold the office of managing director. |
4. |
The general meeting shall appoint the managing directors for an unlimited period of time and
shall at all times have power to suspend or dismiss any managing director. A resolution to
appoint a managing director can only be passed upon recommendation by the board of supervisory
directors. Each managing director can at all times also be suspended by the board of
supervisory directors. A shareholders resolution to suspend or dismiss a managing director
must be passed by a two thirds majority of the valid votes cast representing more than half of
the issued share capital. The provision in article 2:120, paragraph 3, (Dutch) Civil Code
shall not be applicable. |
5. |
The appointment of the managing directors may result from a binding nomination, which
provides for at least two persons for each vacancy to be filled, made by the board of
supervisory directors within three months of such board being invited by means of a registered
letter to do so by the board of management. In case no binding nomination has been made within
the abovementioned period, the general meeting shall be free in its choice. The general
meeting shall also be free in its choice if it deprives any nomination of its binding
character in a resolution passed by at least two thirds of the valid votes cast at a meeting
where more than half of the issued share capital is pre-sent or represented. The provisions in
article 2:120, paragraph 3, (Dutch) Civil Code shall not be applicable. |
6. |
If, in the event of suspension of a managing director, after three months no resolution has
been passed by the general meeting to dismiss him, the suspension shall terminate. |
7. |
A managing director shall be given the opportunity to account for his actions in the general
meeting where his suspension or discharge is discussed and have an adviser assist him therein. |
8. |
The board of supervisory directors shall decide on the remuneration and the further terms and
conditions of employment for each of the managing directors. |
Article 14.
1. |
The board of management shall, subject to the limitations contained in these Articles of
Association, be in charge of the management of the company. |
2. |
If the board of management consists of more than one board member, the board of management
shall appoint one of them chairman. In that case, it may also appoint a vice-chairman. |
3. |
The board of management shall meet whenever its chairman or two other members of that board
considers this necessary. Meetings can be held both in The Netherlands and abroad. Notice of
its meetings shall be given by the chairman of the board of management stating the matters
to be dealt with and in the event of his prevention or permanent, absence by one of the
other managing directors; the period of notice of the meeting being at least three days. The
managing directors shall be entitled to have themselves represented by any other member of the
board of management by means of an authorization in writing. |
4. |
The board of management shall have power to pass resolutions outside meetings as well,
provided this be done (i) by unanimous vote and further in writing, by telegraph, by telefax
or by telex messages or (ii) by telephone by a majority of the members of the board of
management then in office and provided that all the managing directors have been consulted on
the resolution to be passed and none of them objects against the applicable manner of passing
a resolution. |
5. |
The board of management shall pass all resolutions adopted at meetings with an absolute
majority of the votes of all the managing directors in office, excluding any suspended
managing directors. In the event of an equal division of votes, the chairman of the board of
management shall have the deciding vote. |
6. |
The ruling pronounced by the chairman of the board of management concerning the result of a
vote, as well as the ruling concerning the contents of a resolution that has been passed,
insofar as a vote was taken about a proposal other than in a written form, shall be decisive. |
If, however, immediately after a ruling as referred to in the previous sentence is pronounced,
its correctness is disputed, a new vote is taken provided that this is required by a majority
of votes, or if, in the event of the first vote not being taken by call or not being a written
one, one of those pre-sent and entitled to vote should wish so. This new vote nullifies the
legal consequences of the original vote. |
7. |
Without limiting the authority of the board of management otherwise provided for in this
article 14, the board of management is authorized specifically without the approval of the
board of supervisory directors to make decisions the purport of which is: |
a. |
to hire, to let, acquire, transfer or encumber registered property; |
b. |
to encumber movable property; |
c. |
to transfer or encumber debts; |
d. |
to bind the company or its property for debts of third parties by giving security
or in any other way; |
e. |
to establish and close down branch offices and/or branches, to extend the affaires
of the company into another field of business and to close down, in any way other than
temporarily, or to discontinue the business of the company or any part thereof and to
transfer (the beneficial use of) that business or any part thereof; |
f. |
to participate in or to accept or relinquish the management of affairs of other
business enterprises, to transfer or liquidate the aforesaid participations, to extend
the affairs of those enterprises into a new field of business and to close down, in any
way other than temporarily, or to discontinue the business of those enterprises or any
part thereof and to transfer (the beneficial use of) the business of those enterprises or
any part thereof; |
g. |
to exercise the voting rights attached to shares which the company holds in any
other companies and which are not quoted on a Stock Exchange; |
h. |
to make, terminate or alter any cooperation or pooling agreements; |
i. |
to acquire, encumber and transfer the rights attached to industrial and
intellectual property which includes granting and acquiring licences and sublicences; |
j. |
to supply moneys on loan and to contract loans of money, with the exception of the
drawing of moneys in current account on the banker(s) of the company, appointed by the
board of supervisory directors provided that the company does not become indebted to any
such banker for an amount in excess of that decided upon by the aforementioned board and
notified to the board of management; |
the board of supervisory directors shall have power at all times to alter the aforesaid
amount; |
k. |
to grant to officers of the company authorization to represent the company (in
Dutch: procuratie), to amend that authorization and to grant a title to a person so
authorized (in Dutch: procuratiehouder); |
l. |
to grant to a member of staff a fixed annual income higher than has been agreed
upon by the board of supervisory directors and notified to the board of management; the
board of supervisory directors shall have power at all times to alter that amount; |
m. |
to grant pension rights, other than in terms of a collective bargaining agreement
or other than for the purpose of complying with any legal ob-ligation; |
n. |
to conduct legal proceedings, both as plaintiff and as defendant including the
collection of book debts, the taking of legal measures of a presservatory nature and such
other urgent legal measures, and to represent the company in summary proceedings (in
Dutch: kort geding) -, to acquiesce in claims made in legal proceedings instituted
against the company, to submit existing disputes for arbitration or for a binding
ad-vice; |
o. |
to acquire immovable business assets to an amount exceeding the maxi-mum sum per
transaction as fixed by the board of supervisory directors and notified to the board of
management; |
the board of supervisory directors shall be empowered at all times to alter that
amount; |
p. |
to obtain officers and directors liability insurance coverages; |
q. |
to do all acts that have legal consequences, other than the acts stated above, the
interest or the value of which exceeds an amount to be fixed by the board of supervisory
directors and to be made known to the board of management or whereby the company commits
itself for a period longer than one year; interdependent acts shall in this context be
regarded as one act; the board of supervisory directors shall have power at all times to
alter the aforesaid amount. |
8. |
The board of management shall need the approval of the general meeting for decisions relating
to the closing down including the transfer (of beneficial use) of all or substantially all
of the business of the company. |
9. |
Furthermore, the board of management shall need the approval of the board of supervisory
directors for such management decisions as the latter board shall have decided upon by means
of a resolution passed especially for this purpose of which it has informed the board of
management. |
10. |
The absence of the approval required in accordance with paragraphs 8 and 9 of this article
and paragraph 3 of article 15 shall not affect the powers of representation of the board of
management or of the managing directors. |
11. |
The board of management shall have the obligation to act in pursuance of the directions of
the board of supervisory directors regarding the general outlines of the financial, social and
economic policies and regarding personnel management within the company. |
12. |
In the event of the prevention or permanent absence of one or more managing directors the
remaining managing director(s) shall be in charge of the entire management of the company; in
the event of the prevention or permanent absence of all the managing directors or of the sole
managing director there must at all times be a person, who has been appointed for that purpose
by the board of supervisory directors, to be in that event temporarily in charge of the
management of the company. |
13. |
The members of the board of management shall have the obligation to attend the general
meetings, unless the general meeting should decide otherwise; in the general meetings their
role will be an advisory one. |
Article 15.
1. |
The board of management shall represent the company. The company can also be represented by
each managing director acting alone. |
The board of management may authorise each employee to represent the company solely within
limits to be laid down in such authorization. The board of management shall determine such
employees title. |
2. |
If a managing director has an interest that conflicts with that of the company, the board of
management as well as each managing director shall nevertheless be able to represent the
company, provided this is done in compliance with the provisions of these Articles of
Association. |
3. |
If the managing director who has an interest conflicting with that of the company is not at
the same time a shareholder of the company, the board of management shall need the approval of
the general meeting for a resolution to enter into any transaction where such conflict may
arise. |
Article 16.
1. |
The company shall have a board of supervisory directors consisting of one or more natural
per-sons. |
2. |
The number of supervisory directors in office shall be fixed by the board of supervisory
directors. |
3. |
If the board of supervisory directors consists of three, four or five members, then the board
of supervisory directors itself may appoint one member of the board of supervisory directors.
If the board of supervisory directors consists of six or more members, the board of
supervisory directors itself may appoint two members. The board of supervisory directors shall
only be entitled to effect any of the appointments as described in the preceding two sentences
of this paragraph in case of death, resignation or dismissal of a member of the board of
supervisory directors without the general meeting having appointed a successor. Each of the
above appointments will lapse as soon as the general meeting has appointed a successing member
of the board of supervisory directors in accordance with the following provisions of this
paragraph. The board of supervisory directors shall at all times be empowered to suspend or
dismiss each member of the board of supervisory directors appointed by it. The general meeting
shall appoint all other supervisory directors with due observance of and in the way as
provided in article 13, paragraph 5 and shall at all times be empowered to suspend or dismiss
any such supervisory director with due observance of the provisions in article 13, paragraph
4. A resolution to appoint a supervisory director can only be passed upon recommendation by
the board of supervisory directors. |
4. |
The general meeting of shareholders shall determine the remuneration of the supervisory
directors. Any reasonable expenses incurred by supervisory directors in this capacity shall be
refunded to them. The notes to the annual accounts shall contain full and detailed information
on the amount and structure of the remuneration of individual supervisory directors. No
personal loans can be granted to the member of the management board unless it is in the normal
conduct of the company and the supervisory board has given its approval. |
5. |
It shall be the duty of the board of supervisory directors to exercise supervision over the
board of managements conduct of affairs and over the general course of business in the
company and the business enterprise connected with it. It shall offer advice to the board of
management. In discharging their duties the board of supervisory directors shall have regard
for the interests of the company and the business enterprise connected with it. |
6. |
The board of management shall supply all such information regarding the affairs of the
company to any one of the supervisory directors who should require this. The board of
supervisory directors shall have power to examine all books, documents and correspondence of
the company and to take cognizance of all acts that have taken place; each supervisory
director shall have access to all buildings and sites that are being used by the company. |
7. |
The board of supervisory directors shall be entitled to ask the assistants of experts in the
exercise of its duties for account of the company. In addition, the board of supervisory
directors may appoint advisors to the company, without regard to any age limitation, and may
grant to such advisors the title of honorary member of the board of supervisory directors or
any other title it may re-solve upon. The board of supervisory directors shall appoint a
secretary, who needs not be a member of such board, and make arrangements for his substitution
in case of his absences at meetings of such board. The secretary shall keep minutes of the
proceedings at meetings of the board of supervisory directors. The minutes shall be adopted at
the same or in a subsequent meeting and shall be signed by the chairman and the secretary as
evidence thereof. |
8. |
If the board of supervisory directors consists of more than one board member, the board of
supervisory directors shall appoint one of them chairman. In that case, it may also appoint a
vice-chairman. The board of supervisory directors shall furthermore be empowered to appoint
one or more of them to be primarily in charge of the day-to-day supervision of the board of
management. |
Subject to any limitations that may be imposed by applicable law, the board of supervisory
directors may delegate any of its powers to committees consisting of such member or members of
its body as it thinks fit; any committee as formed shall in the exercise of the power so
delegated con-form to any regulations that may be imposed on it by the board of supervisory
directors. The board of supervisory directors may draw up its own charter, which will regulate
the formalities for meetings of the board of supervisory directors to be observed, in addition
to the foregoing provisions. |
9. |
The board of supervisory directors shall meet whenever its chairman or two other members of
that board considers this necessary. Meetings can be held both in The Netherlands and abroad.
Notice of its meetings |
shall be given by the chairman of the board of supervisory directors stating the matters to
be dealt with and in the event of his prevention or permanent absence by one of the other
supervisory directors; the period of notice of the meeting being at least eight days. The
supervisory directors shall be entitled to have themselves represented by any other member of
the board of supervisory directors by means of an authorization in writing. |
If asked to do so, the board of management shall attend the meetings of the board of
supervisory directors; in that event their role shall be an advisory one. |
10 |
The board of supervisory directors shall have power to pass resolutions outside meetings as
well, provided this be done (i) by unanimous vote and further in writing, by telegraph, by
telefax or by telex messages or (ii) by telephone by a majority of the members of the board of
supervisory directors then in office and provided that all the supervisory directors have been
consulted on the resolution to be passed and none of them objects against the applicable
manner of passing a resolution. |
11. |
The board of supervisory directors shall pass its resolutions adopted at meetings with an
absolute majority of the votes of all the supervisory directors in office, excluding any
suspended supervisory directors. |
In the event of an equal division of votes, the chairman of the board of supervisory directors
shall have the deciding vote. |
12. |
The ruling pronounced by the chairman of the board of supervisory directors regarding the
out-come of a vote as well as the ruling concerning the contents of a resolution passed by the
board of supervisory directors, provided that a vote has been held about a proposal not
recorded in writing, shall be decisive. |
If, however, the correctness of a ruling as referred to in the preceding sentence is
challenged immediately after the ruling has been pronounced, then a new vote shall be held,
whenever a majority of those present and entitled to vote or, if the original vote was not
taken by call or ballot papers, whenever any one of those present and entitled to vote should
wish so. This new vote shall nullify the legal consequences of the original vote. |
13. |
All resolutions of the board of supervisory directors, including those passed outside
meetings, shall be entered into a register of minutes. |
14. |
When the company wants to establish proof of any resolution of the board of supervisory
directors, the signature of one member of that board on the document in which the resolution
is contained, shall suffice. |
15. |
A supervisory director may be appointed to the supervisory board for a three-year term and
shall be eligible for re-appointment for a subsequent three-year term. The supervisory board
shall draw up a retirement rota in order to avoid, as far as possible, a situation in which
re-appointments occur simultaneously. The rota shall be made available and shall, in any
event, be put on the companys website. |
A member of the supervisory board shall be re-appointed only after careful consideration. |
16. |
If for any reason whatsoever one or more supervisory directors are permanently absent, then
the remaining supervisory directors shall, as long as at least one supervisory director is in
office, constitute a body capable of acting until the vacancy(ies) has/have been filled. |
17. |
If there is only one supervisory director, he shall have all the powers and obligations that
these Articles of Association confer and impose on the board of supervisory directors and its
chairman. |
18. |
The members of the board of supervisory directors shall have the obligation to attend the
general meetings of shareholders; in these meetings their role will be an advisory one. |
Article 17.
1. |
Each person who was or is made a party or is threatened to be made a party to or is involved
in any action, suit or proceeding, whether civil, criminal, administrative or investigative
(hereinafter a proceeding), by reason of the fact that he or she, is or was or has agreed to
become a supervisory or managing director of the company or is or was serving or has agreed to
serve at the re-quest of the company as a supervisory or managing director of another company
or of a partner-ship, joint venture, trust or other enterprise, including service with respect
to employee benefit plans, whether the basis of such proceeding is alleged action in an
official capacity as a supervisory or managing director of the company or in any other
capacity while serving or having agreed to serve as a supervisory or managing director, shall
be indemnified by the company against all expense, liability and loss (including without
limitation, attorneys fees, judgments, fines, excise taxes or penalties and amounts paid or
to be paid in settlement) reasonably and actually incurred or suffered by such person in
connection therewith. |
2. |
Such indemnification shall continue as to a person who has ceased to serve in the capacity
which initially entitled such person to indemnity hereunder and shall inure to the benefit of
his or her heirs, executors of his or her last will and testament, and the administrators of
his estate. |
3. |
If the damage was caused by seriously culpable conduct (which the parties intend to be
function-ally the same as gross negligence or wilful misconduct standards used in New York
state law which, while not superseding the Dutch law governing the relationship between Dutch
companies and the directors thereof, reflects the parties intent as to the principles which,
in the absence of clear Dutch law to the contrary, should be used for purposes of this
indemnity) on the part of the relevant supervisory director or managing director, no right to
indemnification shall exist. |
4. |
The right to indemnification shall include the right to be paid by the company the expenses
incurred in defending any such proceeding in advance of its final disposition. The payment of
such expenses incurred by a current, former or proposed supervisory or managing director in
his or her capacity as a supervisory or managing director or proposed supervisory or managing
director in advance of the final disposition of a proceeding, shall be made only upon delivery
to the company of a written undertaking, by or on behalf of such person seeking
indemnification, to repay all amounts so advanced if it shall ultimately be determined that
such person seeking indemnification is not entitled to be indemnified under this Article 17 or
otherwise. |
5. |
The managing or supervisory director shall not accept any liability towards third parties and
not enter into a settlement agreement without the prior written consent of the company. The
company and the managing or supervisory director shall use all reasonable efforts, but at the
companys sole expense, to cooperate in order to agree on the defense against any action
against the managing or supervisory director unless such defense is not, in the opinion of
counsel to the person seeking indemnification, likely to be successful. |
6. |
If a written claim received by the company from or on behalf of an indemnified party under
this Article 17 is not paid in full by the company within ninety days after such receipt, the
claimant may at any time thereafter bring suit against the company to recover the unpaid
amount of the claim and, if successful in whole or in part, the claimant shall be entitled to
be paid also the expense of prosecuting such claim. |
7. |
The right to indemnification and the advancement and payment of expenses conferred in this
Article 17 shall not be exclusive of any other right which any person may have or hereafter
acquire under any law (common or statutory), provision of the Articles of Association of the
company, bylaw, agreement, vote of stockholders or disinterested supervisory or managing
directors or otherwise. |
8. |
The company may maintain insurance, at its expense, to protect itself and any person who is
or was serving as a supervisory or managing director of the company or is or was serving at
the re-quest of the company as a supervisory or managing director of another company,
partnership, joint venture, trust or other enterprise, including service with respect to
employee benefit plans against any expense, liability or loss, whether or not the company
would have the power to indemnify such person against such expense, liability or loss under
Dutch law. |
9. |
If this Article 17 or any portion hereof shall be invalidated on any ground by any court of
competent jurisdiction, then the company shall nevertheless indemnify each supervisory or
managing director of the company and any person who is or was serving at the request of the
company as a supervisory or managing director of another company, partnership, joint venture,
trust or other enterprise, including service with respect to employee benefit plans, as to
costs, charges and expenses (including without limitation, attorneys fees, judgments,
penalties or fines, and amounts paid or to be paid in settlement) with respect to any action,
suit or proceeding, whether civil, criminal, administrative or investigative to the full
extent permitted by any applicable portion of this Article 17 that shall not have been
invalidated and to the fullest extent permitted by applicable law. |
10. |
For purposes of this Article 17, reference to the company shall include, in addition to the
company, any constituent company (including any constituent of a constituent) absorbed in a
consolidation or merger prior to (or, in the case of an entity specifically designated in a
resolution of the board of supervisory directors, after) the adoption hereof and which, if its
separate existence had continued, would have had the power and authority to indemnify its
supervisory or managing directors of such constituent company and so that any person who is or
was a supervisory or man-aging director of such constituent company, or is or was serving at
the request of such constituent company as a supervisory or managing director of another
company, partnership, joint venture, trust or other enterprise, including service with respect
to employee benefit plans, shall stand in the same position under the provisions of this
Article 17 with respect to the resulting or surviving company as he or she would have with
respect to such constituent company if its separate existence had continued. |
11. |
An amendment to this article shall not impair the rights of a person who was a supervisory
director or managing director after the introduction of this article but before the amendment.
The obligations of the company towards such persons shall remain in effect as if the article
had not been amended. |
Article 18.
1. |
At least once a year, a general meeting shall be held. |
Such general meeting shall be held within six months after the end of the financial year, at
which, among other issues, the following shall be dealt with: |
a. |
except in case a delay in drawing up the annual accounts has been approved, the
consideration of the annual accounts and, insofar as is required by law, of the annual
report and additional in-formation as mentioned in Article 2:392 of the (Dutch) Civil
Code; |
b. |
the confirmation and adoption of the annual accounts, except if a delay in drawing
up the annual accounts has been approved; |
c. |
deciding upon the allocation of profits; |
d. |
deciding upon any bonuses to be granted to managing directors and/or members of the
board of supervisory directors; |
e. |
in addition to the above, doing everything required by law. |
2. |
Within three months after the board of management first had good reason to believe that the
share-holders equity of the company has decreased to an amount equal to or less than one half
of the paid-up and called parts of the share capital, a general meeting shall be acting held
for the purpose of discussing any measures that may have to be taken. |
Furthermore, general meetings shall be held as often as the majority of the managing directors
then in office or the majority of the members of the board of supervisory directors then in
office considers it necessary, without prejudice to the provisions in the next paragraph
hereof. |
3. |
General meetings can furthermore be convened by the shareholders with due observance of the
provisions in article 2:110 of the (Dutch) Civil Code. |
4. |
General meetings shall be held in the place where the company has its corporate seat as
contained in these Articles of Association, as well as in Delft, Rotterdam, The Hague, Utrecht
or Haarlem-mermeer. At a general meeting, held at a different place, valid resolutions shall
also be capable of being passed if the entire issued share capital is represented. |
5. |
Notice of the meetings must be given to the persons entitled to attend meetings, without
prejudice to the provisions of paragraph 3 of this article, by or on behalf of the board of
management or the board of supervisory directors. The notice convening a general meeting shall
be published by advertisement which shall at least be published in a nationally distributed
daily newspaper in The Netherlands. In addition, the shareholders shall be notified by means
of letters delivered through the mails; the period of notice shall be at least fifteen days,
not including the day of the notice and the day of the meeting. |
6. |
The notice of the meeting shall contain the agenda of the meeting. |
7. |
If a proposal to amend the companys Articles of Association is to be dealt with, a copy of
that proposal, in which the proposed amendments are stated verbatim, shall be made available
for inspection to the persons who are entitled to attend meetings inter alia at the office of
the company where it maintains its corporate seat, as from the day of the notice of the
meeting until after the close of that meeting, and each of them shall be entitled, upon his
request, to obtain a copy thereof, without charge unless such a copy is attached to the notice
of the meeting. |
8. |
If the provisions laid down by law or by these Articles of Association in relation to giving
notice of meetings, drawing up the agendas for such meetings and making available for
inspection those matters which are to be dealt with have not been complied with, then valid
resolutions shall nevertheless be capable of being passed, provided that the entire issued
share capital be represented at the meeting in question and provided that the resolution be
passed unanimously. |
Article 19.
1. |
The chairman of the board of supervisory directors shall chair the meeting. If such chairman
is not present at any such meeting, the general meeting shall itself decide who is to chair
the meeting. The chairman of the meeting may adopt rules and regulations relating to the
conduct of such meeting. |
2. |
The chairman shall appoint one of those present to act as secretary whose duty it shall be to
draw up the minutes of the meeting and the chairman shall, together with the secretary,
confirm and adopt the minutes, in proof of which they shall sign these. The minutes shall be
entered into a register of minutes. If an official notarial record is made of the matters
dealt with at a meeting then minutes need not be drawn up. |
3. |
Each of the persons entitled to attend meetings shall have the right to be represented at a
meeting by a proxy duly authorized in writing. |
Article 20.
1. |
Each common share and each preference share entitles the holder thereof to cast one (1) vote. |
2. |
At general meetings the company shall not be capable of casting votes for shares in its own
share capital which are held by itself or by one of its subsidiaries; nor shall it be capable
of doing so for shares in its own share capital of which the company or one of its
subsidiaries holds the depositary receipts for shares. Usufructuaries and pledgees of shares
held by the company and its subsidiaries are not excluded from the right to vote, provided the
right of usufruct or the right of pledge was established over shares before they were held by
the company or one of its subsidiaries. The company or one of its subsidiaries shall not be
capable of casting votes for shares over which it has a right of usufruct or a right of
pledge. |
3. |
When determining whether a particular proportion of the share capital is represented, or
alternatively, whether a majority represents a particular proportion of the share capital, the
amount of shares to which no voting rights are attached shall be subtracted from the share
capital. |
4. |
Votes on matters of business shall be held verbally, those concerning persons by means of
un-signed closed ballot papers, unless in either case the chairman of the meeting should,
without objection from any of those present and entitled to vote, decide on or allow any other
manner of voting. If the vote concerns an election of persons, a person entitled to attend
meetings present at the relative meeting can also demand a vote by a secret ballot. |
5. |
All resolutions of the general meeting shall be passed with a two-thirds majority of the
valid votes cast representing more than half of the issued share capital, except without
prejudice to the pro-visions in article 13, paragraphs 4 and 5 and article 16, paragraph 3: |
(i) |
for the resolutions to be passed upon recommendation by the board of supervisory
directors, which resolutions (except as required in (ii) below) may be passed with an
absolute majority of the votes cast, without regard to the number of shares represented
at the meeting; |
ii) |
for the resolutions to amend the Articles of Association, which resolutions can
only be passed with a two-thirds majority of the valid votes cast representing more than
half of the issued share capital and further only on the proposal of the board of
management, which proposal must be approved by the board of supervisory directors. |
6. |
Blank votes and abstentions shall not be counted as votes cast. |
7. |
If there is an equal division of votes on a proposal about business matters, no decision
shall be taken. |
8. |
In the event a vote is taken to elect one of two candidates and there is an equal division of
votes, it shall be decided by drawing lots which of these has been elected, under the
restriction, however, that if persons from a binding nomination list are to be elected, then
the higher ranking nominee is elected. |
9. |
The ruling concerning voting results pronounced by the chairman during the meeting shall be
decisive. The same shall also apply to the contents of a resolution passed by the meeting,
provided that a vote has been held about a proposal not recorded in writing. |
10. |
If the correctness of a ruling as referred to in the preceding paragraph is challenged,
however, immediately after the ruling has been pronounced, then a new vote shall be held
whenever a majority of the general meeting should wish so, or, if the original vote was not
taken by call or by ballot papers, whenever any one of the person: entitled to vote should
wish so. |
This new vote shall nullify the legal consequences of the original vote. |
11. |
The board of management shall keep a record of the resolutions that have been passed. This
record shall be open to inspection by the persons entitled to attend meetings at the
registered office of the company. Upon request, each of them shall receive a copy of or an
extract from this record against payment of cost at most. |
Article 21.
1. |
Except if the company has usufructuaries and pledgees entitled to vote, resolutions of
shareholders shall alternatively be capable of being passed in writing which shall include
telegraphic, telefax and telex messages instead of at a general meeting, provided that these
are passed with a unanimous vote of all persons who are entitled to vote. |
2. |
The board of management shall enter the resolutions that have been passed in the manner
specified in the preceding paragraph of this article, in the register of minutes of the
general meetings and shall mention this at the next general meeting. |
Article 22.
1. |
Meetings of holders of shares of a special class shall be held in all instances, which by
virtue of these Articles of Association require a resolution of the meeting of holders of
shares of a special class and, furthermore, whenever the board of management and/or the board
of supervisory directors considers it necessary or whenever one or more persons holding the
voting rights over shares of a special class submit(s) a written request to this effect to the
board of management and/or the board of supervisory directors, stating exactly what issues are
to be dealt with. |
2. |
Article 18 paragraphs 4 to 8 inclusive, Article 19 paragraphs 2 and 3 and Article 20
paragraphs 1 to 11 inclusive shall mutatis mutandis be applicable to meetings of holders of
shares of a special class. |
3. |
If, after a request as mentioned at the end of paragraph 1, the board of management and/or
the board of supervisory directors fails to convene a meeting of holders of shares of a
special class, in the sense that it be held within four weeks of receipt of that request, the
requestors shall them-selves be empowered to convene a meeting. |
4. |
A meeting of holders of shares of a special class shall itself decide who is to chair its
meetings. |
5. |
The chairman of a meeting of holders of shares of a special class shall decide upon allowing
other persons to attend the meeting, apart from those holding the voting rights over the
relative shares. |
6. |
Resolutions of a meeting of holders of shares of a special class shall alternatively be
capable of being passed in writing which shall include telegraphic, telefax and telex
messages provided these are passed unanimously by all the persons entitled to vote. |
Article 23.
1. |
The general meeting shall have authority and if this is required by provision of law it
shall have the obligation to instruct an expert as referred to in Article 2:393 of the
(Dutch) Civil Code, whose duty it shall be to examine the annual accounts drawn up by the
board of management, to lay a report of their findings before the board of management and to
make a statement with regard thereto. |
2. |
If the general meeting fails to instruct the expert as referred to in paragraph 1 of this
article, this instruction shall be made by the board of management. |
3. |
The instruction shall be capable of being cancelled at all times by the general meeting and
by the person who instructed the expert. |
Article 24.
1. |
The financial year of the company shall coincide with the calendar year. |
2. |
The board of management shall close the books of the company as at the last day of every
financial year and shall within five months thereafter except if extension of that period to
a maximum of six months has been granted by resolution of the general meeting because of
special circum-stances draw up annual accounts consisting of a balance sheet, a profit and
loss account and explanatory notes and within this period it shall make these documents
available for inspection by the shareholders at the office of the company. These documents
will also be submitted to the board of supervisory directors. Within this period the board of
management shall submit the annual report to the general meeting as well. The annual accounts
shall be signed by all the managing directors and members of the board of supervisory
directors; if any signature is missing, the reason therefore shall be stated in the annual
accounts. |
3. |
The company shall ensure that the annual accounts that have been drawn up, the annual report
and the particulars that have to be added by virtue of paragraph 1 of Article 2:392 of the
(Dutch) Civil Code are available at its office as from the day of the notice of the general
meeting at which they are to be dealt with. |
The persons entitled to attend meetings shall have the right to review these documents at the
companys office and to obtain copies thereof free of charge. |
4. |
What has been provided in paragraphs 2 and 3 of this article in relation to the annual report
and the particulars to be added by virtue of paragraph 1 of Article 2:392 of the (Dutch) Civil
Code shall not be applicable if Article 2:396, paragraph 6, first sentence or Article 2:403 of
the (Dutch) Civil Code is applicable to the company. |
5. |
The general meeting shall adopt the annual accounts. Adoption of the annual accounts shall
not serve to discharge a managing director or a supervisory director. |
6. |
The company shall proceed to publish the documents and data mentioned in this article, if and
to the extent and in the manner that this is stipulated in Articles 2:394 and following of the
(Dutch) Civil Code. |
Article 25.
1. |
From the profits appearing from the annual accounts as adopted, such an amount shall be
reserved by the company as shall be determined by the board of supervisory directors. |
The profits remaining thereafter shall be treated in accordance with the provisions of the
following paragraphs of this article. |
2. |
From the profits remaining, after application of the provisions in paragraph 1 above, and
available for distribution, first a non-cumulative cash dividend calculated on the basis of
the aggregate of the par value of the preference shares and any share premium paid thereon,
shall be made on the preference shares, less any interim distributions made in accordance with
paragraph 5 hereunder. The percentage of such dividend shall be determined by the board of
supervisory directors at the time of the first issuance of the relative preference shares.
This rate of dividend can be adjusted by unanimous resolution of all persons entitled to vote.
Any distribution on the preference shares shall not take place if all holders of the
preference shares, unanimously so decide. |
3. |
The profits remaining after the distribution referred to in paragraph 2 above are at the
disposal of the general meeting for distribution on the common shares equally and
proportionally and/or for reservation. |
4. |
The company can make distributions to its shareholders and other persons entitled to its
profits that are capable of being distributed, but only to the extent that its shareholders
equity exceeds the paid-up and called parts of its share capital increased by the reserves
that it must maintain by law or under the present Articles of Association. |
5. |
With due observance of the provisions in paragraph 4 of article 2:105 of the (Dutch) Civil
Code and in paragraph 4 of this article, the supervisory board may resolve that an interim
dividend shall be paid. The supervisory board may resolve to pay interim dividend completely
or partly other than in cash. |
6. |
The general meeting may resolve that (interim) dividends shall wholly or partly be paid
otherwise than in cash. |
7. |
Unless the general meeting decides on a specific date dividends shall be made payable
promptly after they have been declared |
8. |
Dividends that have not been collected within five years after they have become payable,
shall be forfeited to the company. |
Article 26.
1. |
In the event of the company being liquidated it shall be wound up by the board of management
unless the general meeting decides otherwise. |
2. |
The general meeting shall decide on the remuneration of the liquidators and of those who have
been charged with the supervision of the winding up. |
3. |
During the winding up, these Articles of Association shall, in as far as possible, remain of
full force and effect. |
4. |
Out of the balance of the companys equity, after the expenses of liquidation and the
companys debts have been paid, to the holders of preference shares shall be distributed first
the amounts paid up on such preference shares. The balance remaining after application of the
immediately preceding sentence shall be distributed to the holders of common shares pro rata
to the amount of common shares each of such shareholders holds. No distribution upon
liquidation shall be made to the company itself for shares which the company holds in its own
share capital. |
5. |
After completion of the winding up the books and documents of the liquidated company shall
for ten years remain in the custody of a person who shall be capable of being appointed for
that purpose by the general meeting in their resolution to liquidate the company. If an
appointment as aforesaid has not been made by the general meeting, then the appointment shall
be made by the liquidators. |
Maria Francisca Elisabeth de Waard-Preller, civil law notary in Rotterdam, hereby declares that the
unofficial English translation of the articles of association of Core Laboratories N.V., with
corporate seat in Amsterdam, reads as per the text printed above.
Signed at Rotterdam, on 6 July 2006.
Preliminary Form of Proxy Card
Signature [PLEASE SIGN WITHIN BOX] Date Signature (Joint Owners) Date
NEW YORK, NY 10038-4502
Use the Internet to transmit your voting instructions and for electronic delivery of
information up until 11:59 p.m. Eastern Time the day before the cut-off date or
meeting date. Have your proxy card in hand when you access the web site and
follow the instructions to obtain your records and to create an electronic voting
instruction form.
If you would like to reduce the costs incurred by our company in mailing proxy
materials, you can consent to receiving all future proxy statements, proxy cards
and annual reports electronically via e-mail or the Internet. To sign up for
electronic delivery, please follow the instructions above to vote using the Internet
and, when prompted, indicate that you agree to receive or access proxy materials
electronically in future years.
VOTE BY PHONE 1-800-690-6903
Use any touch-tone telephone to transmit your voting instructions up until
11:59 p.m. Eastern Time the day before the cut-off date or meeting date.
Have your proxy card in hand when you call and then follow the instructions.
Mark, sign and date your proxy card and return it in the postage-paid envelope we
have provided or return it to Vote Processing, c/o Broadridge, 51 Mercedes Way,
Edgewood, NY 11717.
For All
To withhold authority to vote for any individual
nominee(s), mark For All Except and write the
number(s) of the nominee(s) on the line below.
For Against Abstain
For Against Abstain
2. To confirm and adopt our Dutch Statutory Annual Accounts in the
English language for the fiscal year ended December 31, 2009;
4. To approve and resolve the extension of the existing authority to
repurchase up to 25.6% of our issued share capital until November
13, 2011, as follows:
3. To approve and resolve the cancellation of our repurchased shares
up to the date of our annual meeting;
5. To approve and resolve the extension of the authority to issue shares
and/or to grant rights (including options to purchase) with respect
to our common and preference shares up to a maximum of 20%
of outstanding shares per annum until May 13, 2015;
For address changes and/or comments, please check this box and write them on the back
where indicated.
The Board of Supervisory Directors recommends that you vote
FOR the following:
The Board of Directors recommends you vote FOR the
following proposals:
01) D. John Ogren
02) Joseph R. Perna
03) Jacobus Schouten
1. To elect three Class II Supervisory Directors to serve until our annual
meeting in 2013 and until their successors shall have been duly
elected and qualified;
Please sign exactly as your name(s) appear(s) hereon. When signing as attorney, executor,
administrator, or other fiduciary, please give full title as such. Joint owners should each sign
All holders must sign. If a corporation or partnership, please sign in full corporate or
partnership name by authorized officer.
6. To approve and resolve the extension of the authority to limit or
exclude the preemptive rights of the holders of our common shares
and/or preference shares up to a maximum of 20% of outstanding
shares per annum until May 13, 2015;
7a. make mandatory revisions to reduce the par value of the
shares from EUR 0.04 to EUR 0.02 in connection with the
proposed two-for-one share split and to comply with recent
changes in Dutch law, including to allow electronic means of
communication with regard to our annua
l meetings of
shareholders, and
8. To approve and resolve a two-for-one stock split authorized by the
Supervisory Board;
9. To ratify the appointment of PricewaterhouseCoopers as our
Companys independent registered public accountants for the year
ending December 31, 2010.
NOTE: Such other business as may properly come before the
meeting or any adjournment thereof shall be voted in accordance
with the discretion of the attorneys and proxies appointed hereby.
7b. make voluntary revisions related to the Management Board
and Supervisory Board.
7. To approve and resolve amendments to the Core Laboratories N.V.
articles of association to
4a. our shareholders will be asked to renew the authorization of
the Management Board to repurchase up to 10% of our
issued share capital from time to time for an 18-month
period, and such repurchased shares may be used for any
legal purpose, and
4b. our shareholders will be asked to renew the authorization of
our Management Board to repurchase up to an additional
15.6% of our issued share capital from time to time for an
18-month period, and such repurchased shares may only be
used for the satisfaction of any obligation the Company
may have to deliver shares pursuant to its 0.25% Senior
Exchangeable Notes which we refer to as the Senior
Exchangeable Notes, or pursuant to a warrant we sold to
Lehman OTC (now held by an affiliate of Citigroup, Inc.)
contemporaneously with the issuance of our Senior
Exchangeable Notes;
Address Changes/Comments:
(If you noted any Address Changes/Comments above, please mark corresponding box on the reverse
side.) |
Preliminary Form of Proxy Card
Important Notice Regarding the Availability of Proxy Materials for the Annual Meeting:
The Notice and Proxy Statement and Annual Report are available at
This Proxy is being solicited on behalf of the Board of Supervisory Directors of Core Laboratories
for the Annual Meeting of Shareholders to be held on Thursday, May 13, 2010.
The undersigned hereby constitutes and appoints Mark Elvig, Jan Willem Sodderland, Jaap Stoop and
T. Mark Kelly and each or
either of them, his true and lawful attorneys and proxies with full power of substitution, for and
in the name, place and stead of the
undersigned, to attend the Annual Meeting of Shareholders of Core Laboratories N.V. to be held at
the Sheraton Amsterdam
Airport Hotel and Conference Center, Schiphol Boulevard 101, Amsterdam 1118 BG, The Netherlands, on
Thursday, May 13, 2010
at 3:30 p.m., local time, and any adjournment(s) thereof, with all powers the undersigned would
possess if personally present and
to vote thereof, as provided on the reverse side of this card, the number of shares the undersigned
would be entitled to vote if
personally present. In accordance with their discretion, said attorneys and proxies are authorized
to vote upon such other matters
and issues as may properly come before the meeting or any adjournment thereof.
(To be signed and continued on the reverse side.) |